Random One-Shots

By Reaperseal08

76.4K 1.9K 585

Random ideas that sometimes happens to be good! More

A Sleepy Kiyotaka
A Sleepy Kiyotaka Part 2 Day at the Pool
A Sleepy Kiyotaka Part 3 A Birthday Gift
It's Good To See You Again
A Sleepy Kiyotaka SS
A Sleepy Kiyotaka SS Part 2
A Single Spark
A Single Spark Part 2
It's Good To See You Again Part 2
Ayanokoji-Sensei Part 2
A Single Spark Part 3
Ayanokoji-Sensei Part 3
A Gathering Between Friends
My... friend?
A Gathering Between Friends Part 2

Cote x Bloodborne

1.9K 46 6
By Reaperseal08

Kiyotaka POV:  


Laying down on my bed, I couldn’t help but sigh again over the current events. 

The bet I made with Horikita over the upcoming tests after we said goodbye to Manabu.

Also, the fact that the start of the new school year is going to bring an unknown number of White Room students to this school, with the sole purpose of preventing me from having any semblance of what could be considered a normal school life. 

And, finally the looming threat of Acting Director Tsukishiro´s interference in any of the upcoming future exams. 

Although I viewed these events as mere headaches, the unknown factor that comes along with the start of the new year can only be described as… troublesome. 

As a result of the bet I made with Horikita, some of my abilities are going to be revealed after I achieve a perfect score on whatever subject she chooses. Meaning that I would no longer be able to move as discreetly as I would have liked but in exchange, I plan on having Horikita join the student council as a source of information. 

Finishing that thought I looked at the clock that sat beside my bed and turned my gaze to the ceiling. 

Kiyotaka: 'It's getting late, so I should probably go to sleep.'

Closing my eyes I spoke in a soft voice about the selfish wish I harbored. 

Kiyotaka: I want to be free. 

3rd Person POV: 

After a few minutes, the rhythm of Ayanokoji's soft breathing filled the room until an unknown voice broke the peaceful silence.

???: Free huh. 

It was a slightly high-pitched voice, like that of a child who has yet to go through puberty, but said voice carried an unusual amount of weight. 

???: Haha if that's all you want, what else can a god do but compile, after all… I can't deny my curiosity. For instance, what would you do with your newfound freedom in a world so different from your own?

Although the voice had not manifested in a physical appearance you could instantly tell that a smile was plastered on the being's face. 

After the voice finished speaking a snap was heard and soon after the dorm room began to distort and disappear. Until all that was left of the room was Ayanokoji floating in an empty void. 

???: Paimon, do you understand your task?

Paimon: Yes, Paimon understands. 

???: Then I'll leave this to you. 

After the mysterious voice disappeared a small smile formed on Paimons face before speaking. 

Paimon: Alright then let's get started. 

Kiyotaka POV: 

Slowly opening my eyes I slightly tensed as I looked at my surroundings and tried to comprehend what I was witnessing. Everything around me was pitch black, similar to that of the night sky, and upon closer inspection, I appeared to be floating. After coming to this realization I quickly moved my head in the direction of the presence that suddenly appeared. 

Ayanokoji: Who are you?

Appearing in the void along with me was what can only be described as a floating…fairy? Looking to be around 2 feet tall the floating fairy greeted me with a smile. 

Paimon: Paimon is the by-product of a bored god that responded to your wish. As for Paimons purpose, I am meant to serve as your guide as you traverse the near neverending worlds that Paimons creator plans on sending you to!!

Finishing her speech the tiny fairy named Paimon clapped her hands together in excitement. 

Not caring to pay attention to the part about Paimon being the creation of a god I focused on what caught my attention. 

Ayanokoji: My wish? ´Also what did she mean by neverending worlds.´

Nodding her head Paimon responded. 

Paimon: Yes, after hearing your wish and looking at your situation Paimons creator decided to take matters into his own hands. Although in the process he got distracted by the thought of entertainment, Paimons creator wants to grant you the opportunity to travel to a new world. One without the problems and limitations of the world you're used to. So… should you choose to accept this invitation we could begin our adventure right away!! 

The idea of traveling to a world not bound by the same rules as our own sparked what I knew was excitement but that wasn't the real selling point. 

Ayanokoji: ´I would get to live in a world without my father constantly trying to imprison me within those white walls´

Instead of responding I simply nodded my head. Seeing this Paimon extended her small hand toward me for a handshake. After accepting it I saw a large smile sprout on her face. 

Paimon: Although I'm sure you already know Paimons name is Paimon, it's a pleasure to meet you Ayanokoji Kiyotaka.

Ayanokoji: Likewise Paimon, I hope to be able to count on you throughout our journey. 

Slowly I started to feel my body become numb as I felt time and space distorted around us before my back was suddenly assaulted by the cool feeling of smooth metal beneath me. Said stimulus caused me to try and sit up only to discover that my arms and legs were strapped to what appeared to be an old medical stretcher made of metal. 

???: Oh yes, Paleblood… Heh. Well, you’ve come to the right place. 

Trying to sit up I noticed that I was only able to move my head, so I turned to gaze at the man who had just spoken.

He looked to be an older gentleman sitting on what appeared to be an old wheelchair. Wearing a black coat over what could be classified as Victorian-era apparel. Although his clothes were uncommon, what stood out the most about his appearance was his eyes or lack of eyes. 

I was unable to tell if he had any eyes as they had been covered by bandages but he still moved around with little difficulty. 

Where a normal person would have screamed or cried out I kept my attention on the old man while trying to look for clues about where I was. Even though it was dark I could make out a few details behind him like bookshelves that covered the walls and other stretchers like the one I was on. 

Turning back to the man he began speaking again in his raspy voice. 

???: Yharnam is the home of the blood ministration. You need only unravel its mysteries. But, where’s an outsider like yourself to begin? Easy, with a bit of Yharnam blood of your own… Now let’s begin the transfusion… 

As I listened, the words blood ministration and Yharnam stood out as they were unknown to me, but before I could try to make sense of these words the old man finished speaking and moved an IV, which looked to be filled with blood, towards me marking the beginning of the transfusion. 

???: Oh, don’t you worry. Whatever happens… You may think it all a mere bad dream… Hehe *cough* hehe.

As the old man started to laugh I felt the foreign blood entering my body making me lose consciousness. 

Waking up disoriented I slowly moved my head to the left where I saw what appeared to be a huge pool of blood, and as if that wasn’t disturbing enough, emerging from the pool of blood was a grotesque-looking creature. 

It had a dog-like body covered with red fur the color of blood, glowing white eyes, and long claws that scraped against the wooden floor. Staring at it I couldn’t help but be reminded of all the various horror movies Haruka showed me. 

Slowly the beast started to approach me with its breath growing warmer by the moment until it was close enough to make my hair sway. Both the creature and I were still as we studied each other with calculating eyes. This continued for some time before the beast brought his claws toward my throat. 

Still staring at the creature even as it showed clear signs of attacking I couldn't help but marvel at this intelligent beast that couldn't be found anywhere in my original world. Although before his claws could close in on my throat and draw blood the beast suddenly burst into flames and rolled on the ground in agony until its body disappeared. 

Watching the spectacle from the stretcher I couldn't help but remember what the old man said to me. ¨Whatever happens you may think of it as a mere bad dream.¨ Is this what he was referring to or had this nightmare only just begun?

Not a moment had passed after I thought that did small pale humanoid creatures start to climb over me until they covered my face. As they began to cover my face I felt myself once again blacking out. Nevertheless, before I completely lost consciousness I heard the soft voice, that I presumed was a woman´s, that delivered a cryptic message. 

???: Ahh you've found yourself a hunter…

Opening my eyes and looking around I noticed I was in the same room as before but the old man who performed the transfusion was gone as were the straps that kept me tied to the stretcher. 

Standing up and stretching I didn't notice anything different about how my body moved with the only change being the fact that I was somehow dressed in my school uniform. 

Walking around the room I noticed two doors. One that led into a downstairs room and the other which after checking seemed to be locked. Leaving the door alone I once again studied the room for anything that I deemed interesting. While doing this I stumbled upon a note that left me with more questions than answers. 

¨Seek Paleblood to transcend the hunt.¨

That word again Paleblood. I recalled hearing it when the old man started talking but I still had no clear idea of what it was. Deciding that the note was of some importance I pocketed it and then made my way toward the open door leading down the stairs. 

Reaching the bottom of the stairs I looked to the right where I was met with a room full of stretchers, like the one I had just come from, and beyond that a door. Though between me and the door was a beast reminiscent of the one I saw before. With the only difference between the two are its smaller size and dark gray fur. 

Studying the beast I heard the crunch of bones being broken and saw blood splattering everywhere while the beast continued to feast on who I presumed was the old man that performed the transfusion. 

Slowly approaching the beast from behind I noticed that it had numerous wounds throughout its body with the most prominent one being on the beast's leg, forcing it limp.

Ayanokoji: ´Well, at least the old man made my job a bit easier for me.´

Being unfazed by the gruesome sight in front of me I decided to attack the beast while it was distracted. 

Quickly throwing a kick towards one of its wounded legs I heard the satisfying sound of the beast leg-breaking. Followed by a gut-wrenching howl that came from the beast's mouth as it staggered forward unable to keep itself upright. 

Not letting the opportunity pass me by, I threw another kick this time directed towards the beast´s back but before the attack could connect the monster whirled around, with surprising speed, and swung its claws towards me. 

Jumping back to put some distance between the two of us I studied the two shallow cuts on my chest. How intriguing, even while injured this thing is quite fast.  

Studying the situation I concluded that I wouldn't be able to come out of this battle unscathed if I didn't find some way to prevent the monster from moving. After coming to this conclusion I began pushing some of the many stretchers in the room towards the monster pinning the beast to the wall. 

Achieving this I quickly rushed the beast with the intent to kill it in a single hit to the neck area. Unable to turn towards me fast enough I brought down my foot and heard the snap of the monster's neck shattering. 

Understanding that the battle was over I walked towards the door at the end of the hall where I found a small foyer. Within the foyer were two benches and on one of the benches sat a pile of vials filled with a dark red liquid that I guessed was blood. 

Picking the vials up to more closely inspect them my thoughts were interrupted by a high-pitched childish voice. 

Paimon: Ahhh, that's a blood vile. It's what the people in this world use to heal all sorts of injuries and sicknesses. 

Undisturbed by the sudden voice of my supposed travel companion I responded to her in my monotone voice. 

Ayanokoji: So you finally decided to speak up Paimon. 

Paimon: *Yawn* Well, unlike you Ayanokoji, Paimon gets sleepy when traveling so while you were dealing with the beast Paimon was struggling to get out of bed. 

Throwing a questioning gaze at my floating companion I stopped myself from asking if any beds fit her small… stature. Opting instead to redirect my gaze at the blood vial in my hand. Deciding to place a bit of trust in my new companion's words I considered my next action carefully… 

Before swinging the blood vial in a downward motion stabbing it in my chest. 

Instead of being met with even more pain, the two shallow wounds on my chest began to mend and in seconds the wound was completely healed. 

Paimon: Ahhhhhhh, warn Paimon the next time you decide to do something like that!!!

Looking at my tiny guide I saw Paimon using her small hands to cover her eyes but she would occasionally peek through them to look at me before once again covering her eyes. 

Standing up and making my way to the door my guide followed me floating and even occasionally doing fips in the air.  

Opening the double doors my face was instantly bathed in sunlight causing my tiny companion to speak up.

Paimon: Well Ayanokoji, Welcome to Yarhnam. 

Authors Notes:

Um, hi. As you can see by what game I chose I recently finished playing Bloodborne and also started playing Elden Ring. So I will be trying to tell the main story of Bloodborne with Ayanokoji playing the role of the hunter and Paimon giving information that the player would normally get.

Oh, as for why Paimon is the guide well… I couldn't think of anyone else, plus I am addicted to Genshin so to answer the question of which is it. Yes. 

If you have any questions about the story, put them here and I will try my best to answer them all.

Anyway, that's all for now, Reaper out… 

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