superhero (Austin & Ally ff)

By lynsstories

93 2 0

Ally lives with her uncle because her parents moved to Africa for work and they didn't want to pull her away... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3

Chapter 2

26 1 0
By lynsstories

Allys POV:

When it was lunchtime, me and Trish went to the cafeteria together but as soon as we got there she was already on her way to the popular group. I grabbed my food tray and went to the table I always sat on.

From time to time I spared a glance to the popular table, just to see how Trish fits in and I'm always greeted with those brown eyes. Trish though seems to fit in good, but maybe a little too good. They always laughed and that are the moments Austin looks over to me.

I don't know, why he has to ruin my life all the time. It bugs me that he always knows, what to do to get on my nerves.

Luckily they did nothing to embarrass me in front of the whole school, like they normally did.

After lunch Trish and I met up again for the last period. Unfortunately it's a class we don't share, so I have to direct her there and then go to my class, which means I will be late and everyones eyes will be on me, when I enter the classroom.

Trish has Science now, which is all the way on the other side of the school. Great.

We make a short halt at either of our lockers, to get the stuff we need. I have math now. My worst subject like I said. And it doesn't make it any better, that the whole gang is there.

I brought Trish to her classroom and tried to get back to my classroom as fast as possible. Apparently too fast because halfway there I bump into someone and they knock me completely over.

"Woho, careful there. Wouldn't want you to get hurt, right Ally-gator?", this annoying jerk-voice says. I look up to see a smirk playing on his lips. I roll my eyes, gather my stuff and try to get up, but the bruises on my stomach make themselves noticeable and I wince. "Ohhh, did I knock you over that bad? My deepest apologies." He fake pouts and stretches out his hand.

I know better than to take his hand and try to get up on my own again. "Not everything is about you, dumbass." I lightly wince again, but try to play it off cool.

He gives me a confused look, but shakes it off. "Why are you out in the halls anyway? Class started like 15 minutes ago. You are never late." He fake gasps. "Oh no we didn't get a new school-rebel like Rocky said, did we?"

I scoff and compose myself. "No, I was walking Trish to her class like a good friend would do.", I say proudly.

Now it's his time to scoff. "You don't even know how friendship works. Also you are her... showing-around-student.", he says, while gesturing wildly with his hands. "Trish doesn't even like you. She told us earlier at lunch. Why do you think we kept laughing?", he chuckles.

He is right. They kept laughing and Austin always looked to me. I'm also the complete opposite of Trish. Why should she even like me in the first place?

I sigh and my vision goes to the floor. "Aw, poor Ally-gator. Never good enough to make a friend.", he fake pouts again.

"Yeah, thank you I never noticed, asshole. Why are you even in the halls? We have the same class right now... unfortunately. Shouldn't you be in the classroom already?"

"Oh, I was just on my way to the toilets. Wanna join?" He has this fucking smirk on his face again and I know that he is playing with me so I guess, I'll play along.

"Of course, I don't like maths anyway.", I say with a sweet smile myself.

Austin looks shocked back at me and is speechless for a moment. He starts to stutter and I burst into a fit of laughter. "You should've seen your face. Complete shock. As if I'd go with you anywhere, especially the bathroom. Ew."

I can't contain my laughter, but he composes himself pretty fast. "As if I would want that either, pfff. Your no fun at any time, loser."

That cuts my laughter off. I grab my backpack from the floor, where it has fallen, when we bumped into each other, and storm off in the direction of my classroom. I hear a loud chuckle behind me and I simply roll my eyes and continue my way.

He is such a jerk. How can anyone put up with him. Ugh.

When I arrive at the classroom, I knock three times at the door and then open it. My math teacher just smiles at me and waves me off.

Even though I hate the subject, our teacher is pretty chill. I take my seat, almost at the front, but I hear snickering from the back of the class and when I turn around I see the other members of the popular group. They keep looking in my direction and continue laughing.

Then the classroom door opens again and Austin walks in. He winks at me with that smirk and when he is with the group, he makes a handshake with two of them.

I turn back to the teacher, to pay attention to the class. I really need to get a better grade in the future.

When the schoolbell rings, I let out a deep sigh and pack my stuff as fast as possible. I run out into the hallways to get as fast as possible to Trish, before all the traffic starts again.

When I reach her classroom she comes out of it just in that moment. "Hey Trish, so how was your first full day? Made any other new friends?"

"Well, that weird Dez-kid I got paired up with wants to be my friend, but he is too weird for Trish de la Rosa. Kinda scares me, that freak." She gives me a slightly disgusted look and I start laughing loudly. Maybe, just maybe a little too loud.

Now she gives me a weird look and I try to compose myself. "Anyways, wanna go to some café or something? Hang a bit?"

"Actually, Austin and R4 asked me if I wanted to hang with them and I already agreed. Sorry. Also you need to step it down a bit. You will never make friends like this.", she says while pointing to all of me.

I only nod and turn back around to the main entrance. Austin was right. She doesn't want to be my friend. How can I be so delusional sometimes.

On my way to the busstop, I see Austin and his friends hanging at their car. Possibly waiting for Trish. Austin notices me and gives me that damn smirk again.

I plug my earphones into my phone and start some music. It's probably all better this way. They can give her friendship. I can't. They can meet up with her and have fun with her. I can't. They also fit better with each others personalitys. Trish and I didn't click, like they did.

Sad truth: this all is mostly because of my uncle. When I lived with my parents, I had a lot of friends. Well, maybe not a lot, but a few. This was a few years ago. Now I don't know anymore, how friendships even work.

When I arrive at home, I close the door behind me and lean against it and take some deep breaths.

First day of school finished and it went like this. Wow. This will be a long year.

I went up to my room, changed into something more comfortable and sat myself at my desk to study some more. After some time though, I decided to take a nap and that's exactly what I did.

I woke up startled, when I heard the front door got slammed shut. I guess my uncle is back home. Yaaay. Note the sarcasm.

He doesn't seem to be in a good mood and that leaves me anxiously fidgeting in my room. I don't want him to hit me again. But if he wants to, then I can't do anything about. Everything else will end worse.

"AWY EDGAR DAWSHON! COME DOWNSHTAIRS NOW!", he scream-slurs. I exhale a deep breath and make my way downstairs on wobbly legs.

"I'm here, uncle. What is it?" I try to be as self-confident as possible, but I know that it won't save me from the blow.

"Why ishn't the kitchen made? You were earlier home than me."

I look around, trying to find what he meant because to me the kitchen seemed pretty clean. "Uh, I'm sorry, uncle. I don't know what you mean. The kitchen is clean, isn't it."

"NO!", he shouts and bangs his fist on the counter. "Look at this spot. It's from todays morning. From my coffee, that I had. Why didn't you clean that up?!", he asks me with a drunk but very serious expression on his face.

My stomach turns. "I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't see that. I'll clean that up right now."

"NO!", he screams again. "You should've done this earlier. Now it's an unfinished task that I have to do and you will be punished for that!" He hits me in the stomach and I double over holding onto the counter.

I start feeling the tears in my eyes but I tried to hold them back. He kicks me in the back of my knees, therefore I fall to the floor.

I pull my knees to my stomach, to make me as small as possible, but that didn't do anything because he kept kicking my shins.

Silently I let my tears fall and tried to hold back my sobs.

After a while, I noticed, that he wasn't kicking me anymore. In fact, he wasn't in the same room anymore. I pulled myself together and stood up.

My uncle was sitting in the living room. "So sorry, darling. Won't happen again.", he said with the least emotion possible. I roll my eyes without him seeing it.

That became routine after a while. Him beating me up, then leaving me alone and then half-heartedly apologizing. I got used to it.

I went up to my room to look over the bruises and take care of them. I put some healing and calming cream on and then I decided to go back to bed and see what awaits the next day.

Already dreading it.


definitely a shorter chapter than the first one, but I think the end was fitting. Btw I (luckily) havent had this kind of abusive relationship, so its probably not as accurate as irl. But I guess thats for the better. I dont wish anyone, something like this and if you are in such a situation, please get help somewhere.

Hope you like the chapter nevertheless and please leave some feedback. Thank you<3

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