Out of Reach - F4 Thailand

Von Yeahthisisconfusing

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-OUT OF REACH "Sometimes you meet the right person. It's just the wrong time." (F4 x oc) (Ren Aira x fem oc... Mehr

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2.5K 87 7
Von Yeahthisisconfusing

"Have enough courage to trust love one more time and always one more time." –Maya Angelou

Rosa smiled as she ate her pad thai noodles. "I've missed this, thank you, P'Ren."

"I've missed you, Rosa." Ren said as they drove.

Rosa was surprised by Ren's sudden comment. Sure she had missed Ren but they were never really that close when they were kids. Rosa recalled that Ren was a very quiet child and she could never get him to say more than three words to her. Ren had developed autistic symptoms but once he met Mira he improved.

"You didn't miss me?" Ren said, breaking Rosa out of her thoughts.

Rosa shook her head as she looked out the window. "Of course, I did, P'Ren."

"Are you excited to see, P'Mira?" Rosa asked.

Ren smiled widely as he nodded his head. "I've been counting down the days. I can't wait to see her."

Rosa's heart suddenly ached as she heard how happy Ren was to see Mira. She bit her lip as she smiled at Ren. Rosa hated herself for suddenly feeling this way.

"Mira's plane lands in half-hour. We should start going inside the airport." Ren said as he unbuckled his seatbelt.

Rosa's phone rang and she took it out to see who it was.

~Thyme (5 unseen messages)

Rosa, where are you!

Rosa chuckled as she read Thyme's messages. Thyme, I'm at home. What do you need?


Rosa widened her eyes. Thyme, I'm about to go inside the airport.

Do you think this is funny!!!

Bye, Thyme. Rosa chuckled as she put her phone in her bag.

Rosa hadn't noticed that Ren had opened her door and he was looking at her. Rosa looked away as she was very close to Ren's face.

Rosa gave Ren a half-smile. "Sorry, P'Ren. You know how Thyme is."

"He's sent me thirty messages already."

Rosa nodded as she got out of the car. "We should head inside."


As Rosa and Ren walked to Mira's gate a group of girls had been following them from behind.

"It's Rosa Paramaanantra!"

"It's Ren from F4!"

"They're together! Could they be dating!"

"But what about P'Mira?"

Rosa rolled her eyes as she took Ren's arm pulling him quicker. "People make a lot of rumors up."

"Do they make you upset?" Ren questioned as he stopped her.

Rosa noticed the close proximity between them and she felt her face heat up. "I mean they're not true so why should I worry about it?"

Ren looked at Rosa and he was about to speak when Rosa spotted Thyme, Kavin, and MJ. She desperately wanted to get out of the current situation she was in and she knew what she had to do.

"Ren! Look, it's Thyme!" Rosa yelled, bringing the attention of everyone on them.

Thyme looked over at Rosa and Ren and ran towards them as he pointed his finger at them.

"Hey, you!" Thyme yelled as he pointed his finger at Ren. "What did you do to my sister?"

Rosa rolled her eyes. "Thyme, let's use our indoor voices, okay? Ren just brought me here to see P'Mira."

Ren nodded as he left them, heading towards Kavin and MJ. Ren anxiously looked at his watch as he waited for Mira to come.

"Thyme, why do you look so angry?" Rosa asked as she took a seat.

Thyme shook his head. "It's nothing. Let's just wait for P'Mira to get here. She's taking too long."

Rosa nodded as she looked over at Ren once more. He was sitting on the edge of his seat as he tapped his foot impatiently. He looked at his watch time and time again as he looked up to check if Mira had gotten here.

Before Rosa could head over to Ren to calm him down she heard the sound of wheels rolling on the marble floor. She looked up and saw Mira with a big smile on her face as she hugged Ren tightly. 

Rosa decided to surprise Mira so she hid behind a wall.

"It's been a long time. Have you gotten cuter?" Mira said as she smiled.

"Don't tease me," Ren began as he pouted. "Why are you late?"

"The flight was a bit delayed. Don't be mad," Mira said as she touched his cheek. "I really missed you."

"And I missed all you rascals. Give me a hug," Mira began as she hugged them. "I missed you so much. It's been a while. Did you start any trouble while I was gone? "

Thyme shook his head as he crossed his arms. "Nothing. Ren's good at stopping it."

The whole ambiance shifted and Thyme was glaring at Ren. Rosa wondered why Thyme was so annoyed and angry with Ren.

"Ahem," MJ coughed as he looked at Kavin. "Don't care about these two."

"Mira, did you know—" Kavin began but stopped when MJ elbowed him.

"Let's focus on you. Did you make any guy fall in love over there?" MJ asked as he motioned to Kavin where Rosa was.

Kavin nodded as he smiled. "She's so beautiful. That's not even a question."

"She's like a princess." Rosa said as she stepped away from her hiding spot.

Mira widened her eyes in suprisment as she ran towards Rosa. "Rosa Achara, how could you not tell me you were here in Thailand!"

"It was supposed to be a surprise," Rosa said as she opened her arms. "Give me a hug."

Mira rolled her eyes as she embraced Rosa tightly. "You've grown taller since the last time I saw you. You're taller than me now!"

Rosa laughed. "How's the weather down there?"

"Rosa! You're coming to my party, okay." Mira said as she pinched her cheek.

"I'll think about it..." Rosa said, earning a playful glare from Mira.

"Ahem," Kavin coughed as he motioned the girls to come. "You guys forgot about us."

Rosa laughed as she stuck her tongue out at Kavin. "P'Kavin, let's face it P'Mira loves me more."

"Speaking about who loves who more...do you have a boyfriend, P'Mira?" MJ asked as he looked at Ren.

"Stop it. You should be the one telling me if you have a girlfriend." Mira said as she rolled her eyes.

Rosa took a look at Ren and noticed how irritated and annoyed he looked.

"You do." MJ said as he elbowed Kavin.

Kavin elbowed him back. "You do."

Mira shook her head. "I've figured these two out. Does Rosa have a boyfriend? Hmm?"

Rosa shook her head slowly. "You'll never know."

"No one will dare to date my baby sister." Thyme said as he crossed his arms making Rosa roll her eyes.

"Oh, Thyme is still being protective of Rosie?" Mira teased as she turned her attention to Ren. "What about you? Do you have a girlfriend?"

Ren shook his head as he looked away.

"You've been keeping to yourself and drawing. Why don't you go out and meet people?" Mira said as she looked at Ren.

"Like you modeling? Sometimes meeting too many people can be a bad thing." Ren justified as he sighed.

"Ahem. Someone's jealous." Kavin teased.

"I may meet a lot of people but no one knows me like you do." Mira said as she smiled lovingly at Ren.

"You haven't answered me. Has someone pursued you?" Ren insisted, wanting to know the answer.

"Come here, I've got something to tell you."

Ren lowered himself to Mira's height to listen to what she had to say. Mira pulled him closer and ruffled his hair as they laughed together. Rosa felt a sharp pain in her heart as she watched the scene in front of her. Who was she kidding, Rosa knew she had begun to like Ren. But she knew she had to stop because Ren already loved someone and that someone was not her except it was Mira, Rosa's best friend and they were almost like sisters.


"Rosa, do you want to wear these earrings or those?" Mira asked as she held two pairs of earrings.

Rosa pointed to the pair in Mira's right hand. "The gold ones."

Mira nodded. "Yeah, I like those too."

Mira walked to Rosa as she put the earrings in her ears. She fixed up Rosa's hair by passing a comb through it once more.

"I still can't believe you've cut your hair, Rosa. I love it," Mira said as she finished combing it. "Why did you do it?"

"I don't really know. It was kind of an impulsive decision but I wanted to do it since I was coming home. It was like I was ending a chapter of my life and I was ready to begin a new one," Rosa said as she touched her hair. "But hey, hair extensions exist."

Mira nodded as she looked away almost as if she was lost in thought.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Rosa asked.

Mira shook her head as she smiled. "It's nothing, Rosa. Really it's nothing and don't make that face at me. I'll tell you later. We should head out now."

Rosa nodded as she walked down the stairs alongside Mira arms looped around with hers. 


Rosa walked around Mira's house as more and more guests arrived. She smiled when she saw the catering table.

"P'Mira always has the best food." Rosa said as she picked up a couple of coconut peanuts.

Rosa left the catering table and saw Gorya walking aimlessly around the house alongside a black-haired girl. She decided to go up to Gorya, excited to see her new friend.

Rosa tapped Gorya's shoulder. "Hi, Gorya...and friend."

"Rosa, thank God you're here. At least I know someone," Gorya said as she smiled. "This is Kaning, my best friend."

Rosa waved at the small girl. "Hi, Kaning."

"You're Rosa Paramaanantra!" Kaning said as she waved back.

"Friends?" Rosa asked as she stuck her hand out.

Kaning nodded as she shook Rosa's hand.

"Rosa, how could I be fooled." Gorya said as she pointed at her clothes.

"Don't worry about it, Gorya. If you want I can lend you something." Rosa offered.

Gorya shook her head but screams were heard when Thyme, Kavin, and MJ walked in the room. Rosa rolled her eyes at their dramatic entrance. Gorya had walked away leaving Kaning alone with Rosa.

"Gorya?" Kaning asked as she looked around for her friend. "P'Rosa, where could Gorya have gone."

"Don't worry Kaning, we'll find her." Rosa reassured as she looked around.

Commotion was heard from outside and a group of people had been surrounding the pool. Kaning had become lost in the group of people and Rosa left to go see what was going on.

Three girls had thrown a plate of food on Gorya's clothes and they surrounded Gorya as they laughed.


Rosa tried to walk to Gorya but before she could arrive Ren had offered Gorya his handkerchief. Gorya looked at Ren admiringly as he stood by her. Mira was fuming with anger as she stood in front of the three girls.

"What's happening?" Mira asked.

"It was an accident." One girl said as they looked at Mira.

Rosa had finally reached Gorya and she placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Gorya, why don't we go find you something else to wear?"

Gorya shook her head. "Rosa, it's okay, really."

Rosa nodded as she watched the scene in front of her. She caught Ren's eye and she gave him a smile in which he returned one as well.

"Let's celebrate together." Rosa heard and watched as Mira took a bottle of champagne, beginning to shake it.

Mira had popped the bottle open and began to spray champagne on the girl's causing them to lose their balance. Their yells were heard as they fell into the pool.

Rosa clapped as she watched Mira. "P'Mira is such a badass."

Ren looked at Rosa astonished with her word choice.

"What? It's true, P'Ren." Ren laughed as he shook his head.

Mira came up to Gorya getting a hold of her hand. "Let's get out of here. Rosa make sure they don't cause any trouble and make sure they leave."

"Yes, ma'am." Rosa said as she smiled.


Rosa was standing beside F4 when heels were heard. She looked up and saw Mira and Gorya walking down the stairs together. Gorya was wearing a stunning teal dress and she looked nervous as she walked in front of everyone.

"She's so pretty." Rosa said as she smiled.

Ren held his pen out pointing towards Gorya as he smiled at her. Gorya stood in front of Ren and he walked towards her.

"This looks right for you." Ren said.

"You mean this dress? I think..." Gorya began.

Ren shook his head. "I mean your facial expression."

Gorya looked down as her cheeks turned pink. Rosa looked at the scene in front of her and she tried to suppress the feelings that began to grow.

Ren held his hand out towards Gorya as he smiled. Gorya was about to take it when Thyme pushed Ren out of the way.

"Ren, what the hell are you doing?" Thyme yelled as he pointed at Gorya. "I gave this girl a red card. Why do you keep helping her?" 

Rosa looked worriedly at the two boys and she decided to stop it when MJ pulled her back shaking his head.

"What do you want, Ren?" Thyme asked angrily.

"Come on, Thyme. Come on," Mira stepped in front pulling Thyme back. "Gorya is so sweet. Don't you like her?"

"It's none of your business. Stay out of it." Thyme said as he pushed Mira to the ground.

Rosa had enough and she released herself from MJ's grip ignoring his calls. "Thyme!"

Rosa went over to Mira. "P'Mira are you hurt?"

Mira shook her head. "Rosa, stop them."

Rosa nodded as yells were heard around the room as people watched the scene fold out. Ren had pushed Thyme to the ground.

"P'Ren!" Rosa yelled.

"Take it easy." Kavin and MJ yelled worriedly.

"If you have a problem, clear it with me," Ren began as he looked at Thyme. "Mira has nothing to do with it."

"Clear it with you, Ren. Sure." Thyme said as he got up punching Ren in the face.

"Thyme! Stop it!" Rosa yelled as she ran over to them. 

"Clear it with you!" Thyme yelled as he grabbed Ren by his collar.

"Thyme! P'Ren!" Rosa yelled as she debated how to stop them.

Before Rosa could hit Thyme, Gorya had pushed Thyme to the ground landing on top of him. Rosa's mouth fell agape; Gorya had kissed Thyme.


Thyme pushed Gorya off of him, both of them looking startled. "You! You just kissed me."

Thyme covered his mouth as he ran out of the house.

"Oh, Thyme." Rosa said as she slapped her forehead.

Authors note
Hi. So this is the fourth chapter of Out of Reach. If you have any suggestions or comments feel free to comment them. Hopefully I'm not going too fast. Thank you and until next time!
- Mari


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