Back to the Beginning

By Irish_Wolves

965K 29.7K 13.2K

Finding out that some of the Wesley's and Hermione he thought as family had betrayed him, Harry wishes for so... More

Childhood Filler
The Letter
Diagon Alley - Part 1
Diagon Alley - Part 2
Gringotts Again!
Going through the trunk
Hogwarts Sorting
First Day
Flying and the Twins
Draco the protector
Back to Privet Drive
Christmas Eve
Back to Hogwarts
Hermione Grangers Fall
Sirius is Free
Quidditch Team
Talking to Neville
Final game of the season
The Explanation
The final prank of the year
The first year is over
Meeting Remus Lupin and Kreacher
Gringotts and Realisation
Revealing the truth to Sirius and Remus
Friends and Enemies
Friendship to relationship
Year two at Hogwarts
Dumbledore and timetable problems
Revenge on Lockhart
Lockhart and Dumbledore Trial
Ron's Redemption
Meeting Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy
Changing Hogwarts
Dumbledores defeat
Unexpected wake up call

Horrifying discovery

22.1K 772 276
By Irish_Wolves

Monday - 2nd January – Hogwarts – 5:05 PM

"Harry, I want you to live with me. I understand that you're most likely happy where you are but I would like you to consider it. And if you don't want to live with me, would I be able to stay in contact with you?" Sirius asked. I smiled softly at Sirius.

The Doctor had finished examining Sirius and had gone out to talk to Fudge, Umbridge and Dumbledore about Sirius.

"I would love too." I said as Sirius pulled me into a big hug. I hugged back before gently pulling away. "I can't wait to tell Mum and Dad once I get to Potter Manor. They'll be so excited about you being out of Azkaban." Sirius froze as he looked at me. I gave Sirius a large smile as I decided to doom Dumbledore with this information. "What? Did you not know they had portraits of themselves?" Sirius shook his head softly. "That's okay. You can go meet them once you're out of St Mungo's and have had a shower." Sirius nodded as the door to the room opened to reveal Dumbledore. I stopped smiling as Dumbledore walked closer to us.

"Sirius. The Doctor has told us you will be in here for three days getting potions to help your body become better. You will be on Nutrition Potions for three months and this is all being paid for by the Ministry." Sirius smiled as he turned to look at me with happy eyes.

"That's around the time Hogwarts ends for the summer. I'll be better and ready to take care of you by then! You'll be able to move in right away!" Sirius said excitedly as he almost seemed to bounce from the hospital bed. Dumbledore then gave a cough, gaining both Sirius's and my attention.

"I'm sorry, Sirius but Harry ca-." I cut Dumbledore off my cough of my own and a glare. Sirius looked at me with curiosity as Dumbledore gave a sigh. "My apologies. Mister Potter can't live with you. It is very important he stay with his relatives." I growled softly at Dumbledore. "Besides. Your Doctor has told me you are unstable to take care of a child for longer than three months without supervision. Now, Mister Potter. Let's get you back to school." Dumbledore beckoned me to follow him. I glared at Dumbledore as I turned to Sirius with wide eyes.

"I can visit you in the summer, right?" Sirius had a shocked look on his face and had sat frozen when Dumbledore told him he can't take me with him. Sirius un-froze and looked down at me and pulled me into a hug.

"Of course you can visit. You can stay over or come over for as long as you want. Just send an owl and I'll have a room ready before you get there." I smiled softly but scowled when Dumbledore coughed.

"I'm afraid I can't allow that. It's too dangerous for Harry to leave his relatives." Sirius seemed to deflate as I gave Dumbledore another glare.

"You can't stop me from visiting. I'll ask Aunt Petunia to visit Sirius during the summer." Dumbledore's eyes hardened slightly before turning back to his twinkling eyed self. Sirius seemed to cheer up a little at the small hope of me commin g over.

"I'm sure your Aunt will keep you in the house after I've had a chat with her about the dangers." Dumbledore seemed sure of himself as he motioned for me to come out. "Now let us leave, Mister Potter. We need to get you back to school." I turned to Sirius and gave him another hug before following the Headmaster out of the room. I walked with him over to Fudge, Amelia and Umbridge with a frown on my face.

"Now that Mister Black had been sorted out, we may now return back to what we were doing." I sighed as I realized I wouldn't be able to see Sirius longer but it would be an advantage to go to Gringotts while I have the chance. I turned to Amelia and Fudge.

"While I am here, would it be alright if I made a quick trip to Gringotts before returning?" Amelia looked thoughtful and Fudge looked unsure as Dumbledore gave me a warning look. Dumbledore looked at Fudge and Amelia with a kind smile.

"I think Mister Potter should return to Hogwarts and go to Gringotts over the summer break. It is unfair that Mister Potter gets to go to Gringotts and his piers do not." Amelia frowned at Dumbledore and Fudge still looked unsure as I gave a quick glare to Dumbledore.

"But this is not under normal circumstances so it wouldn't be unfair. Sirius was released from Azkaban and I went to go see him. There doesn't need to be mentioned that I went to Gringotts as it is a personal matter." Amelia nodded her head as Fudge, who still looked unsure, nodded his head with her.

"Then I guess I can escort Mister Potter to Gringotts and take him back to Hogwarts afterwards." I inwardly scowled at that and nodded my head in agreement as Amelia and Fudge bid me and Dumbledore fair well before leaving. I turned to Dumbledore before rolling my eyes.

"I we going to Gringotts now that they have left?" I asked sarcastically. Dumbledore narrowed his eyes at me. Dumbledore grabbed my shoulder and with a pop we appeared in Gringotts. I walked up to a goblin with Dumbledore right behind me. "Hello. I would like to see Griphook please. Tell me Harry Potter is here to see him." The goblin nodded and walked off.

"Mister Potter. Harry." I glared at Dumbledore. "Would you please reconsider letting the Weasley family out of Goblin punishment. You've broken their family in half!" I glared at Dumbledore even more. "And while we're at it, please let me retake full control as your Guardian. A young boy like yourself shouldn't have to worry about money problems." I opened my mouth to speak when Griphook appeared and frowned when he saw Dumbledore and my glare.

"What seems to be the matter, Mister Potter?" I turned to Griphook and gave a smile as I then gave a quick glare to Dumbledore.

"I need to talk to you in privet about picking something up from one of my vaults. Privately." I gave another glare to Dumbledore at the last work. Dumbledore frowned as Griphook nodded and turned Griphook.

"I am his magical Guardian. I'm aloud to know what he puts in and takes out of his vaults." Griphook snickered as he grinned with his sharp pointy teeth at Dumbledore.

"Mister Potter has full control of his vaults. If he doesn't want you seeing what he puts in or takes out, he doesn't have to show or tell you. Please wait out here until Mister Potter returns." Griphook the motioned for me to follow him as Griphook turned and started walking towards the familiar meeting room. Dumbledore glared at me as he turned and waited in the waiting area of the bank. I followed Griphook into the meeting room and sat down in my usual seat as Griphook sat in front of me. "What is it you have come to see me for Mister Potter?" Griphook asked as he looked at me.

"I need the… the stone to be given to me so I may return it to its rightful owner and-." I was cut off by Griphook who put a hand up to stop me.

"I fear I have to tell you something, Mister Potter." I looked at Griphook in confusion as Griphook put his hand down. "Mister Flamel has… perished on uncertain circumstances." My eyes widened at that. "It's believed that they were murdered as the stone was not found. And now knowing that you have it and got it from the school can only mean one thing." Griphook looked me in the eye as I answered.

"Dumbledore killed Flamel for the stone." I finished as I looked down sadly. I looked back to Griphook and sighed softly. "Then keep the stone in my merlin vault. Tell no one that it is there." Griphook scoffed at me and I gave a small smile. "Then I want to talk to you on another matter before I leave back to Hogwarts." Griphook nodded and waited for me to continue. "Percy Weasley. I want you to watch him when he comes here. I think he feels regret. I will come in a month after summer has ended and see Percy personally and privately with you in the room. If you could tell me if he really shows regret and is not just faking it to try get out of punishment, I would like him to be kept out of the punishment." Griphook looked unsure but nodded and stood.

"I will do as you say, Mister Potter. But I do not know if this is wise." Griphook then walked me out of the room and into the waiting room where Dumbledore resided. Dumbledore gave a fake smile to Griphook and grabbed my arm.

"Goodbye, Griphook. We must be off to get back to Hogwarts for Dinner." Dumbledore then dragged me out of Gringotts as I growled softly and almost completely silently. Dumbledore then apparated us into his office and let go of my arm.

"Goodnight, Professor Dumbledore." I said quickly and exited the room as Dumbledore turned to me. I sighed in relief as I made it to the bottom of the stairs. "What time is it?" I mumbles to myself as I started walking to the Room of Requirements.

This is unnerving.

Dumbledore has killed Flamel so I can't return the stone and I'm pretty sure his wife would be dead as well, Dumbledore has made it so that me and Sirius can't live together until Sirius is better and Dumbledore is going to try confine me to Privet Drive.

Three problems involving Dumbledore.

Hermione is now in the muggle world and could cause trouble if not watched. I'll have to watch out when I leave the house for things. She could attack and try to kill me this time since she probably knows where I live thanks to Dumbledore.

And I still need to go down to the Chamber of Secrets and get on the Quidditch team before the year is up. The first one is easy enough but the second one isn't as easy. I could have Fred and George supervise me and the others flying and I can show off a few tricks to catch peoples eye.

I walked into Ravenclaw tower and went straight to my dorm room before something caught my eye on my bed. There was a small lump underneath the blankets. I moved over to it and pulled back to reveal…


I looked at the motionless body of Cecil. A fresh puddle of blood surrounding him with a cut going from his neck to half way down his body. I looked at Cecil's corps in horror as a note lay beside the body. I picked up the note as tears fell down my face.

Dear Potter.

I hope you like the gift I left you. I found out from one of your friends that you had a snake. I decided a little revenge was to be taken after you basically kicked Hermione out of the school. I made sure to kill your snake painfully before having them place the disgusting creature on your bed with this note.

I hope you like your present.


I felt my tears roll down my face and onto the note. I looked back at Cecil's body and dropped to my knees.

It felt like when I lost Hedwig the first time all over again.

I looked at the note as I let it drop to the ground and go under the bed.

The only people who could have gotten in Ravenclaw Tower and Ravenclaw's. And only three people from Ravenclaw knew I had a snake.

Terry. Michael. Tracey.

One of them did this. One of them killed Cecil. One of them pretended to be my friend.

It's like the Weasley's all over again.


Monday - 2ndJanuary – Hogwarts – 5:38 PM

I slowly got up and picked Cecil off my bed. I stared at the pool of blood on my bed emotionlessly and looked back down at Cecil.

"Lilyanna." I heard a pop come from behind me and I turned around to see Lilyanna standing there with a large smile on her face.

"Good evening, Master Harry. Anything you need from Lil-." Lilyanna stopped as she stared at the body of Cecil and my teary eyes.

"Take Cecil and bury him. Somewhere I can visit at Potter Manor." I basically whispered as Lilyanna nodded. I gently put Cecil in Lilyanna's hand before glancing at the bed with the pool of blood on it. Lilyanna noticed at and snapped her fingers. All the blood disappeared and Lilyanna bowed to me before popping out with Cecil in her arms. I slowly kneeled down and grabbed my clothes and started changing.

One of those three did this. But which one? It could be any of them or all of them. Should I just keep the three of them out but…?

What if one of the others are working with Ron and Dumbledore.

I stared at the bed emotionlessly and slowly crawled in before closing the curtains around my bed. I laid there for what seemed like hours before voices came into the room.

"Where do you think Harry went this afternoon? He didn't even come to dinner and Dumbledore came in halfway through dinner." Terry's voice traveled through the room before a shushing sound was heard.

"Shush. He's asleep." Michael's voice came in a whispered as footsteps crept to their beds and kneeling down to their trunks to most likely get their night clothes.

"Tracey seemed to disappear today for a bit. She came back very happy." Terry whispered to Michael as I froze at the possibility as Terry and Michael kept talking.

It couldn't be Tracey… could it?

"Yeah. She told me she was meeting someone one and putting something in her room." Michael continued as tears fell down my face.

Tracey had given Cecil to Ron to be killed. Tracey had betrayed their friendship.

I felt the tears go down my face as I forced my eyes shut.

I needed to sleep. But Tracey and I would never be friends again.


Tuesday – 3rdJanuary – Hogwarts – 5:27 AM

I slowly opened my eyes and looked up listlessly before slowly getting up and pulling my curtains that covered my bed away. I heard Michael and Terry snoring softly as I gathered my clothes for a shower before I would go to the Great Hall to read until breakfast started.

5:49 AM

I slowly walked and placed my night clothes on my trunk before grabbing my Transfiguration book and exiting the Ravenclaw dormitories. I headed into the common rooms and saw Tracey reading on one of the couches. Tracey looked at me and smiled at me before waving to me to come over.

"Fuck you." I said loud enough for Tracey to hear. Tracey froze as she looked at me with wide eyes. "I know it was you who gave Cecil to Ron. I know you are one of his killers so don't play so innocent with me, you bitch." I growled softly before turning and leaving Ravenclaw Tower and a shocked Tracey behind. I walked all the way to the Great Hall while starting to feel emotionally drained.

I can't live with Sirius because of Dumbledore.

Cecil is dead.

Tracey has betrayed our friendship.

I just want to be alone.

I walked into the Great Hall and looked around. I was the only one in here. I sat down at my usual place at the Ravenclaw table and opened my Transfiguration book. I read for a while until I felt someone shake my shoulder.

"Harry?" I looked and saw Terry and Michael looking at me in concern. Tracey was making her way towards us as Michael and Terry looked at me with concern.

"I don't want to talk about it." I gave a glare to Tracey before shutting my Transfiguration book and placing it on my lap. I then grabbed some pancakes, eggs and bacon with a few carrots onto my plate. Terry and Michael sat on both sides of me as Tracey reached us. I looked at Tracey from the corner of my eye as she gave a small smile at me.

"May I sit here?" Terry and Michael looked confused as I narrowed my eyes at her. Terry then gave Tracey a smile as he stood.

"Of course you can, Tracey. Why are you even asking?" Terry gave a small laugh at the question before standing and making his way to sit beside Michael. Tracey then sat next to me as I finished my carrots and eggs. I gave Tracey a small glare before moving onto the pancakes and bacon.

"Your right." Tracey whispered softly so that only I could here. I paused before I continued eating. I needed to finish my food so I could leave. "I did give Ron your snake." I finished my bacon and moved onto my single pancake I had grabbed. "I also put the snake in your bed." I finished and picked up my book. "I also-." I stood and moved past Tracey and out of the Great Hall before Tracey could finish her sentence. I moved down the hallways to Ravenclaw Tower as padding of three footsteps came after me minutes later.

"Harry!" I ignored Draco's call bolted up the movin g stair cases as Draco and most likely Fred and George ran after me.

I didn't want to see anyone.

I felt to pair of arms grab me and pull me back. Draco then went in front of me as I realized Fred and George had me by my arms.

"Why are you running from us?" Draco asked as he tried to look me in the eyes. I looked away as the twins spoke next.

"And why…" The twin on my left said.

"Are you…" The twin on my right said.

"So upset?" Fred and George finished together as the three of them waited in silence for me to respond. I scowled and lifted my leg as I remembered my Aurora training.

We not only trained like a wizard but we tried to be able to fight without a wand as well.

I then hit the twin on my right side's legs from underneath him and turned to… George and sweep kicked his legs out from underneath him before twisting around Draco and bolting up towards Ravenclaw Tower.

"Harry!" Draco called out as I maneuvered through hallways until I reached the portrait that was the entrance to Ravenclaw Tower. The portrait gave me a smile.

"We see it in a year, twice in one week but never in a day. What is it?" I searched my mind for an answer and heard padding of feet and the voices of Draco, Fred and George getting closer.

"The letter E!" I said quickly as the portrait then swung open. I rushed in and bolted into my dorm and sighed in relief as I dropped to my knees in front of my trunk used for my school books and equipment. "It's Tuesday so I have Defense, flying, charms and Herbology." I muttered as I picked up my defense book and equipment before exiting the dorm room. I stopped at the entrance before looking back at my bed and stare3d at the spot of where I had found Cecil's body. I turned around and stopped in front of the portrait and listened to the silence for a minute before exiting Ravenclaw Common Room. I walked slowly towards Defense as I sighed softly.

I think Voldemort and Quirel have gone now. I haven't heard anything about it though. I wonder who they'll have replace the spot until next year.

I entered the room and saw a familiar potion master sitting down at the desk and going through reports on what we had learned so far this year. Severus looked up to see me as I stared at him for a few seconds before turning and walking to a desk at the back and putting my things on my desk in an organized manner. Severus stared at me for a moment before going back to what he was doing.

I have the morning free of Draco and the twins but I'm stuck with Tracey. Luckily Defense has single chairs and desks instead of having to pair up or triple up with someone. But after lunch I have Draco for the rest of the day and he'll surly corner me unless I can somehow avoid him. The twins have the map so they can find me if I hide anywhere. Only the shrieking shack can hide me and I'll have to go to the kitchen and ask for a small salad and some chicken to eat in the shrieking shack.

"Harry?" I looked to see Terry, Michael and Tracey standing beside me. I looked away and ignored the three of them as they sat around me. Terry in front of me, Michael beside me and Tracey behind me. I tensed slightly before standing. Severus looked towards me from the corner of his eye as he worked. I gathered my things before moving and sitting in front of a friendly Hufflepuff that I didn't know the name of. Terry and Michael looked at me with shock and hurt as Tracey gave me a small glare before standing and moving to my previous seat.

Class was going to be long.

Tuesday – 3rdJanuary – Hogwarts – 9:45 AM

I relaxed as Severus dismissed us. I gathered my things and exited the room before anyone had even grabbed half of their things.

If I could put my defense book away and hurry to the Quidditch pitch. I could avoid Terry, Michael and especially Tracey.

I entered Ravenclaw Common room and went straight to my dorm and put my defense book in and shut the trunk before rushing out of the Ravenclaw Tower. I passed the other Ravenclaw's and didn't even look and Terry and Michael. I gave a small glare to Tracey before calming my rushing to a nice strolling pace. I sat down under a tree as I waited for Madam Hooch and the others.

I can't believe I got so confident. I didn't even see the signs that Tracey wasn't my friend. Especially when we first met. I put too much trust in Tracey. I'm putting too much trust in everybody. Especially Draco, Fred and George. I need to distance myself from them. I need to distance myself from everybody. I'll just make them get hurt or killed in the end.

Soon the flying lessons began with Madam Hooch and I stayed away from my two friends and one former friend that was now my enemy. I listlessly flew around in a few circles on my broom while doing a few tricks that a normal first year couldn't do to keep my mind off of… Cecil and Tracey. And just as quick as the lesson had begun, it had ended just as quick. I sat under the same tree I had before as I waited for the Ravenclaw's to get farther ahead. I placed my head on my knees as I curled up.

"Harry…" I looked up as my eyes widened as I locked eyes with a blue/silver eyes. Draco was glaring at me as he reached down and pulled me up to my feet before he started running off towards the castle with my wrist in his hand as he forced me to come along.

"Stop." I whispered as Draco continued to drag me into the castle and past Terry, Michael, Tracey and the other Ravenclaw students. Draco continued pulling me as he ran upstairs. "Please stop." I whispered as tears gathered in my eyes and started to fall.

I didn't want to see them.

Draco then pulled me down the hallway that led to the Room of Requirements entrance. I noticed the twins up ahead as my eyes widened even more. The twins then waved at Draco and opened the Room of Requirements. Draco ran in and spun me around so I was in front of him and facing him before pushing me onto a comfy lounge chair. I looked at Draco and the twins in shock as a few tears fell from my eyes.

"Harry." Draco said sternly and they gathered around me. The twins on both sides of me and Draco in front of me. The three of them had their wands out and pointed at me. I know they wouldn't hurt me but they would keep me in the chair if I tried to get away. "What'd wrong? You've been avoiding us and your other friends." I looked down as my hair covered my eyes.

"Yeah, Harry. We just want to know what's bothering you." Fred said from my left as George patted my shoulder in comfort.

"Just tell us what's bothering you. We can try make it better." I felt tears go down my face as sadness and rage filled within me.

"You can't fix this. You can never fix this." I said quietly but the three of them had heard it loud and clear. "All I can do is get his revenge." Draco frowned in confusion before sighing.

"Is this about Sirius Black? It was in the Daily Prophet. Apparently Black has to stay in the hospital to treat his wounds and go to therapy for his mind." Draco looked away from me as rage overcame the sadness as I barely kept it in check and held my tongue. "I'm sure Sirius is fine and you can prank Dumbledore all you want as I assume that he is the reason Sirius can't take you in but that is no reason to ignore your friends." I couldn't take it anymore as I looked up and gave Draco a wrathful glare as tears fell down my face.

"IT'S NOT ABOUT SIRIUS!" I shouted at Draco as Draco reeled back in shock. "DON'T JUST ASSUME YOU KNOW WHY I'M UPSET! IF YOU THE REASON, YOU WOULD LET ME BE!" Draco looked at me with shock as I began sobbing. "Why can't you just let me grieve." I whispered and gave a small hiccup as Draco slowly reached out and touched my shoulder. Fred and George looked shocked at my outburst.

"W-… what happened." Draco asked softly as I gave another sob. Fred and George waited patiently for me to answer.

"Tracey. Tracey, she…" I trailed off as I looked down. Draco brought my head up to look him in the eyes and waited for me to continue. "She… she killed Cecil." I said as Draco's eyes widened. Fred and George looked shocked as they looked at me.

"Why would Tracey do that?!" Fred exclaimed as George looked to be thinking the same thing. I sighed softly and rubbed my eyes as Draco stood frozen in front of me.

"She gave Cecil to Ron before Ron killed him." Fred and George looked shocked and a little sick as Draco stared at me wide eyed as I smiled hollowly at them with empty eyes. "Ron then gave Cecil back to Tracey after killing him painfully before Tracy placed him in my bed. Cecil's laid in my bed, dead, for at least half an hour before I returned to find his body." Draco reached forward and pulled me to my feet from the couch before pulling me into a hug which both Fred and George soon joined. "She confirmed it this morning at Breakfast. I just want to be alone." Draco, Fred and George pulled away before gently urging me to sit back down as they stood around me.

"We will get you revenge, Harry." Draco said as a cold look came into his eyes. My eyes widened as I looked at Draco before my gaze shifted between glancing at Fred and George at both sides of me. Fred and George had similar looks in their eyes as they nodded to what Draco had said.

"Do you know…" Fred began.

"Anything Tracy is…" George continued.

"Afraid of at the moment" Fred and George ended together with gleeful looks on their faces. Draco had a large smirk on his face as he they all waited for me to answer. I looked at the three of them before giving a small smile.

"I think I've got an idea." The three of them smirked even more as they leaned in closer. "Tracey only had me, Terry and Michael as friends in Ravenclaw and only had you guys in Slytherin. She has no other friends then us. For Phase one, if we tell the others about what she has done, she will be friendless." Draco, Fred and George looked very interested as I continued. "We can then start move onto Phase two. Phase two is charming her hair to change to green for a while and will keep coming up whenever she thinks a mean thought about anyone." The three snickered as I gave a small smile. "Phase three is special. Phase three is you three surprising me with a prank of your own on Tracey." I ended as the three of them smiled evilly.

"This will show…" Fred began and smirked at George at they looked at Draco.

"That no good bitch…" George continued and motioned for Draco to continue the sentence.

"That you should never…" Draco continued with a smirk on his face.

"Mess with Harry Potter!" The three finished together as I gave a small laugh. Draco gave me a smile as Fred and George smirked at each other before walking over to dozens of books on a book shelf.

"There might be some charms or curses in her that do that and last a few weeks." George said as he stared searching through charm books as Fred picked up some defense books with curses in it.

"Maybe we can make it last until she graduates." Fred said as he glanced at George as they smirked at each other. I smiled and gave another small laugh and got up.

"You too do realize this is the Room of Requirements, right? Just think about what you want and it will appear. I think that includes books." Fred and George looked at me for a moment in shock as Draco smirked in amusement.

"We are so ashamed!" Fred and George said in mock sadness and shame. I snickered as Draco rolled his eyes. Fred and George did just as I said and immediately books with the information for the first two phases appeared. The three of them then dived right into the books as I slowly stood up.

"I'll get started on phase one while you three search for-." I was cut off by the three of them standing and giving me a glare.

"NO." the three of the shouted as they then glanced at each other before turning back to me.

"I'll go with you while these two look up the charm or curse for phase two. You and I will go collect all your friends and tell them of what Tracey has done." I sighed but nodded at Draco as he walked towards me and started leading me out of the room. We exited the Room of Requirements and barely walked to the end of the hallway before Terry, Michael, Daphne, Blaise and Tracey stood in front of us. I stared at them in shock before glaring at Tracey with Draco.

"Harry, are you okay now?" Terry asked as all of them but Tracey looked at me with worry. Tracey narrowed her eyes at me before her eye widened slightly in fear and shock. "Harry?" Terry asked again as I clenched my hand that wasn't being held by Draco.

"Please move away from Tracey." I whispered. It was loud enough in the silence for everyone to hear. The others glanced at Tracey before moving away from her. Daphne didn't move as she narrowed her eyes at me and kept glancing at Tracey.

"What is going on?" Daphne asked as she crossed her arms and kept looking between me and Tracey for an explanation. Tracey smirked slightly at me when Daphne wasn't looking and put on an innocent sad expression as she spoke.

"He's avoiding me because he asked me to go out with him and I said no because I like him as a friend. I-." I cut Tracey off with a snort as I let go of Draco's hand and moved closer to Tracey as Daphne moved a bit in front of Tracey in a protective act.

"Only you would come up with something like that." I said loud enough for everyone to hear. "I guess I should be the first to inform you of some… minor information." Tracey's eyes widened in some sort of realization. "I'm gay." Everyone's eyes widened at my declaration. "So how possibly could your explanation for why I'm avoiding you be true?" I smirked slightly as Tracey trembled slightly. Tracey then smirked and pointed at me.

"Prove it! Kiss Draco over there to show if your gay or not." I froze as the others looked at me to continue. I glanced at Draco who had gone bright red before looking back at Tracey who gave me a triumph smirk.

"Fine." I said as Tracey's eyes widened. I turned to Draco and grabbed his face with both my hands. I heard Draco gasp as his eyes widened. I leaned in closer and closed my eyes as my lips touched his. I stayed like that for a moment before slowly pulling away and smirking at Tracey. "Is that enough proof for you?" I asked as Daphne turned to Tracey and moved away slightly as Tracey looked worriedly at the others. "The real reason I've been avoiding Tracey is because… she helped kill Cecil." Everyone gasped as Tracey tensed up. "Tracey gave Cecil to Ron Weasley and then deposited his corps under my blanket son my bed yesterday night. I know she was the one to do it because not only did I hear you two talk about Tracey yesterday night while you thought I was sleeping but she admitted it at breakfast this morning." Daphne looked at Tracey in shock and betrayal as she moved away from her. Tracey started to have tears in her eyes as she watched all her friends move away from her. Tracey then locked her eyes with mine as she suddenly glared and growled before she charged at me at full speed. I pulled out my wand and pointed it at her.

"What is going on here?!" Tracy stopped midway through her run at me and looked at Severus with shock. A plan immediately formed in my mind as I quickly looked towards Severus.

"Professor Snape!" Tracey called out as she glanced at me and looked back at Severus. "I-I-I-." Severus cut Tracey off with a glare before turning to Draco.

"What is going on here?" There was a silence before Draco stepped forward from behind me and moved closer to Severus.

"Harry should explain it to you." Severus looked at Draco with a raised eyebrow before looking at me with a sneer. I glanced at Draco before looking back at Severus.

"Well, I did something I wasn't supposed to do." Severus narrowed his eyes at me as I looked down with fake sheepishness. "I brought a second pet to Hogwarts and have only recently told these guys I brought him with me." Severus sneered again at me.

"And what is this second pet you brought with you and why are you children fighting in the corridor during lunch?" Severus asked as he glared at us all but Draco, Blaise and Daphne.

"I brought a snake." Severus's eyes widened as he looked at me with shock. "He was a small snake that was a cross breed and he usually curled around my wrist when he wanted to stay close with me that day or for a while." Severus glanced at Draco who nodded to say it was true. "Yesterday, while I was at the ministry with Professor Dumbledore, Tracey gave my snake to a… certain Weasley which then proceeded to kill him and then gave my dead snake back to Tracey who placed it in my bed with a note from that person. I came back to find my snake dead in my bed with a puddle of blood surrounding him." I finished as Severus gave a brief glare to Tracey before looking back at me.

"Do you have any proof? You said you found the snake in your bed, no one else was with you." I smiled as I remembered the letter.

"I can go get that letter if you want to look at it?" I asked as Severus nodded and motioned for me to leave. Draco instantly followed me as I made my way past Severus. Severus raised an eyebrow at Draco again as he followed me out of the corridor.

I quickly made my way to Ravenclaw Tower and ran into the Common Room and then into the Ravenclaw Boy Dormitories and immediately dropped to my knees to look under my bed. I found the piece of parchment and grabbed it. I walked out of the empty common room out of the portrait to meet Draco who had waited for me outside of it. I gave the letter to Draco as Draco read over it and patted my back. We made our way back to the corridor as quickly as we had left.

"Professor Snape." I called out as I gave him the note. Severus then read the note before glancing at Tracey and then back to me.

"Mister Potter. While I now know that Mister Weasley was the one to kill your snake, it don't say who helped with killing your snake." I frowned as Tracey smirked slightly. "You may not have any proof that Miss Davis helped in killing your snake, you have gotten her to admit it at some point. And for that, Miss Davis, Mister Weasley, Mister Potter and Mister Malfoy will meet me at my classroom tonight after dinner." Draco smiled slightly as he tugged Harry away from Tracey as everyone but Tracey followed them into the Room of Requirements.


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