Endergirl (SLOW UPDATES)

By Redlerman16

2.8K 32 6

Based off a fanfiction.net story. You're a 18 yr old male young adult that plays Minecraft a lot and you some... More

Chapter 1: Not us, but her
Chapter 2: But why are the donuts gone
Chapter 3: Cunning woman
Chapter 4: An unexpected axe wielder
Chapter 5: W- We didn't, n- nothing happe-
Chapter 6: A bone chilling scream
Chapter 7: I'm going to fucking kill you
Chapter 8: Cookies and cream
Chapter 9: Pure Malicious Evil
Chapter 10: Well it worked, didn't it?
Chapter 11: Pop
Chapter 12: You're tone deaf
Chapter 13: Exactly, what I was thinking
Chapter 14: The very same
Chapter 15: Stupidity
Chapter 16: Touch her again
Chapter 17: What's the café?
Chapter 19: Cold, dead hands
Chapter 20: Another one bites the dust
Chapter 21: Were you worried?
Chapter 22: Criminals among us!

Chapter 18: Snowflakes in a blizzard

36 1 0
By Redlerman16

I been through alot last month so for now...





Snowflakes in a blizzard.

They stared at us.

Afraid? Maybe... Some of them smiled, as if thankful. Others turned and muttered to the ones next to them. Well, I suppose we did go a little overboard on Jacob...

We walked through the well-kept grounds, barren trees passing by overhead. It really was starting to get cold. The only person insane enough to forgo his blazer was Isaac, who carried the item over his shoulder. The creeper seemed unfazed by almost everything these days. He had quickly adapted to life here. Like most of the mobs, his classes were a breeze and his peers loved them. Amber being the exception, of course...

I looked over to the girl who walked next to me, sipping on the steaming cup of coffee in her hands. The corner of my mouth curved upwards as a strand of her hair fell across her eyes again. She pursed her lips and quickly pushed the delinquent string behind her ear, returning her hand to the source of warmth as fast as possible.

She noticed me staring at her from the corner of her eye, causing her to cast me a side long glance as her cheeks brightened by the slightest shade. "What?"

Caught, I returned my gaze forwards. "Nothing."

Key echoed a small humph from behind me. I looked over my shoulder at the girl, her eyes almost on level with mine. She seemed unfocused, not noticing for a second. But when she did, her face turned bright red and she cast her eyes to the ground. I smiled, amused by her shyness. Key was still a mystery to me. There were so many things I didn't know about her. But it never felt right to ask about her past... Well, it never felt right to ask about anybody's past in the group. We all had things we would rather not relive. Still, it took a momentous amount of effort to stop the questions from spilling out, fuelled by my provoked curiosity.

And Zoe, well, she was the most secretive of all.

Perspective Change: Zoe

It felt fake.

The breeze was fake. The buildings were fake. Even the people were fake. I didn't understand it. The way everyone hurried from place to place, organising and categorizing. Why were they hurrying? Why did they ignore the life around them just to check off menial tasks?

My new shoes scuffed against the ground as I dragged my feet. Key flinched in front of me, her bright eyes revealing themselves as she looked back, curious. A small frown of concern played across her face. I looked up and nodded slightly, letting her know I was okay. She smiled back, trusting me completely, no sense of doubt.

With great innocence comes great gullibility.

I pulled my scarf up over my mouth, resting it on my top lip. The split in the path was nearing. It's funny... I lived alone for years, I was used to it. Why did parting now feel so empty? The group slowed as we neared the rupture.

David said something, but I wasn't paying attention. Although, I did notice Key give me a light hug. I rested my head against her comfortable chest, which resembled a set of tender pillows. The Endergirl's skin heated up at the contact, but she didn't pull away until I did. As we parted, I poked her in the ribs, causing her to jump slightly in shock. I nodded subtly towards David. The purple haired girl cast her eyes away in embarrassment, but got the message.

I scanned the group of strange individuals once more. They were all so different, and yet somehow they were trying to coexist. The reason behind it still puzzled me, but at least it wasn't fake... And with that passing thought, I turned and departed towards my class, leaving my friends behind.

By the time I pushed open the squeaky wooden door, the bell had already rung. Late. And yet the teacher still smiled at my appearance. He was an odd man.

"Ah, Zoe. Glad you're here, we were just about to start."

It was unclear if the comment was supposed to contain sarcasm or not, as I was unable to detect a hint of it. Nevertheless, I sat down at an empty desk near the front of the room. A few whispers escaped the students around me, talking quietly so as to exclude me. I slumped down in my chair and placed my head on the desk. It wasn't long before my eyes lulled shut.

I missed my cave...

Perspective Change: Isaac

David pushed the three of us towards our classroom. I glanced over my shoulder to see him begin walking Amber towards hers, much to her protest. I couldn't help but grin at them, they looked like a couple. Although, based on what I had seen, nothing could be further from the truth. Amber just seemed so... Unpredictable. And David... Well, I suppose so far he had managed to survive the skeletons volatile personality.

Raven pushed through the doorway, lazily collapsing into her seat moments later. She shifted backwards, throwing her feet up on the desk and balancing the chair precariously on its hind legs. Her eyes lulled closed soon after casting a menacing glance to her neighbour. I smirked at her lack of care. She didn't fuss over social acceptance or small details, she just did exactly what she felt like doing. Still, in this world, it was like seeing a bird in a cage...

I pulled my eyes away from her and sat down, surrounded by some of the hottest girls in the class.

"Oh my god, are you okay? I saw the video of the fight. Did he hurt you?" Cortney asked, her sentences jumping quickly.

She was simple enough to understand. Long blonde hair, too much lip gloss, dull green eyes. I looked over to her and played a small smile. "I didn't do much, just sent him flying is all."

Britt spoke up, leaning a little closer to me. "It was amazing! You must be really strong."

I laughed. "I guess so."

The trick to being humble was to let everybody else sell you.

My eyes flickered ever so slightly away from the gorgeous blonde, shifting past her. It was a few moments before I realised what I was looking at. Raven's eyes seemed to flicker open simultaneously, catching my gaze in an instant. Her bright red hair was shaped differently today, as if she had actually put some effort into containing it. But it still came out spiky and hostile. Still, something about almost seemed...

"Hey..." I said absently. "Do you think Raven's hair is soft?"

The girls surrounding me looked at the redhead from the corner of their eyes. "That mop? There's no way. It doesn't even look like she washes it."

Cortney gave me an odd look. "Why are you so interested?"

I didn't break away from Raven's icy glare, which held me in place. Why? Why... "I don't know."

If I hadn't known better, I could have sworn the redhead's cheeks brightened slightly... It must have just been the light. She blinked once, twice, and shook her head as if trying to chase away an unwelcome thought. Raising her arm, she gave me the finger, not bothering to hide it from the teacher. The action broke my trance and I smirked as she turned a cheek to me.

"Maybe I'm just going insane."

Perspective Change: Amber

"If he gives you any trouble just break his nose." David advised as he leant next to the door.

I pushed as much sarcasm into my sentence as possible. "Why thank you darling, I never would have considered such a thing."

He held in a laugh. "You're still mad about that?"

I glared at him, trying to resist the urge to punch him in the stomach. "Furthermore, stop ordering me around."

"Only when I'm sure you're okay."

"I'm fine."

His eyes met mine, staring into my thoughts. 'Are you?'

I stared back into that constantly ticking mind of his, the familiar tempo echoing through our conversation. I could see a million papers fluttering around, some of them torn and tattered, drifting uselessly. Others, bright white, stacked in neat piles. I knew that if I wanted too, I could reach out and take any one of them, relive what was printed there. But no matter how much I wanted to, we both knew that neither of us should travel down each other's roads. But, I couldn't hide anything from him.

I simply smiled back. 'Well enough to break someone's nose.'

He grinned and nodded towards the door.

Not wanting to give him the satisfaction of my hesitation, I pushed it open and strode through quickly, letting it slide closed behind me. I was met with an angry glare from the woman whose name I failed to recall. But she was the least of my worries. I scanned the room, the occupants staring at me, expectant of something. My eyes rested on him, the brute. Jacob stared back, his recent lesson apparently forgotten, replaced with an unforgiving hate. His glare no longer traced me in lust. No, this was something else...

This was a promise.

"Late! Two days in a row! And suspended on your first day no less! That's what you get for trying to seduce a classmate." The blob of a teacher spat out.

I paused for a moment before turning to her. My words came out slowly. "Seduce?"

"That's what it says in the report. In fact, I've got a copy of it right here. Who wants to hear what happened?" As usual, nobody responded. Instead they shifted awkwardly in their chairs while they waited for the woman to do whatever she wished. In this case she took up two sheets of paper, stapled together in the corner, and began to read. "Amber Verona, one of the new transfer students this term, was involved in an illicit and violent event on her first day of attendance. Jacob Tennant, one of her classmates, claims to have been eating lunch with friends when she approached him."

The woman looked up at me, her beady little eyes judging from every angle. "Jacob, along with the friends he was with at the time, described Amber's behaviour as 'provocative' and 'intentionally sexual'. When she forced herself upon him, her cousin David appeared almost instantly. Amber proceeded to pretend as if Jacob was the one at fault, and she was otherwise innocent. A simple fight proceeded from there." She finished, tossing the papers back on her desk.

The class was shocked, to say the least. It was one of the few times that whispers broke out in the oppressively silent room. I wasn't sure if I should be insulted or embarrassed. But I knew one thing for sure...

I was pissed.

"But... We all saw the video, right?" Every occupant in the room turned to face the speaker. A spiky blond haired boy, black framed glasses covering hazy green eyes. He continued, a little off put by the attention. "I- I mean, most of us were there. That's not wha-"

"If it's in the report, then it's true and that's final. You're just kids, you hardly know anything about observing the world. And I saw that video, it was obvious enough that someone had messed with it. What's that thing? Pictureshop? Photoshop?"

She spoke the words, but none of my peers were convinced. A few of them nodded at me, or smiled, apologising and showing their support at the same time. It was odd... Their approval had never bothered me before. But to know that they believed me... It made me at least a little happy.

The teacher snapped at she saw the reactions, still trying to control the situation. "Hurry up and sit down, you've wasted enough of our time."

Sighing, I started towards my desk, but paused momentarily halfway. I looked over at the nerdy kid who had tried to stand up for me. "Thanks."

Blood rose to his cheeks, obviously surprised as he cast his eyes downwards. "M- Mm." Was his only response.

I continued the short walk, eventually nearing Jacob, who grinned widely at me despite wearing a thick cast around his hand. I stopped in front of him.

He chuckled slightly, mockingly. "What? You gonna try and seduce me again?"

"No," I smiled back. "I'm trying to decide whether or not to break your nose."

His cocky expression faded momentarily, before returning shortly afterwards. "You're bluffing."

I shrugged and coiled back, jolting forwards to jab him hard in the face. A sickening crack echoed around the room. Blood spurted onto the floor, splattering against my fist. The boy in front of me whimpered like a little girl as he crumpled forwards, bringing his hands up to the wound. I pushed him lightly, causing the off balanced figure to tumble from his chair and whither on the floor.

I watched for a moment as he lay there, helpless. If anything, it returned a small amount of confidence to me. Pulling out my chair, I slumped down on it, propping my feet up on the desktop shortly afterwards. I splayed my hand in front of me, examining my nails.

"I don't bluff."

Perspective Change: Sky

It was cold.

The fresh breeze rolled across my skin, sending a shiver down my spine. I looked out upon the uneven dune of buildings below me. People I did not recognise rushed from place to place, trying to achieve something. They had goals, and obligations, things they wanted to do...

I returned my gaze to the clouds and propped my cigarette in the corner of my moth, the gentle wisp of smoke becoming even more prominent in the frosty winter air. This was the furthest I could be from them. The empty rooftop on the tallest building. Three stories was high, but not high enough.

A sudden gust blew strands of hair into my face, replacing the world around me with the familiar turquoise shade. I waited for the wind's predictable movements to swipe the curtain back in place. Eventually, the ominous and bulky shapes of the school were revealed once more. I watched the ever present silhouettes pace across the grounds and through the classrooms.

A teacher, one hundred and seventy three centimetres meters tall, one hundred and ninety meters away.

A student, one hundred and sixty five centimetres tall, fifty seven meters away. Estimated ten seconds before obstruction by the next building.

Or at least, that was what I saw, when I looked at people... Numbers. They didn't think like that. They saw themselves and those around them as individuals, with their own traits and personalities.

But even snowflakes become lost in a blizzard.

A small tinge in the side of my neck... I turned slowly, gazing into the classroom of the building adjacent. It was only a two story structure, paled in comparison to its neighbour. I examined each of the students closely, searching. Although it was hard, when the windows reflected so much light...


My eyes readjusted to focus on the reflection that played against the mostly transparent surface. And sure enough, I indirectly met the eyes of another. The image deprived the figure of much detail, but he was still present.

Unbalanced black hair and a slight tan.

He smiled. I tilted my head slightly. It was impressive that he had managed to find me, despite sitting almost eight meters below, separated by thick concrete and brick. I stared at his reflection, taking another puff from my cigarette. Briefly, I wondered what his story was. But the thought soon faded from mind as a paper plane flew into his head, sticking out from his hair like a misplaced spear.

The corner of my mouth lifted slightly as he turned around and muttered something at the redhead who had thrown it. She stuck out her tongue before scrunching up another ball of paper and throwing it at him. I watched their back and forth continue, soon escalating into a full-fledged war.

It was the first time I had found something amusing in years...
Something lemony is coming...
It's 2:15 at midnight so I have sleep for now. Anyways stay tune for the next chapter!

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