Random Boya content (All Boix...

By Localhoodboya

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Stories for fun, eating my boya cravings, join me if you can handle de warnings. All kinds of boya would be... More

Love Sick R17
Love sick: Chapter 2
Yaya×elementalsBBB (Omegaverse au) R17
Attention (Ft Supya) R18
Attention Chapter 2
Caught by the Emperor (alternative story 1/2, Ft Tauya) R18
Caught by the Emperor (alternative story 2/2, Ft GemHaliTauYa)
Love drink (Ft All fusion x Yaya) R16
The Listener (ft Haliya) R17
Love sick: Chapter 4
My little Slave Wolf (ft Blazya) R18
Alone (ft RevbYaBoi, Requested) R18
What If Painful (Fan-created continuation)
What If Painful 2
What if Painful 3
What If Painful 4 (Ending)
Housewife (tf Glacya) R16

Love sick: Chapter 3

734 32 23
By Localhoodboya

Warning: Slight blood and sexual tension

"Yaya, are you worried that someday you might wake up and die?" The cap boy turns to ask his friend who's enjoying her ice cream happily. Just a few moments ago they were chatting and joking and now talking about life over ice cream.

"Not really, why do you ask?" She spoke with no attention to his question.

"Yesterday, remember when we visited the hospital and saw a girl who was happy that she's lived through a life and death situation?" His voice was serious this time which had caught her attention.

"Yes, indeed, I'm happy for that girl but why'd you ask?"

"She's dead now." A dead silence was formed between them even if some ice cream was dropped due to his cold words.

"Isn't that a strange thought? She was healthy a moment ago and yet she died due to some accident." His words could go on and on but seeing his friend who shows signs of uneasiness to his words could only make him smile to himself.

"Are you scared Yaya?" He teased her to lighten up the mood, this caught her attention away from her heavy thoughts which is to her beloved friend's delight.

"Oh no, it's just surprising that's all... I mean, for someone who just got better and got hitted by bad luck, it really is unfair for her.." It was clear she doesn't like to talk about death so Boboiboy did as she wanted to end the conversation his way.

"Haha, no worries if you're ever afraid you can always lean on me for help and I'll protect you!" He gave her a thumbs up which gave her a grateful smile. "Because I'm your HERO!"

Those words stung like needles piercing through her heart knowing what has become of her friend after this event...

Her second night being held captive by her friend she trusted so dearly, she felt so anxious and uneasy no matter how much she tried to get comfortable on the bed sheets, she could fall asleep. The only way to resolve this was to get a glass of warm milk and a book to read as a means of distraction but then, how will she navigate through an abnormal place that felt endless through the hallways.

To her, it was either get lost through an unfamiliar place or stay until the sun rises which isn't the brightest choice knowing the loss of sleep can give the loss of concentration which is an important part of yourself seeing needs surrounded by a dangerous man who can be seven at once.

Pecking out the door cautiously to check if anyone is around these hallways, the empty hollow of the darken path could only be matched by the eerie silence which is much to Yaya's delight.

"It's better than nothing I supposed..." She signed and walked out to search if this place could have a kitchen and hopefully it would be near as Quake's words echoed in her head, reminding her that the element Thunder patrols the hallways and assumes he would attack her.

It was a long walk, the more steps Yaya took, the more she became alarming of her area for she prayed hard nothing would come to her other than Boboiboy Quake who seems like a person that would her, well the closest to lean on but it doesn't mean she doesn't have the benefit of the doubt for him.

Her pleasant thoughts were disrupted by a laughter that had frightened her to the core, it was no normal laugh but one with a happy, deranged and lunatic sounding. It was definitely the sweet Cyclone she knows in love, after all he's the only boboiboy that could laugh louder than any but also a happy-go-lucky.

At first she was hesitant to investigate but Cyclone isn't the violent type much, he's probably just too active and Quake did say all of them wouldn't hurt her in any way. An important fact too, she's lost and Cyclone was her only escape to that lost, it's better than getting a chance to encounter the ones that aren't in control of their emotions.

Unraveling the door to reveal what is on the other side, it wasn't just a laughing Cyclone that she saw but a lifeless mangled body along. Her eyes couldn't deceive her, the moonlight behind them was bright enough to brush away the darkness of the whole room. And of course, the light was flashing against the blood batted body and the boy in blue half covered in red standing over the body with a crazed grin on his face.

It was quite obvious the body was dead, the disfigured corpse was unrecognizable from all the beatings and the amount of blood loss was understandable for how mercilessly it was done. Still, all Yaya could focus on was Cyclone who had a maddening look in his eyes, his bloodlust was high and it was craving for more and more.

Yaya couldn't move, her body cold and shaking, he wasn't the hero she saw anymore, she could forgive him for taking her of own accord and assaulting her a few times mostly unintentionally but ending a person's life. Has a hero ever done that and been forgiven? No, that act was the last straw she could see him as a normal person and now this is more of a life and death situation.

Now in a hopeless position she now had snapped out of her dazed, she was about to make her escape before stepping on an unfortunate plank that produced a hearable creaking sound.

This caught the attention of Cyclone who now had finished his dirty work unbeknownst that his beloved cloud was watching him.

"Hello~ I ain't in a mood for hide and seek right now so if you come out, I might spare your pathetic life okay?" His toothy grin was wider as he said that in a playful tone.

There was no response from the outsiders for a few minutes, which only triggered Cyclone's patience. In a moment like this, it's reasonable for him to be as equally Thunder and Blaze's annoyance since he wouldn't want his clouds eyes be disturbed by such a gruesome scene otherwise what would be the fun in hiding all of their true colors. Little did he know, she is the one behind those doors and already had ruined his surprise.

"Fine, have it your way, you're dead either way-"

Just as the words left on his mouth, he sprung the door only to reveal no one was there and it was just his imagination of being too cautious.

"That's odd, I could have sworn I heard the sound of breathing... oh well, time to clean up!" His seriousness all vanished away back to the same happy boy but the blood wouldn't help to lessen his murderous vibes.

Cleaning the body as he hummed to a song in his mind, it was a good enough time for Yaya to make her escape. All along she was hiding behind the door once he'd opened it, the catcher was there was a chance he could slammed the door to her face which could have caused a problem noise so she covered her breathing without thinking she was luck because the wind user could detect all kinds of air movements around him in how much of a radius it is, it's unknown.

The girl made her time to escape, she had no mind nor time to be thinking of what just happened since again, this is a life or death situation and now. Her feet started to fasten up once she felt like she was far enough that he couldn't sense. Luckily, Yaya is a smart woman and she remembered her way back to the room she started in even after experiencing such overwhelming feelings.

Her body finally relaxed once her feet were in front of a familiar door and she had entered it then carelessly dropped herself on bed, the amount of running she had to do was tiring her body but her mind was different. Having to learn that a friend that had taken a life in front of her eyes hurt her badly, not only that but she saw it, his eyes had no remorse of doing it rather, he enjoyed it.

Her friend was sick, mentally sick and she had to do something but not like this. First she has to escape and warn her other friends so she wouldn't be alone in this. Now that her plans have been set in stone, her mind needed to try itself to rest in a deep sleep, which was successful and left her at a state of vulnerability and alone. Or it is....

The morning aroused and so as Yaya's consciousness was awoken, however the girl did feel like waking up, for some reason her body felt heavier and maybe cooler than usual and yet her body kept telling her to rest more, refusing to obey her mind but all that stop when she felt breathing, right above her.

Her eyes widened to see a figure of a man right in front of her but not only that, his shirtless body was all wrapped against her like glue. Ice was awoken by her distress once she had produced a loud scream, however it didn't make Ice release her to check, moreover his grip began to hold her tighter as if he knew she'd leave him no matter what he said.

"Kyaaaaaaa!! What are you doing???!" She struggled but much to her dismay, his iron grip was much stronger even her will if he's lazy and sleeps most of the time.

The body only continued torturing her by being too close for comfort, nuzzling his head against her shoulder then rest his soft lips on her very expose neck, landing a kiss on it which only cause Yaya's cheeks fuel with red.

"It's not illegal to use something that is mine, is there my favorite pillow?" No matter how childish he sounds while mumbling under her ear, the sound of being owned brings shivers to her spine.

Their fight on bed continued on, pushing, shoving but it didn't work on Ice, the way he expressed his face was unreadable as if nothing had affected him. At this point, Yaya had given up and let Ice have her as his hugging toy because at least he wasn't going to do anything to her that mean, right?

Yes, Yaya is still aware of the events that happened last night and she's still scared of the person right in front of her but what good will it do if she were to show weakness to them.

"Ice is it? Sorry I screamed at you, I was surprised at your appearing in front of me"

"It's fine, my pillow. I forgive you no matter what you do." He smiled one with pleasantry.

"So why are you here besides me anyways? Don't you think it's rude to sneak up on a girl's bed when she's asleep" she said with concern both on her face and tone.

"Not if you're my girl, Yaya"

This time, Ice had made another move on her, implanting a kiss on her lips with his own. What he didn't expect is that she replied back with accepting his kiss so casually, not rejecting his advances on her.

Her motives are clear, as long as they could see her as their good obedient girl, she could earn their trust and leave without any suspicion no matter what cost and actions. Luckily for Yaya, she had taken drama classes for extra credit and her acting skills are quite well enough.

For Ice, he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, even if this was all a lie in order to deceive him, he couldn't careless knowing he loves Yaya dearly and wanted everything of hers to himself.

The longer their lips were together, the hotter and more arousing it got for them, Ice couldn't hold it in much longer as he'd now hovering over her, eating her lips till numbness takes effect from above while Yaya could only let him do as he pleased knowing she's trapped under him. She couldn't lie as she enjoyed the sinful act, making out with a murder but she still had to focus what her main objective.

It was getting harder to breathe so they let go of themselves and proceeded to suck up all the air they had lost. Even through the panting and tiredness, she could clearly see her reflection of his baby blue eyes wanting more of her and she knew she couldn't go against him.

"Give me a tongue kiss will you, Yaya." His tone was soft but slightly demanding but it still left his sweet innocent girl confused.

"You mean a French kiss-"

Right before she could finish, he smacked his lips onto hers, he couldn't careless of what she would say and only wanted to ruin those pink lips of hers. She wanted to fight back but how could she when he had slipped his tongue inside her mouth and established his dominance over her tongue.

Obviously, this was her first time doing a French kiss and this man is aggressively owning her already so all she could do is follow his movements from behind. Her mind was getting out of control with this new feeling of lust, not only that he was a good kisser but now that she had a closer look of how much her friend had grown a lot, he was incredibly good looking and muscular, she hated the fact he is currently shirtless to show his hot body. It also wouldn't have helped when his hair had mysteriously turned into white, it caused her fascination for how pretty and pure the color was.

For the day, their active time together unfortunately for her, isn't interrupted by anyone but it only ends once Ice has fallen asleep, leaving Yaya alone in a mess. Since it was still morning, it would be safe to go out and explore the place some more as they do have windows around to shower the light.

She'd had to clean herself up now and went in search of a kitchen since breakfast was the most important thing in the morning. Though, one thing led to another and now she had somehow stumbled on the light elemental's lap who is smiling at his beloved star, finally having just the two of them together.

She knows amongst all the elements, Solar is the more knowledgeable one so he should have all the answers she needs but right now, he has her in his hold and she is scared one wrong move could be a landmine for her, besides his genius mind, he is also the strongest right after Thunderstorm.

One thing she doesn't know is Solar is an extreme masochist and the most perverted of all, still his feelings for Yaya are real so he doesn't mind if she is kind and couldn't keep up with his strong desires so long as he can have her.

"So what brings you on my lap, sweetheart?"

"Nothing much, I just wanted to see you and should I call you Solar, my beloved?" She leaned her body against his body to rest on, when said those soft words. Like neutral words between lovers were exchanged as if she had already accepted her fate, it would have been good news for Solar if it weren't too early for a call.

"You can call me whatever you want when we're alone but when we're with the others, call me your baby~" His flirtatious words caused her to go red once again, the first time was when she somehow got on his lap to please him.

"And why can't I call you baby now? If you're gonna be my baby then be mine~" She demanded, the boys had always had the upper hand with her so this time she refused even if it's just a little flirt. This response however only made Solar's smile already grow bigger.

"Oh? Do you want me that bad, mommy~" He teases, it's reasonable knowing he is also the last element to come out so basically he would be the baby among the elementals.

"Mommy doesn't like bad boys you know, so have you been a good boy?" Following back with his words while patting his head with her hand, Yaya is stubborn and refuses to back down even if she knows how wrong this is but Solar in the other hand, seems to enjoy their lovely conversation they are having.

"What if I'm not one, will mommy punish me with her strong bare lovely hand?" His masochist side was showing unbeknownst to Yaya when he had guided down her hand to hold his neck when he spoke a punishment. Confused but she couldn't stop here, otherwise he would see through her act once she had a loss of words.

"A bad boy like you deserves more than a punishment-'' Pushing up close as she whispers seductively in his ear, "and mommy knows just the right thing for little boys like you..." She doesn't know what has driven her to act like this but her inner self screaming for her to stop but she couldn't. Ripping his shirt off like it's some kind of thin fabric much to Solar's surprise, pushed him back to lean on the seat while she stood on her knees in front of him.

What happens next will be in Solar's favor but Yaya still contained herself and hope she could still keep her pureness right after this without doing anymore dirty acts. Otherwise, her dignity and mind will be harder each time if she starts to fall for their inducing touches.

Author's note: I'm slowly letting have all elementals have a part of Yaya then I can start doing duos, trios together or maybe fuck all of that and just follow what my mind goes for.

( ꈍᴗꈍ) please comment your thoughts, they make me feel like writing each time knowing which parts you like and your love for this ship. Sometimes I wonder if it going too far so stop me if need.

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