+82...WRONG NUMBER? [yoonmin]

By YoongiAndHisMochi

34.3K 2.6K 891

In wich Yoongi gets his friend's new number but had been given the wrong digits. He ends up texting an unknow... More

🌼twenty one🌼
🌼twenty two🌼
🌼twenty three🌼
🌼twenty four🌼
🌼twenty foive🌼
🌼twenty six🌼
🌼twenty seven🌼
🌼twenty eight🌼
🌼twenty nine🌼
🌼thirty one🌼
🌼thirty two🌼
🌼thirty three🌼
🌼thirty four🌼
🌼thirty five🌼
🌼thirty six🌼
🌼thirty seven🌼
🌼thirty eight🌼
🌼thirty nine🌼


922 71 20
By YoongiAndHisMochi

Jimin sat on the chair in his room, he had moved out of his bed a while ago so he could continue the puzzle that ad been laying there for almost a month now. he could only work on it when he sits there, but to get there he had to get out of bed which wasn't always possible for him. His weak heart was easily overwhelmed, the lack of function of his heart made him sick. And to this all he didn't get good at most of the times affecting him mentally. Being stuck in the same room, same bed, same environment for so long made it worse. But he was doing better today. He was happily working on the puzzle when the door opened.

"Jimin, your friend is here to see you" the nurse said smiling when she saw he had come out of the bed.

"Oh, please let him in," Jimin turned around with a big smile.

"You can enter" the nurse said looking to the right, a 'thank you' was heard and then Jungkook came around the corner. a bouquet of dahlias in front of him blocking his face.


"Jungkook!" Jimin smiled wide and stood up slowly to hug the other. This surprised jungkook. It's been a while since he saw Jimin so active.

"Wow, you're standing up!"

"yes yes, I took a nap and I feel good now. I want to profit from it while I can" jimin chuckled and looked at the flowers. "what are these for?"

"They are for you," Jungkook smiled. "But they are not from me, they are from someone special~"

"oh?'' Jimin took the flowers and sat down on the edge of his bed taking the note that hung at the ribbon. whoever wrote this note had beautiful handwriting it made him jealous. Jimin didn't write so pretty. He was more like a five year old child.

'Hey Jimin, I uh..got you flowers. I didn't know which you would like so Jungkook gave me advice. I hope you like them. Yea....okay bye'

"Aww, that's cute!" Jimin giggled at the note. He could feel the shyness of the other through the letters. Jimin looked at the flowers and placed them in the empty vase on the table. He will fill it with water later. "So you met Yoongi??"

"I did, he's a cool dude. I can see why you like him, definitely you're type"

"i-it's not like that!"


"Okay, maybe. But I don't know about him okay. I haven't even met him in real life yet. and besides, I can't do love, I am basically living here. and on top of that they say i won't even make it next year!" Jimin frowned, getting a little frustrated near the end of the sentence. he didn't want to die anymore. he wanted to speak more with yoongi, he wanted to see him and go eat at the bakery yoongi told him about. He had things he wanted to do. His life wasn't so deull anymore. He had new motivation.

He had to get better, he can't die now. things were finally going so well for him.

"Jimin, don't think that whatever they say will always happen. you still have a chance, you know that"

"yea but it's small..."

"We are here for you whatever happens, try not to think too much about it, we both love you no matter what. you're the best friend we can ever ask for. you having disabilities does not matter to us. Even if you lose a leg or two, you will still be our Jiminie. Taehyung might not be here to say it but i know he does."

"i don't deserve you two '' Jimin smiled and stood up to hug Jungkook tightly. enjoying the warmth of the arms around him. He wished someone would hug him with a different kind of love.

"you know what will cheer you up?"

"hm?" Jimin sat back down not wanting to get too active.

"calling yoongi"

"a-ah yes but....im too shy to call him first" jimin muttered, poking his white blankets.

"Call him! Use the flowers as an excuse"

"He's usually the one to call first..." Jimin said feeling a little embarrassed. "but....okay, if he doesn't pick up its your fault"

"how is it- ugh nevermind, just call him" Jungkook chuckled, shaking his head. He watched with a smile Jimin take his phone and call the older. The boy looked nervous, biting his lips while his eyes nervously stared at his fingers.

It took a few rings for the call to be answered. and Jimin literally gasped when he heard Yoongi pick up.

"Hey Jimin" yoongi's low voice was heard in his ear.

"H-hi hyung"

"What's up?"

"I just called to uhm...thank you for the flowers...yes."

"oh haha, I am glad you did. Do you like them? Did Jungkook pick out the right ones?"

"Yes, these are my favorites. Thank you so much. i am really happy with them"

"I am happy to hear that, I have to admit I was a little nervous about giving you some flowers. But I might do it more often now I know you like flowers so much."

"i would be happy with anything you give me keke"

"oh, are you flirting?"

"EH. uhm n-no?" Jimin tried to talk himself out and avoid the comment but he got lost in his own words. "ah. uhm. i uh"

"You're cute. But I am sorry Jiminie, I am really busy and can't stay on my phone. I will text you once I am free, okay?"

"that's okay, i will look forward to it"


The two ended the call and Jimin smiled wide at jungkook.

"See you're happy now. My theory worked '' jungkook joked, wiping the imaginary dust off his shoulders.

"aish, you." Jimin stood up slowly and walked to his shelf grabbing one of the board games. "Now you better have some time to play a match with me. i was that promised rematch"

"if you want to lose again. sure"

"you're not going to win today!"

"watch me" 


thank you for reading, see you in the next chapter!


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