A Dancehall Story Book 6

Autorstwa therebelwritergirl

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***Completed*** With a growing family, more money and successful business ventures. Stacy and Chalkline now n... Więcej

Chapter 1 - As Day Comes
Chapter 2 - Small Things
Chapter 3 - Weakness
Chapters 4 - Heart
Chapters 5 - Pull Up
Chapters 6- Flashback
Chapters 7 - Kiss and Makeup
Chapter 8 - Work of Art
Chapters 9- Pills and Potions
Chapters 10 - Monsters
Chapter 11- Fix Things
Chapter 12 - Shall We Dance
Chapters 13 - Restart
Chapters 14- The Letter 'Y'
Chapters 15 - Your Turn
Chapters 16 - Family
Chapters 17 - Karen
Chapter 18 - Scorpio
Chapters 19 - Deceit
Chapters 20 - Ashes
Chapters 21 - Ghost
Chapters 22 - Heat 2
Chapters 23 - New Blues
Chapters 24- Tea/ Party
Chapters 25 - Blow for Blow
Chapters 26 - 8 out of 10
Chapters 27- Picture Perfect
Chapters 28 - Taming the Lion
Chapters 29 - Melt
Chapters 31- Blue Roses
Chapters 32- One day
Chapters 33- Mating Season
Chapters 34 - April Showers
Chapters 35- 2 Days
Chapters 36 - Day 1
Chapters 37- Day 2
Chapters 38 - Press Play
Chapters 39 - Exhale
Chapters 40- The Student
Chapters 41- The Walkers
Chapters 42 - Tacos and Tears
Chapters 43- Small Events: Part 1
Main Events: Part 2
Chapters 44 - Broken Crown

Chapters 30- 2.0

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Autorstwa therebelwritergirl

Stacy's POV

He was mad at me. He slept with three pillows between us the whole night. I thought it was funny.

Im the morning he locked me out of the bathroom so I went downstairs.

"Well good morning sunshine" Mel said.

As day light she was here.

"Sunshine? I'm about to me lost in the solar system, your son is mad at me" I told her.

"That's good, that means you did well" She said.

You know I'm seriously worried about this woman. She was enjoying this too much.

"Anyways today I'm to do an ultrasound and I'm not sure if he is going to take me" I said.

"You want me to take you?" She asked.

I would rather Line take me but I can't go alone, Tricia had plans and Jade wasn't answering her phone.

"Well I will ask him and if he says no then I will let you take me" I told her.

I'm going to make everyone work for this baby. All the help I can get I'm going to take it.

"Well I don't have a problem with that" She said.

"Also my sisters are throwing a baby shower for me and they are thinking about doing it at their home but I haven't said anything to him as yet, what you think?" I asked

At this point her opinions matter to me.

"He's not going to want that I can tell you that from now but still tell him" She said.

That's exactly what I thought.

"Alright, Mel please don't say nothing when you see him, just please just don't say nothing at all" I told her.

"Ok, I won't" She said.

I don't fucking believe her. She is going to laugh and make shit worse for me.

Made my way back to the bedroom. He was standing look smooth as fuck and I wanted to laugh but I knew better.

"Baby" I said.

"Stacy just avoid me nuh man" He said.

I chuckled. A wah do stretch? Being without hair made him extra tall.

"Line I have my ultrasound appointment today and I need you to take me" I said.

He was standing there rubbing his chest.

"After you burn me up you want me to take you places?" He asked.

"Don't be childish, I need to get ready, you going to taking me?" I asked.

"Pay me first" He said.

I wish I had some more wax to throw on him.

"Pay you with what?" I asked.

"Me wah cum, you fuck up me yesterday and now me balls dem stiff" He said.

I started laughing.

Alright watch this now.

"Anyways my sisters are throwing a baby shower for me and they want to do it and their place" I said.

He was looking into his boxers for something, I don't know, but he instantly looked up at me.

"Suh what happened to the big rassclaat lawn weh me a pay people to keep green and fresh?" He asked.

"Nothing is wrong with it they just have a big lawn also and knowing you don't like people at your house, using theirs would be a good idea" I said.

"Oh suh make you never know that when you keep party here and make dem mash up my kitchen, why you never keep it a dem yard? He asked.

Sometimes I wish I could just run up and kick him down.

"Are we really going to do this today? We are supposed to find out the sex of our baby today and you want us go argue over foolishness?" I asked.

"Keep the baby shower here anywhere else I'm not showing up" He said.


"Line we will talk about this another time, come take me the appointment"

He pushed his hand into his boxers.

"Stacy come cool this pain nuh" He said.

I roll my eyes.

"Nuh have time for this, I have a photo shoot today also and I need to go get ready" I said.

For some reason I feel like I was still punishing him by not giving him what he wants and it felt so good.

"Alright beg you a hand job" He said.

"You have hands don't it?" I asked.

I walked off to the closet and he followed me.

Chalkline's POV

I was hard as rock and she was in here playing hard to get, my wife playing hard to get? No man.

"Stacy just finished what you started nuh please" I begged.

"Line move nuh man, I don't want to be late" She said.

"Alright bun me up with some more wax as long as you ride me" I said.

I hope to God she didn't take up that offer.

She stopped what she was doing and moved closer to me.

"You really horny babes?" She asked.

She placed her hand into my underpants and grabbed my dick, the area was tender from the waxing but I can suffer just to get a release.

"You like this?" She asked.

She was stroking me and it felt so good.

"Yes, just like that" I hissed.

I was in heat for her, it was something about her being pregnant and sexy as fuck and the things she wear in our bedroom. She was fucking with me.

I reached down to kissed her lips while she stroke the fuck out of me.

"My wife, my beautiful wife" I groaned.

She smiled at me.

"Go take a cold shower" She said

She pushed me from her and returned to what she was doing.

"Stacy I just took a shower" I shouted.

"I'm doing my makeup Line go put your clothes on and I will meet you downstairs" She said.

A who this? This is not Stacy.

"It's like that Stacy?" I asked.

She looked at me but she didn't answer. Ok I see what's going on but I'm just going to kick back and watch the play.

Jade's POV

"I told Lisa to cancel all the plans for the wedding and a percentage of the money will be returned to us" I told him.

He didn't seem to care and we barely exchanged words.

"Cool, I have a little meeting today but I should be back early for dinner" He said.

"Ok I'm going to meet with Line today about a shop space, I'm thinking of opening a shoes store" I said.

He looked at me with a smile, he seemed more excited than I was.

"Really? Why you didn't tell me?"

"You weren't talking to and I was thinking about it for a while but I was waiting for the wedding to pass then I could focus on a business" I said.

"I'm proud of you. We will get married Jade but I want more for our family and I want us to be sure that we are ready" He said.

"I was sure I'm ready" I said.

"You were stressing and complaining about it, you shouldn't be stressed out about getting married" He said.

In some weird way he had a point but I just thought all brides stressed out when planning their wedding.

"Ok, I understand" I said.

I was hurt but a little relieved because I wasn't even getting the support from my friends, everyone was busy being pregnant or with their newborn.

Chalkline's POV

Walking into my kitchen the first person I saw was Mel. She looked at me really good before she started laughing.

"Oh my fucking God, what happened to your face?" She asked.

I stood their looking at her falling out of her seat. Aunt Joan appeared and disappeared quickly but I could hear her laughing and shouting "judgement"

"Mel what happened to your house in Jersey or the many you have over Jamaica, them can't hold you?" I asked.

"No, I like this one more, it has so much life and laughter in it" She said.

"You help drugged me so Stacy could do this to me and she had to get help but I promise that your time will come" I said.

"Don't threaten your mother, you only have one" She said.

LJ ran into the kitchen and jumped on to me.

"Rasta you look funny" He laughed.

I can't wait for him to get older so me and him can fight.

"Mommy did this to me son you don't like it?" I asked him.

"Nooooo" He laughed.

All me son know him mother a fuckery.

"Lucky she didn't cut your hair" Mel said.

I wanted to say something to her but her grandson was in my hand.

"Line I'm ready" Stacy appeared.

She looked like an angel, I really lucked up and got her to be my wife and have my children?

"You're pretty" I told.

She kissed me and said thanks.

"Mommy rasta said you made him look funny" LJ said.

"Yes baby, that's what happened when  boys misbehave we give them a funny hair cuts" She said.

If looks could kill she would be dead right now.

"Go to grandma, mommy and daddy leaving now" I told him.

"By funny looking rasta" He said

I couldn't help but laugh.

Stacy's POV

Junior's Chat

Junior: Hey

Me: Hey, I was supposed to call you. How you doing.

Junior: I'm here alone, Gina left with Jahir.

Me: Ok I'm going for a quick check up and then I will come see you.

Junior: Ok.

I was wrapped up with so much that I forgot that he was there and going through a heartbreak.

"After we left here, I want you to to drop me at Junior's house, then you can pick me up on the way from your office" I told Line.

"Ok" He replied.

"Are you still mad at me?" I asked.

He looked and me and I realized I really fucked this man's face up.

"Stacy my son thinks I'm funny looking and me horny as fuck, you can done now enuh" He said.

I hiss my teeth.

"The doctor is ready for us" I said.

We went into the room and the doctor started doing his thing. He was explaining to us about what we were seeing on the screen.

The baby was really busy, having a grand time in there.

"Do you want to know the sex Mr. And Mrs. Walker" He asked.

I think Tricia is the only person who knew but I wanted to know for the photo shoot and baby shower.

"Yes" I replied.

Line didn't say anything he was just watching the screen. He wasn't present for the others so I guess this one was fascinating to him.

"Well this looks like you will be having a boy" The doctor said.

"I know it" Line said.

"Well you get what you wanted" I said.

He kissed me and told me thanks.

The doctor gave us some pictures and just like that it was over.

"See it didn't take long" I said.

"Well I'll drop you off at the Junior then head to the office, just call me when you are ready" He said.

He took me to Junior's house, they exchange a few words then he left.

Junior's POV

"Then why him look suh?" Junior asked.

I was so glad that Junior didn't say anything to him.

"I gave him a shave for being an asshole" I said.

"Oh one a unuh little war?" He asked.

"Yes, he drugged me and left me to go play house with Steph in Jersey" I said.

The mentioned of Stephanie's name triggered him.

"Swear I don't know what happened to Mya, it's like something took her over, she was just gone" He said.

I could tell he was really hurt.

"Junior Mya was always like that, she was just pretending with you, I'm sorry that things are like this for you and your son but I tried saving her for you both but she was broken" I said.

He looked at me and I could see the sadness in his eyes.

He touched my belly.

"You love being pregnant" He said.

I laughed.

"My husband loves  keeping me pregnant" I replied.

He removed his hand and looked at me.

"Stacy it always bothers me that you never gave us a second chance, I fucked up one time and you were gone, you gave Line so many chances" He said.

I never expected this conversation from him.

"Junior don't do this, we were young and it was different with him" I said.

"You loved him more" I said.

The genuine answer.

"I do and I'm sorry but you and I knew we still wouldn't work if it wasn't him it would have been someone else" I said.

"I didn't deserve you?" He asked.

"You are only talking this way because you are hurting right now. I'm a marriage and three kids gone Junior, so this is a conversation we shouldn't even be having" I said.

"I know but it's so unfair because I could have given you the same life, I could have loved you better" He said.

Line wah hear this.

"Junior please stop talking like this. We are good friends and I love you and care for you. Just take some time to heal, I'm here for you like always" I said.

"What's makes him better than me Stacy? Just tell me that" He asked.

I can't believe I came here for this.

"Nothing, he's not better than you I just picked him that's all" I said.

"Look how he treats you? He fucked up so much and cheats, I cheated one time and you went straight to him" He said.

"Yeah he fucked up but remember why he and I was at a bad place? It was because of you, I was protecting you and keeping secrets for you. I came back and save Mya for you and lied to my husband and she almost killed him again, so does that answer your questions?" I asked.

He didn't know what to say.

"I'm sorry Stacy but I just felt like Mya was it for me. I care for Gina but I just feel she is here because she feels sorry for me" He said.

"Junior I'm sorry you are going through this and no one deserves this and I wish I could take your burdens but you just have to let me go, please"

He hugged me and I could tell he was crying.

"I'm sorry and I should be happy for you, I'm just fucked up right now" He said.

"Its ok, I understand. I'm always here for you no matter what I will protect you like always and nothing can come between us" I said.

"Except your big belly" He said.

I started laughing through my tears.

"Can you believe I'm having another boy?" I said.

"Wah? Another LJ? Then the house nah guh bun down man" He said.

"Line will know what to do with them" I said.

We laugh and he told me some stories about his son. I invited him to my baby shower and he got excited because he wanted to meet my sisters and asked if I could set him up on one. I told him I was going to tell Gina and he said they were looking for a girlfriend.

I almost gave birth on his couch from laughing.

Czytaj Dalej

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