Forever and Ever, Amen

By greys_stationfics

7.4K 181 39

A/N-Due to my current situation, I have put this story on hold. As much as I would love to say I can continue... More

Two - The Final Countdown (Part One)
Three - The Final Countdown (Part Two)
Four - The Story of Tonight
Five - And I Always Will...
Six - The New Normal
Seven - School Troubles

One - The Sound of Wedding Bells

1.5K 30 5
By greys_stationfics

Maya's POV

Heart beats fast
Colours and promises
How to be brave?
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow

"Andy, are you sure that I look okay." I say to my best friend and maid of honour as I flatten the non existent creases from my dress. I definitely would not have picked this if I went dress shopping alone. I had Amelia and Andy with me and after trying on every dress in the shop and a little encouragement from the other two, I picked a deep v line white dress with a flowy skirt and a slight train. Amelia liked it because the skirt is covered in flowers. Its very subtle, but I love it.

"Maya, you are beautiful. No doubt about it. Carina is lucky to have you." She says as she wraps her arms around my waist. "Lets get this started yeah"

I nod my head and give Amelia the signal to start walking down the isle.

She turns to me before she starts walking. "You look like a princess Mommy"

Oh yeah, I graduated to Mommy. I still get Momma from time to time, especially when she is tired. But she asked one day if she could call me mommy and keep calling Carina mamma. I obviously said yes.

"Thank you baby. Now, lets go see mamma"

One step closer

I have died every day waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more







"Okay baby, it's almost time to see mommy and big sissy Amelia." I say to my bump as I rub my hands over my fabric covered stomach. I chose a beautiful tight fitted, off the shoulder dress which flairs out at the bottom. It has some slight lace detailing on it and it makes me and our sunflower look amazing. Amelia came out with me to pick my dress the day after Maya picked hers. Getting my dress was a little more complicated given I went dress shopping when I was only 4 months pregnant and just starting to show so I had to wear a fake bump which would make me look 8 months pregnant so that I knew how the dress would look today.

Yeah, I know what you might be thinking. 'Why are you getting married when you are 8 months pregnant?'. I said this to Maya when she first suggested the idea but then we talked about it and we knew that we wanted enough time to make today extra special and that isn't something you can do overnight. We also wanted to get married before our sunflower arrives so that we can all be DeLuca-Bishop's when we become a family of four. Well five, Bruno is a DeLuca-Bishop too.

I stand in front of the mirror and am taken from my thoughts to a new presence in the room.

"Carina, are you... wow" I hear Andrea's voice and look at him through the mirror. "You look amazing. And little sunflower looks just as good."


Being able to have Andrea be apart of our wedding is something that we didn't think would happen at one point. A few months ago, his bipolar got worse. His medication stopped working. He was manic one moment and then following mania comes the depression. As much as he tried to convince us he was okay, we could see straight through him. He was working with his doctor, trying all these new medications but nothing was working.

One night, he took all of his medications he had been given to help his mental health. We heard his cries coming from our bathroom. A sound that I will never be able to erase from my mind. He said he wanted it to end.

he admitted he wanted to kill himself

He was rushed to Grey-Sloan and they made sure that what happened was reversed. He was in a losing battle with his mental health, and after having a psych evaluation they said he would benefit from a stay on the psychiatric ward to help him take back control of his mental health. He spent 7 weeks there.


Since then, he has been doing much better and was able to move back home.

"Grazie Andrea" I say with a smile on my face. I turn around as I hear the pitter patter of Bruno. "Ciao Bruno" I say, trying to match his excitement.

"Do you like his bow and suit" Andrea asks. I look at where Bruno's collar should be, and in its place is a little dicky bow. His harness looks like a tux jacket.

"I love it." I say, holding back tears. "No, no. I cannot cry before I even step onto the aisle."

"It's okay Car, it's your wedding day. You can cry as much or as little as you want to. Sunflower isn't going to help either" Andrea says as he comes closer to me. "Are we ready to get started"

I nod my head and link arms with my man of honour and take hold of Bruno's leash.

Maya's POV

Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath
Every hour has come to this

One Step Closer

Vic looks up at me from the other side of the aisle with her ukulele in her hand and a mic in front of her. She nods at me and begins to play and sing A million dreams- The greatest showman. A song recommendation from Amelia as it is her current obsession.

Amelia takes the lead and walks down the aisle in her baby pink dress with a beautiful puffy skirt and a ribbon tied at the back. She scatters petals down the aisle and stands next to Warren who is going to officiate our wedding.

Then it is my turn.

I take a deep breath and look at Andy. We nod at each other before walking down the aisle together. Rather than us being 'given away', both Carina and I decided to walk down the aisle with our maid/man of honour. Everyone's eyes are on me as we walk in time to the some all the way down the end of the aisle. When I reach where Amelia and Ben are, I turn back around and look up towards where I just came from and await for the appearance of the rest of our family.

Carina's POV

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid
I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

We had done so well not seeing each other and now it was finally time for me to see my soon to be wife and our daughter for the first time today. I knew that Maya was making her way down the aisle because we had 'cues' in the song of when we were going to walk down the aisle. Amelia would walk down during the first verse of the song, Maya and Andy the second, then Andrea, Bruno and I took the third verse. It was just about to come to the start of my verse so the three of us turned the corner and looked down to where Maya was now stood with Ben and Amelia. Andy took her seat at the front as that was what we decided to happen.

As soon as our eyes met each other, I wasn't nervous anymore. I couldn't wait to call Maya my wife.

"Are you ready?" Andrea asks me.

"More than ready" And with that, I started to walk down the aisle.

As I reach where Maya and Amelia are stood, I pass Bruno's leash to Amelia who has him sit down next to her feet.  Maya's hand touches the side of my stomach before she looks up at me.

"I can't wait to call you my wife, Carina" She says softly.

"I can't wait to call you my wife, Maya" I say to her.

Vic stops playing and singing once she reaches the end of the fourth verse. Everyone sits back in their seats apart from the four of us at the front.

No One's POV

"Friends and Family of Maya and Carina, I am honoured to be chosen to officiate their wedding" Ben begins. "Today, we are here to see this beautiful family come together before the arrival of our firehouse baby"

"Warren, I really want to kiss the love of my life and mother of my children so do you think you could hurry this up a little bit" Maya says, causing some laughing and an sudden reddening of Carina's face.

"Yes Captain." Ben responds, earning a nod from Maya.

"It is to my knowledge that you have written your own vows" Warren says to the soon to be wives. "Carina, would you like to go first?".

"Okay" Carina says, letting out a breath. "Maya, we didn't have the best start to our relationship. We went through a patch where we just didn't have time to see each other. I was working long shifts, you were working long shifts. We both wanted to throw in the towel. We both thought that we wouldn't be able to give each other the time that they deserved. But we didn't. We worked through each hurdle that we came to, every mountain which we had to climb." She pauses to wipe away a few tears which has been making its way down her face as she spoke. "What, I am trying to say Maya, is that I am so glad that we didn't give up. My love for you grows more and more each day. My love for our soon to be expanding family grows more each day, and I wouldn't want this with anyone else other than you. I love you Maya Bishop. I love you so much."

Both Maya and Carina have tears in their eyes, along with a lot of the people who came to watch the ceremony.

Amelia hands her mamma a ring which is engraved with both Maya and Carina's names. Carina slowly places the ring onto Maya's finger then lifts her hand up to meet her lips in a sofet and delicate kiss.

"Maya, your turn" Ben says to the blonde.

"Oh yeah. Sorry." She says as she quickly composes herself. "Carina, when I first began drafting up what I was going to say here on our wedding day, thousands upon thousands of memories flooded my brain and trying to focus on one of them or a couple of them was impossible. I couldn't find a way to sum up all the reasons why I love you. Ask anyone at the station, they would know that I made sure that I never made time for relationships. Anything I did was for selfcare. That was until you came around. You showed me how to feel love. I hadn't told anyone I had loved them before you. You showed me how to feel instead of my eyes being forward at all times. You showed me that it was okay to make mistakes. But most of all, you helped me when I needed it most. You never left my side no matter what happened. I will be forever grateful for it and I cannot wait to be your wife. I love you Carina." By this time, no body has a dry eye, even Amelia was crying.

Amelia gives an identical ring to Maya and she too places it onto Carina's finger before lifting her hand up to gently kiss it.

"It is with the power invested in me, that I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may now kiss your bride" Ben says proudly.

Maya's hands gently touch the sides of Carina's bump and their lips meet for a gentle yet passionate kiss. They break the kiss and hold their foreheads against each other, each of the wives giving the other a gentle peck.

"I love you Carina DeLuca-Bishop"

"I love you Maya DeLuca-Bishop"

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

One Step Closer

Amelia's POV

WE ARE ALL DELUCA-BISHOPS. Mamma and mommy's wedding was beautiful. When they told each other how much they loved each other, it made me cry. And everyone else who was watching the ceremony.

After the wedding, we all moved into this big room where there was loud music playing and tables around the outside of the floor. The tables and chairs are all wooden and are painted white.  On each of the tables, in a vase of pink, white and purple flowers. They look very pretty. Mamma, momma, Zio Andrew, Tia Andy and I go and sit on the big long table at the top of the room. Bruno goes outside because where the wedding was has a garden which joins onto this big room so we are going to keep the doors open so Bruno can run in and out whenever he likes.

The wedding was so much better than I thought it would be. After mama's told my teachers about all the changes that were happening to us (moving house, the new baby, the wedding), Mrs Drew suggested that Ms Scorsone would work with me 1:1 to help me work through the transitions. She said that it would help my emotional well-being if I had someone to help me outside of mommy and mamma. We spent a lot of time during the end of the school year working together to make sure that I was ready for what was going to happen. We roleplayed weddings with toys and played mommies for the day with dolls. I had lots of fun.

"Amelia" Mommy whispers to me. I look up at her and see the smile on her face. "You we brilliant during the ceremony." She says, taking my hand in hers. "I'm proud of you"

I smile back at her. "No mommy, I am proud of you. You and mamma both made me cry. You made me cry happy tears."

"I know" She smiles. "There was not a dry eye in the room" She laughs slightly.

A bell like sound is heard, coming from Mamma.

Carina's POV

One Step Closer

Once everyone is seated in their seats in the hall, its time for the speeches to be made. Maya and I both stand up from our seats ready to start our opening speech.

"Before we move onto our lovely maid and man of honour," I begin. "Maya and I would just like to say thank you to you all for being here. We know how quickly we planned this to happen and we definitely did not expect so many of you to arrive to celebrate our special day with us."

"For everyone who didn't know, we wanted the wedding to happen before our little sunflower arrives sometime within the next month because we were unsure how long we would have to wait before we could have the wedding once they arrive." Maya looks up at me and smiles. "So, can we have a round of applause to my beautiful wife for being okay with us getting married while she is 8 months pregnant" The entire room fills with the sound of everyone clapping.

"We hope that you enjoy your evening, and without any more waiting, my man of honour Andrea DeLuca. Or as most of you know him, Andrew." I say before sitting back down and the two of us rest our hands on each others thigh.

"Thank you Carina, and thank you to Maya also for allowing me to be a part of your wedding..." He begins.

While Andrea continues to give his speech, Maya moves her hand from my thigh to rest on my stomach. As she does this, sunflower gives her a bit of a kick.

"They always kick me" She whispers.

"They don't have much room left in there bella." I say smiling.

"Yeah, but even when they first started kicking, they always kicked me but never kicked Mia." I just silently laugh at her and continue listen to the end of Andrea's speech.

"Thank you for all being here to celebrate my sister and her family" He ends, sits back down then Andy stands up.

"Thank you Andrew. Hi, I am Andy Herrera, Maya's best friend and fellow firefighter Lieutenant at Station 19" She begins.


"Mrs and Mrs DeLuca-Bishop, may you please come to the floor." Andy says loudly. Hand in hand, Maya and Carina go to the centre of the dance floor. "Everyone, its time for the wedded couple's first dance as wife and wife." She says before returning to her seat, sitting Amelia on her lap so she can see.

The music begins to play and the wives place their hands on each others waist, slow dancing to the music. Every now and then, one of them gently places a kiss on to the other.

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more.

As the song begins to come to an end, Maya and Carina look up at each other, kissing each other gently yet passionately. 

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me...

"I have loved you for a thousand years" Carina says in time with the song.

"I'll love you for a thousand more" Maya says, before planting a kiss on Carina's lips.



I really hope that the idea of using the song all the way through wasn't tacky... 

Anyway, I hope that you liked the first chapter of this book and it makes you want to stick around for the rest of the story. 

I do not have a plan for how frequent I am going to update this story as of right now, but I would love to try and get one chapter out every week (We will see how this goes...)

Any suggestions for future chapters is always accepted and credit will be given if I use your idea. 

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