Uncommon Circumstances (Inter...

By NicoleMckoy

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Alyssa and Jake once dated when she was sixteen and he was twenty-one. She is now eighteen and he is twenty-t... More

Uncommon Circumstances (Interracial Young Adult Suspenseful Romance)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 18

6.1K 143 29
By NicoleMckoy

Copyright © 2012 Nicole Mckoy 

Alyssa P.O.V.

It was Monday morning and all weekend I was trying to figure out what to say to Chad. I didn’t know how to tell him about my kiss with Jake and I knew I was running out of time to tell him about the kiss before this mystery person told. 

“Baby are you cold,” Chad asked.

We were siting outside the school building in the courtyard and I was siting on Chad’s lap. 

“No,” I said. 

“Well you’re shaking are you sure,” Chad said. 

“Yes…I have something I need to tell you,” I said. 

“Ok baby what,” Chad said. 

“Chad I-“

I was just about to admit everything that happened with Jake but then Jake walked up and interrupted my conversation with Chad. 

“Alyssa you’re wanted in the principal’s office,” Jake said. 

I got up and walked with Jake to the principal’s office. As we walked down the hallway I got a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I was hoping I wasn’t in trouble I didn’t know what was going to happen. 

When Jake and I walked into the principal’s office no one was in there. I walked over to the principal’s desk and I heard the door close and lock behind me. 

I turned around and Jake kissed me. I was caught off guard but slowly relaxed. Jake picked me up and sat me on the principal’s desk. Jake pulled away and gave me one peck before letting me catch my breath. 

“Jake why are we in here?” I asked. 

“I intercepted this envelope for the principal Alyssa,” Jake said.

Jake handed me an envelope and inside were pictures of Jake and I. The pictures were from the first kiss I shared with Jake to the recent make out session I had with him on Friday. 

“Baby we’re going to have to be more careful when we’re together from now on. I luckily got these photos before the principal saw them,” Jake said pecking my lips. 

“Jake we don’t need to be careful because there is nothing between us. I’m telling Chad then I’m hoping this goes away,” I said.

I got up off the desk and Jake stood in my way placing his hands on my waist. 

“Alyssa what do you mean there is nothing between us. I thought we were going to get back together,” Jake said. 

“Jake I was confused and living in the past. I’m in love with Chad not you,” I said. 

“Alyssa we are getting back together,” Jake said gripping my waist tighter. 

“No we’re not Jake,” I said sternly. 

Jake gripped my waist even tighter and it was beginning to hurt. I could tell he wasn’t happy by my confession but I was being honest. Kissing him brought back memories but I didn’t want to get back together. 

“Alyssa you can’t pick him over me!” Jake shouted.

“Jake let me go,” I said. 

Jake looked me in the eye and I could see anger and hurt in his eyes. I was just hoping he wouldn’t hurt me. Chad couldn’t save me this time if Jake wanted to go to some extreme.

“I love you Alyssa,” Jake said. 

Jake pulled me towards him and kissed me with such passion that I felt sorry for him that he couldn’t move on. Jake was not my future he and I both knew that. 

“I’m going to tell Chad. I’m sorry Jake,” I said. 

I pushed him away and walked out of the principal’s office and saw Chad standing outside the door. 

“What in the hell is going on?” Chad asked.

“Nothing babe what…” 

Chad held up his phone and there was a picture of Jake and I. It was a picture of me topless on Jake’s desk and Jake was pulling down my underwear. 

“Chad let me explain,” I said. 

“No need, he took advantage of you its obvious,” Chad said. 

Chad started walking toward Jake and I quickly got in front of him and stopped him by putting my hands to his chest. 

“Chad, Jake didn’t force himself on me. I cheated on you with him,” I said honestly. 

Chad did a double take and looked at me then Jake. 

“You wouldn’t do that. You wouldn’t be with him after all he did to you. Alyssa tell me you’re lying,” Chad said. 

“Chad it was a mistake and I-“ 

“No! You slept with him after everything he did!” 

“Chad I didn’t sleep with him. I just kissed him.” 

“These pictures say different!”

“Chad can we just go somewhere and talk.” 

“No! I can’t believe you would do this Alyssa.” 

“Chad you cheated on me so don’t go acting like I did something so wrong.” 

“Ok so I cheated once and you decided to get back at me by getting with some guy who hurt you and tried to rape you!” 

“Chad I-“

“Just don’t say anything! I can’t even look at you right now!”

Chad stormed out of the office and I chased after him. I knew what I did was wrong but Chad had no right to be this mad.

“Chad stop and talk to me,” I said. 

Chad got to his car and unlocked the doors. I ran to the passenger’s side door and got in the car as Chad got in on the drivers side. 

“Alyssa get out of my car,” Chad said.

“No we need to talk about this. I listened to you when you told me about your cheating,” I said.

“Alyssa get the fuck out of my car before I throw you out!” 

“You wouldn’t do that. Chad I thought you loved me.” 

“I thought you loved me too but I guess I was wrong about that!”

“Chad don’t do this.” 

I was crying now because I didn’t want Chad this angry with me. I had made a huge mistake in ever kissing Jake, I knew that now and I regretted it so much. I never wanted to hurt Chad. 

“Alyssa get out,” Chad said. 

I wiped a few tears away and tried to reach for Chad’s hand. Chad flinched and pulled away from me.  

“Chad I’m sorry,” I said. 

“Just tell me if you two did anything sexual,” Chad said. 

“No we didn’t Chad. We only kissed that was all,” I said. 

Chad was quiet. I reached for his hand again and this time Chad took my hand. 

“Come here,” Chad said. 

I crawled over to sit in his lap. Chad held me as I cried into his chest. 

“Why would you want to even kiss him Alyssa? He hurt you so many times baby,” Chad said. 

“I was stupid I’m sorry,” I said. 

“Please just stay away from him. He’s our teacher and that is all. You shouldn’t be near him,” Chad said. 

“Ok. But are you still mad at me.”

“No. I forgive you like you forgave me. But from this point on we need to not lie to each other.” 

“Alright I can do that.” 

Chad gave me a peck on the lips then opened his car door. I got out first then he got out. We both walked back inside so we could get to class. I wanted to fix myself up before going into our classroom so I went to the bathroom and told Chad I’d meet him in class. 

I went to the bathroom and fixed my hair and splashed some water on my face. As I washed my hands a girl came into the bathroom. 

I noticed that it was Amy and I just tried to ignore her. Something about her just seemed off. 

“Good thing Jake got those pictures before the principal got them,” Amy said.

“What are you talking about?” I asked. 

“Nothing. Have a good day. I’m glad Chad forgave you,” Amy said going into a stall.

“How do you know about the picture or about Chad and I,” I said. 

“Small school. Word gets around fast when scandal happens,” Amy said. 

“Did you take those pictures and threaten to tell?” I asked. 

“Alyssa I’m not a threat to you. Or at least you should hope I’m not a threat to you. If I was, you sure wouldn’t want to be in this bathroom alone with me now would you,” Amy said. 

After Amy said that the lights began to flicker in the bathroom and I heard the toilet flush. This was getting too freaky so I ran out of the bathroom and ran right into Jake. 

I screamed and Jake held me to calm me down. 

“Alyssa what’s wrong?” Jake asked. 

“Don’t touch me! Stay away from me! All this bad stuff started happening to me when you got here! Leave me alone!” I shouted. 

I ran to my class and went inside. The teacher was just getting class start and I took my seat behind Chad.

That Amy girl had freaked me out then Jake had just popped up. I was seriously wondering if those two had maybe worked together just to create that fight between Chad and I. The way that everything happened just had me wondering and I didn’t know whom to trust. 

That Amy girl was off but I wasn’t going to get too scared of her because Chad found out the truth. We had made up and I told Jake nothing could happen between us. If Amy had been the one to take the pictures to the principal she was out of luck because she had nothing else to hold over my head. I was hoping that all this nonsense would end now. 

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