My Sister's Fiance

By jhayrose

79.3K 1.2K 105

After her parents accident Cassandra and Emily was left orphaned. At a tender age of 14 Cassandra had taken t... More

Chapter one - - The memories.
Chapter two - - The beginning.
Chapter three - - women's intuition
Chapter Four - - Dinner Date.
Chapter Five - - Ruined.
Chapter Six - - Truth be told
Chapter Seven - - The break up
Chapter Eight - - Accepting the Engagement
Chapter Nine - - Enduring the party
Chapter Ten - - temporary peace
Chapter Eleven -- off side
Chapter twelve-- the consultant
Chapter thirteen-- the lunch
Chapter fourteen --- the Family
Chapter Fifteen--- Casting Shadow
Chapter Sixteen --- let's talk
Chapter Seventeen - - Deceivingly heartless
Chapter Eighteen -- The sad zombie movie
Chapter Nineteen - - The Silence
Chapter twenty - - The Grocery date
Chapter Twenty one - - Dinner, Again
Chapter twenty two - - unexpected
Chapter twenty three - - the talk
Chapter twenty four - - Freedom atlast?
Chapter twenty five -- second day
Chapter twenty six - - at peace
Chapter twenty seven --- stolen times over
Chapter twenty eight -- busy.
Chapter twenty Nine -- another silly day
Chapter thirty -- settled
Chapter thirty one -- breaking the engagement
Chapter thirty two -- the truth
Chapter thirty three -- detachment
Chapter thirty four -- growing apart.
Chapter thirty six -- Her history
Chapter thirty seven -- Moments
Chapter thirty eight-- her sickness
Chapter thirty nine--- propasal and prisons
Chapter forty --- encamped
Chapter forty one --- stepping up
Chapter Forty two--- The Dawn wedding
Chapter Forty Three -- The Reception
Chapter forty four-- The Honeymoon
Chapter Forty Five -- The in between
Chapter Forty Six -- The sleeping beauty
My Sister's Husband --- Prologue
01 -- Years Away

Chapter Thirty five -- Worries

1.1K 26 1
By jhayrose

The hospitalization was just a start. Cassandra were advised for a series of test and check up and the drill went on for a month making the cancellation of their own wedding. Emily's whereabouts are nowhere near of being distinguished yet. The last report said that she was in some provinces and was left to be determined still. The search were steady but almost futile and backtracking since Emily intentionally keep her tracks as possible.

Cassandra however was fine and full of life except the unusual bruises which before she would just alibi as hormanal imbalance on women or something about hormones and having her monthly visit but as the bruises appeared more and more the alibi wasn't so becoming to Jeremy now. Suspicions were growing over and his keen observation on her just lead him more to worries.

Checking with the doctor as he called for him for an appointment, the doctor was dead serious in his apperance that for a second Jeremy already know the news wouldn't be good this time.

The question is, how worst could it be?

Sitting down on the private yet cozy office of the doctor, Jeremy clamped his hands and rub it absentmindedly on his knees as he await the doctors words.

"Does the patient has some history of accidents? Genetics? Or fights? Have she been recently confined except for the last time she was admitted?" Doctor Rodriguez asked directly at Jeremy as he sits in his desk holding some papers and putted it down again.

Jeremy frown and creased his brow while tapping his anxious feet staring at the doctor whose age he guessed to be more at middle of forties. The man was average but his look and confidence give him roar and authority obviously implying his intelligence.

Blinking for a while reconsidering things and past event Jeremy answers, "Im not pretty sure with genetics sir, but more than two months ago she had a bad fight with her sister. She was a bit beaten but was discharged two days after."

"Well." Doctor Rodriguez said as he put his finger on his lips while thinking and looking at the results laod on his desk then back again at Jeremy. "We haven't really know much of her sickness yet but I believe its just curable. For the meantime I advised her not to be overly stressed. Worked out and to take some vitamins and some iron supplement. We'll call you after we found anything anomalous." He said almost dismissing Jeremy. In his mind is the puzzlement of the patients condition. Her body is futile weak but the patient itself was a fighter, he wonders what could have triggered the event?

Trying to smile as the news weren't really that bad Jeremy stood up shook the good doctors hand and turn his leave.

He was adamant about the news but he know far too well that Cassandra is strong, besides the doctor said its something curable so theres not much really to think about, except ofcourse the worries he feel despite the assurances. He was just afraid of the what ifs.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

It was saturday again so Emily wasn't working, doing her lazy day routine she just curled up in her medium sized pastel coloured bed and watched a Chinese series titled Ballad of the dessert. This had been her life now, working and then home and if she's got nothing to do she just usually lock herself inside her room while watching different kind of series she'll find.

She focused on the series, feeling damn for all the tailing and huge responsibility one of the main character faced. Her thoughts run that sometimes being noble and heroic is a huge pain in the ass. Its kinda getting into her that becauae of others welfare, ones own happiness and love were to be freed away. It wasn't right, love and finding someone worth your love is the greatest thing a person could achieve but then again what would a young untested mind like her understand, that even if love is great, others welfare being at stake and being burden by it is no happiness itself. Love may be great but how many people will suffer if ones great responsibility is abandoned?

Being entralled and caught up Emily continue on her series until she heard soft knocks in her door.

"Open." She lazily said not wanting to be disturbed at all.

"Aunt??" Her niece Juriel peeked in her door a little hesitant while smiling shyly at her. The niece know her aunt to be adjusting and had been quiet often in her room, her Granny said that her aunt living a solitary life moght have affected her social skills even with family that sometimes they find her a little distant.

Giving Juriel a welcoming smile, Emily motion her to come forward. She know in herself she'd been awkward but it wasn't because she wanted distance. Its just that she find them too happy and find herself misplaced. She often too remember her own family and her sister everytime her nieces talked or naughtily laugh at each other making her smile yet ache for the sight. Looking at them.would mean piercing her heart all over again as she would wish to hold onto again with her sister, she loved her too much that her betrayal to her had become a dark poison in her life. Can you blame her? Can you really untame the heart and tell yourself its fine when its not? All those years of seeking approval from her, idolizing her in every way and yet she was to be betrayed to the only family she had. She had lost her love and she had lost her sister too, can the world really not understand that pain? Standing alone, pained and hurt while everyone seems to have life, how can someone really take it but just be distance herself?

Snapping from her trance she look again at her hesitant niece and give her a soft expression.

Almost stumbling and blushing her teeny niece said in a low almost hush voice, "Uhm. .a man is looking for you outside." Emily almost crack a laugh if she wasn't too decent to spare her fourteen year old niece from more embarassment. She was tall and curvy, her body mature earlier than her mind but seriously the girl still played a lot of street and kiddy games and would still head home soaked with sweat and dirty clothes, so it was really a sight for Emily to see her niece in such girly state.

Timidly Emily paused the drama and went downstairs with her niece. Then as the house wasn't that big but only a bit of two storey wooden house, almost hispanic in aura. Emme reach their destination which is the sala where the visitor is sitting and waiting quiet impatient to see her.

She paused and stared at the unexpected visitor.

How did he find me? She thought as she scowl at him.

"What are you doing here?" Was her first harsh word to Ariel who directly stood up once he saw her. But instead of answering her directly Ariel just give her niece an appreciative smile which the younger one took blushingly and slowly retreated away.

Emily almost lost a smile and tease her own niece. She knew then that the sod had a crush on Ariel! It wasn't really a wonder at all, she mean he was handsome and hot but he was way too old for her. Besides breaking her facade would ruin her so she remain stoic in her expression, refraining herself from stupidly grinning in amusement.

I'll gotta get back on her later. She muse. Later.

"Come home." He said simply as he slid his hands in his pocket. In his mind were pure turmoil of words of how to change Emily's perception through explanation, but words seems to vanish all of a sudden.

Emily however were too pained to see it that way, Going home? It sounded like it was that simple.

"Im already home." she answered lowly wondering where is home?

"maybe. .but your sister needed you." He countered as pleadful as he could be.

"Does she now?" She said sarcastically, " Cause last time I think I wasn't really needed."

Bit back and irritated, he spite back. "Yeah. The last time you beat her? The last time she ended up two days in the hospital with cuts and bruises? Was that what your referring at?" His sarcasm was hard to miss and Emily knew his pledge loyalty to her sister.

She bit her lip, she knew she was just angry back then but she haven't have the will to stopped and think besides --- besides she was the victim here!

"So?" She said raising a brow. "two days in a hospital. .how bout me? How many days, months or years will I heal from her betrayal?" Tilting her chin and meeting his gaze she challenged him. She believed that she was the one who perished and not her. How dare them!

"She's your sister." He stressed full of refrained temper, measuring her and puzzling her thoughts and attitudes.

"Yeah. She's my sister! She should have sided with me! She should have taken my side! My hurt and my life. She should have not betrayed me!" Emily said snapping all her angers. Who cares if the whole household hear or even the neighborhood? To hell. Let it even be heard by her if possible. She was beyond rage and she was easily irritated and affected even just a mention of her name.

"Betrayed you?? She had given you her life! You insolent ungrateful brat! You have no right and idea what she went through and how she went through it! . .Who worked for you and fed you in years while you were young? Who gave you clothing and roof to lived? Who educate you and make you who you are today? She worked and study all those years for your sake and yet just because of one man you forget all her good and heroic deeds! Ungrateful!" He stormed at her. His calm and easy demeanor was all gone and had snapped away. His original intention forgotten and buried.

Emily could have feeled fear, but that was before. Right now her anger rose more on her as she matched his. Yes he might be saying the truth but it doesn't changed the fact that she betrayed her! "Just one man??? That man is my Fiance! We would have been married if she hadn't stole him away from me! She should not be like a bitch snatching what others own!" She shouted and before she even knew it a slapped came flying in burning her own cheeks.

A tear suddenly fell, she questioned. Why does it hurts that I am the victim yet they all sided with her? She's a conniving witch!

"Don't you dare! She had not stolen anything from you cause Jeremy hasn't been yours all along!" His last words slapped hee harder than his own hand and it hurts more to know that he was telling her the truth. She even knew it well and saw it in her own eyes when he carry her in his arms like a madman because she had lost her conciousness. "What do you want?" His voice changed and challenging. --"Marry a man unfaithful to you and leave your sister in eternal pain and agony?"

Without thinking she blurted, "Yes!!" " Its better her than me!" the pain was too much to reverse and took back what has been done and said.

But the disbelief in Ariel's eyes were painstakingly getting into her heart but her heart was so broken it doesn't even know how to feel anymore. "Why have she not leave me here in agony too?? She deserved everything!" She said still full of stinging anger.

He was somehow taken aback with her words and slowly stepped backward while shaking his head. He think she was too Im impossible.

"Ungrateful. ." He said very lowly but even so she feel a little ashamed for a while but forgot it again eventually.

Ungrateful? She maybe but it is only because she hurt her first leaving her so wounded and unpatched.

Looking at her with pain and emotions Emily cannot describe, Ariel said a word she wouldn't know he'll ever say, not even in her worsest nightmare. "She should have let you died back then."

His words stung so much that she could even feel a strong invisible kick in her own stomach and as she put her hand on it she feel like the pain of that day come again.

Then she remember, "She didn't saved me! Infact she left me alone suffering for hours in terrible amount of pain. And For your information someone else saved and paid the bills for me. So technically she didn't saved my life!"

Loneliness and regret replaced his emotions then with a sarcastic smile he said, " She was working at day. Schools at noon and worked again at night to fed you and let you go to school yet you blame her for leaving you?" She bit her lips again for that. She knew why her sister was away but the pain was so terrible she wish she could have just chopped off half her body at that time .--" and as for the latter. .you have no freakin Idea what happened back then."

The amount of dark emotions that filled his eyes caught her. He was sad and sorry for something and she's pretty sure it wasn't for her.

Confused, she wanted to ask him what he meant but he turn his back on her like he wanted the world to forget her and forsake everypart of her. His steps were too painful but measured in distance. He walked a step away one by one and it drained her more. He had always been sweet and gleeful. He had always have his playful aura in him wherever he go and whatever the situation is but today he came in so formally like he wanted to say something and convince her but walked away hurt and a total stranger. If he was her real brother she could have sensed that he forsaken her in every step he take.

The defeaning silence almost killed Emme and knowing she'd detached herself not just from her sister but to the world she so previously belongs to makes her heart sank even deeper.

Ariel stops a step before the door and look at her one last time.

"She would sold her soul to the devil just to saved you---" she sensed him clenched his fist and said something more that stopped her world for a while and before she knew it he was gone. She was too late to asked what he mean by it and what really happen back then.

But even if so, do does she even have the right to ask?

She would have sold her soul to the devil to saved me. .and she did. How? She doesn't really understand.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

Another appointment with the doctor again and this time his face was more dead serious than the last time he'd seen him. What could have been wrong with her? Or maybe the doctor's face was really born serious. Shrugs.

Jeremy just put all his presumptions at bay and wait, its better to know than hurt himself with his pessimistic thoughts.

"Doc. ." he said while sitting down again to the familiar private office of the doctor.

The doctor nodded to acknowledge his presence and look at him quiet observing and thinking too. "Im going to be direct to the point. She has some weird illness. .at the current stage we do not know yet but we already sent samples for further analysis. .but to tell you her sickness was probably caused by traumatic shock from constant beating. .this kind of symptoms must have occured to her before. Though it wasn't fatal at all but her health must be watched. She cannot be overly stressed, worked out or any forms of fatigue. ." he paused for a while measuring his words. --" I highly advise that you don't hit her.---"

Jeremy's ear picked the accusation and automatically raised his hands in protest. "I never ever did lay my hands on her. Never did I hurt her. For petesake where did you get this absurd idea that I would--"

"Mr. Marquez. ." Doctor Rodriguez cutted. "Im sorry for the wrong presumption. But you said she was orphaned at a young age. And that you were her boyfriend for years so I assumed---"

Irritated with the idea of the ill thought Jeremy had not let the doctor continue and cutted again. "Doc. .we dated two years in college. But we split up and just saw each other after eight long years! I - - I haven't touched even the ends of her hair!" he said in dread frustration. The thought was abominable!

"Sorry for that but the cause was a little confusing. ."The good doctor calmly said and assuring. "its either she inherits the sickness or its either she was beaten constantly before. . .and If I so may add she was working and studying therefore her body might be much more weaker to defend itself making the illness to form easily. I suggest you talked with the patient and asked her about her history. Maybe it'll helped you and I understand its cause. But for now lets wait for the results for any more confirmation."

Trying to be calm, Jeremy nodded in response though he didn't really understand the picture. Emily had already mentioned her bruises before and sometimes he would spot some of it now but Cassandra would just say she had her period coming thats why she's prone to bruises without cause but now that the doctor had said something about constant beating he guess Emily must have been right about Cassandra's boyfriend beating her up before. But then again he realize, Emme said it was even before, therefore --- wait. A thought suddenly pops. Cattey said to him that she had other boyfriend before and that she cheated on her rich boyfriend for now him and that he knows at that time already, the very reason why she had to break up with him.

More confused he thought that could it be that the culprit of all this mess is her ex rich boyfriend?

Not seeing the whole picture yet but already feeling dizzy thinking about it he just heaved a sigh and thought that maybe, maybe the doctor is right.He should just talk to Cattey about it.

Maybe there is something in her past she was just hiding and she already know about her sickness already.

But could she really be a ---??

The thoughy swirl. He should just really forget about it.

. . . . . . . . . .

For any grammar for all my works kindly Im really sorry. This really goes unedited plus even if so wattpads server sometimes a junk not processing changes plus Im typing through phone so its kinda hard to see really edit. Anyway, thank you soo much for reading and for all the patience. If by any chance the updated gone slower and fewer then its because in May I'll be taking a professional test to get my license in -------. So anyway hope you understand. See you soonest!


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