Only Hope | Anthony Bridgeton

By Kaseyo11

1.1M 29.9K 737

After the passing of Abigail Bentley's mother, she is now the only one responsible for her family's well-bein... More



26.8K 752 76
By Kaseyo11

It has been said, that silence can wield more power than words. No one knows that better than me. It is in silence where one may find truth. All one has to do, I suppose... is listen for it. I know there will always be times when silence is necessary. And of course, times when it is not.

Gentle reader, you thought I was silenced, but you thought wrong. And if there is one thing you should know by now, it is that this author cannot keep quiet for long.

Yours truly, Lady Whistledown

Abigail looked out onto the grounds of her home, Aubrey Hall, thinking about the Whistledown that was delivered that day. Granted, it was a couple of days old seeing as it traveled here by mail from Mayfair, but it proved an interesting read. 

It is in silence where one may find truth.

She thought over that line as she added some final flowers to the bouquet in front of her. She had kept silent about this secret for long enough, but she thought she was justified. She needed to be sure, and now that her in-laws were on their way down for the annual Pall-Mall game (or so Anthony called it) she would be able to announce it to everyone at once. 

She had arranged for the magnificent yard to be decorated and prepared with tea service, and Anthony had seen to the mallets and wickets. 

Speaking of, he should hurry along, his family would be here any minute. She stepped away from the bouquet, and gave one last look over at the table and tent. 

"Olivia!" Abby called. 

"Yes, Miss." Olivia, her lady's maid, responded from only a few feet away. 

"Would you assure that the cakes are put out soon? They should be here any moment." 

"Of course, miss."

"And have you seen His Lordship?" Abby added before either of them could move. 

"One of the footman said he was in the shed around the corner." Olivia said while giving her mistress a knowing look.

Abigail rolled her eyes. Undoubtedly her husband was trying something to favor his chances of winning later. 

She marched along the grounds and around the corner of the estate to find exactly what she expected. Anthony was pulling some wickets out from the shed, and tossing them into two piles. 

"What exactly do you think you are doing?" She called

Anthony froze and turned around, an indulgent smirk on his face. He was truly evil. Sometimes he knew just the way to look at her that would turn her knees to liquid. 

'Not this time though' she thought to herself, or rather hoped. His family would be here soon, they shouldn't waste time. 

"Getting the last few wickets out of storage." He sidled in front of her, his arms automatically finding her waist, and his head ducking down for a kiss. 

She swerved, trying to avoid distraction, which was clearly his goal. 

Her plan didn't work though. Her husband was too quick and immediately started kissing and sucking on her neck. 

Her breath caught. 

"Anthony," she bit back a moan as he knew right where her sweet spot was. "Your family will be here any minute." 

"You're an excellent Viscountess. Have I ever told you?" He said in between kisses, he was making his way up to her lips. "So smart, dutiful... graceful."

He finally managed to catch her lips and this time she really moaned. It never ceased to amaze her how they could kiss a thousand times and her heart would race just the same as their first. 

Practically dragging herself away from his lips, she took a deep breath. 

"Flattery might get you far, but it won't work now, grab the wickets and let's go." She put her arms on his chest to physically distance themselves. "I think I hear their carriages." 

He grabbed her wrist and yanked her back towards him. She fell into his chest and his hand landed dangerously low. 

"Or we could just stay here... maybe go back upstairs... pretend we never left bed this morning." He murmured the last bit into her mouth.

It took several more intoxicating kisses before she pulled back, only slightly, and said the thing that she knew he would respond to. 

"Well... I'd be more than happy to oblige, but we'd have to tell your siblings we were forfeiting Pall-Mall first." 

This did the trick. As if remembering his scheme with the wickets, he pulled back from her at once, turned to grab the wickets on the left of him, and grabbed her wrist to basically march her back towards the front of their home. 

She only laughed. A full, all-encompassing laugh that only the Bridgertons seemed to be able to pull from a person. 

They rounded the corner just in time as it seemed. The three carriages holding the Bridgerton tribe, and the Duke and Duchess with little Auggie pulled to a halt, and the footmen began to swiftly unload and open doors. Anthony and Abby both stood, entwined with each other, and waited for the flurry to begin. 

It began almost at once. The Viscount and Viscountess were greeted with several hugs, kisses and even an adorable giggle from the baby in Daphne's arms. 

"Welcome back, all of you." Abby finally said once they began to settle. "I've laid out tea with extra lemon cake," She winked at Hyacinth and Gregory. "And of course there's lemonade if you're feeling parched from the journey." 

"Are Ben and Calvin here yet?" Hyacinth piped up. 

"They're not arriving till tomorrow, I'm afraid. Their break starts later." 

"No matter," Anthony supplied. "Abigail managed to talk me into a dog, he should be around here somewhere." He turned back to the house and yelled, "Nicki! Where are you?" 

Out of the grand entrance came bounding a golden retriever puppy. Hyacinth and Gregory practically jumped on him with all the adoration in their eyes. 

Sighing, Abby turned back to everyone else, "Shall we?" And she gestured back towards the grounds where tea was all set. 

As they walked, Daphne handed August off to Simon and jogged forward to link arms with Abigail. 

"So, any news to share with me?" Daphne was astounding how she could just pick and choose when she wanted to be subtle and when she didn't. 

"Meaning?" Abigail played coy.

Elbowing her in the ribs Daphne gave her a pointed look before continuing. 

"You know exactly what I mean." She dropped her voice to an excited whisper. "Are you yet with child?" 

"Well, if I was, I believe I should tell my husband first before I tell you, hm?" 

Daphne gasped and stepped back with her hands over her mouth. She let out an excited squeal. Exactly the opposite of subtle, and Abby shushed her. 

"What's going on up there?" Anthony called, from where he was walking with his mother. 

"Nothing!" Daphne responded too quickly. "Just um, excited for Abby's first Pall-Mall game." 

Abigail gave her a look before diverting her attentions. 

"I don't know. If this is anything like I've been warned, I should be more nervous than excited." 

They had all made it to the table and were pouring themselves either tea or lemonade. Simon handed the baby to his mother-in-law, who was gesturing for him. 

"I'm with Abigail." Simon chimed in. "I'm growing rather intimidated based off of the vague threats I've heard you all exchange."

"Were we being vague?" Eloise turned towards her brothers. 

"No, I don't believe so." Benedict responded. "I've already heard Anthony threatened to do something with the wickets that I shall not repeat." 

"Might I put in a word we at least start civil, so as not to scare the new in-laws." Colin finally said. 

"Thank you, Colin." Said Abby. 

"Fine." Anthony obliged. "Daph, why don't you give some pointers while I go set the course." 

"Who says you get to set the course?" Eloise questioned. 

"I'm with her. You're vindictive when you get to be in charge." Benedict added. 

"How about," Abby said, sensing an argument brewing before they even started. "Daphne explains the rules while you each take two wickets and set the course yourselves." 

"Thank god you married her." Colin didn't bother to keep his voice down as he grabbed two wickets from Anthony. 

"Heard that." Anthony followed him. 

"Well, I said it loud."

Daphne simply rolled her eyes and faced her husband and best friend.

"Now, Pall-Mall is less about rules, and more about the goal. Which is, of course to hit your ball through each wicket." Simon nodded in understanding, and Abigail was tempted to salute her for how seriously she was taking this.

"The first player to send their ball though the last wicket wins. Simple enough." She looked pointedly at Abigail now. "Though, if you are feeling devilish, which I would recommend as your husband is the worst of us all, you can use your turn to knock an opponents ball as far away as you would like."

"Duly noted." Abigail smirked. 

"Right, now," Daphne turned to face her siblings heading back from placing their wickets. "Benedict is a solid shot but he avoids conflict. Colin is crafty; he will strike when he thinks you are least suspecting it, so always be suspecting it. Eloise concentrates entirely on defeating her older brothers."

She faced them once again. 

"I, of course, am a complete enigma who will divulge none of my secrets." 

Simon chuckled and gazed at his wife. 

"I'm sure." He said, with enough sarcasm in his voice to make Daphne raise a brow at him.

Turning back towards Abby she finished her instructions with, "I'm sure you have your husband figured out enough to know that he is the most cut-through player.

"Oh I've gathered that. He's been talking about this game for weeks." 

"Have I?" Anthony joined them as they all arrived back at the tea tent. 

"Yes, you have." She chuckled at him. 

It had grown annoying at times, but in its own, odd way it was really endearing. 

"Alright, now can we get started?" Eloise was practically bouncing on her toes. 

"I don't see why not." Anthony was similar to his sister in that he was also itching to get going. 

"Ah!" Daphne stopped them all before they made it to the mallet stand. "I believe, in the effort of starting civil, the new comers should get to pick their mallets first." 

"Ah is that what we are now? New comers?" Simon stood next to Abby as he teased.

"It's as if we just got here." Abigail added, playing along.

"If you don't want the advantage..." Anthony started. 

"Not so fast!" Both Simon and Abby said in unison. 

They both approached the mallet stand and at least Abigail enjoyed hearing the groaning from Eloise about how long they were taking. 

Finally, Simon picked first, grabbing the red mallet. He had clearly picked his favorite color, and Abigail couldn't blame him. She too, had a lucky color. But at the moment she was looking to see which mallet would annoy her husband the most. She landed on the black one. 

Immediately, she knew she had chosen correctly as every sibling let out a hushed murmur. 

"The mallet of death." Said Colin. "Would you look at that, brother?"

"Oh." Abigail feigned ignorance. "Is this yours?"

"You cheeky..." He shook his head at her. 

She had evidently been paying more attention than he thought. 

Taking a deep breath he said, "No. Not at all, you're welcome to it, love."

Benedict scoffed. 

"You threatened to beat me the last time I touched—"

"You exaggerate." Anthony cut him off. 

"My husband, superstitious. Will you be alright? I know some men cannot perform without their usual tools... like a child with a blanket." She saw no point in wasting time, so she cut right to the competitive jabs. 

"Are we going to stand here deliberating all day, or shall we play?" Eloise groaned. 

No sooner had the words left her lips than the siblings rounded on the mallet stand. Everyone managed their preferred mallet, except Anthony. He had evidently been too distracted by his wife. 

He held a look of annoyance as all he held up the last and only mallet left. The pink one. 

"To the field of combat!" Daphne shouted and they all marched forward. 


They had all been playing for about an hour, everyone performing on a different level. Daphne's narration of each Bridgerton's style had proven to be correct. Colin had knocked Abby's ball far away when she least expected it. 

She knew there was no chance of winning now. In fact, she had never intended to try and win. Every sibling took this very seriously and she thoroughly enjoyed throwing them off course. 

She and Simon had formed a sort of in-law alliance and were simply using their turns to cause pure chaos now. 

This time, Abby thought she might have gone too far. She hadn't immediately targeted Anthony as that would have been too expected. First she had hit Eloise, then Colin (revenge tasted sweet), and she had just now gotten to her husband. Trouble is, she knocked it a little too hard and it had flown into the tree line just in front of them. 

Anthony was vindictive and his turn was immediately after hers. He too, knocked her ball into the tree line. 

"What a shame." Colin piped up. "Guess you two had better go and fetch them. Unless you'd like to quit here and now?" 

"Absolutely not." Anthony answered for the both of them and dragged her off with him towards the tree line. They were fully covered within the woods when Abby finally spoke. 

"Alright, alright! I'm following you." She was laughing at his persistence. 

But in less than a second the wind was knocked out of her as Anthony grabbed her whole body and pushed her against the nearest tree, his hands keeping her from moving. 

"I ought to punish you for how you've been acting." 

The change in atmosphere was so sudden Abigail couldn't get her thoughts straight. 

"I... um—"

"Choosing my mallet, targeting me throughout the game... your own husband." He feigned astonishment.

His hands were working magic, knowing exactly where to roam. His lips were worse, though. Performing a dance around hers that only seemed to make her ache for him even more. 

"I ought to be furious..." 

So close. So damn close. 

Then, as swiftly as he had made contact, he removed it. He was off of her and swinging his pink mallet onto his shoulder, chuckling to himself at her stunned expression. 

"Come on, they must be further in the wood." 

She regained her breath with some difficulty and narrowed her eyes after him.

Catching up she only muttered, "That was cruel." Before spotting what they came for. 

"Ladies first." Anthony said, still awfully proud of himself. 

As she hit her ball back into the field, she could only think of one thing that would throw him off his game now: the truth that ought to come out of its silence. 

So, as Anthony raised his mallet and began to swing downwards, his focus rivaling that of a trained soldier, she said, 

"I'm pregnant."

(Hi all!! My heart has been warmed by all the love this story has gotten since the release of season 2, and just fyi it all went straight to my head lol!! I know a bunch of you asked if I could continue the story with the release of the new season but I just don't see how that's possible because its about a completely different love interest for Anthony. BUT who could resist the Pall-Mall game?? So this is my compromise: a very long epilogue. Hope you enjoy!)

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