Falling for the enemy

By PurpleButterfly

468K 2K 295

Frankie O'Hara has to deal with her abusive mother until one day a man comes saying he's her father and that... More

Someones at the door
Getting settled
Eric Macgregor
The Mall
The Meeting
The Invitation
Finding my mate
The party
Finished Book

The threat

22.1K 214 27
By PurpleButterfly

           When i wake up i’m alone in a room. Hmm this isn’t my room where the hell am i? I turn my head to look around and i notice its a nice room. It was yellow and had a yellow theme. The bedcovers, the walls, the pictures and the decorations were all yellow. The carpet was an off white that complemented the color nicely. I frowned where was i? I hear arguing and the door swings open. I glance at it and in walks my dad, mat, blue, eric, his dad, drake, and niko who closes the door after he walks in. They are all staring at me i blink. What’s going on? Before i can voice my question eric’s dad starts talking.

“how are you feeling frankie? Better i hope”

“i feel ok what happened, how did i get here?”

“after you passed out we brought you here, the pack doctor checked you over. He said that you were fine but needed rest, other than that your ok.”

    i nod and look from him to my dad. My father looked angry, i frowned what was going on with him he is always happy i have never seen him like this. He clenches and unclenches his hands as if it would calm him but it didn’t look like it was working. Mat looked like he was trying to shield eric from his view, very odd.

“daddy what’s wrong?”

“nothing princess, do you feel good enough to get up? Its time to go home.”


I swing my legs off the bed and get up. The room was filled with a tense silence and everyone was looking at me. I started to play with my hair and look around.

“lets go princess”

“wait alpha O’Hara we need to talk about this your daughter is my sons..” my father cut him off mid sentence.

“we are not talking about anything and if i were you i’d stay away from my family unless you want another war”

“it shouldn’t have to go to that, our children are..”

“nothing as far as i’m concerned alpha Macgregor”

    ok, what the fuck is this about what eric said about us being mates why is he so mad? Eric looked extremely pissed and from the looks of it he wanted to kill my dad, drake and niko seemed to be holding him back and matthew was standing in front of him acting like a second shield just incase he got away from them. Silence filled the air. My dad opened the door and i hesitated and turned to look at eric i bit my lip i didn’t want to go. My dad calls my name so i follow him out the door. Mat and blue follow after us i get in the car with my dad and blue, mat says that he has to stay and do some work but he will be home later, my dad nods and we drive away.

    When we get back to the house i slowly walk up the stairs holding on to the railing when i get to the top i walk down the hall to my room. I open the door and walk in then i close the door. I walk to my bed and i lie down resting my head i feel so confused and angry. Why can’t i be with my mate? Do i even want a mate? Questions are overflowing my brain and my head starts to hurt, i feel like crying. I turn on my side facing the wall when i hear the door open.

“frankie sweetheart it’s daddy. Are you ok?”

          I turn my face toward him and shake my head no. I feel like something is missing in me, i don’t know why. He walks to my bed and sits down. He picks me up and sits me on his lap. I turn my head into his neck and my tears start to slowly fall down my face one by one and go onto his shirt. I try to stop crying but i can’t he just holds me. I try to apologize, i didn’t mean to cry but i just can’t stop. He says he doesn’t mind and that i should just let it out.

       After a while i start hiccupping because i had cried so long, my energy is gone and i’m exhausted. I feel so sleepy and tired. He pulls back my comforter and lays me on my bed and covers me with my cover. After this he steps back from my bed and i close my eyes and sleep starts to comes over me. Before i fall asleep i feel my dad kiss me on the head and call me his princess then i hear the door shut as i drift off to dream land.

Eric’s P.O.V(un huh yeah)

            How could he just take her away like that, didn’t he know i needed her. Fuck! He wasn’t going to get away with this as he walked out the room she turned and looked at me, she didn’t want to go i just knew it. Frankie i call her name at the same time her father does and she turns and follows him out the door. I fight to get free to run after her to get her to stay but i’m being held back by drake and niko. After mat leaves five minutes later he comes back and i am released.

“what the fuck was that why didn’t you stop him she is MINE! You could’ve helped me father.”

“eric calm down! I know you want your mate but i just need to talk to her father maybe after he calms down he may be more open to you two being together. For now though i think you should stay away from her, please son i don’t want another war on my hands i’m trying to be peaceful our pack doesn’t need to witness the pain and misery of another war.”

“i don’t give a fuck i want my mate!”

“eric you aren’t alpha yet i am. That wasn’t me asking you that was me telling you as your alpha to stay away from her until i can figure something out. Understood!”


           I glare and storm out of the office as i walk out i see people crowding in the house to see what was going on. I push past them to the stairs and walk to my room. I walk in my room and my brothers are all there sitting on my bed like they were waiting for me to come in the room. Freaks! I glare and start pacing my room. Mat walks in and sits on the bed i just pace trying to contain my anger but it just seems to be increasing with every step, hatred filling my veins.

“eric calm down it isn’t as bad as it seems man.”

“oh really mat, is that why you didn’t stick up for me?”

“he is my stepfather i have to live with him, besides you know you aren’t supposed to mark your mate without consent from her parents!”

“i didn’t mean to but she always makes me mad with that attitude, besides i didn’t mean for it to happen i was going to wait!”

“then why didn’t you?”

“i don’t know! I just.. when we were kissing my wolf took over and next thing you know i bit her. It was like i couldn’t control myself.”

“eric i think you should calm down you will see her Monday. Maybe frank will change his mind i mean miracles can happen.”

“please i don’t think he’s going to change his mind can you just imagine his point of view. First he probably didn’t know she was going to the party. Second people thought you were attacking her and had pulled her off to the forest to do god knows what. Third that’s his only daughter who he just got back from his ex and all of a sudden she’s mated and now she has to leave. If i were him i’d send her far away, away from you and the packs, somewhere she’d be safe like a boarding school.”

“well no one asked you ej, where supposed to be making him feel better not crushing his hopes.”

“well ethan i was just telling the truth and your all thinking it!”


I am frustrated enough without them arguing about my situation!

“eric man maybe you should calm down.”

“i’m trying to...i’m just upset mat i think you would be to if you were in my position!”

“maybe we should go play football i’m sure it will help.”

“i just got told that i couldn’t see my mate and i went to see her i would start a war between our packs and my father forbad me to see her because he doesn’t want a war and you sit here and ask me if i want to play football!”

“well do you?”

“umm.......yea lets go might as well”

“that’s the spirit”

           We all walk downstairs and we pick teams and we start the game. A hour and a half later i feel much better. Nothing like playing football to get your anger out. Tackling people, touchdowns, and a rush that was so great, i loved football it was how i let my anger out after all i am captain of my football team. We walked in the house and went into the kitchen to find something to eat. My mom was standing by the stove and a fresh pan of cookies were cooling on the counter, i walked up to the pan and was going to grab a cookie when i had my hands slapped with a big spoon i jumped and turned around.

“hey mom(i put on the charm and smiled my innocent smile)”

“no cookies till dinner and that goes for you to boys”

    I heard groans and mutterings and smiled i was going to get a cookie just had to work the charm. I walked over to my mom and gave her a kiss and told her she was the greatest mom in the world and i agreed that the guys didn’t need a cookie.

“oh really?”

“yep, (smile) i on the other hand i need a cookie to make me feel better”

    She smiled and gave me a hug. Turning around she grabbed a cookie and gave it to me. I smiled and walked out of the kitchen. I went to the living room and all the guys were there, they turned to me when i walked into the room.

“how the hell did you get a cookie?”

“well ejore i’m the cutest” i walked to the coach and sat down to watch the movie.



“eric we need our mate now. Go get her!”

“soon calm down we need a plan first.”

“no plan just go get her”

“no you stupid wolf it doesn’t work like that his pack is to big and powerful we need a plan”

“fine what do you have in mind”

    I start to smile i know it must be creepy because the guys turn to look at me and they look worried. I get up and walk out and head for my room to brainstorm.


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