The Ultimate Hero: Deku 10X

By SonicDeku97

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Hello this is a story of the anime series my hero academia and the cartoon series ben 10 and in this story it... More

Deku 10 part 1
Deku 10 part 2 origins and choosen
more power means more responsibilitys
starting line and unexpected visitor
A meeting with the staff of UA
dont get expelled on the first day
No new page just an UPDATE
aliens vs bakugo
bakugos starting line
Choosen leader
USJ Attack
Escape From The Warlord
Ochacos Goal
UA sports fest part 1 the race is on
UA sports fest part 2 Cavalry Battle
Sports Fest Fights part 1
Update 2
Sports Fest Fights part 2 Izuku vs monster
Sports Fest Fights part 3 Champion
Sports Fest Aftermath
Time to pick some Code Names
Internships Enter Biazzre Gran Torino
Hosu City Incident
Hosu Aftermath
Origins of One For All
Preparing For The Finals
Survival Battle
Parents Day
A Friendly Encounter
OVA 2 Training With The Dead
Date At The Circus
Class A day at the Pool
Save the World with Looove
Two Heroes: Welcome to I-island
Two Heroes: Party Crashers
Two Heroes: Final Boss
Two Heroes: After Party
Meet the Wild, Wild Pussycats
Story Time Around The Camp Fire
Friday The 13th
My Hero
Fight On Deku
The Ultimate Villain
Omnitrix VS All For One
Sayonara Symbol Of Peace Being New Start

The Finals Exam

242 8 4
By SonicDeku97

(Same time)

We see

Flying away from UA and on his way to home

Jetray: i really hate leaving uraraka behind but i didn't want to get caught in that mess i just hope she forgives me

He lands infront of his apartments door green flashes back to midoriya

The watch wielder breaths: parents day kinda fun it was nice meeting everyone's folks and animo again but very tiring

He reaches into his pockets for his key to the door and opens it walks in and drops his backpack by the door and sits and lays on his couch and takes out his phone and sees a text from his neighbor

(The text)

The meteor: call me when you get home my dad went home already

Midoriya surprised: huh ok

He calls her he hears her pick up and puts it near his ear

Midoriya: hey uraraka sorry about that

Uraraka on the other side: oh no it's ok deku i kinda knew my dad was scaring you sorry about that and jetray was pretty cool he surprised us

Midoriya smiles: yeh thanks he is

Uraraka: anyways im almost near the train so ill see you soon

Midoriya: cool see you then laters

The call ends there

Midoriya: and in the meantime time for some shut eye

He puts his phone on the floor and lays his head on a couch pillow then closes his eyes for a moment then his eyes opened completely shocked and sees

Leaning over and upside down in midoriyas point of view

The man: ah ochaco uraraka such a nice and fine young lady

Midoriya: WAAH

He quickly rolls off the couch and sits on 1 knee with the watch ready and glares at where the man was but not there anymore

The watch wielder confused and stands: ok who or what was that

The man appears behind him: it's who actually

Midoriya quickly turns and swings his right arm towards the man but he disappears again

Midoriya was getting annoyed and mad: ok i don't know who you are or what you want but your screwing with the wrong teen

The man was in the kitchen counter and appears: apologize it's an old habit

Midoriya glares at him with his hand over the watch: who are you and what do you want

An old voice he knows: an old friend of mine

Surprising midoriya as he turns and sees azmuth seating on the couch with his legs crossed

Midoriya: azmuth you know this weirdo

Azmuth: yes and sorry for his little miss hap

Midoriya looks at man then sees he is standing infront of him and turns shocked: AH

He backs away then he suddenly tips and falls back and lands in a chair that randomly appears behind him which confused midoriya even more as he looks at it

The watch wielders head: this wasn't here a second ago

He looks at his dinner table and sees 1 of the 4 chairs missing and looks at the man

Azmuth: midoriya met professor paradox a time walker

Surprising midoriya: time walker so that explains the whole disappearing acted or was it super speed

Paradox: time, speed both almost the same and you see 1 of the chairs from your dinner table is missing and of course so far right now on earth there is no quirk user that can move that fast except for maybe you and there was once another before but he's no longer around

Midoriya: so it's your quirk that's amazing

He then glares and crosses his arms: but i don't take kindly to strangers who randomly appears in my apartment

Azmuth confused: you were fine when you met me

Midoriya looks at him but paradox beats him to it: because you looked like 1 of my aliens no offense

Surprising midoriya even more and has had enough: ok just what is your quirk before my head explodes

Paradox: well im glad that you've asked but we'll get to that in another time

He takes a chair and seats in it

Midoriya looks at: azmuth what is going on here

Azmuth: so far in your training you have gained 45% control over one for all correct

Midoriya freaks out: azmuth

Paradox: relax izuku i know a lot of things that happen in this world there are no secrets that can hide from me and i promise you can trust me

Midoriya confused: ok then but i still barely know you

He then looks at: and azmuth what do you mean about one for all

Azmuth: once you've increased your limit up to 50% you'll soon know and you need to prepare fast before your finals exams gets here

Midoriya: huh yeh im getting good workouts in the after school training and what's this got to do with one for all at 50%

Azmuth and paradox look at each other nod as they know what the other is thinking

Azmuth looks at the boy: a greater power that you can use with both your aliens forms and one for all that should be a big help for you during the finals exam which is why we are here

Leaving midoriya even more confused

(A week later written exam day 3 on a friday)

We now see class 1A finishing there written test

Aizawa with his hand up: alright pencils down last person in each row bring the sheets to me

Yaoyorozo doing what she's told

Mina and kaminari grateful to her



Yaoyorozo very happy to hear it: you 2 are very welcome

Midoriya smiles for his classmates

Narrater deku: and just like that our 3 days of written exams were over

(Moments later elsewhere)

Narrater deku: and now for the practical

We see aizawa and the rest of class 1A teachers lined up

Aizawa with his hands in his pockets: alright let's begin the last test

The class 1A students in there hero customs also lined up

Aizawa: remember it's possible to fail this final if you want to go to camp then you better get serious and not screw up

Some of the students were nervous and confused

Jiro: why are all the teachers here

Midoriya glares with his arms crossed his head: i may have a good idea why

Aizawa: i suspect many of you gathered information on what your fighting today



Suddenly nezu pops out of aizawas scarf: actually this years test will be different for various reasons

Mina and kaminari went pale

The some of the students were more nervous and confused: principal nezu

Yaoyorozo: your changing things but why

Nezu climbs down from aizawa: the test now have a new focus they'll be hero work of course and also teamwork between actual people

He points to them: so what does that mean for you students of class 1A you will be working in pairs and your opponents will be against 1 of our great UA teachers isn't that fabulous

Shocking the students

Uraraka: we're fighting the teachers

Aizawa: additionally your partners and opponents were already chosen they were determined by discussion on various factors including fighting styles, grades, experience and personal relationships and the first teams are todoroki and yaoyorozu

Making them nervous

Aizawa grins while holding up his scarf: and your against me

Midoriya then hears a familiar leap from a far distance and sees clouds in the sky suddenly move separately from each other

Aizawa: then we have midoriya paired with bakugo

Stocking the angry bomber and the rest of class 1A as the pair look at each other

Midoriya: and let me guess we're up against him

He closed his eye's and points to the sky and everyone looks up then he drops from the sun and lands infront of them

Buff all might: i am here to fight

Bakugo shocked his head: we're up against all might

All might with his fist up: your gonna have to work together boys if you want to win

Midoriya and bakugo look or glare at each other

(Music stops and flashback 3 days ago in the conference room late at night)

Nezu gathered every teacher into the conference room to discuss these very matches

The principal: the hero killer stain and the league of villains my not be connected but it's possible criminals everywhere will become much more bolder

The pro heroes and teachers see it the same way

Snipe: yeh like that dr freak animo that attack us during parents day just to get back at 1 of our students so it be best if we could start preparing them before it happens again as a school we should be taken every precaution if fights against villains are gonna continue to intensify in the future then having the kids train against robots ain't practical but there at times originally we used them to avoid complaints about the students getting injured in the entrance exams but there just not challenging enough especially when you can consider that some of the kids can break through walls like paper or smash buildings like there cardboard boxes

Aizawa with his arms crossed: just ignore the complaints let people say whatever they want

Midnight: this sounds like it could be problematic

Cementoss: i understand why you want to change the exam but having the students fight us it's absurd even if they are in teams of 2 is it a good idea

Thirteen nods to agree: yeh i think it's a bit unfair

Mic: if we win too easily on them we won't be able to give them actual grades yo

Snipe: of course we could take that into consideration and give the students an advantage

Aizawa: principal what are you thinking

Nezu nod: i believe i agree we need to change the practical exam to reflect the current times how do we ensure the students aren't put in life threatening situations the answer is simple we must push them we make sure that there as strong as possible

Midnight: that makes sense

Thirteen: yeh i agree

Aizawa has stacks of papers: right then let's talk about the teams first todoroki ever since the sports festival he's been doing quite well generally speaking but relies too much on brute force and yaoyorozu is versatile and an all rounder but lacks the ability to make spur of the moment decisions and apply them there for ill erase there quirks and take advantage of there weaknesses

Everyone else: sounds good

Aizawa: next is midoriya and bakugo, bakugo is strong and talented with his quirk but his pride and ignorance always gets the best of him and as for midoriya im sure we all can agree that he is a huge threat for all kinds of opponents thanks to his vigilante years he has more combat experience then the rest of this years freshman or even any 2ed years and since the start of this year he may have some losses but he hasn't really lost yet his omnitrix is powerful on it's own and recently he has improved with his power up quirk which makes him ever a larger threat in and outside of his aliens but his greatest power is always his mind if he knows what he's up against he'll always think ahead before he does anything anyone of his aliens is a counter to whoever he faces

The fellow teachers nod to agree

Aizawa looks at them: his fanboy knowledge is what makes him a threat if it were just any teacher he'll probably have a way to defeat you even when your not handicapped and even if we limit his choices he still has too many ways to win so the best way for anyone to counter midoriya is to outsmart him or possibly out power which is why im leaving them to you all might

The old hero surprised and understands as he nods

Aizawa: but just for the practical we'll allow midoriya to use whoever he wants well of course besides way big don't want to clean up that mess but in this case i didn't pair the 2 of them up based on ability or class work i went with relationships

All might felt nervous all of a sudden

Aizawa: from what we've known so far midoriya and bakugo have known each other since they were kids however that doesn't mean they actually see eye to eye in many ways there total opposites of each other as such they don't push or challenge the other to become better no there's too much hostility between them and it skews their judgements and all of us here and class 1A knows about midoriyas past before the watch came into his life

All might and rest of the teachers remember there first battle training

Aizawa: so if these exams were to simulate real life battles it'll be a disaster if they begin fighting each other rather then the villains

Thirteen grabs her helmets chin: huh so by putting them both against all might your hoping they come together to take on a greater foe or at least compromise

Aizawa nods: exactly

Midnight: ok that explains why there a team although on parents day when animo attacked they were working well together which surprised a lot of us

Mic: yeh but from what i've heard bakugo only did what he wanted just to blow off some steam you should of been there shota

Aizawa annoyed and glares: whatever

He looks at the papers: but if there not really cooperating enough it will become a disaster in the future

All might: it makes sense

He remembers there first class together his head: midoriya and bakugo were definitely signaling each other out and going up against young midoriya might be a fun challenge it'd be great to go head to head with my own successor of course i could also give young bakugo a chance as well

Aizawa: 1 more thing

All might gives his attention

Aizawa: i know you got a soft spot for midoriya for certain reasons but please ensure that they learn something it's necessary if they all want to progress

(Flashback ends)

We now see all might in weak form to save up his power and midoriya with his arms crossed and bakugo both looking or glaring at each other

All might looks at his coworker his head: your paying close attention huh aizawa

Nezu: and now let's announce the teams and the teachers they'll be fighting in order

(The matches)

1st match cementoss vs rikido sato and eijiro kirishima

2nd match ectoplasm vs tsuyu asui and fumikage tokoyami

3rd match power loader vs tenya iida and mashirao ojiro

4th match eraserhead vs momo yaoyorozu and shoto todorok

5th match thirteen vs ochaco uraraka and yuga aoyama

6th match principal nezu vs mina ashido and denki kaminari

7th match present mic vs koji koda and kyoka jiro

8th match snipe vs tooru hagakure and mezo shoji

9th match midnight vs hanta sero and minoru mineta

10th match all might vs izuku midoriya and katsuki Bakugo

Nezu: to complete the exam you'll have 30 minutes in order to win your objective is to put these handcuffs on your teacher

He holds them up said: or you can win if 1 of you manages to escape from the combat stage

Kaminari thinks about it: so we've either got to capture the teacher or run away it's basically like the combat training

Mina concerned and raises her hand: yeh but is it really okay to just jet

Nezu gives a thumbs up: yep

Midoriya raises his hand: sir what about immobilizing is that an option

Surprising the other students and the teachers considering who he and bakugo are up against

Nezu grabs his chin: it could be an option

He looks at him: but as you know midoriya not everyone has ways of retraining other's

Midoriya: yeh i know but they don't need too

Confusing the others

Midoriya: in the world of quirks not everyone is strong not everyone is fast and not everyone can fly but what we can do is the best we got we are all unique in our own quirky ways

His most of his classmates smile gracefully

Nezu closes his eye: very well

Bakugo glares at him wondering what he's thinking

Mic grins: pretty words as always and you kids might have some cool moves but it's still gonna be much different then all the combat training y'all went through

He smugly crossed his arms: after all your up against heroes that are on way higher levels then you

Jiro: levels really

Koda can sense where this is going and he certainly doesn't like it

Jiro: wait aren't you just the announcer


Thirteen: this time your exam will be very similar to a real battle and strange as it sounds please think of us as villains

Snipe: this exam is to show you what to do when you come across your enemy and if you think you can win against them then fight however

Aizawa: in instances where your outmatched it would be smarter to run away and find help

He looks at: midoriya, todoroki, iida im sure that you 3 understand

They do understand as they remember there fight against stain

Iidas looks at his hand his head: tensei i know your watching i promise i won't make that mistake again i will pass this test and prove im a hero and make you proud

Midoriya felt nervous and glares: so we fight to win or run

All Might: that's right it's a test of your decision making skills but with these rules your probably thinking your real choice is to flee but that's why the support course made these super clever accessories for us

He poses and points to power loader rolling out a big kart that was behind the teachers and loader grabs and holds up a large weighted brace


All might: these babies add about half our body weight to our physiques it's not much but they will eat up our stamina and make it harder for us to move around

He grabs 1 and it's weight nearly makes him lose his balance: OH SHOOT these things are heavier then i thought

Midoriya quickly rushes to his aid and takes the heavy brace out of his hand

Midoriya surprised and feels it: oh wow that is heavy

He slowly moves it up and down: it feels like it's weighs about between 100 to 200 tons i might want to take some of these home for training

Power loader smiles: sure we don't mind we got plenty more anyways

Midoriya smiles: awesome

He puts the brace down on the kart and moves back his partners side

All might: anyways we had a contest to come up with these designs and young hastume ended up winning it

Mineta surprised: wow good for her

Bakugo glares at his newest opponent: you think we need a handicap to win against you well think again

All mights really looking forward to it: HAHAHA this'll be fun

Midoriya looks at his partner then closes his eyes and looks at: all might

Getting his and everyone else's attention

Midoriya: i don't know if i can really win against you but ill try my best not to disappoint and since im fighting you it'll be a good testing ground for something brand new i've learned

Surprising all might and everyone else

The old pro now curious: something new

Uraraka also curious she then remembers something 2 days ago on wednesday after school training she saw something in the gamma gym

All might smiles: well can't wait for our turn

Aizawa: let's begin the teams will take the practical exam in the order you were called we have stages prepared for each of you

He turns to the first teams: sato, kirishima your up

The boys nod: yes sir

Aizawa: the rest of you waiting for your turns to fight can either watch the exams or try to strategize together as a team it's your choice that's all

He turns and follows the other heroes/teachers towards their designated stages

Tenya turns to his partner: ojiro i would like to discuss how we might be able to coordinate the use of our quirks

Ojiro smiles: great

Tsu: tokoyami let's go come up with a plan

The bird teen: agreed

They head to the building

Mineta with his fist in the air: we've got to figure out a way to destroy ms midnight's costume

Sero shakes his head but grins under his helmet: you are such a little scumbag

(Music stops)

While everyone is heading to the building to strategize or watch midoriya and his partner look at each other while bakugo glares midoriya then turns and walks away to the building not wanting to bother but bakugo grabs him by the hood of his costumes jacket

Midoriya glares over his shoulder: what do you want

Bakugo then starts dragging him to the building


Bakugo: move your ass if im gonna have to work with you then i better not carry your ass through the whole dam test so you better come up with a decent plan or 2

Midoriya surprised and confused

(Moments later)

Midoriya was dragged into a waiting room by bakugo as he sat on 1 side of the table and waited for him to speak up as midoriya glares and annoyed with his arms crossed

Bakugos head: the damn nerd probably doesn't trust me at all if i were any of the other weaklings he probably strategize with them right off the bat can't really blame him at all

He breaths and glares and tries to be calm as he possibly can: so what's all might's weakness and how do we beat em

Midoriya: what

Bakugo puts his gauntlets to the side: oh did i sutter no that's used to be your thing before that stupid watch found you

Midoriya looks down at the watch then him

Bakugo leans on the table: you know more shitty trivia on heroes then anyone alive so do something useful with it for once what's all might's weakness how do i-we beat him

Midoriya looks down and breaths: honestly i don't really know

He sits in a chair near him: for many years of watching him fighting villains and saving lives we know he has a lot of power and us in class 1A know about his condition but with the 30 minute time limit we have obviously we can't just wait for him to get weak and even with these heavy braces on him he still packs a lot of power and his speed is no joke and his durability makes him a hundred living tanks and even if im allowed to use most of my aliens i can't really think of a plan to actually beat him so if at least 1 of us can somehow slow him down even for a little bit then other should head for the gate that's our only way to win

Bakugo rages and slams his fist on the table: BULLSHIT

Midoriya with his eyes closed with annoyance and ignores his shouting

Bakugo: i'm not passing this dam test by running away like a little bitch

He points at him: i know you fought that monster when those stupid villains attacked us back at the stupid rescue training place you fought that thing with the big lizard and i saw up close that you were pushing all might back so give me a good plan or a really good reason to run or i'll lose on purpose

Midoriya annoyed and knew he was serious then he glares at him and knows his pain for not winning so much since the start of the year

He puts his hand up and a finger up: 1 at the USJ attack i did fight off against the nomu but i didn't defeat him all might did and the first time we both fought him he was holding back and you know it cuz you and i known him for years

Bakugo glares and knows he's right

Midoriya puts up a 2ed finger: 2 i just talked about his speed both it and his durability are his best defense and back at the USJ attack when i saved you from the nomu as fasttrack all might was trying to save you as well and he wasn't going full speed at all

He puts up a 3rd finger: and 3 humungosaur is probably the only alien i have that could match him in strength but it won't be enough if i can't counter his speed

Bakugo: what about the giant freak or your new trick with one for all or maybe that brand new trick you mentioned earlier or was it a dam bluff

Midoriya closes his eyes with his arms crossed: im still not allowed to use way big and even if i could i doubt he'll do anything against all might in comparison it'll be like swatting a fast fly that's hard to hit and i don't really know if my new tricks will be any help or work and besides i-

He stops and realizes: wait

He looks at him and freaks out of his chair: WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY

Bakugo annoyed: one for all relax all might told me about it after the sports festival

Suddenly they both heard a bump at the door midoriya glares at it and quickly marches towards it and opens it wide and sees nobody around in the hallway on the other side then he closes it then above the door way we see uraraka concern as she heard everything and flouting on the ceiling and keeps herself in place and covering her mouth

She then lowers herself and flouts away in the hall her head: ill keep this to myself for now

(The waiting room)

Midoriya turns and glares at his partner: be right back

He goes to his watch and activates it twist the dial and slams it down and the green flash reveals


Bakugo glares and understands what he is doing ghostfreak then phases through the wall

(Teachers monitor room)

We see weak all might with most of the teachers sitting and waiting for the first match to start

Ghostfreaks appears next to him: all might

The old pro freaks out and spits out blood: JESUS

The other teachers see him confused

Mic: huh midoriya what are you doing here this is the teachers waiting room

Ghostfreak: yes i know and i apologize i just need to talk to him for a minute

He gently grabs the old pro by under the shoulders and flouts him out of the room and far from the door

All might shocked and confused: hey hey hey what's the rush i can walk yeh know

Ghostfreaks places him on his feet and flouts infront of him: did you tell bakugo about one for all

All might remembers and scratches his head: oh that yeh i guess i forgot to tell you my bad

Ghostfreak breaths with his 1 eye closed: all might i deeply respect you a lot with all of my heart and will but


All might: because he figured it out

Ghostfreaks confused: huh

All might places a hand on his shoulder: look i understand your concerns and bakugo found a lot of hints and that's why he asked for me and so i felt like he needed to know the truth and i know you 2 don't get along but he told me his word that he won't tell a soul

Ghostfreak: are you really sure

All might: im sure

He then crosses his arms: and besides you told todoroki about it too didn't you so now we're even

Ghostfreak worried: huh yes i was gonna tell you that how did you find out

All might: oh he told me when you guys got back from your internships and he told me not to get mad at you cuz you had no choice

Ghostfreak breaths for relief: oh great that makes my life a bit easier now and thanks for understanding sorry for the heart attack

All might: no problem

Ghostfreak then waves and phases through the wall

All might starts shaking in fear as blood drools from his mouth his head: this is why i hate ghost spooky

(The waiting room with bakugo)

We see ghostfreak come out of the wall getting bakugos attention

The bomber glares: what took you so long

Ghostfreaks turns back midoriya: i just asked all might to be sure also

He takes out a familiar burnt notebook bakugo recognizes midoriya flips through the pages to all mights page and shows him

Bakugo confused: the fuck is this

Midoriya: everything i know about all might

He starts walking back and forth with his hands behind his back: at this point all might is the most unstoppable force on earth but i may have a few plans that may help us win our main goal

He stops and looks at him: but i want to hear your opinion

Bakugo got confused and looks at him

(Moments later in the monitor room)

We see recovery girl sitting in a chair watching with uraraka standing next to her

The nurse: well looks like i have my work cut out for me today

Uraraka then hears the door of the room open and sees midoriya walking in

Uraraka: oh deku your watching too

Midoriya: yeh it's not like we get many chances to watch our classmates get into combat with teachers right

He notices a third member here: huh aizawa

Aizawa leaning against the wall with his arms crossed

Midoriya: sir why are you here

Uraraka: yeh i was thinking the same thing

Aizawa: since i'm not fighting anyone yet i'm here to be an impartial grader along with the teachers your facing and recovery girl

The little old nurse: it's the easiest way to ensure you all get fair grades

Both the students had teardrops there heads: so he doesn't have to sit through hours of films later to see how each student did and this way is a lot more efficient as if things go wrong for whatever reason he can quickly respond

Uraraka: ok makes sense

Aizawa eyes them: and what about you 2 did you come here to watch your classmates and cheer them or something

Uraraka grins: yeh something like that i kinda wanted to see how everyone will do

She then turns her neighbor: that's why you're here right deku

Midoriya smiles: yeh something like that

He looks at the screens: and plus i just finished chatting with bakugo

He turns annoyed and closes his eyes: honestly who's ever idea it was pairing me up with him is an idiot

Aizawa glares at him while recovery girl covers her mouth of laughter

Uraraka grins: well that's good to hear as for my partner

She points to nothing and we see aoyama fashionable posing with his reflection: is a little preoccupied with himself

Midoriya disappointed his head: why didn't i get you

He grins an idea: well if you like we could trade

Uraraka turns away and smugs: no thank you i teamed up with that disaster before so never again anyways im just here to get some inspiration from everyone else's battles

Midoriya: smart

She then looks at him: oh by the way earlier you mentioned you learned something new you mind telling me what that is about

Getting the teacher and nurses attention

Midoriya smugs away: hmp sorry miss but you'll have to wait for that surprises

Uraraka was not giving up: oh come on you can tell me i won't tell a soul i swear is it something cool

Midoriya turns his whole body away: ochaco uraraka it is something cool and your gonna have to convince me a lot harder to say a word about it

Uraraka starts poking him: oh come on come on come on come on tell me now tell me now tell me now tell me now tell me now tell me now tell me now tell me now

Midoriya: HAHAHA ok ok stop stop that tickles

Recovery girl enjoying there moment her head: ah sometimes i wish i was young again oh well

Aizawa annoyed his head: i think im gonna hurl


(The city arena)


We see the 2 teammates running

Kirishima: so what do you think we'll definitely get a higher score by capturing instead of running agreed

Sato: yeh that makes sense

Suddenly infront of them a wall of cement raises from the ground making them dash away from it into fighting stances and they see cementoos not too far from them

Kirishima: mr cementoos is not fast

He then hardens up his arms: so let's break through from the front and shoot for a high score

Sato swallows a can full of sugar: AW YAH

His whole body instantly gets buffed up and they both rush to there opponent

Cementoos: so you decided on a direct frontal assault

He touches the ground with both hands as they glowed in a green aura then an army of cement walls raise from the ground towards the students

Kirishima: THIS IS IT SATO

sato: LET'S GO

They rush to the first wall and both punch a dent into it and simultaneously punch through the wall

Sato felt fired up: RAAAAAAAAH

The students start mowing down the walls to reach there opponent by punching rapidly


Cementoos: not so fast kids

(The monitor room)

The 4 watching

Uraraka cheers for them: come on you guys you totally got em

Midoriya not so sure: no they don't

Confusing uraraka

Midoriya: there quirks are strong but there only dangerous at up close plus they still have there limits they won't last too long and cementoos barely has any limits the more time that passes by the more disadvantages they have

Uraraka worried: well that's not good

Midoriya then eye's the teacher in the room: it's no coincidence they were matched up aizawa has putted students against teachers they'll have a hard time against the whole point of this exam is to know about our weaknesses and what we lack and to pass we need to over come them

Aizawa: exactly right

Getting there attention

Aizawa keeping his eyes on the screen: so before your turns comes up you should think carefully about your capabilities of the teacher you'll fight

The students look back to the screen

Midoriya: i knew it

(The city arena)

Kirishima frustrated: ACH HOW IS THIS NOT ENDING


He continues smashing the never ending walls

Sato looking exhausted: so tired getting sleepy

Kirishima: AW MAN NOT NOW

Sato: just a little nap

The raising walls surround them

Kirishima arms turned soft and punches the wall and felt it: ach im running out of steam

He notices the walls and they get buried in cement

(Music stops)

Cementoos: a valiant effort but your both very weak to long battles listen well when your lives are on the line you need to know how far you can push your powers



(The building)

All the students in separate rooms and areas were shocked

Kaminari nervous: SERIOUSLY

Mina worried and whispers to herself: oh red

Ojiro with iida: that was fast

Tsu: kirishima went down

Her partner shocked

Bakugo glares over shoulder: tough luck weird hair

He continues walking to his assigned stage

(The monitor room)

Recovery girl hops down from her chair: it's only the first match and i'm already needed

Uraraka shocked and covers her mouth: no way it was that 1 sided

Midoriya felt sorry for them: yeh there quirks were no match for cementoos he has more stamina then both of them

Aizawa: exactly

Getting there attention as midoriya glares

Aizawa kept his eyes on the screens: we designed these exams with each of your greatest weaknesses in mind for example those 2 rely way too much on brute force rather then strategy so as predicted they charged headfirst without a second thought but they failed to even consider that unlike them cementoss's quirk doesn't have an extended limit and his stamina is far superior to theirs in other words just because we're handicap doesn't mean we're weak in fact we're only wearing these things to give you all a sense of hope so that you have chance

He eye's them: so if either of you want to succeed today then you better be ready to put everything you got into it use every skill, every style, every lesson, every advantage and anything at your disposal to pass to go beyond plus ultra or else

Midoriya looks at the screen his head: crap this exam is a lot harder then i thought and worst of all we're against the top hero in the world

(Music stops practical exam location 2)

Tokoyami: i see there starting us off in the middle of the stage

Tsu: in order for us to escape we need to pass the gate right

They look around the place

Frog girl: which means the teacher is probably waiting there for us


They both get ready


Then right off the bat white clouds of smoke appears infront of them and they create clones of the teacher surprising them

Ectoplasm: maybe you didn't understand we teachers will crush you with everything we got hold nothing back cuz we won't

The students position themselves as more clones appears around them

The teacher: steel your nerves and show me your resolve

Narrater deku: team tsuya and tokoyami were up against the cloning hero ectoplasm with his clone quirk he uses his mouth to make an army of himself and can only make up to 30 at time and they can pop up anywhere in the area he's in his clones are strong as he is but it takes a good strong punch to destroy 1 both tokoyami and tsu do make a good team they cooperate pretty well but there weaknesses of there test of course tokoyamis dark shadow is strong but as i thought tokoyami is weak if he's by himself in close ranged combat it's nothing to be ashamed of tho and as for tsu she's strong as well and fast too and she always keeps supporting others and with emotional support which made me realize having her around during the USJ attack really helped us stay focused then when they finally reached the gate they encountered the real ectoplasm and he's unleashed his most devastating clone move giant mouth detention it was a horrifying sight both tokoyami and tsu got captured and tokoyamis dark shadow did try to reach the gate but ectoplasm didn't even let him get close to it and was clearly no match for a pro hero then tsu had a backup plan that she really didn't like but had no choice she actually swallowed the cuffs so ectoplasm would not notice and dark shadow was there key to victory so before time ran out dark shadow successfully leg cuffed ectoplasm winning tsu and tokoyami the test i gotta say frog and dark shadow make a great team and i think a certain pink classmate of mine would agree

(Music stops)


Ecdplasm walks up to them: that was wonderfully clever i congratulate you both

Tokoyami closed his eyes: we are truly humbled sir

Tsu happy with her eyes closed: ribbit ribbit

Dark shadow appears and puts his arms behind both there necks: it was all thanks to me but we make a good team

He leans to his host: wouldn't you say so fumi old pal

Tokoyami turns his head away and blushes: of course

Tsu also blushes and thinks about it

(Elsewhere in the building)

Yaoyaorozo nervous: tokoyami and tsu passed there exam im not surprised

She remembers her match with the bird teen in the sports festival

(3rd match team iida and ojiro vs power loader)

Narrater deku: iida and ojiro match against power loader was very tough and quick they were unable to fight someone they can't even get close to so there best choice was to head to gate and so they used a plan called fusion they did look kinda ridiculous but it did work out for them iida outran the traps set by there teacher then he tried to stop them but iida saw it coming so he had to use the rest of his fuel to swing and throw ojiro across the field to the gate passing them exam


Ojiro happy: nice 1 man

Loader was impressed: that was a risky move but put a quick end to the match you got your partner out of the ring without getting him injured all in all not bad you passed

Iida: thank you very much

(The monitor room)

The 2 neighbors were happy for them

Uraraka: there amazing

Midoriya then remembers iidas promise

The watch wielders head: iida you are so cool your brother would be so proud

Iida on the screen with his whole body buried with only his head sticking out: also im completely stuck

The neighbors had teardrops

The watch wielders head: well most of the time

(4th match todoroki and yaoyorozu vs eraserhead)

Narrater deku: the 4th match was todoroki and yaoyorozu vs our homeroom teacher shota aizawa also known as-

Narrater mic: HOLD IT KID I GOT THIS 1

Narrater deku confused: wait wha-what are you doing here and how did you get here


Narrater deku confused: huh ok what he said anyways from what i've noticed ever since the sports festival yaoyorozu lost her confidence from her big lost from tokoyami and im sure aizawa noticed it too and i get where she was coming from and i wish gave her some advice to regain her confidence sooner but i was too late todoroki on the other hand had a good plan as they both kept there quirks low active as a sign but when they had there guards down for a moment aizawa got the jump on them yaoyorozu ran for the gate like she was told while todoroki tried to hold him off but aizawa was too quick and agile without his quirk todoroki didn't stand a chance and got caught in trap then in a short time aizawa caught up to yaoyorozo then in desperation she panicked and rushed back to todoroki then at the last minute when there opponent caught up again and was about to strike yaoyorozu was actually holding little russian nesting dolls she made earlier were more then dolls they were actually flash grenades in disguise blinding aizawa while yaoyorozu freed todoroki which was pretty clever then yaoyorozu had another plan so they ran from aizawa for cover for it to work and her was to use aizawas weakness against him since his injuries from the USJ attack his quirk has become unstable he can't keep his eye's opened longer like before so they exploit it then at the right moment todoroki took his chance and instantly unleashes his biggest move from the sports festival a giant wall of ice getting them out of aizawas sight which was another clever move and finally they went to phase 3 both of them wear cloaks to cover themselves while they ran and aizawa took the chance after them and went for a strike then by surprise it turns out that there were also manakins under the covers with them and yaoyorozu had a catapult ready with a long back scarf that looked like aizawas then yaoyorozu tries to hit the trigger but missed but hitted it the 2ed time and lunched the scarf ball at aizawa and the whole thing it surrounded him in the air then todoroki was still covered and blasted him with his flames but not at aizawa cuz it turns out that scarf was actually made out of nitinol alloy and todorokis flames did the trick and wrapped up aizawa while he was still in the air trapping him

Aizawa was impressed his head: well that was impressive

(A minute later)

We see cuffs on him and is still wrapped up

Todoroki with his arms crossed: it went exactly according to your plan it was almost too smooth

Yaoyaorozo: honestly it shouldn't have worked out when i was about to trigger the catapult i missed it's trigger and aizawa noticed it but still jumped away he could of stopped me right there i think he let us capture him just because i missed up

Aizawa with his eye's closed: i was waiting to see what todoroki does you were in my sight but he was still covered by the cloak i thought he was gonna to freeze me so i decide to back off and doing so i ended up in your hands

Todoroki breaths for relief: just like you said a matter of timing good work teammate

(Music stops)

Yaoyaorozo felt graceful and covers her mouth and crys

Todoroki got worried: what's wrong do you feel sick

Yaoyaorozo turns away: no it's nothing really

Todoroki: if you feel nauseous there's a pressure point where you can press on-

Yaoyaorozo: i told you im fine

(The monitor room)

Midoriya and uraraka were happy for them

The gravity girl: alright they won

Midoriya: yeh

Then the door of the room opens and gets there attention and see tsu walking in

Tsu: aw i missed it but im proud of her

Uraraka smiles: yeh so are we and congrats on passing yours too

Tsu stops near of them: thanks ochaco but isn't it your turn now

Uraraka: oh your right wish me luck

She runs to the door

Midoriya: break a leg


(Moments later)

We see uraraka with her helmet on and flying with her quirk to the USJ and sees her partner already there at the front gate

Uraraka lands and looks at him: you ready

Aoyama fabulously poses: you bet mademoiselle

They both walk in

Uraraka looks: so do you have a plan that can help us pass

Aoyama poses: oh ma mi i don't have a clue

Uraraka then got really nervous in disappointment: i figured

(The monitor room)

Midoriya and tsu watching then aizawa comes in and gets there attention

Midoriya: you ok sir i hope you don't feel too bad

Aizawa leans against the wall with his arms crossed: my well being is nothing you should worry about us teachers are just doing our jobs

Tsu: midoriya do you think ochaco and aoyama have a chance against thirteen

Midoriya looks at the screen: well uraraka is pretty powerful now on her own thanks to our training but she and aoyama will have a hard time to even get close to thirteen or even get pass her

Aizawa: yeh

Getting there attention as there confused

Aizawa: even with all that training with you she'll need a lot more then rocks to slow down thirteen

Midoriya and tsu were confused as they watch the screen and they were shocked

Midoriya: WHAT HOW

(The USJ)

We see uraraka with her helmet gone and aoyama holding on to there lives on a railing as they are being pulled by thirteens quirk


Thirteen walks slowly to them with her quirk active: you really thought i let you off easy

Uraraka: it's getting stronger the closer she gets

Thirteen: im not great on combat but i am excellent on capturing

(The monitor room)

Midoriya and tsu were worried as they watch

Midoriya: but they just started how the heck did it start up like that so quick

Tsu: and it looks like escaping thirteen black hole is next to impossible

Midoriyas head: yeh but there's only 1 way for them to break free from this and if my theory's correct

(The USJ)

Aoyama keeping a smug: i guess you can say this quirk really sucks doesn't it


Aoyama: my custom is not just sheik

Confusing uraraka: HUH

Aoyama: it channels blast from my belly button which means

His navel laser fires from his knee caps: YOU GOT NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT MADEMOISELLE

Thirteen: ill suck up your laser too

The laser blast goes into her finger

Surprising aoyama as his red shades fly off and get sucked up too

Thirteen: and break it down to a molecular level

Making france teen nervous: this is no joke


(If only you knew)

Aoyama closed his eyes: i have no please

Uraraka thinks and glares at there opponent: ok let's try this

She releases her right hand puts her thumb middle and ring fingers together and aims at the rescue pro

Thirteen: you can try but that won't work either


She then releases and fires her uravity sphere it then flys straight to thirteen with her quirk still active but instead of being sucked up and turn to nothing the sphere stops and clogs up the tip of her finger

Thirteen shocked: WHAT

Uraraka also shocked: IT WORKED

(The monitor room)

Everyone but midoriya surprised shocked and confused

Recovery girl: well that's surprising

Tsu: yeh but how

Aizawa sees midoriya smiling

The watch wielder: i knew it

Confusing the others as they look at him

(The USJ)

We see both uraraka and aoyama sitting down as they see thirteen trying to shack of the sphere from her finger

The rescue hero confused: what how

Uraraka then remembers what gunhead said to her

Past gunhead: you shouldn't fight on your opponents field instead make sure you have the advantage got it

Uraraka saw the chance and took it made herself flout and flys straight to thirteen with the hand cuffs and puts all her fingers together

Uraraka: RELEASE

As she is close gravity is put back to her and at the same time the uravity sphere disappears and uraraka quickly tackles thirteen and pins her down

Thirteen surprised: where did that come from

Uraraka then cuffs her winning them the test

(Music stops)

Urarakas head: the lessons i learned from deku and gunhead really came in handy here im a mini battle hero


(The monitor room)

Midoriya proud: awesome they made it and uraraka was amazing

While the others in the room are still confused

Tsu: ribbit but midoriya i still don't understand of how come ochacos sphere attack clogged up thirteens black hole

Recovery girl: yeh even im confused

Aizawa frustrated for some reason: your a quirk expert you mind explaining

Midoriya smugs and grabs his chin: hm well mr aizawa im glad you asked and i believe it's all about gravity

Confusing them

Tsu: gravity

Midoriya: yep thirteens quirk makes her a walking black hole it's powerful as a real 1 but doesn't destroy everything

He looks at the screen: both urarakas zero gravity and thirteens black hole quirks they both involve gravity based and black holes sucks up and destroys everything made of matter and even light but urarakas uravity spheres does have energy but it's not matter it's an energy made of gravity itself and black holes doesn't destroy gravity it only goes through and like you just saw her uravity sphere clogged up her black hole quirk like a toilet that won't flush normally when you want it too HAHAHAHA

Making the others kinda understand

Tsu: well that kinda makes sense

Midoriya then realizes: wait i probably should of waited to explained all of this is over for everyone in our class to hear this after class

Making aizawa annoyed and growls

(The USJ)

We see thirteen now sitting up: well that was surprising but what surprised me the most was clogging up my quirk

Uraraka: honestly ma'am im just confused as you are

She looks at her hands: but im sure deku was watching maybe he knows why

Aoyama: aw how sweet

Getting there attention

The france teen poses: izuku midoriya thinking about him has helped you once again now why is that

Confusing the gravity girl

Aoyama: is it because you like him or something

It echoes into her mind as she blushes red as four arms and felt embarrassed and she puts her hands over her face

Uraraka: oh no no no no no not you too

Her quirk then activities and makes her flout away

Thirteen enjoying this: hmhmhm anyways congratulations you 2 pass

The students happy to hear it: thank you ma'am/mademoiselle

(The monitor room)

They see uraraka embarrassed and flouting confusing them

Midoriya: wonder what that is about

Tsu: yeh i wonder what aoyama said that made her look embarrassed all of the sudden

Midoriya: yeh too bad there isn't any audio so we can hear them

The doors of the room open getting there attention was iida and yaoyorozu walking in

Iida: uraraka won not surprising im happy for her and aoyama of course

Tsu: yeh and you should of seen how it ended

Midoriya: and both of you won yours congrats

Both vice commanders smile and nod

Iida: thank you for your enthusiasm

Tsu turns to the screen: now that this match is over which team is nexted

They all looks at the screen

Yaoyorozo with her arms crossed: ashido and kaminari are paired for the next battle

Midoriya concern: and there facing nezu the principal of our school it's rare to see him do anything that involves fighting

Iida: we'll have to watch this 1 carefully

(Field gamma)



(Music changes)

Narrater deku: kaminari and ashido match against principal nezu was pretty humiliating during the whole match nezu was using an operational crane and made them run for there lives by causing chain reactions through the whole field and predict there moves to know where they are his calculations were as sample as making a cup of tea and both kaminari and mina didn't realize that 1 by 1 nezu sealed of every direction to the gate cuz a genius villain would always win from a far and the worst part is they have no clue of where he is so they can't attack him all the principals strategy was perfect and in the end they couldn't make it to the escape gate before time ran out and so

We see the pairs crawling out of the rubles of the field



Both of them were frustrated

Kaminari slams his fist on the ruble: AW DAM IT

Mina slumps: aw man this sucks

(Music stops)

Nezu drinks his tea and looks at us: and here i went and left 1 escape route for them because i am so nice HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


(The monitor room)

The students felt sorry for them as they see there frustrated

Midoriya: it's over they lost

Iida: they never saw there opponent i can't imagine how frustrated they must be

Uraraka comes through the door: what minas team lost

She runs in worried getting there attention

Yaoyorozo: yes the principals game plan was flawless they couldn't even touch him

Uraraka: aw that's terrible there spirits must be crushed

Yaoyorozo understands what that feels like

Iida gives a smile: but you passed congratulations

Uraraka smiles back: thanks you too iida

Tsu puts a finger on her chin: ochaco we saw you flouting at end when you won your match with aoyama against thirteen what happened out there

Uraraka: oh well

She remembers what he said

Uraraka freaks out and turns red as four arms and moves her hands around like crazy: OH IT WAS NOTHING NOTHING IMPORTANT AT ALL

Confusing the other's as a question mark flashes on midoriyas head

Iida: what's wrong with your so red all of the sudden

Tsus head: something happened out there huh ochaco


Getting there attention


(The forest field)

Narrater deku: team koda and jiro and there opponent was present mic his voice quirk makes him a super powered death amp a speaker of doom his quirk gives him crazy high pitches crazy base and crazy volume from what i heard his parents and the doctors in the room bleed from the ears when he cried and the device on his neck is a direction speaker they all have sound related quirks and it's no coincidence that there opponent was picked mic will only drown everything around them it was a bad match up mostly for jiro due to her sensitive ears so she had to tough it out and fight back with her own soundwaves from her boot speakers but it wasn't any help there opponent is way too strong for them

(Music changes)

The narrater: then koda pulled out an ace it was his turn to be plus ultra and turns out he can talk normally and is scared of bugs

Mic standing by the gate whistling with his hands in his pockets looking bored: what's the deal are they gonna run down the clock and hide the whole time

He then felt ground moving and looks down and what pops out of it was a swarm army of creepy bugs and they all climb up his left leg

Mic was creeped out: AH OH GOOOOOOOOOD

His head: there coming from underground where sound doesn't travel well

His eyes were filled with pure fear went blank his head: aw man this is why i hate the out doors so much


It was heard through out the whole forest

(The monitor room)

Everyone watched and the students but tsu for some reason were creeped by the display

Iida: that's tough even for a pro

Midoriya: wow koda harsh move

Recovery girl steamed: he left a few bugs beat him

(The forest)

We see koda carrying jiro in his arms and run through the escape gate



The team smile proudly as koda blushes

(Music stops and match 8 hagakure and shoji vs snipe)

Narrater deku: shoji and hagakure were up and there opponent is snipe his quirk homing is basically an auto aim and the projectiles he fires hits the target he sees as long as it's at 600 meters or less he maybe 1 man with a gun but it was still difficult for them even with the weights on him and shoji and hagakure were under fire so they had to cover the wall there standing behind did protect them for a while until snipe throw a smoke grenade to blind them it effected his vision but he sensed them and he fired at there wall and shoji ran too get away before it collapses on him and for some reason hagakure was not seen or heard then shoji took his chance and ran for the gate but was stopped in his tracks by his opponent and all seemed lost until

They stand 5 feet from each other and shoji slowly puts his hands up

Snipe keeping his aim on him: aren't you giving up too easily as a hero

Suddenly out of nowhere flying cuffs came at him strap on to his arm surprising him

Hagakure happy: THERE I GOT HIM

Snipe: where did you-

(Music stops)

He nearly moves and his right elbow touched and felt something round and squashy he is too familiar with

Snipe got worried: oh no

The invisible girl got mad and disappointed: mr snipe YOU PERVERT


Shoji breaths for relief and watches as they argue



(The monitor room)

Everyone were happy for them

Yaoyaorozo: just as i expected hagakure is the best as there is at stealth ops

Midoriya with his arms crossed: and shoji had the guts to face snipe head on and be there distraction

They nod agreed while tsu: ribbit


Giving the screen there attention


Uraraka then realizes and looks: hey deku isn't your match up next shouldn't you be getting ready

Everyone in the room looks

Midoriya gives a smile: oh yeh but i want to watch everyone else first

He looks at the screen: it's really interesting to see how each of the teams use there quirks and i feel like im getting stronger just by watching them our class is so amazing even tho some of them didn't pass i am proud of everyone for doing there best to the end everyone of them has what it means to a be a hero

Uraraka smiles to agree with him

Aizawa: i wouldn't be so sure about that

Confusing midoriya and uraraka as they look at him: huh

While the others in the room understand what he means

Tsu points: looks like 1 of our peers is giving up

The 2 look at the screen and they got shocked: HUH

(A mountain field)

We see mineta crying: WAAAAAAAAAH HAAAAAAAAA

He is running away with seros tape wrapped around him

(The monitor room)

Both midoriya and uraraka surprised and disappointed: WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING

(The field)

Narrater deku: mineta and seros match with midnight just started and right off the bat mineta just started running away crying like a 5 year old and complaining that it's impossible for him to win despite that he was really looking forward for the training camp although can't really blame him cuz his and seros opponent was midnight and with her quirk somnambulist she can make this pink mist that comes off her body and it puts people to sleep if they breath into it although it's more effective on guys then girls but it turns out mineta was just super jealous of sero for saving him and being all over midnight but not on purpose but he was so jealous he was literally crying blood also im not a doctor but is that normal and the real reason why mineta choose to be a hero is get girls to like him which is very straight forward and depressing

(Music stops)

Mineta takes a ball from his head and looks at it his head: i wanted to be a pro so can be popular with the girls i thought that they like me once i become a real hero

He remembers seeing midoriya and the others in action

Minetas head: dam it i thought it would make me cool

He hears footsteps behind him and got worried and gets hit by the end of a wip as a could of pink mist moves towards him

Midnight inside the mist: i figured i stay put at the escape gate until time ran out but on 2ed though i got a deeper itch that needs to be scratched

(I really couldn't find the soundtrack from the ep from this match ok)

(The monitor room)

Midoriya smiles proudly for him then unknown to everyone he turns and walks away



Everyone was amazed and happy

Iida: alright they did it

Yaoyorozo: mineta actually had a solid plan for once

Tsu: ribbit

Uraraka looks: deku it's your-

She sees him already gone


We see midoriya riding his hoverboard to his assigned stage

Midoriya smiles proudly his head: good job mineta ill do my best for my part for you and everyone in our class that didn't make it as leader of class 1A ill make our class proud

As he reaches the gate of the stage he sees his partner waiting at the gate and hears him coming and glares over his shoulder midoriya stops in mid air and lands and glares back him

The watch wielder: well you ready

Bakugo growls turns to the gate: took you long enough

(Inside the city field)

We see buff all might standing infront of the escape gate with his fist on his hips and he remembers what aizawa said

(Flashback to 3 days ago)

Aizawa: your job is simple all might you need to show them the gap between good students and the very best of the best bakugo still has that pride of his and midoriya hasn't really lost yet both of them need to have some humility beaten into them

All might: i understand but i still should give them a chance right

Aizawa: only a chance to escape there both very strong and midoriya maybe close to half your power but don't let them win in a straight fight if they can't figure out that there are some opponents they can't beat then they'll have to rethink their choice of careers

(The present)

All mights head: i couldn't blame him after all i did faced all for one with backup i might not have been crippled far better for the boys to learn that lesson in a safe environment and still have lives to look forward to save

(The monitor room)

We see uraraka, tsu and the 2 vice commanders watching with aizawa and recovery girl then the door of the room opens getting there attention and it was most of everyone else in class 1A

Uraraka surprised: guys what are you doing here

Ojiro smiles: we came to see the last match

Kirishima grins: yeh ever since midoriya mentioned something new he learned i bet we were all dying to see it no way we want to miss it

Sato smiles: yeh

Iida smiles: most appropriated

Yaoyorozo: sorry about your match

Kirishima: hey it's cool if you fall off the horse you can still get back on it

Uraraka confused: hey wait where are mina and kaminari

Jiro: i think there still upset about there match with nezu and there probably walking with there heads down can't really blame them tho

Mineta: and sero is just resting midnights quirk is the ultimate sleep powder

Tsu: ribbit great job on your match anyways you really surprised us at the end

Mineta felt embarrassed and smiles: oh thank you

Kirishima coughed into his hand to break the tension: so any bets on how long those 2 might last against all might i might say 5 minutes unless if bakugo goes nuts and tries to blow up midoriya

Hagakure: 6 minutes and i say bakugo gets knocked out first haha

Ojiro: probably 10 minutes don't get me wrong midoriya is strong as heck on his own i mean come on it's all might they're fighting even if he has to hold back he could probably take down any of midoriya aliens in 1 or 2 punches right

Everyone else felt a little indignant on there leaders behalf though they had to admit that the idea of all might losing was a bit hard to believe even with his condition

Todoroki: 2 minutes and midoriya gets in at least 2 good hits

Tsu: same time but i bet midoriya has to save bakugo a few times

Some of class 1A: hahaha

As some made similar bets but uraraka with her hands together on her chest never taking her focus away from the screen

Uraraka: i bet they'll pass

The rest of the class and even recovery girl and aizawa regarded her with some disbelief but none of them argued with her there was a deep conviction in her eyes an absolute faith that midoriya would win with faith that somehow even reached out to bakugo

Aizawa looks at the screen and sees midoriya as he remembers what he said earlier

Aizawas head: problem child you better put on a good show


(The city field)

We see the teammates standing 3 meters from each other infront of the closing doors and they are shut as the wind blows

(Bakugos memories)

Bakugo: you recently learned a new trick outside of your freaks i don't know what's going on with your power but i saw how you used it and you should know

He remembers the rescue training

(The present)

The angry boomer mad annoyed and mad as he remembers what he said to his

Past bakugo: it's really pissing me off

He eye glares at him and midoriya knows he's looking but keeps his focus on the match and takes a deep breath to calms his nerves

Past bakugo: this won't end up like the festival and so far since the start of this year you've been at the top for far too long all because of your dam freaks we'll be giving individual scores in the upcoming finals new rankings

Both students start walking as there beside each other

Past bakugo: so we'll see exactly where we're both standing

Bakugo madly glares at us his head: ill show im better then you just watch

Midoriya without looking: so what plan did you pick

Bakugo ignores: whatever comes first just don't screw up

(Flashback back to there earlier talk)

Midoriya starts walking back and forth with both his hands behind his back: at this point despite his time limit all might is the most unstoppable force on earth but i may have a few plans that may help us win our match

He stops and looks at him: but i want to hear your opinion

Bakugo got confused and looks at him

Midoriya: i know you want to fight him so we'll start with that if 1 of us can actually push him away or at least slow him down even just a little bit or more we may have a chance of capturing him

He throws the hand cuffs on the table

Midoriya: and knowing you, you want to take the first bite and so ill give you 5 minutes

Bakugo confused: 5 minutes of what

Midoriya: 5 minutes to do what you can while i try to get the cuffs on him but if your 5 minutes are up it'll be my turn while you try to get the cuffs on him but if 1 of us can't slow him down or push him back then it might take both of us to do it and considering how much time we have we don't have much of a choice and if we're almost out of time and we can't even touch him then 1 of us has to reach the gate

Bakugo glares and thinks

Midoriya: well what do you say

Bakugo: what about your new trick don't you want to show off that

Midoriya: if i get my turn ill bust it out

He grabs his chin: but im still not sure if it'll be any help to us but we got to try something that can help us

Bakugo: then give me 10 minutes

Midoriya confused: what

Bakugo: give me 10 minutes to beat his ass we got plenty of time for these stupid plans of yours but you stay away from him

Midoriya annoyed: but i can't just let you have him to yourself and if you can't slow him down even a little bit then we're both screwed if he knocks you out right away

Bakugo: yeh yeh whatever but what if i do slow him down

Midoriya: i guess but we still don't have a lot of time so if all might appears that's when you get your turn but ill give you 7 minutes deal

Bakugo glares and thinks

(Music stops and the present)

Bakugo walking: whatever comes first

Midoriya looks at him and looks at the end of the long road: all might is probably at the end of this road waiting at the gate

Bakugo annoyed: so

Midoriya: so and we both know what he is capable of and if we fellow the plan perfectly then we may have a chance and knowing him right off the bat he might-

He was suddenly punched at the left side of his head knocked away to a near pole

(The monitor room)

Everyone was shocked as they watched and some of the girls cover there mouths with there hands

Mineta gets mad: WHAT'S THAT JERK DOING

Recovery girl breaths: oh dear there's absolutely no teamwork between those 2 don't they realize who there up against

She then turns and glares at: aizawa why on earth did you pair those 2

Aizawa not caring as he knew this would happen

(The field)

Midoriya shocked and slowly gets up: bakugo what was that for

He turns to him: what are you-

He was tackled to the pole by bakugo as he has the hand cuffs and straps them on midoriyas wrist to the pole as he falls and sits against it

Midoriya was confused and tries to break free: bakugo what are you doing

The angry bomber then grabs his face and has him look straight

Bakugo with a cold glare with a growl: you listen here deku just because your more powerful then i am and your the big boss of our class doesn't mean you get to tell me what to do

He lets his face go and backs away: even if any of your stupid plans work or not im not running away from this fight it'll look better for me to blast that smile right off his face

Midoriya glares: no we need to follow the plan


Midoriya: but think about this we both know what all might can do we watched him for years we've even seen him in action up close and even with those handicap weights on him you can't beat him on your own

Bakugo got mad and punches him in the noes and blood drips from it

Bakugo with a colder glare: i don't want to hear another word from you

He turns and walks away to continue the there test

Midoriya as he tries to break free: WAIT BAKUGO all i want to do is get us to pass this is for both of us



Bakugo glares at him: of course ill win im the strongest and im the best 1 here

Midoriya had enough: no your not

Bakugo was full of rage and growls

Midoriya: there are some people in this school i know you can't win against why because i know but if it were any of the other teachers i don't doubt you'll win but all might is completely out of your league and that i know too much

Bakugo then slowly moves to him and ready to blast him to hell

Midoriya: listen i know your strong and you want to be best but remember this is only a test and we both want to pass it and the best way for us to-

(Music stops)

He sees behind him a big burst of wind and dust coming at them

Midoriya shocked: GET DOWN

He quickly he turns his head away and closes his eye's and mouth confusing bakugo as he turns but too late as the dust reaches them and the force of it destroys the road and the windows of the surrounding buildings and parts of the sidewalks and cars flying and it slowly dies down and midoriya with the pole now on it's side as he is still hand cuffed to it he coughs and catches his breath and bakugo gets up and gets ready for what's coming as they both hear footsteps

A menacing familiar voice in the cloud of dust: who really cares if i destroy this city

Surprising the students as they felt a chill in there spines there heads: what/when did he get/how is he so intimidating

All might walks out of the dust and stomps a burst of wind that nearly blows the students

All might: if you think of this as an exam and not a real fight you'll be sorry

Confusing the 2 as they look at him

All might with an evil grin: im a villain now heroes remember that you better come at me with everything you got i won't hold my punches

Midoriya sweats and scared of him for the first time: bakugo you can't face him head on you seriously need to run now

Bakugo rages: DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO

All might notices and confused: young midoriya why are you chained to a pole

Midoriya breaths: take a good guess

He eye glares at his partner as he is existed and grinning evilly

All mights disappointed: young bakugo i respect your fighting spirit but you shouldn't kick your valuable allies to the side in situations such as this

Bakugo glares: hey your the 1 who said don't think of this thing as a test and im doing it my way and besides


As all might quickly grabs his face: HOLD BACK DAMMIT

He aims both hands at him fires his rapid blast as they sting him a bit as all might blocks with his other arm

All mights head: normally when you grab someones face the reflex is to pull your hand off guess this kid really is concerned on beating me no matter what

He slams bakugo to the ground and bakugo felt the hard pain and breaths

All might: your rapid fire blast were weak and barely a sting

He looks over his shoulder: and what about you young midoriya

The watch wielder watches and is concern as he glares and tries to break free

All might: can you get out of that

Midoriya frustrated: im trying too but these things are much tougher to break off then aizawas scarf and i can't reach the watch the support course really is great for it's inventors and if we fail this test cuz of bakugos stupidity i can at least i can blame aizawa for once for teaming me up with him

(The monitor room)

Aizawa annoyed but doesn't care too much as the nurse looks at him for a moment as they heard it

(The field)

All might: ha well i understand your reasons but blaming isn't a part of being a hero young midoriya and you should know that

Midoriya still tries: yes i know sir and i apologize but i just never ignore the fax and i could use full cowl but if i do that ill break the cuffs of course but we'll lose our only chance of capturing you if it's possible

He feels pain: ach also i think my left arms messed up

All might then notices the pole on it's side and sees the problem: hmph fair point although you should know by now that there's is more then 1 way to stop a villain

Midoriya got confused and looks at him

All might: and don't worry ill get you out of that then we move on too-

As he walks to him but bakugo jumps and gets in his way and hits him much stronger blast


The blast only stings and burns a little all might then tries to grab him but bakugo quickly rockets away

Bakugo glares: i don't want that lucky freak get in the way and screw up everything

All might: very well then so be it

He rushes to the student

Bakugo readys himself: HOW ABOUT A STUN GRENADE

He charges a blast that was bright and blinds the pro as he covers his eye's

All mights head: dam that's bright

(The monitor room)

Everyone watches as the students worries as they see bakugo fighting the pro

Uraraka was nervous: um recovery girl

The nurse looks at her: yes dearie

Uraraka: all might knows not to hurt them too much right

Recovery girl breaths: intellectually yes but if he gets too excited he may over do it which means i may have my work cut out for me by the time this is done and judging from that 1 moment it looked like he was about to free midoriya from the chains but that other boy is preventing him just to have his way

More than 1 student winced

Tsu places a hand on her shoulder: ribbit they'll be fine we were just joking about those bets earlier right everyone

The other students hastily nod to agreed with her though most privately thought that even giving bakugo and midoriya 5 minutes was generous this was after all the man who could change the weather by moving too fast on a sunday stroll

Uraraka puts her hands together as she watches her neighbor to break free her head: deku you can do it i know you can

The nurses head: 1 wants to defeat all might while the other only thinks of running the lad properly admires the man too much to izuku midoriya all might is like a god untouchable i don't know much about this other boy bakugo but based on his grades and combat and the sports festival he has amazing combat sense i wonder why he's in such a rush to win this

(Music stops the field)

Bakugo sitting up and gets up as he catches his breath and slowly walks to the opponent

Midoriya still trying to break free: bakugo

Bakugo growls: shut up

Midoriya glares: you haven't been listening to me at all its insane for you to fight him alone head GET ME OUT OF THIS SO I CAN HELP

Bakugo: SHUT UP YOU LUCKY SCUM I WILL WIN THIS that's what it means to be a hero deku

It hits midoriya like a bell and he remembers back when they were kids seeing bakugo happy and exited as they watched all might on tv

Midoriya now understands: then can you at least listen to me for once

Bakugo rages at him: SHUT THE FUCK UP

Suddenly all might: INCOMING HERO

He rushes at bakugo who hits him with a stronger blast all might really felt it but he ignores it and punches the boy hard in the stomach and he was sent flying a little far as bakugo pukes out his morning breakfast

Midoriya worried: BAKUGO

He remembers more of there past together

Midoriya glares at him and tries to break free his head: your the biggest jerk i ever known but i get it you always have 1 goal you fight for in everything you do you make sure that your the winner and honsetly i admire that side of you

Then an old voice: he sure is stubborn and persistent

Midoriya got confused and looks up and sees: azmuth what are you doing here you can't be here this is a test area for students and teachers only right now

Azmuth: oh im not really here

He moves closer to him and waves his little hand back and forth in his face as it goes through

Midoriya understands: oh so your a hologram good but you still can't be here

Azmuth: can you get out of that

Midoriya: i am trying to but if i break the cuffs we'll lose our only chance of capturing and i can't reach the watch and i think my left arm is really messed up

He tries to move but feels the pain: ouch

Azmuth: why would you need to reach to activate it

Midoriya looks at him then realizes what he means: oooh

Bakugo now catching his breath and slowly gets up and sits on his hands and knees as all might walks up to his side

All might: i know why your so angry young bakugo it's because of young midoriyas marvelous improvement and potential

Bakugo freezes as he faces the ground

All might with his hands on his hips: but you have to remember each of your rankings when the year first begin it's much easier to level up when your an novice but your wasting your potential

He turns to him: do you understand me you still have so much room to grow stronger boy and i don't mean just your quirk

Bakugo with rage growls: shut up all might

Confusing the pro as unknown to them midoriya ignores the pain and rolls on top of the poles other side

Bakugo: if im so bad that i have to get help from a weak lucky power house freak like him

He glares at him with puke stains drooling from his mouth: then i rather lose this do you hear me

All might sees that he is serious: i see just remember that's what you said hero

He was ready to punch him

Bakugos head: dam it

Suddenly a familiar green flash gets there attention and a green gooey fist punches bakugos face

The alien mad and disappointed as he glares: DON'T YOU DARE SAY YOU RATHER LOSE LET'S WIN THIS KACCHON

The punch sent bakugo far from all might and goop lands near him

The pro surprised: young midoriya

(The monitor room)

The students were happy and exited that there leader is now free

Uraraka: it's goop

Tsu with her finger on her chin: yeh but i doubt he be any help against all might

Iida confused: i agree but how did he transform without touching the omnitrix

(The field)

All might smiles proudly: i didn't expect you to swoop in like that i let my guard down

He scratches his neck and feels the heavyweights on both his wrist and legs: man did the support course really have to make these things so heavy

Goop turns to him: well sir to be fair considering how strong you are they had a really good reason to do so

Bakugo then slowly gets on his feet and glares at him: stay out of this you oversized snot

Goop glares at him: you shut up

Bakugo surprised as he growls

The alien looks at there opponent: you have no idea how pissed i am at you right now im really disappointed

Confusing bakugo

Goop: but now is not the time we have a test to win

All might: so midoriya are you planning to fight as you are now or run away

Goop: oh don't worry ill fight maybe for a moment and just the fun of it but not as goop cuz i know he's no match for you

He presses his symbol and green flashes back to midoriya and feels pain his left arm and holds it: ach

All might notices it: everything fine

Midoriya: yeh a little bit goop did heal my arm but i think it's sore or something but that's not gonna slow me down

Midoriya glares at his partner: bakugo you stand by for now


Midoriya without looking: you had your chance and almost costed us the final and so

He throws him the hand cuffs he used

Midoriya: were gonna have a change of plans ill see what i can do and if its not enough then we both have to go at him with everything we got its our only hope of passing this

Bakugo: and what makes you think im just gonna let you hog him all to yourself

Midoriya glares over his shoulder: cuz im disappointed in you for giving up

Bakugo was surprised and glares: ok fine just don't screw up

Midoriya then turns and glares at there opponent and his body lights up in green lighting his head: one for all full cowling 10%

Midoriya readys himself: IT'S HERO TIME

He rushes at the opponent

All might saw him coming and goes for a punch but midoriya saw it and quickly slides under between his legs which surprised the pro as midoriya kneels

Midoriya: let's try this

All might quickly goes for a swing at him but midoriya quickly jump dashes away to a building and positions himself as he quickly starts jumping from building to the street to building surprising bakugo and all might as they try to keep track of him

(The monitor room)

Everyone watches carefully

Todorokis calm his head: that's like when we fought the hero killer midoriya is that your new trick

(The field)

All might tries to keep track of his movements but and was kicked in the back that nearly pushes him and all might goes for another swing but misses

All mights head: he's so fast now i remember

He watches his successor as he repeatedly kicks and punches the pro almost everywhere as all might was getting nearly knocked away

All might a little frustrated his head: this is just like the training i had to go through with gran torino long ago and he is only just using 10% of his power

Bakugo frustrated as he watches his head: that dam nerd how is he pushing him back now even a little

He notices something his head: wait a sec is he getting-

Midoriya rapidly dashes all over the place much faster his head: let's try 20%

He repeatedly hits all might more as he tries to grab the student but keeps missing due to the weights and keeps getting hit and knocked away much harder and farther more

Midoriya keeps going: 25% 30% 35%

He is moving much faster and his body is creating a wind force around him and leaving a trail of wind burst all round all might as he is getting pounded back and forth

All mights head: he's getting stronger and faster as he keeps changing the percentages as he moves


Getting his attention


He stops on 1 side of a building and glares and smiles: FULL COWLING SHOOT STYLE

All might smiles proudly his head: you have come so far

Midoriya then continues the dashes


The pro starts to keep track on him as he listens


His head: now for a move 45%

The green lighting surges faster he moves much faster and jumps and dashes between the buildings and the streets and all might and bakugo notice

(Both monitors)

Everyone watches carefully

(The field)

Midoriya stops and rushes at him: AND SO ILL BECOME A HERO WHO SURPASSES YOU

All might then turns to him and shows his proud smile for the boy as time slows down midoriya then notices his smile and the boys memory flashes

(Music stops)

The man from his dream: izuku my little miracle

It echos through his mind and he felt fear and closes his eyes shut and grabs his head and all might then notices it and took advantage and has his left hand reached out to him and grabs midoriya in mid air in his palm with his right arm between his fingers to prevent him from reaching the watch

(The monitor room)

Everyone was shocked and confused

Ojiro: huh what happened it looked like midoriya actually had him on the ropes but he got caught

Kirishima: yeh what gives

Aizawa and recovery girl concern

Aizawa saw it his head: something distracted him but what

Uraraka worried her head: deku

(The field)

Midoriya tries to break free

All might: haha i admit young midoriya you actually had me worried for a moment until whatever it was distracted you

Bakugo rockets and rages: HEY DON'T FORGET ABOUT ME

He goes for a blast at him but all might saw him coming and quickly grabs him the same way

All might: don't think i've forgotten about you young bakugo

Bakugo felt fear and glares


He quickly drops bakugo and knees to his jaw and he was sent flying and crashes to a building

Midoriya shocked: BAKUGO

He tries to break free from all mights grip on him then bakugo rushes out of the building and rockets to him with raged


He goes for an attack but all might swings and slams him down with midoriya like he's a sack of potatoes and both crash to the ground and explodes in dust and dirt

(The monitor room)

The students worried as they watch

(The field)

All might with his grip still tight on the student and has his foot on the others back and pins him down: young bakugo don't take this the wrong way you both are very formidable not many villains or even heroes in the world can actually give me a tough time even a little but sadly it's not enough sometimes working together is always the best option for many strong heroes to defeat a powerful foe

Bakugo too stocked with fear and barely listens his head: ok i admit i am way over my head he's got overwhelming power and is a living tank with speed and strength i can't hope to match he's not just powerful he is power

He eye glares at him his head: and now that i faced him myself i realized that dam nerd is right that this man is the most unstoppable force on the planet he's the greatest hero on earth

Midoriya still tries to break free and is frustrated: dam it

(Music stops)

All might: what kind of face is that young midoriya

Getting his attention as he glares

All might: you really surprised me with that shoot style and i have no doubts that someone like you can surpass me

Midoriya felt graceful to hear that but still tries to get away

The pro: and your also pretty difficult for me as long as i have these weights on but if that's all you got to show me then this is over with you now in my grip it'll be hard for you to reach your omnitrix now what will you do

Midoriya looks at him then slowly his mouth turns into a toothy grin: hehehehe hahahahahahahahahaha

All might got confused and for some reason creeped out as he sweats a little




(The monitor room)

Aizawa and the nurse listen as they watch and confused

The students also confused

Kirishima: huh why is he laughing

Hagakure: maybe he thought of something funny

Jiro: or maybe he was hit in the head too hard

(The field)

Midoriya tries to calm down and smiles: ha ha haaaa aw man sorry i completely forgot about it for a moment

Confusing the pro and his partner even more

Midoriya glares: and all might you should know by now that i have more then 1 way to use the watch

He shows it and grips his left hand into a fist and the dial ring pops up like usual

Midoriya: and during the whole time when i was circling you i was looking for the right alien i needed

Surprising all might as he sees and recognizes the hologram figure

The watch wielder grins: all might get ready to face your ultimate opponent

He quickly slams the dial against under the pros wrist and the green flash explodes in the pros hand as he and bakugo cover there eyes as what revealed was

The alien glares and grabs his wrist tightly: HUMUNGOSAUR

He then quickly left hooks all might in the face and he was knocked far off of bakugo as he sits up

(The monitor room)

Some of the students were hyped

Kirishima with his hands up: YEH HUMUNGOSAUR

Ojiro with his arm crossed: don't get me wrong guys he's a strong alien but i think all might can handle him no problem i think

Uraraka then remembers something

(Urarakas memory 2 days ago)

We see her in school gym clothes she and midoriya had the gym to themselves as everyone else in there class is doing there own thing and uraraka walks to the gamma gym then she sees a familiar green flash from it and as she gets closer to the door of it and sneaks to sees her neighbor

Midoriya sweating and catching his breath: ok i think i got it right

Confusing uraraka as she watches without him noticing

Midoriya looks at him watch: let's try it 1 more time and hopefully it works

He activates the omnitrix and slams it down and transforms into humungosaur

The alien on focus: let's go alien cowling 25%

Then brown lighting covers up the dinosaur alien: then 30%

The lighting gets brighter and surges faster: 45% THEN 50%

The lighting instantly turns to bright neon green and his body explodes in a brighter green flash


Uraraka covers her eyes as something much bigger shadows over her and she was shocked as she sees

The shadow: ULTIMATE-

(The flashback ends and back to the city field)

All might and bakugo were shocked as they see

(He still has the cargo shorts)

The alien stands tall and glares: met ULTIMATE HUMUNGOSAUR

(The teachers monitor room)

They were amazed as they watch

Nezu keeps his smile: interesting

(The students monitor room)

The students were shocked and amazed as they see there leader became menacing


Uraraka surprised: so that's what i saw the other day

Surprising the others as they look at her

Recovery girl: he's getting stronger

The students look at her

The nurse keeps her eye's on the screen: and he'll continue on getting stronger and much more because he has an important goal to reach

She gives her attention: and if any of you ever hope to reach your goals then hope that you can surpass your leader at this point so it be best for each of you to work harder as he does

The students understand as they look at the screen and start cheering

Aizawas watches his head: azmuth because of you and all might we created a monster that fights for us and after this is over we got a lot of work to do

Uraraka excited and cheers: GOOOOOO DEKU

(Music stops the field)

All might suddenly felt nervous his head: he's much bigger then before and is much more bigger then the nomu from the USJ and those arms there just like in the footage in that 1 time during rescue training

The pro smiles: very impressive young midoriya whatever this new power of yours is it better be worth the wait

Ult humungosaur: oh don't worry all might it will

Bakugo just watches as he looks at the ultimate alien and sees a silhouette of midoriya then he remembers what he said at the sports festival

Past heatblasts voice: if you want to be a real hero then surpass me as 1

Bakugo glares and growls then lowers his face his head: how can i when i can't beat something like that

Humungosaur: bakugo

Getting his attention

The ultimate alien: i want to try this out so you relax for now and leave the rest to me


Humungosaur glares over his shoulder: this is no time to argue cuz if i fall here then ill be counting on you

Bakugo glares and growls: ok fine but you better not screw up

Ult humungosaur glares at the opponent: if i do you'll every right to hate me


All mights starts to get excited

The alien: ready when you are all might

All might grins menacingly: then show me what you got ultimate hero

The ultimate alien: THEN IT'S ULTIMATE HERO TIME

He charges at the opponent

All might then rushes at the bigger threat and goes for a hard right punch at his face both stop for a moment and the punch only made him flinch as his fist is mushed on the left side

Humungosaur grabs his wrist: was that supposed to hurt

All might was shocked as humungosaur quickly right hooks him hard and he was sent flying far and makes a trail in the messed up road

The pro sits up and catches his breath and coughs up blood and it spills on his right hand his head: in the past i have faced villains with such tanky quirks but nothing like this before and humungosaur is much stronger then before whatever this kind of power is i can tell this is not going be easy

Humungosaur: you alright all might

Getting his attention

The ultimate alien sees he's fine: cuz that's not all i got

He has his right fist pointed at him and the fist morphs into large barrel holes all might was shocked and realizes what's coming and the arm barrel starts spinning and fires 4 missiles at him but all might quickly zips out of there way and they explode on where they impact

(The monitor room)

The students more shocked as they watch

Mineta freaks out and grabs his head: DID HE JUST SHOOT MISSILES OUT OF HIS ARM

(The field)


Humungosaur: yeh but i don't know how many i can shoot at a time

He looks at him: and it won't be enough if they don't hit

On instinct the alien quickly moves his right hand and grabs a fist from all might and holds it tightly

All mights head: with these weights on me im nowhere near my top speed and that's the problem now

Humugosaur: i know neither of us can't really beat you all might not at this point in time

Confusing the pro as he understands


He then quickly leans back his right fist and it morphs into the cannon arm his head: gotta end this quick 51% cowling

The green lighting instantly flashes his whole body and throws his barrel fist at him in the face and fires a missile at point blank and explodes


He punches the pro hard to the ground and creates a shockwave that shack the whole fake city and bakugo covers his eye's as the dust explodes to him as he hangs on to something to not get blown away

(Both monitor rooms)

They all were shocked of the display as the dust covers the camera

Kirishima: hey what happened

(The field)

Dust was everywhere and bakugo coughs and breaths for air as he looks around and sees nothing all around and makes a strong blast at the ground to clear out the dust and as it does he was shocked and sees a weak all might on the ground unconscious

The old pro breaths to show he's alive

Ult humungosaur then grabs each of the weights on him and throws them all aside and from exhaustion the green flash appears over him and reveals regular humungosaur who sits and catches his breath

The alien looks at him: im sorry all might but you kinda lose this 1


Bakugo still shocked and looks at his partner

(The monitor room)


The students were shocked surprised and existed for what just happened

Kirishima and sato: ALRIGHT

They bump fist

Ojiro: i can't believe it midoriya defeated all might i guess i was wrong

Tsu: well he does have info on every hero he knows so he's probably had like a bunch on all might for years

Ojiro: guess your right

Hagakure all happy and puts her gloves high in the air: WAHOOOOO THAT'S OUR LEADER

Uraraka was real happy for her neighbor

(The field)


(Music stops)

All might then opens his eyes and slowly sits up and sees his successor still alien infront of him

The old pro shows a smile: something tells me that you boys passed

Humungosaur in a tired state smiles back: yep but it was no walk in the park gotta thank hatsumi for those weights


Humungosaur annoyed and breaths: bakugo just shut up for once does it really matter who did it we won and we passed the practical just enjoy it also-

From exhaustion he collapses onto his back all might and bakugo got confused as the big aliens symbols flashes red

The Omnitrix: beep beep beep BEEP

The alien explodes in a red flash and reveals a passed out midoriya

All might goes to his side and slowly sits him up in his arms: he's probably exhausted probably from that new power and he over used too much we better get him to recovery girl

Bakugo nods

(Moments later in the nurses office)

We see a sleeping bakugo and midoriya both still in there costumes and on each there own beds resting and in the room are all might and recovery girl who is mad

The nurse: he's fine nothing broken just exhausted from that new power of his but i am really steamed at you all might you don't know how exactly to hold back do you

She points her cane at him: i've seen you pound villains to sleep and if you hit those boys anymore harder there could of been permanent damage

The old pro fears for what she might do to him

Recovery girl: i don't know how poor midoriyas alien forms work and i don't care but all the hits they take will still revert to him when he changes back and as for bakugo he was a quick fix but he'll be resting for a while so for now they should stay here and rest

All might: yes and thank you for all your work today

Recovery girl then goes to a desk to pack up her things

All might then looks at his sleeping successor his head: your so much stronger then the day we've met i sometimes barely recognize you young midoriya

He turns to the other student: and the same goes for you young bakugo so far when i see you fighting your always smiling even in the impossible odds are against you and in the face of defeat

All might looks out the window of the room: i can't wait to see how much stronger you both get

Narrater deku: so much has happened since the day i found the omnitrix and this school year some of us found our weaknesses and learned to move past them some of us learned what it takes to be a real hero while some of us tasted failure we struggled with our own powerlessness then we keep moving forward to our bright new goals with these bitter sweet feelings our finals exams ended

(Music ends and moments later)

It was nearly night and we see midoriya still sleeping and we zoom into his mind

(Midoriyas dreams)

The man: izuku my little miracle

Midoriya quickly wakes up in shock and sweating and breathing as he sits up and glares

Midoriyas head: why do i keep having that dam dream his voice everytime i try to forget it i still heard it

He looks to his right and sees uraraka sleeping in a chair with her head laying on her arms at the end of the bed and midoriya smiles from the sight of her then he notices notices something sticking to his left shoulder and sees its a note as he grabs it off and reads it

Midoriya: it's from recovery girl

The note in the recovery girls voice: dear midoriya in case if you wake up i already went home and as you might of noticed uraraka she was waiting by your side since everyone else went home and before you leave your friends and classmates left you your costumes case and a change of clothes on the other bed wake up uraraka as well and congratulations on passing your practical dearie you have such a bright future ahead of you

Ps principal nezu gave you permission to use your quirk only to get home

Pss she's a keeper if you know what i mean hehe

Midoriya annoyed as his face turns red his head: what a strange old lady

He looks at his sleeping neighbor he then slowly gets off the bed to not disturb her and he felt a little sore

Midoriyas head: dam today was the first time i've tested out an ultimate alien in a battle at least im able to make it last long without using too much power in one for all i might need more practice and training

He gets off the bed uraraka felt the bed move and slowly opens her eyes and rubs them and sees him

Uraraka: deku

Midoriya was surprised and looks: oh sorry you looked comfortable and i didn't want to wake you up right away

He walks to the other bed

Uraraka stands up and stretches but a bit tired: no it's ok we need to get home anyways

Midoriya: why did you wait for me tho you could of just went home on your own yeh know

Uraraka: yeh i know i just wanted to say congrats on your practical it was amazing especially what you did with humungosaur

Midoriya takes off his shirt: well thanks ill tell you about that later

Uraraka instantly blushes seeing him shirtless and sees everything his chest ripped body and scars

Midoriya realizes and grins: oh sorry could you go wait outside ill be with you in a bit

Uraraka nervously grins: oh yeh no problem

She walks past him and looks at his back and sees the 10X mark and another scar and she walks out the door

(Moments later outside)

We see uraraka standing infront of the building as she is bored out of her mind then she hears the door open and sees her neighbor come out in his school uniform and with his backpack on and holding his costume case

Midoriya smiles: sorry for making you wait

Uraraka smiles back: oh it's ok let's get going

They both start walking

Midoriya: so where do you want to go

Uraraka confused: huh what do you mean

Midoriya: don't you remember the survival battle test last week

Uraraka: yeh

The remembers it then she realizes what he means and blushes

The gravity girl nervous: oh that

Midoriya: i said we go on a date after the whole practical is over do you not want to do that

Uraraka freaks outs: OH NO NO i do want to but we both had such a long hard day and i didn't think you would wanted too fo that right away so just let me think of the plans ok

Midoriya confused: but isn't the guy supposed to be the 1 that makes the plans

Uraraka nervous and scratches her head: well yeh usually but im the 1 that asked you out

Midoriya smiles: oh ok then just give yourself time to think on it then and don't worry about paying for anything just leave it to me as long as it doesn't cost too much

Uraraka breaths for relief: ok i will

Midoriya: but you probably should be hungry by now are you sure you want to wait

Uraraka thinks: i guess i can go for something i don't know what i want

Midoriya: have you ever been to mongolian BBQ

Uraraka: i heard of that place but i know it's not cheap

Midoriya smiles: hey don't worry about it we both worked very heard today and i think we deserve it and ill be paying for it

Uraraka worried: but deku you said that you'll be paying during our date not now

Midoriya with his eyes closed and grins: then just think of this a pre-date

Uraraka breaths in defeat: ok fine but ill pay you back somehow if i can

Midoriya then stops and throws both his backpack and case high into the air which surprised uraraka as she watches and midoriya quickly slams on the omnitrix a green flash later reveals

The alien quickly catches both the bag and case: XLR8

Uraraka confused: deku what are you doing

Xlr8 smiles: oh don't worry i got a note from recovery girl and it said the principal gave me permission

He puts his backpack on his front and still holds case in his hand and turns his back to her

Xlr8: well hop on

Uraraka: ok but just try not to go too fast this time

She hops on his back with her arms around his neck as the alien holds her legs


He zips off to there destination

Uraraka hangs on: WAAAAAHO

(Somewhere else at the same time)

We see a familiar city and bar and inside the bar shigaraki holds a picture of midoriya from the sports festival and animo sits in a table making plans

Kurogiri: are you curious tomura shigaraki about the alien boy izuku midoriya

Then the door opens and gets there attention as a man walks in

The man holds his cigarette: shigaraki your league of villains is the talk of the town for a few days word on the street says your about to start something big

Shigaraki then crushes the picture in his hand it and turns to dust with his quirk: and who did you bring

The man grins: ha

Then they walk in

The man in coat: so it's really you huh i seen you online and you look way uglier in person

The girl excited: oh wow it's the weird hand guy your friends with stain cool pretty please let me join the league i want to be in your group

The man: but wait we have 1 more guests

He looks outside the door then an usually figure walks in

The figure glares: greetings

Surprising the other villains in the bar as they see him

Narrater deku: our enemies are gearing up for the 3rd round everytime we run them back they return with less but scarier numbers

(The end)

IM ALIVE hey everybody i know it's been a while i had such a hard time on the all might match and i been kinda lazy and had some distractions and something is wrong with my phone and i might need to get a brand new 1 but it wont slow down my progress anyways i hope you enjoyed and if your wondering about how the ultimate humungosaur just think of goku how does he go super saiyan does he do it by raising his power to a certain level or does he do it at will either way you see what mean will there be anymore ultimate alien just got to say reading to find out


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