Mobile Legends Golden Gala

By miarebel65

7.3K 247 202

As Zlatan is getting modernized day by day, it had been chosen as the host for the 21st Golden Gala in the L... More

Fight Song
Gavin Paxley
Break Up
Loving You More Than Him
The Job
Meaning of Loyalty
Field Ops
Aamon Paxley
Between Brothers
Dress Up
Finally Yours
New Groom
To Keep
You're a Snake
White Rose
Betray and Guilt


103 9 6
By miarebel65

Morning at work, Hanabi did as she was told, finish some reports, patrol, training and repeat. It felt quite tiresome as it's just repeating the same routine. As she was finishing up the last of her report, she heard an argument breaking out from the S.A.B.E.R. squad.

"Admit it, Layla; you're the one that is sharing our secrets," Saber accused her with the entire squad behind him.

"Uh! Is this what I got for years of loyal service to this squad?!" Layla yelled at him.

"Layla," Rafaela spoke softly, "our computers had been hacked last week and you are the one guarding the server at that time".

"That doesn't mean, that I'm the one that did it!"

"Then how do you explain, this video of you deactivating our entire android security," Cyclops showed a video of a lady with magenta hair destroying the main switch of their android army.

"What?!" Layla exclaimed, "how is that even me when at the time I was out with Lesley?"

"That's what we wanted to hear," said Saber.

"I am being accused here," she argued, "if it's anyone to blame, it would be her!" she pointed at the pink-haired marksman.

"Officer Hanabi has been with me the entire time of her shift, Layla," Johnson defended, "including the time of the video".

Anger was boiling inside of Layla, she worked hard to become the elite marksman of the squad, and yet the former enemy of the squad, took only months to climbed up the ranks. She marched her way today Hanabi as she grabbed her by the collar and slammed her to the wall. "Admit it traitor!" she demanded in a growl, "you are the one that imposed as me and tried to frame for you own crimes!"

"But how can I be in that video, if I spend the entire night shift with Sir Johnson?" Hanabi asked with a straight face.

"You must have use your ninjutsu or something of that," Layla accused.

"Even if I did, wouldn't the clone disappear after a slight injury?" Hanabi asked once more.

"What?" Layla was shocked.

"You can see in the video that culprit had scraped her arm against some metal; the ninjutsu that produce a clone, is called the Shadow Clone Jutsu," Hanabi explained, "when the clone is injured in anyway, it would immediately disappear and as you can see in the video; it didn't disappear".

They took another look at the video and true to her words the person injured her arm and did not vanished, like how Hanabi explained; which made Layla feel more infuriated. She released one of her hand and attempted to punch her.

Hanabi braced for the painful impact as she knew, if she fought back, she will be a culprit. But the pain never came. Hanabi opened her eyes to see her furious fiancé blocking Layla punched. "So this is how my fiancée is treated around here," Aamon said as there a sudden gleam in his eyes, that made Layla whimper in fear.

Aamon used his mana shards to pin Layla to another wall, "I expected more from a squad like this and I let my younger brother to join this squad because of its success; perhaps I'm mistaken," he turned to the squad leader.

"Deep apologies my lord," Saber bowed to him, "she was not in control with her emotions, I will make sure she is disciplined".

"You better," Aamon warned as his mana shards retreated back to his coat and he turned his attention to his beloved.

"Are you alright?" he asked in worry as he touched her cheek.

"I am alright, Aamon," she assured him. A light blush appeared on her cheeks as she was beginning to feel a little shy with him.

Aamon smiled at his beloved's reaction. He knew she was getting more comfortable around him and she was showing signs of her feelings towards him. 'I guess it is not a waste of time to delay the wedding,' he thought, 'so I could see more or your cute side and to know you better my Hana,' he placed a gently kiss on her hand; which made the girl blush like a mad woman, in love.

Hanabi smiled at him, but her beautiful smile turned into a frown as she remembered of what Gusion said at the manor. 'I love Aamon, but what if Gusion is right?' her thoughts haunting her once more. Aamon noticed her frown as he uneasy. "Are you alright?" he asked.

"I am fine Aamon, just I have some thoughts about our marriage; that we need to discuess," she looked into his eyes, as her heart hoped that Gusion was lying to shake her marriage.

"Alright," he simply answered as he felt a bit worried, "but after, I have some business her".

"That was going to be my next question: why are you here?"

"Gavin wanted to return to Castle Alberin and want to quit being an officer for some time".

"I see," Hanabi replied as she felt a bit guilty for playing with his emotion. "And wait," she continued, "how did you get in here only? Those with special authority are allowed into the building".

"Well I am a temporary commander here, so that's how".

"Impressive," she replied with a playful smirk. "But I do feel a bit bitter, you have a higher rank than me," she admitted.

Aamon chuckled at her words, as he thought she looked adorable. "Don't be flower, it is just a temporary position, you have more power than me," he said.

"How nice of you to say, your grace," she jokingly bowed to him.

He merely shook his head at her as followed Saber to the meeting for their discussion. Hanabi turned her back as she looked at the object in her hand. 'Apologies my lord, but I have a task to complete,' she thought as she walked into a room.

As nightfall fell, Aamon and the S.A.B.E.R. squad had finally finished their discussion. "That's the most longest meeting I ever attended," Layla yawned as she was exhausted.

"Have some tea, it will give you more evergy," said Rafaela as she handed the marksman a cup of warm tea.

"Thank you for being understanding of the situation, Regulator," said Aamon as he shook his hand with Saber.

"Not a problem, my lord," Saber replied, "personal problems are simple to understand and I apologise on Breacher's outburst".

"Officer Hanabi has the same outburst as her, so I understand," Aamon bowed.

'Hmm, he does act all regal when it comes to political business,' Saber thought.

As Aamon was about to left, he suddenly noticed that his card was missing. 'How strange, I had it when I came here and when I was speaking with Hanabi,' he thought.

"Anything wrong, your grace," Johnson asked, noticing that he look confused.

"Not at all, I simply misplaced my identication card," Aamon replied as he kept looking into his pockets.

"Not to worry, my lord," Saber reassured, "we were about to leave as well".

While the squad and Aamon were about to leave, Cyclops something was off. "Is there anything wrong Cyclops?" Rafaela asked, noticing the mage stopping in his tracks.

"There should be more guards here and yet there are not a single officer here," he replied.

"That is odd," Layla agreed, "perhaps they had forgotton?"

"Impossible, the night shift guards are always punctual. Something is off," Saber said as he walked over to the survalence room. He entered the room and saw Hanabi watching the monitors seriously. "Hanabi," he called out her name to get her attention.

Hanabi turned around as she saluted him. "Sir, nothing had happened for past hour, sir".

"Do you not noticed that there are not a single officer on guard tonight?" Saber asked as he tried to hide his anger.

"I knew it!" she said as she moved passed him and straight to the computer at the receptionist desk.

"Hey! What do you think your doing?!" Layla grabbed her by the collar, forcing Hanabi to stop. "What are you planning you dead flower?!" she demanded.

Hanabi had enough and was furious, her eyes glowed in the dark, with anger towards the bully marksman. Hanabi kicked Layla's knee, releasing her grip on her collar. While Layla was whining in pain, Hanabi did a backflip cause if her foot to hit Layla chin, causing her to be knocked off from her feet. "Careful Breacher, you used up all my patience with you," she walked over the computer and turned it on.

Layla growled at her in anger as she touched her bruised chin. 'How dare that b*tch attack me like that and humiliated me in front of my own squad and an important guest?! You will pay for this you trash!'

"Sir! A breach at level 10," Hanabi reported, looking quite worried.

Saber was taken aback as he did not expected an ambush at a wrong time like today. He faced the Duke as he bowed his head, "My apologies, my lord," he requested, "but may we requested your aid for this incident. Level 10 is the hidden location of the Magic Cube".

Aamon immidietly nodded, he knew he could take advantage of the situation; to talk to his brother once more. "Officer, you stay here if any others manage to break in," ordered Saber. Hanabi saluted as the squad quickly went upstairs. As they we out of sight, a grim look replaced her serious face and when back to the computer.

Meanwhile, the squad managed to reach the vault, where the Magic Cube was safely kept; for now. A wave of relief washed over them as there was no such break in happen to the gigantic steel door and no one was in sight; or so they thought. When all their feet were chained to the ground. "Why is our own traps, trapping us?!" Saber yelled in anger and glared towards Cyclops, who designed the traps.

"I do not now captain," the mage frantically switched on his holographic screen, "everything is normal".

"Then how do you explain this?!" Layla pointed to her chained feet.

Cyclops hurriedly tried his best to find out the problem, when he finally found it. "This is not right, a virus had disguised itself as a normal code in the malware," he reported.

"How bad is it?" Aaron asked.

"Real bad, it has been in the system for months!" he exclaimed in surprised.

"That means someone has been spying on us," Rafaela concluded.

"Indeed, only from the inside can this be possible".

"Who could have done this?" Johnson asked.

A sudden sound caught their attention. Sounding a cliche slow clap from a villain. Neon green lights filled a certain part of the room and four familiar figures stood. The slow clap came from the second tallest figure. "Show yourself!" Saber ordered as he unsheathe his swords.

"Still impatient I see," a recognisable voice spoke as he stepped into the light. The similar silver hair assassin in full uniform finally showed himself to the enemy, while smirking towards his catch. "And we got an extra here," he turned towards his older brother.

"Gusion, enough of these games," Aamon pleaded, "it's not to late to make this right and give up this ridiculous fazed of yours".

"Still not getting the picture clearly, eh brother?" Gusion taunted him, "my fight is not with you brother, but it's good to kill two birds with one stone".

Cyclops sneakily, yet quickly tried to cut through the chains with his magic, while Gusion was busy taunting. "He is right Emperor," Saber sheathed back one of his swords, "if you surrender now, your crimes will be excused and be free".

Gusion let out a vile cackle as the rest of silhouettes cackled along with him. "Do you actually you can fool me?! I know your game, Saber," he glared at him. "We all know that is not true, we will never stop our rebellious ways and we will one day show the true colours of your superior," he continued.

Just as he finished talking, Cyclops successfully managed to free everyone. "Gusion, this is last your chance," said Aamon as he summoned his mana shards, "please surrender, I will make sure you will be excused from your crimes".

"You always clean up my messes, this is one mess, I don't want you take care," he took out a blade. "I thought you won't be easily trick, but this time you are gullible," he continued.

"How so?" he asked.

Just right after, the S.A.B.E.R. squad and Duke Paxley were trapped once more in a familiar web. An evil chuckle rang the room and everyone turned towards the sound. Slowly coming out of the shadows, a familiar pink haired marksman showed herself as her entire attire digitised into a full V.E.N.O.M. uniform. "I'm back," she said as V.E.N.O.M. Nephilia has finally returned.

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