Beneath Her Skin

By Rome-xx

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BOOK TWO: COMPLETE Before Alastriona Breen can continue her ma... More

Authors Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Three
Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Thirty-Two

15 1 0
By Rome-xx

Alastriona couldn't sleep. It came as no surprise to her now as the dark circles under her eyes had turned to bags that wouldn't go away.
She watched her sleeping friends for a moment, it was early, the sun had only risen an hour ago and Alastriona was the first one awake. 
She rolled out of bed, tucked her feet into slippers, and went across the hall into the boys dormitory. She'd expected the boys in there to still be sleeping but they were gone and Alastriona cringed at who sat on Cedric's bed. 

Amos and Beatrice Diggory startled at Alastriona's entrance and she immediately backed away. "I'm so sorry, Mr and Mrs Diggory, I— I'll come back later." She stammered.

Beatrice Diggory stood up and came over to her, instantly enveloping the young girl in her arms.
"No need, dear, we're just here to pick up the rest of Cedric's things." She reassured Alastriona quietly. 

Amos stood up and offered a sad, tired smile to her, he was carrying a photo frame. "We actually just found this and were talking about you."

He handed her the frame and Alastriona held her breath in order to stop the sob that threatened to escape. 

In the photo Cedric was wearing his dress robes and Alastriona was in her black gown and she was fixing his slightly crooked bow tie, when they realised they were being photographed they both looked to the camera and Cedric gave a big cheesy grin and Alastriona stuck her tongue out at the camera.

"The Yule Ball." Alastriona managed to get out without her voice cracking. 

Amos and Beatrice nodded with tears in their eyes.
"Alastriona, dear," Beatrice said but she seemed to hesitate on her own words, "we were wondering, what was it that Cedric said to you before he left for the final task?"

"He—" He told me he loved me. 'I'd wait for you for forever and a day'. The words echoed in her head.  'Some things happen and they're just... right'. She couldn't tell them, she couldn't say the words. 

"He told me he was excited and how he was ready for it to be over, he just wanted to come back and celebrate, all of us together." Alastriona lied. She was happy she did when Amos and Beatrice smiled, their eyes were filled with tears but they seemed relieved. 

Amos cleared his throat and nodded. "Thank you, Alastriona." He patted her on the shoulder and gestured to the photo frame she was holding. "Keep that, he'd want you to have it."

Beatrice embraced her and kissed the top of her head. "We'd love for you to come visit in the summer, Alastriona. He would've wanted that, too." She said and Amos wrapped his arm around her shoulder, guiding her out of Cedric's dorm as the tears began streaming down the woman's face.

Alastriona waited until they left and then she went to Cedric's bed and crawled under the covers, she held the photo of them close to her and curled into a tight ball as she let silent sobs take over her body.

She cried until her eyes were swollen and her head ached and only then did she fall asleep, surrounded by Cedric's familiar warmth.

"Harry! Harry!" Alastriona shouted as she pushed past a few people. It was the first time she'd been able to find him since Cedric... since the end of the tournament.

Harry Potter cringed upon seeing Alastriona and tried to make a break for it but Alastriona was uncharacteristically fast. She came to a halt in front of him and held up her hand, asking for a minute to catch her breath.

"Alastriona, I have to—" Harry started but Alastriona waved him off.

"Please, Harry, I just need a second." Alastriona pleaded, she felt slight guilt as she watched him squirm uncomfortably. 

"I'm sorry!"

Alastriona and Harry had spoken at the same time. 

Harry stuttered, "W— What are you sorry for?" He asked, what in the world could Alastriona possibly be sorry for? 

Alastriona shuffled on her feet and took a deep breath, taking a second to compose herself, she knew it would likely make Harry uncomfortable if she were to burst into tears and he'd been through enough already.

"What you had to go through, Harry," Alastriona looked into Harry's green bespectacled eyes, "I'm sorry and I'm sorry you had to go through it alone." Harry took a step back, he didn't want to talk about this. He wished she would ignore him like everyone else had been doing. "And thank you," she said quietly,  "for bringing him back."

Harry couldn't find the words. Alastriona tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and gave him a tight smile, backing away. 

"I'm sorry!" He called out to her, stopping her in her tracks. He went up to her, glancing around, people were skirting around them. "I'm sorry that I couldn't bring him back alive." His voice broke and his pale cheeks tinged with pink. Alastriona could see the sleep depravity on his face, she knew it quite well. "I know you loved him," he ran a hand through his messy black locks, "and I know he loved you." He felt odd saying those words but he could see the heartbreak in Alastriona with every step she took and he was familiar with the feeling.
"I wish I could've done more, protected him and brought him back to you."

Alastriona sniffed and smiled at Harry, "Thank you, Harry, for bringing him back at all." She hugged him, suddenly and without permission. "Should you need anything, Harry, simply ask."

Harry didn't know what to say. When they stopped hugging he stepped away from her and awkwardly patted her shoulder before leaving. 

Alastriona watched him depart and she couldn't hold it in any longer. The tears sprung to her eyes and she put a hand over her mouth to try and stop herself from breaking down completely in the middle of the Hogwarts corridor.
Students slowed around her trying to see who was crying in the middle of the hallway, they were shoved aside by an angry Slytherin.

Draco Malfoy glared harshly at anyone who so much as peered at his girlfriend with the slightest judgment showing on their faces as he pushed past them to get to her.
The glare on his face melted away as he witnessed the paralysed red-head in the hallway overcome with grief. She stood alone, the heavy weight of sorrow pressing down on her, her hands were visibly shaking and her eyes squeezed shut but that didn't stop any tears from flowing. 

Draco didn't hesitate, he wrapped his arms around her, shielding her from the nosy students roaming around.
Alastriona sobbed, the sounds barely muffled by Draco's cloak. Draco glared over the top of Alastriona's head as people stared as they walked by, they quickly looked away and hurried along. 

"I hate this!" She cried into his chest, he held her tighter still. "I hate knowing I'll never see him again!"

Draco held her until her cries turned into hiccups and the hands that clenched his cloak ceased shaking and then he kissed the top of her head and gently lead her out of the hallway to the Hogwarts grounds. She didn't look up until he'd stopped walking and her eyes found the stunning grounds of Hogwarts. From here they could see the Great Lake, the Whomping Willow and the Quidditch pitch, the mere sight of it caused her heart to ache.

Draco sat unceremoniously on the overgrown grass on the small hill he'd taken her to and patted the spot next to him.

She sat by him, a part of her was too embarrassed to even say anything, she hadn't expected to breakdown in the middle of the corridor and having Draco find her somehow made it even worse. 

Draco had no idea how to comfort her. How could he? He'd known Cedric too, they'd talked and laughed and he was mourning for a mate but the loss was made worse because of what it meant to Alastriona, she'd lost so much more and he knew that she felt the pain deeper than he did. 

"I'm sorry for being such a mess." Alastriona apologised quietly, her words being taken by the cold wind. 

Draco shook his head at her and took her hand and held it as if it was the most fragile china in the world.

"You don't have to apologise, Alastriona." He tried to reassure her but he could see her doubt in the way her knees hunched up to her chest. "You lost someone you loved." Her head snapped up at this and her hand tightened on Draco's. "Being a mess is a part of life, Red, you lost Cedric and maybe the worst part right now is that you have to keep going but that will change, one day that may be the thing that makes you wake up in the morning, knowing that you can live and you can live how he would've wanted you to and you can keep going for him because you know that somewhere he's watching out for you." Draco reached out and wiped away Alastriona's tears. "Until that day begins you can be a mess, unapologetically. I'll be here by your side every day for as long as you want me and I will help you see the worth in each day and I will help push you through it until living becomes easier." 

Alastriona smiled through her tears, leaned forward and kissed Draco. She wanted to thank him but knew he didn't want to hear it. "I love you."

Draco was stunned, for a second. Then he leaned forward and kissed Alastriona. "I love you too, Alastriona." 

Alastriona held off the tears and leaned into his arms and he held her until it was time to go back to the castle. She knew life would never be the same but she also knew she would be okay, with time... and with Draco.

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