wake up โ‡’ r. lorton [โœ“]

By summernirvana

12K 243 50

๐„๐‹๐ˆ๐™๐€๐๐„๐“๐‡ ๐‚๐€๐Œ๐„ ๐…๐‘๐Ž๐Œ nothing. Poverty, hunger, and dehydration was common in Puerto Rico. So... More

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1.2K 27 9
By summernirvana

ELIZABETH WALKED WITH Riff as he and the Jets were making their way to some destination they would not reveal.

"I'm coming," Elizabeth walked beside Riff without a care, her expression serious.

"No, you're not," he rolled his eyes, continuing to walk.

"Yes, I am."

"No, you're not," he stopped and turned to her, "You're not coming."

The Jets stopped in their tracks.

"I want to come, though," Elizabeth turned to him, "Let me come."

"It's dangerous, Elizabeth," he shook his head, arguing with her, "You oughta know. You got hurt the last time you came with me. And I didn't even know."

"I won't get hurt this time," she insisted, "Let me come."

"No," Riff stayed with his answer, "I would have a full blown argument about you coming to that fight last time if I weren't about to be late."

"I know I said I would let you have this rumble, but I'm still gonna try and make you change your mind about it," Elizabeth placed her hands on his shoulders, "Por favor, Riff. Don't do this."

Riff took her hands from his shoulder and kissed down her wrist.

He looked back at her, "After the rumble, I'm all yours. You need to leave right now."

"I don't want to," she shook her head, her lips pouted.

"Stop being so difficult," Action spoke, rolling his eyes, "He'll be all right."

Before Elizabeth had the chance to respond, Riff raised his hand.

"Nuh-uh," Riff shook his head, glaring at him, "Don't talk to her like that. Do it again, and you're outta here. Got that?"

Action nodding shamefully and looked away.

Riff looked back down at Elizabeth. "Here..." he pulled out a dollar from his pocket, "Go to the gas station and get us some slushees. I'll be back in fifteen."

Elizabeth looked down at the dollar then back at Riff.

She huffed and took the dollar from her hand.

"Quince," she looked in his eyes, "You better not be late."

Riff chuckled and kissed her forehead.

When he pulled back, he looked back at the rest of he crew and tilted his head. They began walking. Without Elizabeth.

She was left there, watching as they walked away into the distance.

Elizabeth sighed and began walking to the gas station, fiddling with the dollar.

The whole thing was stupid. They were all too stubborn to let any of the drama go.

As she entered the gas station she went to the slushee machine and got two cups. She filled one with grape and the other with blue raspberry. Putting the top on, she grabbed two straws before making her way to the register.

"A dollar," the cashier said with absolutely no charisma.

Elizabeth handed him the dollar and made her way out the store. She sat down on the bench, and waiting for her love to come.

But as time went on, the sun began to set and Elizabeth's slushee was almost finished while Riff's was melting. Elizabeth hoped he would come soon.

But as the night sky became prominent, Elizabeth stood up and placed both their slushees in the trash can. One empty and one full.

Riff had ditched her so she wouldn't go to the rumble.

Well, boy, was he in for a treat.

Walking to the direction of where the rumble was taking place, Elizabeth noticed Anybodys sneaking in as well. Elizabeth ducked down, afraid to be heard. She knew Anybodys would snitch or tell her to get out of there.

As the door began closing, Anybodys rushed inside. Elizabeth rushed in behind him, just in time before the door closed completely.

She went beside Anybodys and they looked over, seeing the Jets and the Sharks.

"What the hell are you doin' here?!" Elizabeth heard Anybodys's voice whisper-yell.

"Riff ditched me," Elizabeth whispered back, "I'm here to see the rumble."

Anybodys wasn't invited since he was cast out because technically, he was female. Elizabeth never really cared for that, if he wanted to be a man, so be it.

Not many people thought the same way. They related on that level. Being Puerto Rican and Anybodys wanting to be a man. She was sure she could change at least Riff's mind about him since he excepted her,

"You promised your buddy would be here," Bernardo's voice was heard, cutting off a chance for Anybodys to respond to Elizabeth, "If you don't keep your word, jefe, how am I going to believe you'll keep out of our territory after-"

His voice trailed off once Chino came walking in.

Bernardo furrowed his eyebrows, "¿Qué haces aquí? Te dije que te quedarás fuero de esto."

"What'd he say, Puerto Rican girl?" Anybodys quietly asked, one of his brows raised.

"He asked what is he doing here and that he told Chino that he wanted him not involved with the fight," she responded, glancing over to him.

"Lo sé, pero quiero ayudar," Chino replied to Bernardo, "Me quedo." I know, but I want to help. I'm staying.

Tony walked in next.

Riff tapped his bat on the floor, a smirk tainted on his face.

"And just when all hope is lost..." he went up to Tony, "So, is this the shot heard round the world, or just, you know, more of your bullshit?"

"Don't ask me about shooting, pal," Tony started.

Elizabeth couldn't hear anymore, but it all came clear to her. Riff didn't want her coming because he bought a gun.

"Este hijueputa..." Elizabeth muttered to herself.

"What?" Anybodys questioned.

"Shut up."

"Let's do it!" Riff's voice echoed.

"Yeah!" Everyone yelled in agreement.

Elizabeth buried her head in her hands.

Everything was stressing her out. Tony wanted to talk to Bernardo now and Riff was being an asshole.

"Did you bring him flowers, too?!" Riff yelled, "Come on, quit flirtin' with him! Close his eyes!"

Tony turned to Riff, "Hey, can't you shut up for a single goddamn second?"

"What are you afraid of?!" Riff continued, "Your parole officer?"

"Can't you shut up?!"

"You are breaking my heart with this shit!" He pushed Tony, his eyes telling the truth, "Come on!"

If there's one thing about Riff, is the fact that he always had a flare for violence. That was the one thing Betty couldn't stand about him. Sure, it was nice when it was him standing up for her, but fighting was too far.

"A convict," Bernardo looked up at Tony as he retained the new information, "How long in prison?"

"Uh, a year," Tony answered calmly.

"In prison, there were Puerto Ricans, Dominicans?"

"Sure," Tony nodded, "Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Cubans."

"Hm," Bernardo replied, "They love locking up us brown guys."

The Sharks murmured in agreement.

"This is not about skin," Tony shook his head, "It's... It's about..."

"It's about territory!" Riff interrupted.

The Jets cheered.

"None of us would be here if any of us believed we had any place else to be," Tony explained further.

"What did you do to get yourself locked up, primo?"

"He beat the snot outta someone exactly like you!" Riff answered, making matters only worse.

Elizabeth choked, about to gasp when Anybodys covered her mouth.

"If he finds out you're here, I'm next," Anybodys whispered, "Sh."

"It don't matter what I did," Tony cut in, "I'm different now. And... you don't gotta worry about me being with María."

Bernardo scoffed as he began circling Tony.

"So, you told God and Jesús when you get out, you gonna become somebody new? Am I right, pendejito?"

Tony didn't answer.

"And then you came to that dance and you see my sister, and you think..."

He punched Tony in the stomach.

"'How about I get myself a brown girl?'" He punched him once again, "'I never spent time with a little puertorriqueña before.'"

He punched him in the face this time.

"Tony!" Riff yelled over the yells of each gang.

"'If I can be with a colored girl like her, I'll be somebody better than I was. Somebody I never been before.'"

Bernardo punched him in the face again.

The Jets yelled at Tony to cover himself and to hit back while Riff observed.

"Pero ¿con mi hermana? ¡No!" But with my sister? No!

Riff took a deep breath and pushed Tony out the way. "He won't fight you, fight someone who will."

Bernardo remained eye contact with Tony.

"I love her, Bernardo," Tony walked back.

Bernardo took a breath before kicking his knees and punching Tony hard in the face. He almost fell, but the Jets caught him.

Riff took off his jacket and almost began fighting before Tony pushed him back.

"Stay out of this!" Tony pushed him back, ignoring his bleeding eyebrow.

"Ay, Dios mío..." Elizabeth put her head down and clasped her hands together, "Santa María, por favor..."

Bernardo punched Tony again. Tony tried to punch him back but Bernardo ducked and punched him again. They both began to fight, Tony putting punches in that got Bernardo on the floor.

The Sharks were about to come to his defense, but Bernardo stopped them.

It only got worse from there.

Tony seemed to be going back to the past.

Elizabeth remembered the day so clearly. The day Tony went to jail after beating that Puerto Rican kid up.

Riff saw it, too. He was starting to get worried and was about to interfere before Tony realized it himself.

He looked up at Riff.

From the look on his face, Elizabeth could tell Riff regretted bringing Tony in. Tony stood up and began to walk away, but Bernardo tried to come after him.

That was when a pocket knife fell. Bernardo immediately looked back and took his pocket knife out.

Everyone froze staring at the silver weapon for a second before making a move.

"Riff!" A-Rab threw the knife to him.

Riff caught it and opened it.

Both Bernardo and him circled each other.

"No, no, no," Elizabeth shook her head, her eyes wide with terror and worry. "No."

She stood up.

Anybodys looked up at her.

"Get down!" he whisper-yelled.

Elizabeth didn't listen. She just watched with wide eyes and an erratic heart that told her something bad was about to happen.

They both sliced the knife through the air. The whole room came quiet.

They both were close. So close to hurting one another.

Riff's knife then fell, and immediately Tony tried to grab it, but everyone stopped him. Riff ran toward the knife and put it back in the air, him and Bernardo about six feet away from one another.

As they continued to wave the knives in the air, Riff fell toward the group.

"All right, Tony, that's enough," Riff tried to get the knife back from him, "Tony, Tony! Let go!"

Bernardo's knife was pointing out.

Elizabeth could see it all happen a few seconds beforehand. As Riff pushed himself off of Tony, Elizabeth screamed. "No!"

She ran so fast, she was able to run in front of Riff without thinking.

And that's when the knife pierced through her chest.

Her eyes widened from the flash of pain that rippled throughout her body. Bernardo let go of the knife, his eyes widening as he looked down at the brunette.

"No, no, no, no, no!" Riff grabbed her, dropping his own knife as he began to yell. "What did you do?! What did you do, Elizabeth?!"

Elizabeth shook her head and turned to him, her breathing strained and her hands shaky.

Her voice was soft. "It's okay, it's okay."

She felt herself get dizzy. She started to lose her footing.

Riff fell to the ground with her in his arms.

Her eyes watered with tears. Riff's tears were already pouring out. Her hand reached out to his neck, and she smiled though the pain. Riff saw right through her.

"You'll be all right," she nodded, her breaths shallow as she looked up at him, "Estarás bien." You'll be okay.

She brought his forehead to hers.

"Don't leave me," he cried, his chest heaving, "Elizabeth, don't leave me."

"I love you," she nodded, her body shaking as it nears its end, "'Till death do us part, remember?"

She took a deep breath, ignoring the sting.

Riff shook his head, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Now take it out."

He shook his head again, crying even harder.

"Take it out, Riff."

Riff gripped the knife, and screwed his eyes shut.

He opened them and looked her in the eyes. "I love you, too."

He pulled it out, and Elizabeth gasped.

Her whole world went black.

That day, so did Riff's.

Riff choked on his tears as he cradled Elizabeth's body. There was no sudden movement, there was no her hugging him back, there was no words of comfort for him. Her body was limp and her breaths were no more.

"Wake up!" Riff screamed.

He sharply inhaled and held her face, both hands on her cheek.

He shook her.

"Wake up, Betty!" Riff sobbed, "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

She remained on the ground, her eyes closed and her body limp.

"Please," he cradled her body once again, rocking her back and forth, "Wake up. Wake up for me, Elizabeth. Trade places with me!"

He picked his head up and looked down at her.

"Just wake up."

She didn't.

Riff choked on his tears once again before he looked up at Tony.

Tony's eyes were filled with tears. Partly from his friend dying and partly because he had never seen Riff so hurt.

Riff looked down at the knife in his hand.

Tony shook his head frantically, his eyes widening.

"Riff," Tony whispered cautiously, "Riff, I swear. Riff, I swear on my life—"

"I can't do it, Tony," Riff looked up at him, shaking his head as the tears poured out of his eyes, "I can't live without her. I can't."

Riff looked down at the knife and gripped it with two hands.

The knife pierced through his heart next.

He gasped and fell next to Elizabeth.

"No!" Tony screamed, by Riff's side in seconds.

Riff patted his shoulder, "Womb to Tomb."

Tony cried as he placed his head on Riff's chest in agony.

"Take it out, Tony," Riff gulped down the blood that rushed up his throat, "It's okay."

Tony took out the knife.

Riff squeezed his eyes shut in pain before he opened them and turned his head. He then laid it on Elizabeth's chest as he felt the blood seep out of him. He wrapped his arm around her, and held her the best he could.

His world turned black seconds after.

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