The Pack

By Nessastar17

245 1 0

"I felt so comfortable that i did not question it. I snuggled deeper and someone's arms came around me and wr... More

Hiding from the wolves
Giving in to him

First Encounter

67 1 0
By Nessastar17

Being the new student at a college so far from home is never easy but as I walk down the hall of my new college dorm, I think to myself "was this a mistake?". I left home in such a rush with no real thought of what would happen when I got out. I just needed to go.

My parents have controlled every aspect of my existence for as long as I can remember. What I ate, where I went, who my friends were and lastly the man that I would spend the rest of my life with. They had my wedding dress all picked out and I panicked.

Being from Columbia, the farthest college I found was in America, more specifically in a small town called spring valley, I fell in love with all the pictures I had seen online due to its small population of just under 1500 residents and the fact that it's surrounded by nothing more than mountains and trees, it's the perfect hideout spot.

I applied in secret and danced with joy when I got in, I packed 2 nights ago and fled quietly under the cover of the night. I left my phone so they can't track me, and I have no intentions of ever going back.

As I continue to think back to the days where my parents controlled every aspect of my life, I am knocked down by a very big boy. Not a boy a man. I look up as I scramble to my knees and suitcase hit the floor, the first thing I notice are his gray colored eyes. I have never seen eyes that color before and its mesmerizing, almost as if they can see straight into your soul, he was tall, I would guess around 6 ft and he was built, I can see the muscles below his snug fitting sweater. The rest of him was built the same way, big and strong he was all muscle.

"OH! Um, I am so sorry, I was not paying attention to where I was going" I stutter as I begin to collect my belongings off the floor. "No worries angel" he says in a low husky voice that makes my face feel flush and sends tingles all the way down between my thighs.... taking me by Suprise being the unexperienced virgin I am. 

He bends down and picks up my suite case, then offers his hand to help me off my knees. As I slip my hand in his I can't help but notice how smooth and warm his hand feels, I also notice how big his hand is compared to mine. "Thanks" I murmur so low that I am not sure if he heard me until he says, "Your very welcome Angel", Ugg why does he have to call me that, all it does is continue to make that space between my legs tingle with more urgency.

"What's your name Angel?" he asked "Sophia" I answered. "A beautiful name for a beautiful girl" he said as my cheeks flamed red. "What's yours?" I asked. My giant new friend answered "Bane". "I don't think I have ever met a Bane before" I answered with a giggle. He grinned and said, " I know I have never met an angel yet here you are". I blushed again as he stared at me with those beautiful grey eyes of his.

As I started to take my suitcase from him, he simply asked "where are you going, I can help you carry this", I pointed to the last door down the hall and he turned, and we fell into the same step as we walked together.

We reached the door to my new room, and I looked up at him and said "this is me" as he gazed down at me with a look I did not understand. I reached for my suitcase, which he was still hold, and our hands touched I swear it was as if there was a current between us and it almost felt like I wanted to stay trapped in it forever. "I will see you soon Angel" he whispered so low that I thought I imagined it until he grinned and started walking back down the hall we had just come from.

As I turned the doorknob and pushed the door open the first thing that greeted me was some guy's butt cheeks and by the way the girl underneath him was moaning, he was quite good at what he was doing, I shrieked and the girl underneath him screamed "oh my god!" as she scrambled on the bed to cover herself. The guy did not have a shy bone in his body as he stood up in all his naked glory and said, " nice to meet you I'm Liam and this is my girlfriend Morgan, you must be the new roommate?" 

I tried to focus on his face and not let my eyes wander south as I whispered "Thats me the roommate. I mean Sophia" Liam put your pants on your scaring her!", shrieked the girl behind him who he introduced as Morgan. Morgan had wrapped the sheet around her like a dress as she extended her hand " Nice to meet you Soph. sorry for the welcoming, I was not expecting you until later on today..." I shook my head and stated " Don't worry about it technically I wasn't supposed to be in until 1pm and its only 11:30 am". In all honesty I had nowhere else to go. When my flight landed, I used a payphone and called Yana, my cousin and only trusted person in my life at this moment to let her know I landed. She instructed me to hop in a cab, give them the paper with the school's address and as soon as i had access to a phone let her know i have arrived safety, which reminds me...

"Do you have a phone I can borrow...I lost my cellphone on the cab ride over?" Morgan stated "Don't worry we can go phone shopping this afternoon since classes don't start for another 2 days and I can show you around" as she moved towards her night stand and grabbed her cellphone. It looks like an iPhone 12. 

I stepped outside and dialed my cousin's number which I know by heart and she picked up on the 2nd ring. "Hello" she answered and sounded out of breath as if she was running, "Hey it's me, what are you doing?" I asked, she stated "Oh nothing Ed is just over here showing me his new snake" she giggled and I replied with a laugh "Gross!" Ed (Her boyfriend) snake was code word for sex which sounds like they were in the middle of having. ' I won't keep you but I am here and I am safe, I will check back in with you in a few days" "Have fun Sophia and enjoy your new life, go on adventures and remember if you don't show it, you won't sell it" "Oh my god your impossible" I answered "By Yana" She giggled " Bye Sophia" and the line went dead. It really hit me; I am free!

I walked back into the room and Gave Morgan back her phone, "Thanks" I said and she smiled, now fully dressed. "There is a party today to get to know each other and meet other students. Why don't we let you get settled and rest for a bit and we can come back and get you at around 6pm for dinner?" "That sounds great I replied". Liam walked towards the door and said "It was great meeting you Sophia" "Same here Liam" I replied as they walked out the door and shut it behind them. I sat on the full-size bed across from Morgans purple decorated side and looked around my new living space. The walls were cream colored and there was nothing more than the bed and a nightstand on my side yet i took a deep breath and it felt like a mansion to me.

I unpacked slowly and started to think about the things i would need to make this space my own and time seemed to get away from me. It was around 5:35 pm when Morgan called to ask if I was getting ready to meet her and Liam to grab some dinner before this party.

I threw on a baby blue dress which matched perfectly with caramel colored skin, i went with open toes nude-colored heels and a light blue cardigan. I Let my light brown curls and used the only lip gloss that I currently owned. I looked in the mirror that Morgan had hung on the wall and thought to myself "It's a start".

Morgan and Liam showed me around a few shops in town and I made a mental note of which stores I would revisit to buy everything I needed for my side of the room as well as a few clothing items that I would be needing. We decided on a pizza shop and while Liam and Morgan had 4-5 slices each, I only ended up greeting 2 cheese slices, it must be the nerves of being in this new place with these new people that have my stomach in Knots.

The party was being held at a different building and Liam told us that this was the Wolves Frat house and their parents owned the entire school and in turn they controlled the school. "Wolves?" I asked. Liam stated "Wolves is the name of the very exclusive group, almost like a fraternity, that they are a part of. Noone really knows much about it because they are very secretive and they do not like outsiders. To the rest of us mortals are not allowed into their selective group and they are treated like gods by most of the students and faculty. They are untouchable". The pack I thought, so strange. 

As we walked into the building there was loud music and people drinking everywhere, beer bottles and there were two girls being held up by big guys yelling "Chug, chug!". As Liam and Morgan started to introduce me to some people, I really needed to pee. I asked Morgan where the bathroom was, feeling a little bad for interrupting her conversation with her blond friend whose name I learned was Ella. Morgan said it was up the stairs and the first door to the right. She offered to take me but I told her I would be fine, not wanting to take her away from her friends.

As I walked up the stairs and towards the door that Moran indicated I noticed the door was slightly closed so I pushed it open and froze at the scene before me, there was brunette girl naked from the waste up on her knees and there was a man with a broad back and the nicest ass I  have ever seen, even the stars of the porn videos i have seen have nothing on this guy, with his back to me and there were two other guys stroking their dicks behind the girl who sounded like she was choking. The first guy that noticed me was behind the girl towards her left and he stared right at me. He had these beautiful honey-colored eyes that seems to match perfectly with his dark colored skin. I looked over towards the guy next to him who was equally as beautiful with his olive-colored skin and as if he too felt me staring, he looked at me with bright blue eyes like the ones of the beaches I had seen online when i was searching for schools. He smiled at me and continued to stroke his dick nice and slow, the one with his back to me held the girls head down on his dick and said "Be a good little slut and take my cock nice and deep we have an audience to entertain". At that moment I snapped out of whatever daze I was in and turned to flee while saying "I am sorry the door was open" but right before I opened the door the one that had his back to me turned around and grabbed my wrist. I heard the girl that previously had her dick in his mouth coughing and saying "Come on Wolf Shes a fucking nobody, come here baby let me make you cum". As I looked away from her, I noticed that all three of them were looking at me and completely ignoring the half-naked girl on the floor.

" Look at you little one, aren't you a pretty little thing" he said to me with a rich sensual voice that sent tingles to places that they had no business going. "Why don't you stay and party with us instead, this bitch here is only good for one thing, and she can't even make me cum, but you, I reckon I could cum just from looking at you. Names Wolf, Mr. pretty blue eyes over there is Alex and Mr. hung over there who you couldn't keep your eyes off is Zane" I looked over and both guys smiled at me and Alex licked his full lips, and it's also at this moment that I noticed that neither one of them had stopped stroking their dicks, they were actually speeding up, as I stared, I felt my panties become damp and my nipples harden. Wolf used my distraction to invade my space and back me up on the bathroom door. I felt his dick, which was big and hard against my stomach and as he thrusted it moved against me "God damn little one I am about to cum, and you haven't even touched me yet."

I was mesmerized and as I heard Alex moan, I felt my own juices gather more between my legs. Alex started stroking faster until cum started to leak from his tip and he came all over the half-naked girl still on the floor and she crawled over to him and licked off the cum from his dick. It was so nasty yet I could not stop starring. She then moved over to Zane and opened her mouth as Zane came on her lips. Alex started to put himself back in his jeans and zip off while Zane moaned and the girl lapped at him, at that same moment wolf started to moan and grabbed my hand, placed it on his dick and for the life of me I don't know why but I gripped his hard dick and moved my hand up and down as I had seen the girls in the videos do. The faster I moved the more he moaned and, I liked felt like I held this power over him. He leaned his forehead down to mine and stared into my eyes "Good girl baby, thats it, I'm going to come all over your hand" I angled his dick down to my thighs and actually moaned as his warm cum started to cum out of his dick and all over my thighs I kept going until he placed his hand over mine. I gasped when he leaned down and closed his mouth over mine. This was my first kiss and there was nothing gentle about it. He used his tongue to open my mouth and I complied. He grabbed my ass and ground his semi hard dick against me. I felt someone Else's hands squeeze both my breasts and made my aching nipples to harden more. I opened my eyes and it was Zane squeezing both my breast but what I really wanted was for him to pinch my nipples maybe suck on them. Alex held back and palmed his growling dick through his jeans and smiled at me. 

Wolf came up for air and as I gasped taking a breath he said" come home with us little one" as I still struggled to breath I asked "Who are you guys" and Alex answered " We are the wolves and to everyone else we are the pack" I gasped as I now knew the guys that Liam mentioned earlier. As i came to realization Wolf put his hands on my waist and looked me in, they and said "What do you say little one, come home with us. With me?". As I opened my mouth the girl on the floor said "What the hell, you want to take her home" the guys all turned to look at her and I used this opportunity to flee, I through the door open and rushed down the stairs with wolfs dry cum on my thighs....

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