Abused RWBY x Big Brother Rea...

By JD_rules02

139K 1.9K 2.2K

Team RWBY were abused when they were just kids by who they thought were their family. So they each decided to... More

Bio and Family
Meeting the Girls
The (L/N) Family
Initiation Day
Initiation Day Pt. 2
First Day
Dealing with Problems
Mystery Person
Family Time
Food Fight and Master Plan
Day Off

The Search

3.7K 68 36
By JD_rules02

It was now Saturday afternoon, as we see Ruby, Weiss and Yang searching for their sister. Well Ruby and Yang are, Weiss was just tagging along still a little upset with their sister keeping the fact that she was White Fang a secret to them. Still, she felt sympathy for her sister because she was abused and bullied by all the members or even by the entire island of Menagerie. She was brought out of her thoughts form Ruby getting her attention.

Ruby: Weiss, you're not helping!

Weiss: Oh! You know who might be able to help? The police!

Ruby: Ugh, Weiss...

Weiss: It was just an idea!

Ruby: Yeah, a bad one.

Yang: Weiss, I think you should at least understand her pain. She was abused just like us and she got it the worst out of all of us. I mean hell...

Ruby: Swear!

Yang: (Looks at Ruby with an unamused look) Heck... (Looks back at Weiss) she got abused by the entire White Fang. So at least understand that. Not as her classmate or teammate. But as her sister. I'm sure you'll change your though on her then.

Weiss hangs her head down as she starts to think about it and realizes that Yang is right.

Penny: Well I think Weiss' hair looks wonderful today!


Ruby: Penny! Where did you come from?!

Penny: Hey guys! What are you up to?

Ruby: Uhhh....

Yang: We're looking for our sister Blake.

Penny: Oh you mean the faunus girl!

Ruby, Weiss and Yang stare at Penny for a moment.

Ruby: Wait, how did you know?

Penny: Uhh, the cat ears? (Points at her head)

Yang: How did you know about her ears? She wears her bow whenever she's out in public!

Penny: Oh uuuuuhhhhhhh......... w-well I uh........... I-I can see her bow t-twitch from time to time!

Weiss and Yang: Guess that makes sense.

But Ruby wasn't convinced yet. Even though she may be the youngest and act childish, she's still very perceptive when it comes to how people act and interact with her or anyone else. And right now, she thinks that Penny she is hiding something big, but she won't pry Penny to tell her and her sisters.

Penny: Hey isn't that your brother over there?

Penny points behind then and they all turn around to see (Y/N) walking up to them very tiredly.

RW_Y: Onii-chan!

They run up to (Y/N) with Ruby running into him, giving him a big hug while Yang and Weiss stand in front of him with the biggest smiles. Right away, Weiss notices the bags under her brothers eyes and gets curious and worried.

Weiss: Onii-chan? (He looks at Weiss while still hugging Ruby) Did you get any sleep last night?

(Y/N): *Sigh* Not much actually. I spent pretty much the entire night looking for Blake. Needed like three cups of coffee this morning to wake up and that's still not doing it.

Yang: When did you get home last night?

(Y/N): Didn't. Stayed in a motel last night and went to bed at like........ 4 in the morning.

Ruby: WHAT!? Onii-chan you've always told us that we should always get at least 7-8 hours of sleep! You should follow your own advice sometimes!

Ruby turns around with her arms crossed acting all smug after telling her elder brother off. She opens her eyes to see her sisters and even penny, looking behind her with fearful looks.

Ruby: What's wrong with you girls?

Weiss slowly points behind her, and Ruby immediately paled as she felt a dark aura behind her. She slowly turns around to see (Y/N) with a very scary, angry smile on his face.

(Something like this on Tanjiro's face.)

(Y/N): Ruby. You may be the leader of your team... but that doesn't mean you're anywhere near my level of expertise when it come to these kinds of things. So please excuse my language when I say........... Don't. Fucking. Try. Me. Are we clear?

Ruby: (Literally shaking in her boots) C-crystal!

(Y/N)'s face then returned to normal which scares the girls a little more knowing that their brother could switch from the sweet and kind brother they love, into a frighting and psychotic looking man that could make an Ursa Major piss its pants. Even Penny was afraid and she was not even.... affiliated yet. 




Yeah let's go with that for now. After the girls got out their shock, (Y/N) now notices Penny and approaches her.

(Y/N): Hello there! You must be a friend of my sisters right?

Penny: Why yes I am! My name is Penny and did you say... sisters?

(Y/N): They're adopted.

Penny: Oh! That makes sense! So how long has Blake been missing for?

(Y/N): No idea. She ran away last night and I tried to look for her since then. No luck though.

Penny: *GASP!* That's terrible! (Rushes in front of Ruby's face) Well, don't worry Ruby, my friend! I won't rest until we find your sister!

Ruby: Uh, that's really nice of you, Penny, but we're okay! Really! Right girls?

Ruby looks to where her sisters were standing, only to see blinking outlines of where her sisters once were. A tumbleweed then blows past them in silence.

(Y/N): Windy today, isn't it?

Penny: It sure is!

*Scene Change*

We see Blake and Sun walking down an alley, talking about their next plan.

Sun: So what's the plan now?

Blake: I still don't believe the White Fang is behind these robberies. They have never need that much dust before. At least not when I was in the old White Fang.

Sun: What if they did? I mean.... the only way to prove that they didn't do it, is to go to the place where they would most likely go to if they were to do it, and not find them there! Right!?

Blake: The thing is, I've got no idea where that could be. Any ideas?

Sun: Hmm... Well I overheard about a huge shipment of dust coming in from Atlas. If the White Fang was really behind these robberies, then they would definitely steal those.

Blake: How big are talking about?

Sun: Like huge... big Schnee Company freighter.

Blake: We'll just have to head there and find out then.

*Scene Change*

We now see Ruby, Penny and (Y/N) walking the sidewalk searching for Blake. So far, they've gotten no lead and just kept on walking through the streets of Vale looking for a solid lead on Blake. As they were walking, (Y/N) actually gets a notification from someone.

(Y/N): Hey rosebud?

Ruby: Yea Onii-chan?

(Y/N): I need to go see someone for a little bit.

Ruby: What?! Why?! Don't you wanna find Blake?!

(Y/N): Of course I do! But this guy may have a lead on where she might be as well as another topic I'm looking into.

Ruby: And what is the other issue?

(Y/N): Something very personal. So I'm gonna go see my contact and see if he's got leads for me, while you girls keep looking around Vale for Blake. Make sure Penny doesn't leave your sight because I don't know if she can fight.

Penny: Don't worry Mr. (L/N)! (Salutes in front of him with a giant smile) I am combat ready!

(Y/N): ......... Alrighty then. Well I'll see you girls later. Stay safe okay?

Ruby and Penny: OKAY!

(Y/N) then starts to walk away from them to go see his contact so he can get the information he needs. Along the way, he didn't notice a certain hooded individual, stalking him from atop the rooftops and this person was none other than........ Eclipse. However Eclipse had no intention of attacking (Y/N), not yet at least and not while they're are witnesses that can call for back up as soon as he does. It would complicate his plan to make (Y/N) suffer.

Eclipse: Soon (L/N). Soon.

Eclipse then walks away and disappears. As (Y/N) keeps walking through Vale, he is approached by many civilians that ask him for pictures and a couple autographs which he gladly gives. Even though he hates his current Huntsman title, he still likes being recognized as a hero to these people, because he gives them hope and joy and that's all he really wants to do for people by either helping and saving them when on missions to making them feel hopeful and safe by just being recognized out in public. Anyways, back to the main reason why he left his sister and her friend, he enters a coffee shop and is greeted by a elderly man that looks to be in his early 70's and is a little shorter than (Y/N) and with snow white hair. This man's name was Shiro and he was information broker despite being a coffee shop owner. As well as Michael's grandfather.

Shiro: (Y/N)! (Walks from behind the counter and up to (Y/N) and gives him hug) It's good to see you again my boy! How are the girls? 

(Y/N): It's good to see you as well Shiro and the girls are doing fine. They're in Beacon now training to be Huntresses.

Shiro: *Sigh* Those girls are just like you. Always wanting to help those in need and just looking for adventure. Brings a smile to this old mans face knowing how far they've come. (Looks away and starts to stare at a picture on the wall) It's a shame Mikey won't see them graduate.

On the wall was a picture with Shiro, (Y/N) and his team as well as the girls, all standing in front of Beacon smiling in the picture. That was the day (Y/N) and his team was enrolled in Beacon and were formed into a team. When (Y/N) was attending Beacon, his sisters would live here with Shiro thanks to Michael's suggestion. And it was a great idea because while (Y/N) was at Beacon, Shiro was keeping a close eye on them. The girls even started to call him Grandpa Shiro and this was totally fine with Shiro. As all the good times come rushing back to (Y/N)'s mind, he couldn't help but give a small, sad smile as he remembers the good days he had at Beacon as it then turns into a frown as he remembers the day Michael died and when he had to tell Shiro about his grandsons death. 

(Y/N): I'm sorry for not saving him.

Shiro looks back at and places his hands on his shoulders to make (Y/N) look him in the eyes with sad but reassuring smile.

Shiro: (Y/N).... it is not your fault that Mikey is dead. I know what happened and to be honest... I always knew Mikey would go down with a fight. I always thought he would die as a full fledged Huntsman and not as child. That is what got me the most, the fact that my boy would die so young as a student and not as a Huntsman. So don't beat yourself up for something that was never your fault. You understand me?

(Y/N): (Nods with tear going down his face) Yes sir.

The two share another hug like a father would hug his son after not seeing for years.

(Y/N): Thank you for watching the girls as well. They miss alot.

Shiro: Oh I bet they do. Who can forget the old and wise grandpa Shiro!

(Y/N) chuckles as they break their hug, Shiro motions him to take a seat at the table so they can talk business.

(Y/N): So..... tell me what you got?


It was late now as we see (Y/N) and Shiro still in the shop that was now closed still talking about the information that Shiro had.

Shiro: And that's all I could find out about your missing kitten.

(Y/N): A White Fang raid at the docks tonight? I wouldn't be surprised if Blake was there. My next question is what do you have on a man by the name of Eclipse?

Shiro: To be honest, I have no idea. I mean he has made a reputation for causing trouble for some residents and a few Huntman. But other than that, all I got is nothing but whispers and rumors. 

(Y/N): Like what?

Shiro: Well one is that he hangs mostly around the forest and is seen spying on Beacon from a distance. Like he is waiting for something to happen. Or maybe someone.

(Y/N): Hmmm.... hang on.... if he's been hanging around Beacon and the fact he knows about me and my sisters.... then that means............ OH SHIT!

(Y/N) then takes off running in the direction of the docks where he knows his sisters will be. He just hopes he can make it in time before something bad happens. That was until he saw an explosion in the distance.

(Y/N): I swear to Oum, those girls cause more trouble than when me and Sam used to mess around back in Beacon! (Runs off in the direction of the explosion)

*Scene Change*

As police were investigating the docks, Ruby, Blake, Penny and Sun were all sitting on boxes, waiting in silence. That was until Weiss and Yang appeared on the scene and approach the four. Blake gets off her box and approaches Weiss with a sad look on her face looking down at her feat while Weiss looks at her with a blank expression.

Blake: Weiss, I want you to know that I'm no longer associated with the White Fang in any way. It's just that when I was a kid-

Weiss: Stop! Do you have any idea how long we've been searching for you? (Pauses for a second) Twelve hours. That means I've had twelve hours to think about this. And in that twelve hours, I've decided....

Ruby, Yang, Sun and Penny look at the two with worry.

Weiss: That I don't care.

Blake: You don't care?

Weiss: You said you're not one of them anymore, right?

Blake: No, I-I been since I was younger and that was before I-

Weiss: Ah-bah-bah-bah-bah! I don't want to hear it. All I want to know is that next time something this big comes up.... you'll come up to your sisters. And not some.... (Looks towards Sun for a moment) someone else.

Blake: (Wipes a tear from her eye) Of course.

Weiss smiles and walks up to Blake and gives her a hug.

Weiss: I'm sorry sis.

Blake: Me too.

It was nice and quiet for a moment. That was until Ruby screams and runs up and hugs the both of them.

Ruby: Team RWBY is back together! Get in here Yang!

Yang walks and joins the group hug. Blake then notices the the black case on Yang's back.

Blake: Hey Yang is that what I think it is?

Yang: Oh yeah! (Grabs the case) This is the weapon that Ruby had made. It got finished today so we decided to go pick it up.

Sun: Who's it for? 

Weiss: It's for our Onii-chan.

Sun: Your.... what?

Yang: *SIGH* Right I forgot. Its for our older brother.

Sun and Penny: Ohhhhh!

Blake: Speaking of which, where is he?

Ruby: Well he kinda-

???: GIRLS!!!

They look behind them and see (Y/N) running to them with panic. And of course, this confuses the teens as too why he's so panicked.

RWBY: Onii-chan?

(Y/N): *PANT* *PANT* Girls! *PANT* I found out who just killed Michael!

This shocks the girls. They always saw Michael as an uncle but not just their uncle, but also as another big brother. So finding out who killed him, was something that surprised them.

Ruby: Who was it?!

Yang: Yeah! Who was the bastard that killed Uncle Mike?

(Y/N): It was-  DUCK!

(Y/N) pushes the teens out of his way as he thrown back into some wooden crates by a crescent moon shaped slash. The teens then run towards him with worry and panic, hoping he was okay.


Sun and Penny: Mr (L/N)!/Professor (L/N)!

(Y/N) comes out of the ruble and debris and goes down on one knee and grunts in pain as he puts his hand over his side. His sisters huddle around him, Ruby and Blake grab onto him and look him over for any injuries. Blake sees his katana and grabs it and sees it that it's been broken in half.

Blake: 'In just one hit?!'

Ruby: Onii-chan?!

Yang: Are you good?!

(Y/N) removes his hand and what the teens saw shocked them. There was blood on his hand from a large slash on the side of his body.

Sun: B-but his aura should've protected him! How is this possible?!

Penny: I don't know myself. No weapon should pierce through ones aura in one attack.

(Y/N): That was no weapon. And it certainly wasn't someones semblance. (Stands up and walks in front the students) Hngh! It was a breathing technique.

Ruby: A breathing technique? But I thought you were the only one that can do breathing techniques?!

(Y/N): I am. But there is one more that can do it. But his technique is different. And this man, is also the person that killed Michael.

The students line up next to (Y/N) with stoic faces as a shadowy figure comes out the fog revealing the one man (Y/N) was hoping to see tonight and put an end to.

(Y/N): Eclipse.

Eclipse: (Y/N)!~ How are you this lovely night? I hope that I didn't hurt you that badly?

(Y/N): You! You killed Micheal. My friend. My teammate. My partner! MY! GODDAMN! BROTHER!!!

Eclipse: No. I didn't kill him. YOU were the one to let him die.

(Y/N) glares at him with anger while the students growl and glare in anger, Yang even has her hair on fire and her eyes blood red. (Y/N) tries to walk forward but falls down to his knees again and grunts in pain again. Blake and Yang come next to him as he tries to get up. He looks at his injury and sees that it's healing slowly.

(Y/N): 'Damn! Aura is taking longer than usual. Probably shouldn't have used so much on getting here.'

(Y/N) was about to get up and face Eclipse himself. That was until he saw Ruby, Weiss, Sun and Penny in front of him, Yang and Blake, protecting him from Eclipse and about to take him on.

(Y/N): Wait kids! Please don't fight him! I can't lose anyone else! This is my fight!

Weiss: We know.

Ruby: We're just gonna hold him off while while you heal up.

Sun: That's if we don't knick his ass first.

Then they rush Eclipse with their weapons drawn, all the while Yang and Blake took him away behind a shipping container and lean him against it.

(Y/N): Tsk! This hurts like hell. (Looks at the gash healing) But it looks like it's almost done healing. (Looks for his katana) Where's my-

Blake: Right here.

She places his katana on the ground in it's damaged state.

(Y/N): Damn it! What do I do now?!

Then there was an explosion as they see Sun come flying into another container. He gets up and looks at the three that had shocked expressions.

Sun: Hey.

(Y/N): Hey.

Sun: Can we get some help ladies?

Blake stands up and draws her Gambol Shroud as Sun picks up his Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang.

Blake: Yang. Give Onii-chan his gift. because he's gonna need it.

Blake and Sun run into battle as Yang takes the case off her back and hands it to (Y/N) who curiously takes it. She then stands up and activates her Ember Celica.

Yang: When you're ready come join the fight. This bastard killed Uncle Mike, so that means this is a family matter. (Runs into the fight)

(Y/N) looks at the case as he sets it down on the ground and opens it to reveal something completely unexpected to him.

(Y/N): What the?

(The color is red and black)

(Y/N) picks up the weapon and slowly unsheathes the blade as it reveals its red blades and the sheath turns into a handgun. (Y/N) smiles as he inspects the blade as he can feel the warmth coming from the blade and figured out the ore was nichirin ore. And that's when he figured out why the girls had a weapon made for him.

(Y/N): *Chuckle* Ozpin always has something new to surprise me with. Hmmm...... Crimson Sundown. I like that name. (Sheathes sword and loads fire dust into the sheath) Now....... let's kill this bastard.

Back to the fight, we see Eclipse send Sun flying and into the ocean.

Sun: Oumdamnit!!! *SPLASH!*

Blake and Yang rush together and try their hardest to try and overwhelm him. But they were barley making any progress. Instead they were tiring themselves out instead but they were also slowly backing him into a corner. Whilst this was happening, Weiss and Ruby were in the back preparing to do their new team attack from a distance.

Ruby: Ready to try our new attack?!

Weiss: Let's do it!

Ruby: Alright! 

Ruby then takes a knee with her Crescent Rose in rifle form, while Weiss uses her semblance to create a glyph in front of them. Ruby then aims her rifle though the glyph right at Eclipse.

Ruby: Ice Flower!

Yang and Blake back away as Ruby starts shooting through the glyph, creating ice infused bullets being sent straight at Eclipse. But Eclipse is more than ready for this.

Eclipse: Moon breathing, third form: Loathsome Moon, Chains!

He then slashes his katana in the air, creating two powerful waves of of energy with multiple crescent moon shape embedded in the slashes heading towards the bullets coming straight at him. The bullets are then cut in half from the attack and are coming for Ruby and Weiss with shocked expressions.

Ruby: Uh oh!

Weiss: Move!

The girls then dove out of the way, but when the attacks hits their previous position and created a little explosion, the girls are sent flying backwards into another shipping container. Yang and Blake come back charging in trying to get a hit in but instead were met with a block from his katana as they look at him with scared and worried looks while he gives them a smug smirk.

(I don't know if I clarified this already, but Eclipse is wearing a hoodie and they can only see his mouth and nothing else at the moment.)

Blake: Oh....

Yang: Shit!

They are then sent flying back and crashing into Ruby and Weiss trying to recover from their previous situation. Sun even come out of the ocean and stumbles his way

Blake: Ow....

Yang: Hey girls. How are we doing tonight?

Ruby: Yang...

Weiss: Now is not the time!

Sun: *Groan!*

Penny is now clashing with Eclipse trying her hardest to confuse him with her swords and her fighting style, but Eclipse was keeping up with her surprisingly well as he keeps on deflecting and dodging each sword with ease. As he deflects them, Penny tries to gain some ground by backing away as she recalls her swords and forms them into a few rotating circles to fire multiple energy blasts at Eclipse to see if she can keep him at bay while she waits for the other to recover and exhaust him with the constant barrage. Sadly it doesn't seem to do much as he effortlessly waves off each beam with no sign of exhaustion or tiring out. Penny then stops her barrage and stands there seeing no progression being made, so she made one last decision by bringing all her swords together into one huge circle and fires a large beam right at Eclipse and thinks she got him.

Eclipse: Not a bad shot.

Penny goes wide eyed as she is kicked into the ground with Eclipse hovering over her as she looks at him with petrified eyes. Eclipse looks at her in the eyes as he soaks in the look on her face.

Eclipse: Such a shame to kill such a dedicated student. But if it gets me closer to my goal....... then so be it.

Penny: P-p-please. 

As Eclipse raises his katana in the air, RWBY and Sun look on in horror as they are watching their friend about to be killed. But they can't move from the fatigue and injuries they have while Penny can't move from the sense fear that was inside her from about to be killed right there and then by a mystery man that is able to beat with no effort. 

Penny: 'Someone.... please..... help me....'

And at that moment, Eclipse brings down his sword as the others yell out her name, telling her to move. 

Ruby: Penny! Move!

As penny watches the blade come down at her, she comes to realization that there is nothing she can do to stop this man.

Penny: I.... can't.

Ruby then goes wide eyed as she sees the slash connect and watches dust debris flare up . The students watch with horror as they watch their friend die and they couldn't do anything to stop them. Ruby especially.

Ruby: Penny.... 

As the dust settles, they see eclipse standing there but hums in confusion as he doesn't see the sight of a dead little girl in front of him.

(Y/N): Over here asshole!

Eclipse turns his head and sees (Y/N), with Penny in his arms bridal style, standing next to the others with a mad and angered look on his face. The students are shocked to see their orange haired friend alive. Even Penny was surprised she wasn't dead and was now with the others in the blink of an eye.

RWBY: Onii-chan!

Sun: Whoa!

Penny then looks up at her savior as he looks at her with a genuine and caring smile, reassuring her that she is indeed still here in the world of the living.

(Y/N): Hey. Are you alright?

Penny: (Still staring at him) Big.... brother....

(Y/N): (Softens his gaze even more) Welcome to the family. 

(Y/N) sets her down next to her sisters as Ruby hugs her tightly relieved knowing that her new sister is alive. Penny returns the gesture with a small smile knowing that she is loved by people other than her father and would treat her as if she was family as well. (Y/N) then turns his attention back towards Eclipse with an even more pissed off look.

(Y/N): A new member of my family.... and you're already trying to kill her.

Eclipse: Hmph. Well she was in the way of my true goal. But now that she sees you as her elder brother now. I guess she is now part of my objective.

(Y/N): Goal? Objective? What is your goal exactly? (Puts hand on the grip of his blade)

Eclipse brings his katana in front of his face with two hands and enters a stance. (Y/N) also does the same, mimicking his stance. There was an uncomfortable silence and the tension rising as the two fighters stared each other down.

Eclipse: My goal.......... is to bring you suffering.

(Y/N): Tch!

And then both swordsman dashed at each other at blinding speed to as they begin to clash swords. The students watch in awe as they slowly recover from the fatigue, they are amazed as they watch these two men go at it with amazing skill and speed.

Sun: Holy...

Yang: Shit!

Ruby: ...........

Blake: No swear jar?

Ruby: This is an acceptable time to swear. So I'll let it slide.

As they keep watching, team RWBY see (Y/N) using his new sword as they start to wonder how he is going to be during and after the fight. Back to the fight, (Y/N) can tell that Crimson Sundown just feels right. It was perfectly weighted and balanced to his liking, even the scabbard felt light enough to the point that he couldn't tell if it was on his hip or not which made it easier to throw strike without losing it. And without having to perform techniques yet, his breathing was at it's sharpest, he was in his element right now. But that doesn't mean he was better, he knew that he and Eclipse were basically equals trying to find gaps and cracks in each others techniques. They then clash their swords together trying to push each other off balance.

Eclipse: You're pretty good. Will make things feel even more satisfactory when I kill you!

(Y/N): (Smiles while they still have their clash stand off) Thanks! But I still got surprises!

Eclipse: Like what?

(Y/N) drops his off hand and grabs his scabbard as it transforms into its pistol form. Eclipse gives (Y/N) a ticked off smirk, knowing he's in for little trouble. He then aims it at Eclipse while they were still in their stand off.

Eclipse: Well shit.

(Y/N): Life's a bitch ain't it?

(Y/N) then shoots him in the chest sending him back a little. Eclipse touches his chest in pain as he feels the burn where the dust round hit him then looks back at (Y/N) who has the biggest smirk on his face.

Eclipse: Oh this'll be fun.

(Y/N): (Gets in a stance) Bring it!

And they go at it again, as they were fighting, the students decide to get their weapons one more time and look at the fight with determined faces.

Yang: What you guys say we help him out?

Students: Yeah!

They all get in their stances.

Sun: Let's do it!

And then they rush towards the fight with a determination to end this man Eclipse and his rain of terror and pain. As the fight continues, the (Y/N) looks behind him to see the students coming to join the fight, he smiles at their determination and allows them to fight with him. Eclipse on the other hand, is annoyed with the students still wanting to fight.

Eclipse: Tch! Persistent little brats.

(Y/N): You have no idea. But that's what makes me proud of my family.

And then at the moment, (Y/N) rushes one more time catching Eclipse off guard for a split second as he charges at him while he was distracted by the students charging in. As (Y/N) is blasted back, he fires a few more fire dust rounds at Eclipse while Sun and Blake rush Eclipse while trying to deflect both dust rounds and the overwhelming attacks from the other two ganging up on him.

Eclipse: 'Shit! If this keeps up, I'm gonna-'

Yang: Heads up!

Eclipse looks up and sees Yang coming down on him, but before she could, he jumps back as Yang punches the ground and dust builds up adding to to the already existing fog. He was expecting more attacks right off the bat, but instead was met with silence. As he tries to sense for anyone team RWBY rush in and out of the fog trying to to get a hit on him with constant surprise attacks. Eclipse gets annoyed as he does a circular slash motion in which the force of the move, not only dissipates the dust, but also sends RWBY back a few feet away from him. While Eclipse was slowly coming back to his senses of where he was, he was immediately attacked by (Y/N) and Sun in close combat while they simultaneously fired off dust rounds from their weapons trying to throw him off one more time while in the back, Penny uses her weapons to attack as well by having her swords come in from multiple directions. And this time, it seems Eclipse is actually losing his ground. As they were pushing him back, (Y/N) took a breath and saw the world enter slow motion as he looks for a gap in his defense. And he got it as he saw Eclipse's foot step into into the crater that Yang made before, making him lose his footing just enough to throw off his defense. (Y/N) smirks while Eclipse grits his teeth in frustration and panic.

Eclipse: 'Shit!'

(Y/N): 'Bingo!' Sun breathing, eighth form: Sunflower Thrust!

(Y/N) thrusts his sword into Eclipse and it goes past his aura and pierces him in the shoulder. This surprises the students knowing that they finally got a hit on the bastard. Eclipse takes the sword out of his shoulder and quickly jumps away to get his breathing under control, but he's having a hard time because he feels as though he is burning up from the inside from the wound and the heat of the attack that still lingered.

Eclipse: Fuck! That hurts.

(Y/N) and Sun look at him with determined looks of satisfaction until they turned their heads to the sound of footsteps behind them.

Ruby: Onii-chan!

Weiss: You got a hit on him!

The rest of the girls line up next to (Y/N) and Sun as they take stances to go again. Eclipse sees this and decides to withdraw for now as he jumps high up onto a building and runs away like a coward. The students lower their weapons and fall on their backs from the exhaustion.

Sun: *Groans* That... sucked... so much!

Penny: Yes it did.

Yang: The next time we fight him.... it will be too soon.

Blake: (Inhales and exhales quickly) I need a warm bath, a comfy bed.... and 12 hours of sleep from that torture.

Weiss: Amen!

Ruby sits up one more time to see (Y/N) still standing on his feet after the fight not even looking tired. Ruby wonders how he still has energy from being hit, his aura healing him and a non-stop battle that would tire anyone out within just 12 minutes.

Ruby: Onii-chan.... are you good?

Instead of an answer, (Y/N) just falls face first into the concrete, barley awake from the lack of energy and fatigued mucsles.

(Y/N): (Muffled talking) Imotos?

RWBY: Yes?

(Y/N): (Muffled talking) I'm sorry for the training.

Yang: Why though?

(Y/N): (Muffled talking) Because I think I am now feeling what you girls feel after my lessons. And it ssssssuuuuuucccccckkkkkkssssss!

The students all laugh at the older mans complaint before they all look up at a bullhead coming down to pick them up.


(Y/N) is out in the courtyard of Beacon in red sweat pants and a black hoodie after saying good night to his sisters. He stands there looking at the moon before he hears two pairs of footsteps behind and turns around to see Sam and Kanao in their comfy clothes. They stand next to (Y/N) as they all look at the moon.

(Y/N): Hey guys. I'm guessing you read the after action report.

Kanao: Yes.

Sam: Yeah. Man dude, that guy has got some serious issues with you and your family for some reason. Also cool weapon your sisters made for you.

(Y/N): Tell me about it. I'm glad their looking out for me just the same I look out for them. Makes me happy I'm doing my job as their brother well. I also thought he was just some rouge huntsman. But I guess I was wrong as this also became very personal for me.

Kanao: How so? 

(Y/N): ......................... He's the one that killed Michael.

Sam and Kanao: WHAT!?

(Y/N): Yea. It explains the necklace he has. And it seems he's coming after our team. More specifically; me. 

Kanao: Well...... if he want's you, then he's gotta go through us too.

Sam: Yeah. And since he was the one that killed Mike, then this is a team matter. More importantly a family matter.

(Y/N): (Smiles knowing he can trust them) I'm glad I can count on you guys.

Sam: You'd be stupid for not trusting us.

Kanao: Mmhmm.

They all stand there looking at the moon remmbering Michael and his calming but fun personality as he was always the one to bring change and fun to their team before he died that unfateful day. But now that they know what killed him, or in this case who, they now have a new goal which is to take down Eclipse help these students grow for the sake of Michael's dream to make the new generation of Huntsman and Huntresses stronger than ever.

Sam and Kanao: 'Get ready Eclipse.'

(Y/N): 'Because this is not over.'

And done! Holy fucking shit my eyes and fingers hurt! This has been my longest chapter yet but I think it was worth it. Again, if you guys have any suggestions for any other book ideas in the future for me to do or if you got ideas for this book, I will gladly listen too them and think on them. Other than that, thank you guys so much for the support on this story and I will update soon. Stay rockin' rockstars!

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