A Vampire's Kiss and Touch of...

By phoenixstarr

424 42 2


Girls Just Want to Have Fun
A Brief Escape Only to Be Caught
She's so Cute When She Sleeps
Between The Truth and The Lie/The Truth Hurts Worse
Thanks For The Memories/ New Beginnings
Goodbyes, Packing, And A Frosty/Why Do You Have To Be The Voice Of Reason?
The New Girl On The Block/I Set My Clocks Early Cause I Know I'm Always Late
It Takes Two To Make A Thing Go Right
Still So Young, Desperate For Attention
An Odd Encounter With A Blast From The Past
I Don't Need This Right Now
An Evening For Two
Nothing Like A Water Balloon Fight To Break The Ice
Girls, Girls, Girls
Brendon's Dilemma
Sam's Bad Day
A Day In The Life Of.../Once Bitten, Twice As Shy
An Old Aqaintence, A Familiar face
Not You Too
Crazy And Delusional Are You
Matters Of The Heart
Boys Will Be Boys, Baby
Homeward Bound/What Have You Done To Me?
The Jealous Factor
Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have
Swear To Shake It Up If You Swear To Listen
House of Cards
Wipe That Smile Off Your Face
Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder/Torn Between Two Lovers
We Learned From The Best
I'm A Survivor/Time To Dance
Chaos, Panic, Confusion, And You
Kiss Me Like You Mean It
Take One For The Team/Three Words Say It All
One Last Kiss Before I Go
Goodbye To You And Everything That I Knew
Long Live The Car Crash Hearts/I Miss You
Anyone Have A Plan To Get Us Out?/Time For A Little Mother-Daughter Talk
The Answer To Mom's Death Revealed
Crush Crush
Jenny To The Rescue
Q and A Time And It's All On Me
The Attempted Rescue

Followed/Family Reunion

3 1 0
By phoenixstarr

I could not cross the street, and run into the apartment building for there were many people crowding around, and police in front. I could not trust any cop for fear that they may be spies working for my dad. Actually, I learned after last night that I could not trust anyone in this town but my friends.

The only thing I could do as I was running was to pull my hood up and go as far as I could down the street to a safe distance and hope that the wreck would clear up soon. After I started to tire out, I walked a bit. I did not recognize the streets I had come across as I was walking. I only knew a few streets here in downtown and I knew that if I took a wrong turn, I might end up in a bad part of town or with my luck somewhere near my dad's office or a police station. I decided to stay on the street I had originally started.

I stopped to catch my breath for a second, tired from the running and walking. I looked around to notice that there were a couple of shops and an eatery around me. I was hungry and thirsty but I had only brought enough change for the pay phone. I wondered if Pete had waked up yet to find me not there. Oh, how I missed him and I have not been gone from his side for very long.

I hope that if he has waked up that he saw my present I left for him. Just thinking about Pete and what happened last night brought a smile to my face. It was an amazing night. I just hope that he feels the same way that I do. I would hate to hear Pete tell me that it was a mistake and that we were caught up in a moment of excitement from the rush of escaping those that are after me.

The more I thought about him, the more I started to worry. I looked at my watch to see that I had walked down this street for almost forty-five minutes. I know Pete is worried about me by now. Why has Pete not tried to call for me?

I was about to walk into the eatery to see if there was any news about the wreck so that I know if it is safe for me to walk home yet, when I was grabbed from behind by a strong man. He grabbed me from behind with one hand over my mouth, preventing me from screaming and another holding me as I tried to fight him off. I tried to yell but it just came out mumbled as he dragged me into an alleyway. There, I saw more goons, a few dressed police uniforms.

Damn! They tailed me. How could I let this happen? I tried to be careful.

"Hold her steady!" One person said as I tried to fight off my captor as he was hurting me.

"I am. She's a fighter." The one holding me said as I tried to bite his fingers over my mouth. "She bit me!" He said as I tried screaming when he let go of my mouth.

No one was coming to my rescue. I was alone and trapped. No, I did not want this to happen. I cannot let my dad get me.

"Pete!" I screamed loudly still trying to fight to break away when one goon lifted up my sleeve.

The goon pulled out a syringe filled with something that was not good. "No!" I yelled trying to kick him away from me but it was no use.

They had me and were stronger. I was held down now by all of dad's goons. I looked up to see the syringe had a big needle, which they stuck into my arm. It was a type of sedative to knock me out.

I slowly started to quit fighting, as I was feeling powerless to move or do anything. This was not good. I do not want this to be the end.

As darkness started to swarm around me as I was starting to black out, my mind went to Pete. If this is the end and my dad was to turn me, I only hoped that Pete could kill me so I would not harm anyone and that I do not regret the most amazing night of my life spent with him last night.

"Pete." I whispered before finally giving in to the darkness and blacking out.

"Hush little baby don't say a word,

momma's gonna by you a mockingbird,

and if that mocking bird won't sing,

momma's gonna by you a diamond ring." I heard a familiar voice say as I started to come to.

The voice sounded just like my mother's. Was I already dead? There was nothing but an empty void and me in the space.

I went to speak but I felt two things begin to slide out of my mouth as I went to open it. No! I placed my hand over my mouth to feel two sharp, pointy, fangs sticking out of my mouth. I screamed.

I woke up for real in a panic sweat, screaming and checking my mouth. Whew! There were no fangs. It was just a dream for now.

I looked around me to find myself in a jail cell. There appeared to be no one else in this section of the jail for all was quiet. If my dad wanted me, why keep me here in a cell. Why not kill me and get it over with?

I got up off the cot and walked to the bars searching for the door. The cell door was locked, as I thought it would be. Was my dad trying to drive me insane before I die? I hollered for anyone but heard nothing. I did not even hear a peep from any of the guards who I would have thought were watching me.

I sighed and sat down on the cot. I am in big trouble. I don't want to die and I do not want to be turned into a vampire. How do I get out of this predicament?

I laid back down on the cot and began to think of ways to escape. Maybe I could rush the guards and try to escape. I had to do something. I would pick the lock but I had nothing to pick it with.

I finally closed my eyes and thought of Pete. I was scared of what was going to happen to me. Maybe by now, Pete could feel I am awake and scared, and focus in on where I was. I hope that Erelin and the gang came to get him.

"Pete." I said in my thoughts. There was nothing.

"Pete." I said again. "I need you. I am in big trouble if you haven't already guessed." I added.

"Amanda? Where are you?" Pete said in my thoughts. It worked.

"Pete!" I said all happy in my thoughts. "I am in a jail cell somewhere in one of the jails. I am scared. I was grabbed and knocked unconscious, only to wake up here. There is no one around to check on me and the cell door is locked." I replied.

"I can focus in on where you are now. Try not to worry and be on guard. Erelin, Brendon, and Rick have me now. I was so worried when you never showed and I felt a bad feeling.

I could not reach you." He said.

"Someone is coming, Pete. I have to go." I said breaking our connection.

I heard footsteps coming from down the hall. The cell that I was in looked old. This jail must be one of the older jails that I held prisoner in. Where were all of the criminals that belonged in a jail or other victims such as me? Surely they have not all been turned, yet.

"You tell my dad I am not going to wait any longer! You take me to him! I do not want to play his games. If he wants to turn me he will get a fight but I will not be kept waiting!" I yelled.

The footsteps crept closer and still not a sound from my captors' mouths. Did they want me to be paranoid? I looked at my watch. It was almost eight p.m. The sedative that they injected me with had knocked me out for almost eight hours.

Finally, the footsteps stopped. I looked out through the bars and still saw no one. Ok, this was making me angry.

"Did you not hear me? I said take me to my father!" I screamed.

Then, before I could yell anything else, I jumped. It happened quickly. There were no people I could see a minute ago to there being three goons standing in front of my cell now.

They stared at me as I was about to give them another piece of my mind. I glanced down to the arm where I was poisoned, as I would like to call it, and saw a bruise where I was forcefully injected. Then, I heard a voice telling the goons to stand aside. I heard the same voice from my nightmare.

It cannot be! She died in a car crash. Standing in front of me now, was my mother and I don't think that she was alive.

"Mom?" I asked backing away in shock from seeing her as she looked right before she had died.

"Hi, honey." She said unlocking the door to my cell.

"This cannot be real. You are supposed to be dead! You died in a car accident." I said running over to the cot and flipping it up in front of me for some sort of protection.

"Well, about that, you see, I'm not totally dead yet. Let's just say that I have a score to settle involving you." She said flashing her fangs.

"Mom, you don't want to do this. I have friends and they will avenge me. They will hunt you down." I said with nowhere to run.

"Who said I wanted to kill you?" She laughed.

"Ok, if you turn me they will kill me and you lose. I refuse to be turned and I will fight with every last breath in me." I said with my arms up in a fighting stance.

"Relax. I am not going to kill or turn my own daughter." She snickered.

"Then what do you want with me?" I asked as she kept inching closer to me.

"I want revenge on your father. He wants you. My men are loyal to me. I have bitten each one of them that you see. Some of them I turned and they are good. There is a war brewing. There are many good vampires and then you have the bad. Each of us who are good has come from your father and the drifter that came to town that started this mess. We all want revenge and to be free. We accept our fate that we should be dead and want to see justice. It is knowledge that if this drifter is killed, we can all rest in peace." My mother said flipping over the cot and forcing me to sit down.

"I have been watching you recently. You hang with a vampire. I am not proud of that. Your father has spies everywhere and so do I. Some of my men play both sides so that they can report to me. Your vampire friend was killed by your dad, no?" Mom said playing with my hair. I had to admit it was a little creepy.

"Pete is his name. He is good and would not hurt me." I replied.

"He wanted to use you as bait to stop your father." My mother replied.

"That is not fair. Pete did but he did not know me. He thought I was a vampire at first, and when he saw I was not turned, he wanted to save me from dad. We bonded and we fell in love." I said hoping I did not piss her off by saying that

"Ha! That is absurd. A vampire cannot be in love with a human." My mother said interrupting me from my thoughts. "Amanda he is trouble." She added.

"You don't know Pete or his friends. One of his friends was turned along with Pete and he is good too. They want to protect people like me, not keep us prisoner like you are doing to me." I said coldly. My mother knocked me off the cot with her strength and I landed on the cold floor.

"You will not talk to me that way. I am your mother. I am simply keeping you alive." She said picking me up off the floor and pushing me into the wall hurting me.

"If this is how my mother wants to treat her daughter, then my mother died in that crash!" I said trying to breathe and scared as I saw the anger in her eyes.

Something got through to her, however and she let go of me. I grabbed my neck where she had lifted me up against the wall and held it almost choking it. I gasped for air.

"I am sorry. I did not want us to meet this way. You don't know what happened to me or how I became this way. I wanted to get a hold of you sooner but your father kept me from you. He had his ways." Mom said with sadness in her eyes and I could tell she was sincere. I was reading her face like a book.

"I am just glad that he wasn't able to turn you, yet. He loved you. You were daddy's little girl according to him. When he became a vampire, he wanted his family to be like him. He started to go crazy at first. The stranger that came into town bit him slowly making him like a slave and showing him how to persuade people to join him. Then he turned your father and left making your father the leader of the vampires in this town. He has been bent on turning everyone in the city ever since." Mom sighed.

"I didn't want that for you. My sources saw what happened at the club your friend took you to last night and then we lost track of you. When they spotted you today I told them to make their move and bring you here." She said stepping back closer to me.

"So was this whole accident thing planned out when you saw me?" I asked a little pissed.

"Accident? What accident?" Mom asked confused.

"When I stepped out of the building where Pete and I were staying for the night, I went to use the pay phone to call my friend Erelin." I said.

"Is she one of us too?" Mom asked.

"No, but she is seeing Brendon, Pete's friend." I said giving her a warning look.

"I am not saying a word right now. Tell me more about this accident." Mom pressed.

"Well, I had to hang up on her because a car accident happened in front of me and all I saw all around me were people, cops, etc...who may work for my dad so I bolted leaving Pete alone in our hiding place. Then your guys grabbed me and poisoned me as I like to call it and so I thought it was my father who kidnapped me." I said explaining things.

"It sounds like something he may have set up to lure you out of hiding since you escaped the club last night." Mom said. "I am just glad we got to you first." She added.

I was starting to feel a little at ease with my mother but still on guard. I still felt that she could turn on me at any moment and it was because of the whole situation. If we find the stranger that started this mess and kill him then the vampires will be no more according to what mom said. If that were the case then I would lose Pete. I did not want that to happen.

"Amanda, may I hug you? It has been so long since I have been able to talk to you." Mom said.

"I guess so." I said as we started to hug. It sort of felt nice just to be in her arms again.

"We have a security breach, ma'am." One of the guards said.

"Shit! Who is it? Track them down!" Mom said pushing me away from her and running out of the cell, locking me back in.

"No!" I yelled running to the cell door. "You can't keep me in here!" I screamed.

"It's for your protection!" I heard my mom yell down the hall.

I sat down on the cot and worried. Did my dad find me after all? Was he going to kill my mom again? Wait! Maybe it was Pete. No, they cannot hurt him.

I got up and ran to the door, hearing voices. I heard mom talking and what sounded like Pete's voice. It also sounded like he was caught and trying to break free.

"Pete!" I said when I saw them coming down the hall.

"Don't hurt him!" I yelled as I saw them knock him to the ground then make him get back up.

"So this is your Pete?" My mom said unlocking the cage and shoving Pete into the cell with me.

Pete flashed his fangs and tried to run out attacking but the cell door slammed and locked again before he could get out. "Pete, don't!" I said not wanting him to get hurt again.

"I will deal with you two later." My mom said walking away and leaving us alone.

"Are you alright?" Pete said grabbing me and checking me out.

"Relax, Pete, I am fine. It is you that I am worried about." I said pulling him close and seeing his busted lip.

"Who are these vampires?" Pete asked. "And what do they want with you?" He added as I helped him to the cot. He looked bruised up pretty bad.

"The leader is...how do I put this, Pete? The leader is my mother." I said calmly.

"What?" He said wincing in pain as he tried to turn towards me more.

"Take it easy. I don't think she will hurt me. She says she is good and I believe her." I said.

"How can you trust a vampire?" Pete asked.

"I trusted you, didn't I?" I asked.

"Yes, but that is different." He replied.

"It is no different. I read you and I saw you were good. The same goes for her. Mom's intentions are good, just a little overprotective right now." I said drawing Pete close. "I still have much to learn about her." I said sighing.

Pete and I were about to kiss when he realized he did not come here alone. "Crap! Rick, Brendon, and Erelin are still outside. If I didn't come back out with you they were busting in." Pete said frantically.

About that time, in came Rick and Brendon down the hall with guards containing them. Patrick looked unhurt but Brendon looked like he tried to put up a good fight. What a rescue.

The guards placed them into the cell where I helped Brendon to the cot and sat him next to Pete. "Friends of yours?" Brendon tried to joke.

"Honestly, Amanda, any more surprises for the night?" My mother asked shaking her head and walking away.

"Where's Erelin?" Pete asked.

"Well, she should have left to get the Calvary if we didn't come back to rescue you two." Brendon said.

"Yeah, Jenny could get us out of here I bet." Rick said sighing, disappointed in himself.

"Well, I am glad she got away."Brendon sighed a huge sigh of relief.

"Well, I guess I spoke to soon." He said laughing as I heard Erelin yelling down the hall.

"Let me go you thug!" I heard her yell.

"My boyfriend is so going to kick your ass!" She said as they approached the door to the cell.

"What was that about your boyfriend?" A guard snickered throwing her into the cell.

"Oh." Erelin said a little disappointed seeing us all in the cell with her.

"What the hell? You were supposed to go get help. You don't walk into a vampire-infested place all by your lonesome. Are you stupid? Now who is going to come rescue us?" Brendon said pissed.

"Wow! Chill out." I said making sure Erelin was all right.

"Can't I not try to save my boyfriend?" Erelin asked.

"Did you just call me your boyfriend?" Brendon asked.

"Oh, no here it comes, more sappiness." Pete said. "If they don't kill us, then that will." He said picking on Erelin and Brendon.

"Oh, Pete." I said laughed.

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