Your love.. drarry fantastic

By kai_drarry_topDraco_

22.7K 477 118

in this drarry book Ginny is mean but no hate on her , and she has a crush on Harry, Harry has told her he is... More

The train ride..
Dorm mates..
The kiss..
His smile..
Not a real Griffindor?!
Harrys secrets
Died down

Draco malfoy..

3.9K 81 15
By kai_drarry_topDraco_

Harry's pov: the war had just ended and things had gotten better... in the Wizarding world at least Harry's home with the Dudley's not so much Dudley got off my back for a little bit but then everything got back to normal like I didn't save the world! They put me back in that "room" under the stairs is was a lot smaller now that I was older but what could I do I was not allowed to use magic. The Dudley's didn't feed me much and that made me get a eating disorder not a very bad one though I couldn't eat food every day and I usually could only have 2 meals or one.

I had just got on the train and walked down the hall of it till I found Hermione and Ron "Harry! I've missed you" Hermione said in a happy voice she hugs me softly and then backed up "how has it been mate?" Ron asked in a upright voice "alright I guess.." I can sense Hermione's eyes on me I take I small look over and she looks worried "so the Dudley's gave you no troubles" Ron asked in and worried tone I could tell he didn't know what was happening but by the look from Hermione new what to say "yep" I replied in a happy voice and smiled "okay.." Hermione said no very convenience

We find a empty compartment to sit in and put our stuff away Ginny had also joined us and I could sense her staring at me "so Harry how have you been" Ginny had interrupted Ron as he was telling me about his summer "fine I guess my summer was quite boring I guess" I replied almost annoyed I had fond out I'm gay and told her but she still won't leave me alone

I continue on listening to Ron well Ginny try's talking to me but I ignore her , a blond boy meets my eye and I know who it is "Malfoy" I muttered "what" Ron asks but Malfoy walks in curing him off our eyes meet "potter" he had looked me in the eyes as he said it it was scary almost.. Draco had gotten talker then me over the summer and stronger looking I was only 2 inches shorter and seem to have around the same amount of muscle but his were slightly bigger his hair was not slicked back making his hair soft and fluffy looking. I always had a thing for Malfoy but it was only in 6th year I noticed it "Malfoy" I said almost sweetly back

Ginny had a angry face on well Ron and Hermione were confused "can we talk?" He seemed sweeter then normal "sure Malfoy" I said quietly and smile. He walks out of the compartment and into a empty one and I follow "do u need something Malfoy" I asked in a confused tone "I don't know if u know but since we're going back there's not a lot of room so all the houses from the 8 th years share a room" he said he seemed to be talking to me..normally usually it's a mean attitude or something but no it was normal. I only nod "well Slytherins and Griffondor's are pared up" Draco said "I-I umm we're going to kill each other" I say almost worried but remember we're just kids and calm down "so?" I ask "we're sharing a dorm!" I go in to shock almost "w-what"

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