The fallen Angel(discontinued)

By Enganyamuerte

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-Base on NBC's Hannibal- Have you ever wondered what would happen if the infamous canabalistic serial killer... More

Please Read!!!
Coquilles pt2
Period days
What things look like
Trou Normand
Buffet Froid
Charater chart


107 3 3
By Enganyamuerte

Your POV:

I woke up earlier than usual to get ready for Bella, I picked up the outfit I chose yesterday and slipped it on.

I put on a pair of black short boots to match it, I fixed my hair and put on a bit of eyeliner. Not anything too bold but just enough to make my e/c eyes pop. I smiled at my final look, there was a knock at the door. "Come in" I called, Dad walked in smiling. "You're up rather early" he looked at my outfit, "Bella's taking me to the mall remember?". His smile twitched downward slightly, "Yes, and you still want to go with her?. If not I can cancel and you can spend the day with me". I shook my head "I still wanna go, I'm actually really excited to be hanging out with her.", he sat down on my bed "Have I been boring you?". I chuckled "No I just...I'm always with you, I don't have any friends my age. Hanging out with another girl will be beneficial to my social skills.", he nodded "I suppose you are correct, do you have shorts underneath?". I turned to face him "Of course", he stood up "Remember if any man or woman tries to touch you-", "Dad I know what to do" I groaned. He pulled me into a tight hug "I'll miss you", I sighed and hugged him back "I'm not going off to war". He laughed and let go. "Breakfast is ready, Pancakes and bacon" he opened my door for me. We walked downstairs and sat at the table. I poured a little syrup onto my fluffy pancakes, "Good?" He asked. I nodded "Like usual", he smiled and took a bite of his. The door bell rang, he placed his fork carefully on his plate and stood up. I heard Bella's voice and quickly stuffed the rest of my food into my mouth. "She's highly allergic to tomatoes so please be careful" I heard dad informing Bella of my allergies while putting on my boots. I grabbed my purse and practically ran over to them. "Hey y/n, are you ready to go?" She asked with a kind smile, "Yes i am!" Ok maybe I was a little too excited but in my defense I never go anywhere with anyone other than my dad. He brought me in for a final hug and kiss on the head. He reached into his pocket and gave me his card while telling me not to buy anything too showy. I walked behind Bella, "Bye daddy!, See you later" I waved as I closed the car door. He waved goodbye and watched us drive off. There was an awkward silence for the first minute and a half before Bella started asking questions. "Where do you go to school?", "Oh I'm homeschooled" I answered trying to smile in joy. She nodded while pushing on the breaks at a red light, "Are you and Dr.Lecter from Europe?". I smiled thinking of my old home, "The accent is always a dead give away, We're from Lithuania but moved to Florence when I was 9". She hummed "That's cool, so you know Lithuanian and Italian?", "And French yes, my dad made sure I could speak enough to carry a conversation if needed". We pulled into the mall parking lot, after finding a spot we got off. "Have you ever been to this mall?", I shook my head "I've never been to a mall before". She stopped walking "You haven't?!", I raised an eyebrow not seeing the big deal. "Nope, dad usually gets things delivered", she didn't say anything but she had a concerned look on her face. I stayed close not knowing what to expect. The doors slide apart and I was met with a cold breeze of air. I looked around amazed, "There's so many things". Bella grinned at me, "What store do you want to do to first?" She asked. I shrugged "I don't know many so I'll follow you wherever", that comment is how we ended up at a store called Dillards. There were a lot of pretty clothes,shoes and jewelry. I picked out a few clothes including a nice blue blouse and a white skirt. I saw a group of girls staring at me, they looked at my outfit then my jewelry. I quickly walked into the dressing room with my things and hoped they would go away. I didn't like two of the outfits and hung them up. I should get something for dad I thought, I walked into the men's section and picked out a maroon tie with golden swirls. When I went up to purchase my items I saw Bella looking at tied presumably for Jack. I also saw the same group of girls from before, still glancing at me and whispering to each other. I looked in a nearby mirror to see if something was wrong with my appearance but everything looked fine. I became self conscious and wished my dad were here to scare them away with his cold stare. Maybe he was right about not going to regular school, maybe teens my age were just as mean as he described. "Everything ok y/n" Bella asked, I nodded and faked a smile. While we were walking out one of the girls tapped my shoulder, I turned with a nervous look on my face. "Hey we really love your outfit, where did you get?" She asked with a kind smile, the girls surrounded me earner to here my answer. I told them it was something I picked up in Florence, they asked me a bunch of questions about my life there. I was happy to answer them, apparently they went to the high school up the road. I learned all of their names and wished them well. Or maybe my dad was wrong, perhaps I talk to him later about going to Public school. Bella smiled and led me to the next store. While in there I saw a girl no older than 20 dressed in all black, her clothes reminded me of a vampires attire. I believe that type of fashion is called Goth, I looked at her with interest, I wonder how I would look in that type of fashion. Dad never lets me wear things with holes,skulls or anything too dark. He likes me in light and bright colors, "Dress like the Angel you are" he always says. "Do you like her style?" Bella asked, I nodded. "Come on i know a store that sells things like that", she took me into a store called Suicidal Butterfly(I was gonna do hot topic but decided not to). I looked around amazed by all the dark materials, satanic and Celtic symbols were everywhere. I picked out a few things that I liked, there were three dresses I really enjoyed wearing

(I choose a vampire gothic style)

"Will your dad let you wear that?" Bella asked as I handed the card to the lady, I shrugged "He dresses like a vampire sometimes, I don't see why I can't do the same". She smiled, I put my finger on my lips and she did the same back. If he didn't approve then it would be our dying secret..perhaps dying isn't the appropriate word. As we were walking out Bella saw something she liked in the store, I waited for her but felt like I was being watched. I looked around the shop and caught the eye of a boy around my age. He was dressed in punk wear; thin, fair skin, black dyed sort of long hair and green eyes. He walked up to me "I like your outfit", I smiled and thanked him. "I'm Royal, Roy for short" he held out his hand, I shook it "Y/n, my dad calls me n/n (n/n = nickname), I love your name it's so unique". He chuckled "Thank you, yours fits you too", he coincidentally went to the same high school as those nice girls before, he was a year older than me and wants to be a musician. "What do you play?" I asked curiously, "Electric guitar, do you play anything?". I nodded "I play the piano and the harpsichord", he asked what the second one was so I showed him a picture on my phone. "Maybe you could teach me to play something", I felt my face heat up "sure, I'd love to". We exchanged phone numbers and went our separate ways. "He's cute" Bella smirked, I hid my face in my hands embarrassed. "Please don't tell my dad" I groaned, she shook her head "Of course I won't, I remember what it was like to have a secret crush". I smiled as a thank you. It also made me wonder what dad was up to.

Hannibal's POV

I grabbed my coat to head home but when I opened the door Jack was sitting in the waiting room. Why won't these people let me go home I mentally sighed, "Jack, come in" I stepped aside. I turned the light back on, "I'm sorry, um....I was just uh.." he kept trailing off. "In the neighborhood" I finished for him, "Yeah, something like that". I closed the door and walked back to face him. "How is Mrs.Crawford, she looked a bit tired when she came to pick up y/n this morning", he turned away from me "Yeah, that's why I was in the neighborhood. She's fine. Well, she tells me that she's fine and she tells me when she's not.". He turned to face me again with a certain look on his face. Desperateness, I could recognize it anywhere "You expect me to tell you more?". "Well she's hanging out with
y/n, I want her to keep having fun and even if she were here I couldn't ask her", I adjusted my grip on my coat "About her condition". Jack's tone became frustrated "Yeah. About her cancer, about her dying. She doesn't want to talk to me about time", I almost felt empathy for him. I can't imagine what I would doing if my love was dying...if my y/n were dying. "I am prohibited from talking about it--doctor-patient confidentiality", Jack faced away from me and spoke from over his shoulder "You talk to me about Will Graham". My heart raced a little when he mentioned Will's name, what a weird feeling that was. "Will Graham is not officially my patient. We have conversations", "what do you consider this?" He walked closer to me. I shook my head slightly "Desperate copping", he walked passed me. "You don't think I have a right to know what's happening with my wife?" he raised his voice a little, I walked over "You have every right to know what's happening but not from me". "Well I'm not just gonna stand outside my marriage and watch this happen. If that's what she wants too bad she married the wrong guy for that.", I looked down still thinking of my Y/n in Bella's place. "I'll offer one insight, she doesn't think she married the wrong guy", he looked down with the same sadness. He sighed before taking a sharp breath in. "I can't stop thinking about when my wife is gonna die. I look at her side of the bed and think is she gonna die here?I can't stop thinking about it you understand? I can't stop" he voice cracked a little as he sat down, "You're dreading the loss of your wife". He nodded "yes", at this point a man who was always so strong broke in tears. "And I'm thinking about other losses too", I put my coat down and sat beside him "what other losses are you dreading?". I looked at him intently "Jack you can't save her. She won't let you. The cancer won't let you . Who else can't you save?", he stayed quiet for a moment. "An old student of mine, Miriam Lass". I hid my smile along with my knowledge of her whereabouts. He went on to tell me about how brilliant and ambitious she was before she disappeared. I tuned him out and wondered what y/n is doing.

Y/n's POV

We sat down at the food court, it was first time having fast food. Bella wasn't that shocked but still helped me pick. We got something called chic fa la and it was heavenly. "Did yo ur dad say when he wanted you back home?", I shook my head "Probably before 9". She took a bit of her sandwich, "This is the most fun I've had in a while" I smiled, "I'm glad you came with me". We grabbed our things and headed out. I made sure I had everything before getting in the card. My dad will kill me if I lose his card, Bella drive us to my dads office building. I opened the door and saw Dad and Jack sitting by the fire both passed out on the chairs and a bottle of wine between them. "Adorable" Bella joked, I walked over and got out my phone. After taking a picture of the two men, I tapped my dads cheek. He opened his eyes slowly, "Oh hello my heart, did you just get here?" He voice was a bit rough. "Yeah, are you sober enough to drive home", he nodded and got up "I didn't drink much, I was just tired". Bella helped Jack up, dad thanked her and they left. We drove home and I quickly put my secret gothic clothes in the back of my closet. I got my present and carried sit downstairs. Dad was making dinner in the kitchen, "I got you something" I smiled. He stopped what he was doing and leaned on the counter. "You didn't have to, even if it was with my own money" he laughed, I rolled my eyes and pushed it towards him. He unwrapped the package and gasped slightly. He held it in the light "It's beautiful, I've been looking for one in a similar color", he walked around and pulled me into a hug. "Always so thoughtful" he whispered into my hair, he let go and put the tie aside so it wouldn't get dirty. "Call me when dinner is done please" I said while walking out and towards the stairs. I sat on my bed and brought out my phone. I taped in Royal's number and said hey, he texted back within seconds.


Hey, what's up?

                        Waiting on dinner, wbu

Just sketching

                   Oh cool!my dad draws too

Is he good?

                       He got a scholarship            
                       for it so I guess so 😂

Your from Europe right?
your accent sounded foreign

                        Yeah, my dad and I are     
                             from Lithuania 🇱🇹

Wow that's awesome!
Maybe we can call and
you can tell me more about it

                                         Sure, but if    
                              I randomly hang up       
                             it's because my dad
                               is going to walk in

He doesn't like phone calls?
                          He doesn't like boy's    
                                        phone calls

😂 understandable

(I tried to make it as close to a text message as possible)

After that message he called me, I answered and we started talking about our childhoods and lives now. I told him about my home land and Florence. It turns out he's from Australia and moved here a couple of months ago, I thought I heard a slight accent, I told him about how It's just me and my dad and why I don't have a mom. His parents are in the military so he's constantly moving. They're stationed here for 3 more years, he works at an animal shelter nearby. I stopped talking when I heard my dad's footsteps down the hall. "He's coming I have to go!" I whispered and hung up. Dad walked into room and looked around. "Who were talking to, Love?" He asked walking towards me, "oh just my friend, Royal". He tilted his head "Royal?Is it a girl or a boy?", I hate lying to him but this time I really have to. "It's a girl, I met her at the mall. She's and artist and is really nice" I smiled, he body seem to relax, "oh ok well food is ready". I nodded and he left the room. That was uncomfortably close.


You know with the way you
said he's coming it
sounds like your dad
is a serial killer 🤣
                         Lol yeah, I have to go      
                          I'll call you tomorrow

K, night!

                                           Night 🌙

I put my phone down and headed downstairs for dinner. I wonder how long I can keep Royal a secret.


Ok so just to be clear whenever Hannibal calls you his Love or true love of anything like that he doesn't mean romantically. It's like when people say that a mother's true love is her child. So please don't take it as an incest thing, but he is (obviously) obsessed with you because that's just how he is but not romantically!. I'm not gonna lie I will put things that sound like their romantic but that's just how a write so apologies in advance!This is still a Hannigram story.

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