One Punch Man: The Beacon of...

By Zeta_Lyfe

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One Punch Man, but with a lot of hope! A Man who is a Hero for Fun. A Cyborg on a quest for Justice. A Ninja... More

Chapter 1 The Hopeful Boy
Chapter 2 The Lone Cyborg
Chapter 4 The Cold Psychic
Chapter 5 The Ultimate Master
Chapter 6 The Modern Ninja
Chapter 7 The Ultimate Disciple
Chapter 8 The Deep Sea King
Chapter 9 The Golden Warrior
Chapter 10 Unbound Hope
Chapter 11 Unparalleled Peril
Chapter 12 The Dominator of the Universe

Chapter 3 The Obsessive Scientist

256 10 6
By Zeta_Lyfe

The forests outside Z City held the hideout of the House of Evolution, and three super powered beings were heading right to it! Armored Gorilla spilled everything. Genus, the leader of the organization, was a mad scientists hell bent on forcing human evolution through sick and wicked experiments, and his newly desired subjects were Saitama and Citrine!


House of Evolution - Observation Room

A large, emerald green projection of multiple life signatures were displayed on a wall, dozens of. . . Genus? were watching.

Genus: Our elite force, formed for the extermination of these obsolete humans, wiped out?! According to Armored Gorilla, the three responsible are on their way here!

The Obsessive Scientist grit his teeth as he glared at the three specimen on screen. . .

Genus: If they reach us, all our research, everything we've been working on, could be destroyed.

The clones surrounding him descended into murmurs.

Genos: Mosquito Girl-!

Mosquito Girl: No.

Clone 1: What?! You dare disobey us?!

The Mosquito Monster's body was different, her legs no longer bug-like, but more human. The same could be said for her arms, though her hands were made of mechanical claws.

Genus: What happened to you. . .?

Mosquito Girl: I'm not fighting, and used that prototype body you had to make sure I wouldn't. I just got my body back, and I can't just betray that hero's kindness. . .

Genus: . . . *sighs* It can't be helped. Even if you did go, you wouldn't stand a chance.

His gaze returned to the screen.

Genus: We have no choice. The only option left is to use our trump card. . . begin preparations for the release of Carnage Kabuto. . .

Each of his clones, and his last remaining monster, couldn't help but shiver in fear. . . .


The Blonde Cyborg sprinted alongside the Caped Baldy, the Young Hero soaring in the air alongside them! They traversed the forest with ease, growing nearer to their target!

Genos: I was unaware we'd be running the whole way.

Saitama: How else are we gonna get their?

Genos: I was sure you could fly, or something.

Saitama: Human's can't fly you know.

Citrine: Ahem.

Saitama: Normal humans can't fly.

Citrine: Hey! If anything, you're the not normal one!

Saitama: Is it cuz I'm bald?! Huh?!

Citrine: What?! No!

The aerial one of the three veered up as the grounded two leaped from rock to rock, kicking off the top of the formation and joining Citrine in the air, the trio looking down to the rundown building beside a mountain. . .

Genos: It's amazing that you are never late. You are a true hero.

Saitama: Actually, I hardly ever arrive on t-

Citrine: Yeah, he's pretty great!

Saitama: . . .

The House of Evolution sure didn't look very impressive upon their arrival. The three landed on the barren ground just ahead of the tower. . .

Genos: We're here. This is the place the Gorilla told us of.

Citrine: So this is the "House of Evolution." Not exactly what I expected us to see. . .

Saitama: One, two, three, four, five, six. . . Looks like it has about eight floors.

Suddenly, the Cyborg sparked and thrusted his palms ahead, a massive explosion erupting and engulfing the House of Evolution! Saitama and Citrine gaped as the smoke cleared, the entire building having been incinerated alongside the surrounding forest. . .

Citrine: Um. . . Okay?

Saitama: What was that all of a sudden?!

Genos: *huffs* Yes. I decided that it would be most efficient to destroy them all in one swoop.

Saitama: That's true, but. . . We could've at least saw what they had in store for us.

Citrine: Um, and what if there were people in their?!

Genos: Rest assured. I scanned for life forms before initiating my attack.

The young hero let out a sigh of relief before the three began to look through the rubble. The baldy soon found a hatch in the ground, quickly prying it off.

Saitama: Hey, look. They have a basement. . . .



Blood stained the walls of a dark chamber, the beast responsible for the carnage chained in its center.

Hey. Carnage Kabuto. . .

Doctor Genus greeted both his greatest creation and greatest mistake.

Carnage Kabuto - Disaster Level: Mid Dragon

Genus: Are you well? It appears you've killed a bunch of my clones again. Satisfied?

Kabuto: Huh?!

The massive beetle creature faced his creator!

Kabuto: Fool, why would I be satisfied? I've been kept locked up beneath the Earth! Me! The strongest warrior in the entire "House of Evolution!"

The chains holding him snapped with ease. . .

Genus: You are mentally unstable. We couldn't control you. There was no choice.

A single stomp sent ripples through the tiles.

Kabuto: Comtrol?! You moron! I am the culmination of the "New Human" you guys have sought for so long! My intelligence and physical strength and your own are incomparable! You should be the ones obeying me!

The monster licked his lips disgustingly before the mad scientist, who simply glared at him.

Genus: No. You're a failure. It's true you perform at unheard of levels, but it is humanity you lack.

The man sighed before the beast.

Genus: Go ahead, kill me. Plenty of clones could take my place.

Kabuto: Oh. . .?

Genus: But I have a favor to ask first. There are specimen I must have.

A green screen projected the two targets. . .

Genus: They are extremely strong. Only you can defeat them. I want you to catch them for me. . .

Dead or alive. . .?


The warriors stepped through the darkened corridors beneath the House of Evolution.

Citrine: Ugh! We've been walking for half an hour?!

Saitama: This basement is huge! I'm getting kinda-

The Lone Cyborg and Hopeful Boy gasped in unison, freezing in place.

Saitama: Huh?

Genos: I sense living beings deeper in. . .

Citrine: And one of them-! One of them is really- REALLY- freaking powerful!

Genos: Sensei! Two of them are approaching, fast!

They heard glass shatter and the ground crumble! Further down the corridor, Carnage Kabuto with Genus being lightly crushed in his hand, dashed forth!

Kabuto: Oh, HERE WE GO! There are three, which ones are they?!

Genus: The two on the right!

Kabuto: In that case, you don't need the one on the left!

Faster than Citrine or Genos could react, the cyborg was imbedded into the wall by a powerful strike!

Saitama: Genos?

Citrine: Genos!

The two heroes quickly turned to face the beetle, who towered over them and gave off a chilling presence!

Citrine: This power. . . This is insane!

Carnage Kabuto: I am Carnage Kabuto! We got a combat experimentation room. Let's do this in there. . .

Saitama: You turned Genos into a piece of modern art.

Fight's on!

The room was massive, white illuminating every surface. . .

Kabuto: Pretty big, eh? It's the biggest room in the facility. This is where they make us fight to test our combat abilities!

The baldy turned to his comrade, who was sweating nervously.

Saitama: Hey, Citrine. You want a crack at him?

Citrine: I, uh. . . *laughs nervously* I don't think I'm strong enough.

Saitama: Oh, well. Guess I'll go.

Right as the Hero for Fun stepped forward. . .

Kabuto: Now! Let us start the killing-

A massive flame blast hit the monster, who shrugged it off easily!

Citrine: What the?!

Kabuto: Huh, you're still alive?

Standing in the doorway, was the Blonde Cyborg! He steeled his posture and rushed forth!

Citrine: Wait! Genos! Don't-!

He grit his teeth and chased after the cyborg, who kicked the monster and bounced right of his carapace! Genos grit his teeth, landing behind the bug and circling him with constant flame blasts!

Citrine: Idiot! Spirit Dust. . .! Demon Flash!

The hero appeared before the beetle and unleashed a massive blast, the gold consuming Carnage Kabuto! The dual strike from the two were shrugged off by a laugh!

Kabuto: Fools!

Genos kicked off the ground, hovering over Citrine and ahead of Kabuto! His arms charged and his eyes glowed! The young hero caught on, his own arms glowing and enhancing his power!

Machine Gun Blows!

In mere moments, they unleashed a myriad of strikes in perfect unison, rocket powered and spirit charged punches hitting Kabuto all over! Unfortunately, the beast was too much for them, even united! A fist crashed into Genos, knocking him down into Citrine, the force then carrying all the way back to Saitama! The baldy caught his disciple while Citrine slid along the ground and came to a halt just behind them!

Citrine: . . . Ow.

A massive bruise had placed itself on his cheek, and Genos' skin had began to flake off.

Genos: He got me. . . Let me. . . Take him!

The House of Evolution's greatest being only grinned madly as Saitama set down the cyborg.

Saitama: Your face is all cracked. Don't push yourself.

Genos extended his palm and unleashed his full power, a beam of pure destruction racing towards Carnage Kabuto! The beast took a deep breath and blew, sending the explosions hurdling back!

Genos: With his breath?! Impossible!

Citrine raised his hand, gritting his teeth as he channeled his Spirit Dust!

Citrine: Please be strong enough!

Demon Shield!

A golden shield flashed into place between them and explosion, a dome extending backwards from its edges and protecting them from the gigantic explosion!

Citrine: Oh thank god. . .

The boy collapsed backwards, letting his head rest on the ground.

Saitama: Woah. That's pretty cool. What else can you do, Citrine?

Citrine: A lot. . .

The shield soon fell, Genos surrendering and falling back too. Carnage Kabuto whirled his tongue mockingly as Saitama readied himself.

Saitama: You've gone and gotten my hopes up. . . .

In the dark halls residing just outside the combat room, Genus struggled to reach the battle. Helping him along, was Mosquito Girl.

Genus: I have always been critical of humans and their inferior abilities. The entire species, aside from myself, can only be viewed as dumb animals. The realization was agony for me. If memory serves me well, I was fifteen when it happened. A plan to evolve the human animal and create a world where I could life contently. A utopia of my own, created by me. A word made up of only us, the new human breed that will transcend humanity!

The mad scientists fell to his knees!

Mosquito Girl: Doctor Genus! Don't push yourself!

She held back the urge to feast on the blood that had dripped onto the ground and focused herself entirely on her creator.

Genus: I must see it through! Compared to my anguish back then, this physical pain I feel now is nothing.

They soon arrived to see the confrontation between Saitama and Carnage Kabuto. . .

Genus: Carnage Kabuto, a demon incarnate, and the strongest and most brutal creation of the House of Evolution. Let's see how you, at your archaic stage of human development, fare against a monster that is the final form of artificial evolution. . . or will you be the trigger for a new evolution?

I can't wait to find out!

Saitama stepped forward.

Kabuto: Oh, I see it, I see it! You're supposed to be strong.

Saitama: Don't disappoint me now. You're this place's ultimate creation, right? You're clearly not the same as the guys from this morning. Look at you, just oozing with confidence.

Kabuto: *laughs*

The monster vanished, dashing all over the room faster than anyone could comprehend!

Citrine/Genos: That speed?!

He appeared behind Saitama, fist primed and ready. . . only to feel a presence far beyond his understanding! The beetle leaped away, backing himself into a wall whilst practically hyperventilating!

Saitama: . . . What are you doing? Hey.

The mad scientist and Mosquito Girl gaped at the sight of a creature as strong ad Kabuto even thinking to back off. . Z

Genus: He backed off. . . Carnage Kabuto?!

The Beetle felt his heartbeat hasten.

Kabuto: If I had attacked him just now, he'd have kill me. . . Who the hell is this guy?

Kabuto: He's leaving himself wide open, yet all my instincts are screaming and sending out danger!

Saitama: . . . Huh?

You bastard!


Saitama stared at him blankly for a moment as all else waited in anticipation. . .

Saitama: So, you wanna know too? Okay. Fine.

All eyes widened, a feeling of intensity taking center stage. . .

Saitama: Genos. You listen carefully too!

Genos: H-He's going to tell us right now?

Citrine: Wh-What's happening right now. . .?

The obsessive scientist stepped into the room, presenting himself.

Genus: I'd like to know as well.

Saitama: Huh? Who are you?

Genus: I am Genus.

Saitama: . . . Well, fine. Listen up.

Genos: He can't! It's too risky! He can't let these guys know his secret!

Citrine: Oh boy. . .

Saitama: First, what's important is to make sure you stick to this intense training regimen.

Everyone: TRAINING?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Saitama: Listen, Genos. You just have to keep doing it. No matter how hard it gets. It took me three years to get this strong.

Citrine: Only three years?!

One hundred push-ups!
One hundred sit-ups!
One hundred squats!

Then a ten kilometer run!

Genus: . . .

Kabuto: . . .

Mosquito Girl: . . .

Genos: . . .

Citrine: . . .

Saitama: And of course, make sure you eat three meals a day. A banana in the morning is fine. But the most important thing is to never use the A/C or heat in the summer or winter to train the mind. . . In the beginning you'll wish you were dead. You might start thinking, what's the harm of taking a day off? But for me, in order to be a strong hero, no matter how tough it was, even if I was spitting blood, I never stopped. I kept doing squats even when my legs were so heavy they refused to move. Even when my arms starting making weird clicking noises, I kept doing push-ups. A year and a half later, I started to notice a difference. I was bald. And I had become stronger. In other words, you gotta train like hell to the point where your hair falls out. That's the only way to become strong. . . The guys that are fooling around with the "new human race" and evolution junk will never make it this far.

Human beings are strong because we have the ability to change ourselves!

Genus, Kabuto, Mosquito Girl, and Genos stared in disbelief. . . but Citrine. . .

The Hopeful Boy had stars in his eyes, irises twinkling in awe of every last word that had left Saitama's mouth. . .

Citrine: . . .

Genos: Sensei. . . You are. . . You are. . . FULL OF CRAP!

Citrine: WHAT?!?!?!?

Genos: That is nothing but standard strength training!

Mosquito Girl: Yeah, what he said!

Genos: And it's not even that intense! It's just a normal level!

Citrine: Did we hear the same speech-!

Genos: I. . . I have to get stronger. *grits teeth* I didn't ask to study under you just to hear jokes!

The baldy sweatdropped. . .

Citrine: Seriously, he was spitting-

Genos: Your power is clearly stronger than what you'd get from just training your body!

Citrine: Stop interrupting me-!

Genus: That's right. I want to know your-

Genos: We want to know your true secret!

. . .
. . .
. . .

Saitama: Genos. . . You may not believe me, but that's really all I did.


Genos: *eyes widen*

A low growl tore their attention away from the Hero for Fun. . .

Genus: No! Carnage Kabuto!

Mosquito Girl: *shivers* Oh no!

The joints of the beetle's carapace began to crack and stretch. . .

Kabuto: If you don't want to tell us your secret. . . so be it.

Pieces of him broke off as he grew in size. . .

Genus: Stop! You'll go on another rampage!

The room began to blare red as Carnage Kabuto transformed! Citrine felt his head pulse with pain at the rapid rise in power!

Kabuto: I bet you aren't stronger than me anyway!

The emergency doors shut, trapping them all inside!

Kabuto: But, since you pissed me off. . . I'm gonna annihilate you.

Carnage Mode Carnage Kabuto - Disaster Level: High Dragon

The lights turned the white room to a red monochrome! Everyone stood in fear or awe of the monster's newfound power!

Kabuto: When I get like this, I lose control for a whole week, and my lust for death cannot he quelled! After I kill you, I'll head into town and go get on a killing rampage until next Saturday!

Saitama: Wait. . . WHAT?!

Kabuto: If you are indeed a strong hero, then try and stop me!

Faster than they could hope to react, a fist slammed into Saitama and sent him soaring into a far wall, breaking it to pieces!

Saitama: No way. . . It can't be. . .

Carnage Kabuto roared as he struck again, the hero's body ricochetting off the walls and ceiling before he was propelled across the massive room!

Saitama: Damn it. I may have made a horrible mistake.

The Monster landed a flying kick, embedding Saitama in the ground and sending ripples across the room, cubes and debris flying up as the hero was left suspended in the air!

Saitama: This guy's in Carnage Mode. . . He said he'll be on a rampage for a whole week?

Carnage Kabuto appeared before him, unleashing an endless barrage of killer blows!


Saitama: He'll be like this till next Saturday! A whole week from today!

The Hero soared up, Kabuto giving chase and landing on the ceiling, rebounding down to meet Saitama!

Saitama: In other words, today is Saturday too. . . That means. . .

Genus: It's all over. . . There's no one in this world that can stop him.

Saitama: That means. . . Today is. . .

Bargain day at the supermarket!

A raging uppercut obliterated the top half of Carnage Kabuto in an instant!

Everyone: ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Saitama roared out in anguish with all eyes now directed upon him!

Genus/Mosquito Girl: Who the hell is this guy?!

Citrine: His power, that one second he exerted himself. . . It's the strongest thing I've ever felt!

The baldy fell to his knees!

Saitama: I SCREWED UUUUUUP!!!!!!!!!

Genus: What is he-

The Blonde Cyborg stepped next to them.

Genos: I'm pretty sure he's upset about this.

He held up a flyer that read. . . "Saturday Only!! Gigantic Sale!"

Mosquito Girl: Y-You're kidding. . .

Citrine: I wish he was. . .

The mechanical disciple walked over to his sensei.

Genos: Sensei, the store closes at 10:00 PM. That is about four hours away. If we really hurry, we can make it.

The hero sprung up!

Saitama: Really?! I'll make it if I hurry?

Genos: Yes!

Saitama: Citrine! You coming?!

Citrine: Uh-Um. . .

He looked around and realized they had made quite a mess. . .

Citrine: I think I'll stick around. Have fun!

Saitama: Okay then! Let's go! Genos!

Genos: Yes! Master!

A single punch tore a colossal wall in the House of Evolution's underground facility, creating a path to the sunset. . .


The Caped Baldy halted and turned. . . The young hero stood tall and held out his hand, closing it into a fist!

Citrine: Saitama! I. . . I promise that I'll surpass you and take that title of Ultimate Hero right from beneath your feet!

Saitama: Huh? I don't really know what you're saying but. . .

Train hard!

A moment later, he and his disciple were gone, and Citrine was smiling brightly!

Genus: . . . I think I'm done with evolution.

Mosquito Girl: HUH?!?!

Citrine: Hm?

The two turned to the no longer obsessive scientist.

Genus: It appears. . . I am the one who must change.

Citrine: Well. . . I'm glad you realized you were wrong. Oh wait, aren't you that mosquito girl I fought?

Mosquito Girl: My name is Mosquito Girl.

Citrine: What? Seriously?

Mosquito Girl: *nods*

The young hero scratched his head before shrugging.

Citrine: Anyways! There's no way the Hero Association didn't pick up on all that happened here. You two should probably get out of here.

The young hero turned to the opening in the wall and decided to return to the surface.

Genus: Wait. . . Why are you not arresting us?

Citrine: I mean, I should, but. . . You guys are done with your evil ways right?

Genus: . . .

Citrine: Then it's alright. Just don't hurt anymore people!

Mosquito Girl: . . . You're weird.

Citrine: *smiles* I get that a lot.

The Hopeful Boy hovering into the air and left, spotting to the helicopters heading this way. . . Genus sighed and shook his head. The young hero was undoubtedly naive, but. . . in a world like this, a little naivety was more than welcome.

They were alive, and now they hoped to find a new purpose, one away from evolution and evil. . . .


The Hero Association had moved well into their investigation on the "House of Evolution."  The Bearded Worker gave a report to the higher-ups over the phone, standing on ground zero.

Bearded Worker: Yes. The on-site investigation is underway. Just like the other cases, the areas has been thoroughly burnt by intense flames. And according to the report done by Citrine, the same cyborg is responsible for this. Yes, understood.

He turned to the scorched Earth.

Bearded Worker: Such destructive power. . . And to think Citrine was involved yet again. That boy is full of surprises. . . .


City ???

A man dressed in a refined suit handed a file to an elegantly dressed woman sitting upon a luxurious throne.

B-Class Rank 1: Blizzard of Hell

Fubuki narrowed her eyes, opening the folder. There laid the profile belonging to the magnificently performing rookie of the Hero Association.

B-Class Rank 69: Citrine

Name: xxxx, Citrine A.
Registration Date: 7/7/xx
Hero Registration Exam #: 54th
Examinee #: 2005
Age: 17
Birthdate: 9/16/xx
Gender: Male
Height: 172.72cm (5'8)
Weight: 64.4kg (142lbs)
Physical Exam Score: 50/50
Written Exam Score: 32/50
Skills/Abilities: Spirit Dust?
Service: Less than a Month
Accomplishments: Defeated Multiple Demon Level Monsters, Has Saved Over 1000 Lives, Assisted In Toppling The "House of Evolution"
Monsters Defeated: Horse Riders (Tiger), Lord Illfang (Tiger), Mammal King (Demon), Killer Beez (Tiger), Pyscho Beez (Demon), Mosquito Girl (Demon)

It was baffling, seeing a Disaster Level Demon fall to a B-Class.

Fubuki: Citrine. . . We venture out at dawn. I want to meet this rookie.

The whole Blizzard Group is coming with us.


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