Magic Of Flames √

By YaoiYurishipper

54.3K 1.8K 319

This is part 2 book 2 of Wizard Among Mafia. Yep I'm finally uploading it my lovely readers. It has been man... More

1. Premonitions and Dreams
2. Contracts
3. Home is where the Heart is
4. Christmas together
5. Black and White
6. Talks and Plans
7. The Varia Arrives
8. Xanxus wakes up
9. Setting up the Stage
10. The Multi Colored Storm
11. Rain That Washes Away Conflict
12. The Lightning that Protects
13. The Mist that Befuddles
14. Territorial and Protective Cloud
15. The test for the Sky
16. Lull Before Trouble
17. Test Begins
19. Mafia Land and Skull
20. Riddles and Tolerance?
21. Reborn and Shizun
22. Meeting your Ancestor?
23. Not exactly Time Travel
24. Alternate Dimension Really?
25. What is My Life!
26. The Third Piece
27. The Fight Begins
28. Follow what Script?
29. Final battle
30. Home
31. Inheritance? Yeah no!
32. Graduation
33. Reborn x Harry
34. Final

18. Verde and Questions

1.1K 45 12
By YaoiYurishipper

(Katekyoshi Hitman Reborn and Harry Potter does not belong to me.
The art is by Phirat Petchram on Deviant Art.

Tsuna hummed as he finished up his responsibilities at school before getting ready to leave. Kyoya gave him a kiss before leaving on his patrol earlier, he had received reports of a bunch of hooligans creating trouble in the East. As Tsuna left he waved goodbye to Kusakabe who nodded at him in respect. As he left the school he noticed a certain red head waiting for him outside.

Tsuna, "Enma?"

Enma perked up, "Tsu - kun. I was waiting for you."

Tsuna smiled, "You know you don't have to right?"

Enma looked away, "I know, I just want to spend time with you."

Tsuna, "I was heading towards Black Cafe, to meet up with the girls. Today is cake day."

Enma looked at the footpath mumbled, "You sure are very popular."

Tsuna, "Huh?"

Enma looked at him, "You are very popular among the girls, even though everyone knows you are gay and together with Hibari - san. The girls still flock to you."

Tsuna laughed, "At this point I think they consider me as one of them, rather than a popular icon."

Enma blinked, "Seriously? But you are a boy."

Tsuna looked at him questioningly, "What does gender have anything to do with it? They trust me and I trust them. That's all that matters in the end."

Enma, "Trust huh?"

Tsuna turned to him, "Yeah. Is something wrong?"

Enma's eyes were dark, "What if you do something to break that trust?"

Tsuna, "Then I apologize and make it up to them."

Enma loosened his tight grip on his bag strap, "Is it that simple?"

Tsuna gave him a one arm hug, "I'll tell you what Harry - nii told me. The best apology is the simplest heartfelt apology. You don't need something fancy to apologize. That's like trying to buy someone off. A simple apology with the person trying their hardest not to repeat the mistake twice. That is the best."

Enma was quiet, 'You make it sound so simple. But is it truly?'

Tsuna, "And before you say it's easy to give a simple sincere apology. Let me tell you it is not that easy. Most people don't want to apologize because one, it means they are acknowledging they are wrong and two because of their huge egos."

Enma was staring, "You have gone through that?"

Tsuna, "Well no, my Nii - san is very protective. So I never had to deal with anyone betraying me so to speak, but my cousin. It was painful watching them. They just wanted an honest apology but never got one. I don't think they have forgiven their father yet honestly. They spends most of their free time from work with us rather than stay in Italy."

Enma, "Um, I have been meaning to ask but you have an older brother?"

Tsuna grinned brightly, "He is not my blood related brother but he took care of me as a child. We all or rather my group call him big brother."

Enma, "He must be amazing for you all to love and respect him so much. Is he mafia?"

Tsuna, "Nope, he is a civilian. In fact, how about I just introduce you to him today. We are here after all."

Harry looked up as the door bell chimed, "Welcome Tsu - chan and Tsu - chan's friend to the Black Cafe. The girls are waiting for you there."

Enma's breath hitched, 'A pure Sky? How? Where? When?'

Tsuna smiled as he led Enma to the table with the girls, "Hello girls. I hope you won't mind me bringing Enma today."

Hana, "As long as he doesn't act like a monkey. I'm fine with it."

Kyoko, "Welcome Enma."

Chrome, "It's nice to meet you."

Hana, "Hahi! So you are the one Tsuna has been telling us about. It's great to finally meet you."

Enma smiled shyly at them, "It is nice to meet you too."

Hana felt her heart stutter at the smile, 'What was that?'

Tsuna sat next to Chrome while Enma sat next to him, "So shall we order our usual?"

Chrome, "Yes, God I have been keeping myself from eating sweet stuff for a week. And do you know how much of a torture that is?"

Haru nodded, "Especially when it's Harry - nii's dessert. Hahi."

Enma, "I think I know how you feel, my tutor will teach my my lessons by holding the desserts of Black Cafe hostage. Saying if I don't get the answers right I can watch him eat all the desserts."

Tsuna laughed, "That's what Dino - nii's teacher did."

Enma laughed as he relaxed around them and enjoyed the sweet desserts that came from the Cafe. He kept looking at the dark haired green eyed man who floated from the counter to the kitchen and back again. Tsuna grinned at him knowingly and explained Harry was not part of any mafia group and not to bother him. Enma nodded hearing the subtly threat under Tsuna's gentle tone. He supposed he could understand Tsuna's protectiveness and almost choked on seeing Verde next to Harry.

Tsuna shrugged, "Yeah, the Arcobaleno are his elements, so seriously don't piss them off. You'll be on your own if you do so."

Enma laughed, "I see."

Tsuna looked at Verde who gave him a smirk before leaving the Cafe. Tsuna gave a sigh, it looks like they have to face Verde next. He half wondered where the others were at but he trusted them to be by his side when shit goes down. Verde's test should be interesting one to tackle if he was being honest. Enma left after they had finished their desserts, Hana and Chrome walked together with Tsuna while Haru and Kyoko left to get some errands done.

Tsuna, "Let's go meet up with others."

Chrome, "Verde?"

Hana, "He will test us next huh?"

Tsuna nodded, "Well, it has been a week since the last test by Lal. I wonder what Verde has in store for us."

Hana, "I can see Hayato and Takeshi."

Chrome, "Ryohei and Lambo too."

Tsuna, "Hmm, I wonder where Kyoya is."

Hayato, "Tsu - kun, Chrome - chan, Hana - chan over here."

Ryohei, "Extreme! Where are Kyoko - chan and Haru - chan?"

Tsuna grinned, "I think Haru - chan has a crush on Enma - kun."

Chrome laughed, "You noticed it too?"

Hana smirked, "Hard not to with the blush on her face everytime Emma - san talked to her."

Kyoya hugged Tsuna from behind, "Hn, the pineapple is not here yet."

Mukuro, "Ku fu fu fu! Missing me already birdie - chan?"

Kyoya brandished his tonfa, "Hn."

Tsuna's phone rang, "Eh? Oh! Harry - nii?"

Harry, "Tsu - kun. I know this is out of the blue but could you bring me my ward book from the basement? If it is not much trouble."

Tsuna, "It's no trouble Nii - san. Why though?"

Harry, "One of the wards in Black Cafe is getting rusted, I need to re-touch and carve it. It has been more than a decade, so it's not surprising I suppose."

Tsuna walked towards the Potter home, "Has it been more than ten years? Time sure has flown."

Hana, "Here we are."

Kyoya, 'Something is up.'

Mukuro, 'Hmm, that feels weird.'

Chrome, "There is something here."

Lambo, "Lambo - san wants snacks."

Ryohei, "Be patient Lambo - chan. We'll get something to eat soon."

Mukuro, "Be careful brat."

Lambo pouted, "I'm careful."

Hana, "Here."

Verde grinned, "Welcome kiddos, I hope you are ready."

Takeshi, "Ah ha ha ha ha. I guess we are facing you next."

Ryohei, "We will extremely win."

Verde grinned, "Alright then, get going."

Chrome, "You... Sensei you hid the book didn't you?"

Hana, "Figures."

Hayato, "Well let's go see what we are up against."

Kyoya looked at the basement, "Hn."

The group went to the basement only to realize it was changed completely. They looked at what looked like a gigantic dark maze infront of them. They looked at each other before shrugging and entering the maze. There were three paths they could take and decided to break into three groups and taking the different paths. Tsuna, Kyoya and Chrome took one path. Ryohei, Mukuro and Lambo took the second path. And the last path was entered by Takeshi, Hayato and Hana who was more amused then anything else.

Tsuna shouted, "Look out."

Kyoya grunted hitting the vines, "Herbs!"

Chrome, "Hang on! I got your back."

Chrome used her mist to calm the vines and put them into a relaxed stasis. They looked around and saw more vines coming towards them. Tsuna made a plan and told Kyoya to propagate Chrome's mist to calm the vines down. It took a while but they managed to calm the vines down and moved on.

Tsuna, "What's this?"

Chrome, "Looks like a key."

Kyoya, "Hn."

Tsuna picked up the crystal key and held it up for all of them to see. They noticed it was only half a key, the other half was missing. A thought occurred, perhaps they others got the other half. They moved on and came out to a space holding a safe with a code lock.

Hayato, "Is this a graveyard?"

Takeshi, "Not exactly."

Hana, "There's a poem here too."

The three put their heads together to see if they could make heads or tails out of the puzzle. Takeshi snapped his fingers and pointed out some of the numbers are in the shape of a cross. Hana made a snarky comment on how that was not morbid at all, to which Hayato chuckled. They looked at the dates, they were exact copies from the book Harry wrote.

Hayato, "Now to figure out which numbers are relevant."

Hana, "Yeah."

Takeshi, "Ah ha ha ha. This is kinda exciting."

The three of them sat trying to figure out the numbers which could be used. It took a while but they realized the first sets of three numbers was the answer. Next was to pick the right numbers to move forward. They realized it was Tsuna, Reborn and Verde's lucky numbers.

Hayato щ(゜ロ゜щ), "Sensei seriously?"

Hana chuckled, "Most people would think they are wrong and be stuck."

Takeshi laughed, "They would never think it was this simple."

Hayato, "Let's go, hopefully the others figured their ones out."

Ryohei and Mukuro were having fun fighting against Verde's robots. The Sun and Mist user used their fist and trident to fight with the machines that were coming at them. It was fun but starting to get a little tiring. Lambo watched bored as the older flame users fought.

Lambo threw his bombs at the machine, "Lambo - san wants to play too."

Ryohei grinned, "Of course Lambo - chan, just be careful to not get hurt."

Mukuro, "Ku fu fu fu. Go wild Lambo - chan."

Lambo took out more grenades and threw them at the robots coming at them. Ryohei jumped to fight more and destroyed more of the droids. Mukuro laughed as he noticed a key on one of the droids and pointed it out. Lambo and Ryohei shrugged and focused on getting rid of the droids while Mukuro got the key. The mist Guardian used his mist to grow as vines to reach the key.

Mukuro, "Ku fu fu. I got it."

Lambo, "Gyupa, we did it."

Ryohei o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ, "Extreme."

Mukuro chuckled, "Let's go meet up with the others."

They left the room behind and came out to another room with a safe and the others were there too. Hayato, Takeshi and Hana came after them although Tsuna, Kyoya and Chrome were already there before them. They saw a safe with a code lock and Hayato produced the paper with numbers. Tsuna produced the half of a key and Mukuro produced the other half.

Tsuna, "Huh, guess they fit together."

Takeshi, "Ah ha ha ha. This is like a treasure hunt."

Lambo, "Lambo - san wants the treasure."

Hana, "Let's open it then."

They joined the key together and entered the numbers before opening the lock. It opened with a click and inside were seven boxes with the colours of the rainbow on them.

Verde, "Well done all of you. Let me introduce you the new weapons I personally made for you."

Tsuna, "These are for us?"

Verde, "Go on then enter your flames."

Tsuna felt his intuition urging him and he pressed his flames on the box. The box opened and out came the most adorable feline.

Tsuna, "Sensei... I love him. What's his name?"

Verde, "He's yours, so you name him."

Tsuna, "Natsu, his flames remind me of summer."

Natsu, "Gaoooo."

Chrome, "How about we name her Muku - owl? And him Hedwig?"

Mukuro, "Muku - owl? Chrome?"

Chrome, "He has the same eye color as you."

Muku - owl looked at Mukuro, "Hoo."

Hayato, "I'll name you Uri."

Uri looked at him then turned away, "Meowr."

Hayato (╯▽╰), "A prideful one, aren't you?"

Ryohei, "I'll name mine Garyu."

Garyu didn't say anything but attempted to punch him making Ryohei laugh, "Extreme."

Takeshi, "I got two?"

Verde, "They refused to separate."

Takeshi laughed, "Ziro and Koziro."

Koziro chirped while Ziro jumped him barking making Takeshi laughed.

Lambo, "Gyudon."

Hana, "Yuki."

Gyudon and Yuki which were a buffalo and an ox grunted as they looked around and found some green leaves. They started to chew on them making Hana jump to stop them. They needed those herbs.

Kyoya, "Roll. Hibird."

Roll and Hibird simply nodded as they made themselves comfortable on Kyoya's shoulders. Tsuna grinned at him as he and the others took the animals out. Verde put his little machines away as they left allowing Tsuna to grab the book Harry wanted.

(To be continued....
I'll be honest. I was playing Kathy Rain when inspiration struck.
Anyone else play that game. It's awesome.
Till next time my lovely readers.)

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