Hogwarts Mystery: Kenneth Rus...

By CanadianCrushclaw

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Chronicling the life of my character in Hogwarts Mystery game. There wasn't enough fleshing out of the charac... More

Chapter 1: The Letter
Chapter 2: Diagon Alley
Chapter 3: The Merpeople Colony
Chapter 4: Dance of the Forest Fairies
Chapter 5: Platform Nine and three-quarters
Chapter 6: The Sorting Hat
Chapter 7: Hogwarts Touring
Chapter 8: Merula Snyde
Chapter 9: Dealing with Trouble
Chapter 10: Revenge is Best served Magical
Chapter 11: The Duel
Chapter 12: A Curious Corridor
Chapter 13: Class Matters
Chapter 14: Hallowe'en
Chapter 15: Cecil Lee
Chapter 16: Let the Investigation Begin
Chapter 17: Chiara's Secret
Chapter 18: Moonlight

Chapter 19: Injuries and Rewards

47 1 0
By CanadianCrushclaw

Rowan knocked hard on the door of the Hospital Wing. The sound echoing throughout the long corridor. Madam Pomfrey opened the door, and immediately brought them all inside. She ordered Kenneth to a bed immediately. Penny and Rowan stood on either side of the bed. Kenneth didn't care about Penny seeing him in this state anymore, since it wasn't the first time. Rowan, on the other hand, looked uncomfortable. Pomfrey didn't ask any questions; perhaps already knowing what took place.

"Why do I feel like I'll be seeing you in here a lot?" she asked with slight amusement and annoyance, as she examined Kenneth.

"This probably won't be the last if I keep this up," mused Kenneth.

Madam Pomfrey merely sighed and shook her head. The stinging pain he had felt on his cheek turned out to be a shallow scrap from skinning it against the stone wall. With a drop of dittany and a tap of her wand, the scrap faded away immediately. She then noticed Kenneth's torn robes that he tried to hide by wrapping his bad arm around it tighter, but the blood stains gave him away. She gave a nod towards his chest, indicating that he must show her. Kenneth sighed, pushed his arm off and opened his torn robes to show them. Pomfrey hissed when she saw the sight, while both Penny and Rowan covered their mouths with horror and revulsion. It was a lot worse than it looked. On Kenneth's chest were large claw marks that cut deep into his flesh. The surrounding area was green, blue and black in colour, and crusted with dry blood and dirt. With no robes nor an arm to cover it, his scratches started to bleed again.

"These scratches look deep," she said, examining the scratches on his chest. "Did you get mauled by a hippogriff?"

"Just a dog," said Kenneth quickly.

"I'm sorry?"

"It was a big, aggressive dog."

"Well, it just so happens that a dog and a hippogriff wouldn't leave scratches this deep. I already know that they are from a werewolf. Because they're not natural, I'm afraid these scratches might remain permanent. Same with the ones on your shoulders. If it was a bite, you'd be beyond saving at this point. I noticed your arm, too..."

The moment she lifted his limp arm and moved it above his shoulder level, the pain was so excruciating that Kenneth screamed.

"Hmm," she said, placing it back, "and a broken clavicle. That won't be a problem. But your chest, first. You'll have to stay the night again."
She threw Kenneth a pair of pyjamas. Penny waited outside the curtain drawn around Kenneth's bed while Rowan helped him with his pyjamas. It took a while to stuff the limp arm into a sleeve without hurting him. Madam Pomfrey told them to leave the pyjama top unbuttoned so she can deal with the claw marks.

As Kenneth lay back into his bed, Penny and Madam Pomfrey came around the curtain. Madam Pomfrey was holding a vial of a silvery substance and a large bottle of something labelled 'Skele-Gro'.

"You're in for a rough night," she said pouring a steaming beakerful and handing it to him. "The pain you're going to be going through is a nasty business."

So was taking the Skele-Gro. It burned Kenneth's mouth and throat as it went down, causing him to cough. Madam Pomfrey then took a step back, leaving Rowan and Penny to help Kenneth gulp down some water. Madam Pomfrey came back, pouring the silver contents into a dry cloth, and then dampened it with dittany.

"What's that powder?" asked Rowan.

"Powdered silver," Madam Pomfrey answered. "Mix of this and dittany will close the cuts. I must warn you, this is not going to be pleasant. If you thought last week was bad, this is worse. You two," she gestured to Rowan and Penny, "hold him down."

Rowan pressed his hands down on Kenneth's good shoulder, while Penny clasped his hand, again, startling Kenneth.

"Penny!" panicked Kenneth, pulling his hand out of her grasp. "No! I don't want to hurt you."
She smirked.

"Not this time," she mused. She reached into the inner pocket of her robes and pulled out a vial of turquoise-coloured potion.

"What's that?" asked Kenneth.
Penny pulled out the cork and drank its entire contents in a single gulp. She then clasped his hand again, her fingers intertwining with his. Kenneth tried to pull away, but her grip was like a vice.

"Strengthening Solution," she said. "It gives the drinker immense strength. I made it for extra credit. We're not supposed to learn it until second year."

"If you keep this up, and I'm coming to learn Potions from you instead of Snape," Kenneth joked.
Penny merely giggled.

"You won't have to worry about crushing me this time."

"Do you have another for Rowan?"

"Yes!" she said. She reached into her pocket, but Rowan stopped her.

"I'll be alright, Penny," said Rowan. "But thanks, anyway."

"Rowan," said Penny uncertain, "you sure? He's quite strong."

"I know. He beat me in an arm wrestling match once. I'll be fine."

"You all ready?" interrupted Pomfrey.

"No, but go ahead," answered Kenneth.

"Before I do," Madam Pomfrey said, handing him a smooth piece of wood, "bite down on this. Hard. Wouldn't want to wake up the castle with you screaming."
Kenneth groaned at her statement as he took the piece of wood and placed it in between his teeth. He stared at Rowan and Penny, and nodded to them that he was ready. He then nodded at Pomfrey to proceed. She placed the damp cloth on Kenneth's chest and began rubbing the area in a circular formation. He immediately felt his skin burn and sizzle as though someone had placed a white-hot iron on his chest. A hissing sound could be heard, and steam was emanating from the area she rubbed. Kenneth's eyes watered with pain as he let out a muffled roar, while he bit down hard on the piece of wood. He immediately squeezed Penny's hand hard. Penny neither flinched nor react. With his other hand, grabbed Rowan's arm hard. Rowan wasn't as lucky, as his eyes began to water with pain behind his glasses. With the inclusion of renewed pain coming from his broken clavicle, Kenneth never before felt so much pain in his life. After a few minutes, Madam Pomfrey removed the cloth and tapped his chest with her wand.

"Finished," she said. "You took it better than I thought."

Kenneth, breathing heavily, stopped squeezing Penny and Rowan, and relaxed his sore jaw from biting down so hard. He then stared at his bare chest. The scratches were all sealed, red and now more pronounced than ever. Greyback had left behind four pronouncing claw marks that stretched diagonally from his left breast, down to the end of his right-side ribs. Madam Pomfrey applied bandages to keep the scratches from opening, and applied a sling for his arm.

"Now, to see you two," Madam Pomfrey said, addressing Rowan and Penny. After a quick examination, it turned out that neither of them were injured.

"Because it's late and passed curfew, you two will have to sleep here tonight. Find a bed and make yourselves comfortable. To recover better, Russell, I'm afraid I will have to double the dosage of your Sleeping Draught."

Madam Pomfrey gave both Rowan and Penny a pair of pyjamas and a nightgown, did as they were told — picked a bed on either side of Kenneth. Neither wanted to be far away from him. After giving each a vial of Sleeping Draught, Madam Pomfrey took her leave. After wishing each other a good night, Kenneth drank his potion, and he fell asleep in seconds.

* * *

Whispers and chatter came to Kenneth's ears the following day. As he opened his tired eyes from his long sleep, his blurred vision made out familiar shapes sitting by his bedside. The sunlight emanating from the castle's windows was beginning to go dim. Next to him was a table with what looked like half the sweet shop. Odd.

"Kenosi Tau Russell," came a familiar quiet male voice.
Kenneth jumped upright from his bed. He was now fully awake. The shapes became more clear, they were both his parents. His father looked travel-weary and his mother looked disappointed.

"Mum? Dad?!" exclaimed Kenneth. His eyes were now a bright yellow. "Ow!" His arm felt heavy in the sling that was given to him by Madam Pomfrey the previous night.

"Good afternoon," said Mr. Russell, jaws clenched. "Do you have any idea what you did last night?"

"Drank a faulty Sleeping Draught?" Kenneth joked.

"Ha!" he interjected. He then pulled out a rolled paper out of his travel robe and threw it to Kenneth. Kenneth, with one good arm, gingerly opened the paper and his eyes went wide in shock. It was today's copy of the Daily Prophet. On it was an image of Kenneth smiling sheepishly with the headline: RUSSELL, HERO OR ATTENTION-SEEKING DELINQUENT? THE CAPTURE OF GREYBACK.

"Read it," ordered his father.
The more Kenneth read aloud the article, the more it upset him.

Kenneth Russell, the younger brother of the infamous Jacob Russell, has been making the most of his education at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Only recently, he had picked a fight with notorious werewolf Fenrir Greyback. Greyback, being a desirable capture, met his match with the eleven-year-old Kenneth Russell the previous night. Reports state that Russell has managed to best a fully formed werewolf with minimal damage to himself. Is Russell a hero, or an attention-seeking delinquent trying to make himself famous?'
Kenneth didn't finish any further. He put the paper down and looked back at his father.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" Mr. Russell asked. "Is it true that you fought Greyback last night?"

"Yes," confirmed Kenneth, solemnly.
Mrs. Russell groaned beside her husband. She didn't look the least bit pleased.

"Didn't I tell you not to fight that man?" she asked.

"Well--yeah--I had to," said Kenneth. "But I wasn't alo--"
Kenneth couldn't finish the sentence because he was interrupted by his father pulling him into a hug. His healing shoulder groaned with discomfort from the strong squeeze of the hug.

"I'm very proud," said Mr. Russell. "You did what I couldn't do. Capturing Greyback. Tell me what happened." He looked at Rowan and Penny, who happened to still be in the Hospital Wing, and already were dressed back in their robes, and said, "Could you give us a moment?"
Penny and Rowan nodded and immediately left the Hospital Wing, allowing Mr and Mrs Russell to grab a chair, and have a long talk with their son. Kenneth told them everything that had occurred. He told them that he had discovered that one of the students was a werewolf, and he faced Greyback to protect her because he discovered that Greyback was trying to recruit her. His parents didn't react with any emotion. As soon as Kenneth was finished, looked at each other and nodded.

"We already knew that there was a werewolf student, here," said Mrs. Russell.

"What?!" Kenneth whispered sharply.

"We kept it quiet because it wasn't the first time that a werewolf went to Hogwarts," said Mr. Russell. "Hogwarts is the safest place she could be. I'm glad that you haven't shown any prejudice towards her kind. Keep that with you. We won't be visiting Hogwarts anymore. So, any word of you doing a stunt like this will be heard once you come home."

"Enjoy the rest of the semester," said Mrs. Russell. "Before I forget, I won't be home for Christmas, so I'd suggest you remain here during the break."

"Oh," Kenneth said sadly.
Mrs. Russell then stared at his bandaged chest.

"Does it still hurt?" she asks.

"No," said Kenneth. "I'm just glad it was claws instead of teeth."
Mr. Russell merely chuckled. He then checked his watch and got out of his chair.

"I best be getting back," he said. "Keep in touch. Until next time, chum."
He patted his son on his head, and waited for his wife to say goodbye. They then left the room. Rowan and Penny returned.

"I can see where you get your looks from," mused Rowan.

"You think so?" said Kenneth, stretching. "I can't tell."

"Neither can I," said Penny. "You're unique. I look like my mum, but have my dad's eyes."

"Then she must be beautiful, too," muttered Kenneth.

"Sorry?" asked Penny, curiously.

"Nothing," he murmured back.
Kenneth looked out the window and noticed that the sun was setting. He had slept the whole day!

"What have I missed?" he asked Rowan and Penny.

"Nothing much," said Rowan. "Today is Friday, so we only had double Potions. Snape looked quite pleased that you were not in class today."

"Well, my absence would put him in a good mood," Kenneth rolled his eyes.

"Mail has been buzzing with numerous Daily Prophet copies about you and Greyback," said Penny. "Seems that the whole school knows about what we did last night. That's all they were talking about, to be frank."

"Indeed," came another familiar voice. Dumbledore had entered the Hospital Wing.

"Professor Dumbledore," said all three in unison.
Dumbledore nodded in formality.

"Would you two," he said to Rowan and Penny, "give me a moment to speak with Mr. Russell in private? The feast will begin shortly, so I'd advise you to head over there now. Mr. Russell will meet you there after I speak with him."
Rowan and Penny both looked worried, but Kenneth nodded to them that he will be fine. They left immediately.

"Now, Kenneth," Dumbledore said, while taking a seat next to Kenneth's bed. "I believe we should further discuss what took place last night in more detail. I believe you have questions for me?"

"Yes," said Kenneth straight away. "Chiara? Where is she?"

"She's fine," said Dumbledore smiling. "She was placed in an undisclosed but secured location for the night. Knowing now how the Wolfsbane Potion works, it made her help protect you and your friends. She has returned to her human form and is currently in the Great Hall."

"Thank goodness," Kenneth sighed in relief.

"You may have noticed," Dumbledore gestured to the Daily Prophet on Kenneth's lap, "that they know about your exploits. Don't let their opinion define you. I have already ensured that the Minister knows about your contributions in the capture of Fenrir Greyback."

"Yes, sir," Kenneth said gratefully.

"You are welcome. When Madam Pomfrey gives you permission, you may go to the Great Hall. I will meet you there."

"Professor," as Dumbledore raised from his seat. "There is one more thing."


"Something happened in my fight with Greyback. I could...feel his thoughts. Despite his beast mindset, I felt I knew where he would strike and move out of the way accordingly."

"Is that right?" said Dumbledore, taken aback. He surveyed Kenneth through his half-moon glasses.

"It wasn't the first time. When I was talking with Chiara, I could hear what what she said. But she told me that she never said any words aloud. What does this mean? I'd like to know the truth."
The Headmaster sighed very deeply and gazed deep into Kenneth's golden eyes.

"Alas, I cannot tell you. Not today. Not now. You will know, one day ... put it from your mind now, Kenneth. When you are older ... I know you hate to hear this ... when you are ready, you will know."
Kenneth knew to would do no good to argue.

"But why can I sometimes cast spells that are weak and others that are so strong? My last Knockback Jinx was the strongest I've ever casted, and there are times that I can't even knock back a pebble."

"That might have to do with your mindset, Kenneth. I have heard from professors say the exact same thing. My belief is that when you are free of distractions, your casting is astounding. My only advice is to keep practising, and never stop practising."
Kenneth nodded in understanding, indicating that that was all he asked.
With that, Dumbledore gave one more smile and exited the Hospital Wing. Madam Pomfrey returned to Kenneth's bedside five minutes later to inspect his condition. She removed the bandages and stated that they were all healed. Kenneth looked at his chest and was impressed to see that the scars looked better than before. The scars gave off a look of tattoos on his chest, which made Kenneth like the look. Madam Pomfrey told him that he must leave his sling on for another day in order for the broken bones to fully heal. After her inspection, Madam Pomfrey allowed Kenneth to be discharged from the Hospital Wing.

Kenneth made his way to Great Hall that night. As usual, the lack of students moving towards their next classes made the corridors he walked silent as a tomb. With the lack of students, the casual conversations that took place could be heard more easily, as well. As Kenneth was just a corridor away from the Great Hall doors, he could hear a conversation going with two familiar voices. Quietly hiding behind a knight statue, Kenneth listened carefully.

"...cannot understand why you let that boy get away with all of this," came the annoyed tone of Snape. "Exploding cauldrons, duelling on school grounds, taking on the most dangerous werewolf in Britain. What's next? Wrestle a full-grown mountain troll?"

"Severus," came the soft reply of Professor Dumbledore. "Much of what you rail against was circumstance. I do not believe Kenneth Russell looks for trouble. On the contrary, trouble tends to find him. If you want to go this route, need I remind you that you have not made an effort to prevent Miss Snyde from constantly antagonizing him? Or other students? From the reports, it was actually her whom caused the explosion of the cauldron, and the one that started the duel."
Snape scowled in annoyance.

"It is more than an issue with Miss Snyde. What if he discovers the Cursed Vaults? What then? Will we have to endure another Russell manhunt to find them and thereby endangering the school itself?"

"As far as I know, he still does not know of their true existence or nature. He is a very talented wizard, Severus, especially for an eleven-year-old. You cannot deny that."

"I deny nothing. He's just like his brother. Rule-breaking and --"

"In looks, perhaps," Dumbledore interrupted. "But he's different. I've seen what he did to Greyback to knock him unconscious. The raw power this boy possesses makes me believe he has the potential to be a very powerful wizard. Indeed, we are fortunate to have him, and we have prevented the student body from finding out little more than rumour."

"He would not be the first talented first year to go astray," Snape reminded him slowly. "You know that, Headmaster. Should the Vaults be discovered, it could be a catastrophe."

"There is no use worrying in what has not yet happened or perhaps never will," Dumbledore responded more firmly. "In any case, continue to ward away any student from going near the Vaults. I have begun to conduct an investigation of my own on that front."

"Very well, Headmaster."

"Come now, Severus," Dumbledore said cheerfully. "The feast awaits."

Kenneth could only stand there and gawk at the conversation that just took place. Shaking his head to keep it off his mind, he headed inside the Great Hall. It was already full. Odd. The Great Hall was decorated like it was Hallowe'en all over again. Countless giant jack-o-lanterns were floating again instead of the standard flouting candles. Live bats fluttered from the walls and ceiling while more swooped over the tables in low black clouds, making the candles in the pumpkins stutter. As he entered there was a sudden hush. All eyes were on him like hundreds of pairs of lasers. Kenneth stood still, sling still in arm and looked around. Then a deafening cheer had erupted from all four house tables. It seems that fighting a werewolf didn't make one popular anymore. It made one into a legend. Kenneth couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the spectacle. The cheers then finally died down and resumed the usual chatter.

"Welcome to the Hallowe'en Feast, Kenneth!" said Dumbledore proudly behind a startled Kenneth.

"We're having another one?" asked Kenneth, beside himself with excitement.

"It only seemed appropriate since we never got to properly finish the first. You can make these sorts of determinations when you're Headmaster."

"I'm just happy we don't have to worry about Fenrir Greyback and his followers."

"And we are happy to have a brave Gryffindor like you at Hogwarts. I believe that Greyback will think twice before planning on coming to Hogwarts again, not when it's protected by someone like you. Now please, enjoy a proper Hallowe'en Feast!"
Kenneth turned and was about to find his seat at the Gryffindor table, when a familiar silver haired Hufflepuff girl approached him. It was Chiara.

"You really are the hero of Hogwarts, Kenneth," she smiled. "Thank you for helping me."

"And thank you so much for helping me against Greyback, Chiara." said Kenneth. "I'd be in trouble if you didn't come and save our arses."

"Of course, Kenneth. That's what werewolf friends are for."

"Congratulations, Mr Russell!" exclaimed a familiar voice. It was Cecil Lee in his usual attire.

"For what?" asked Kenneth.

"For becoming an honorary member of the Werewolf Capture Unit! We got you a uniform and everything!"

"Umm, thanks ..."

"You're quite welcome," he said. He began fumbling inside his robes. "Now, where did I put it? I could have sworn it was in my hand. Maybe it was the other hand... Ah, well, you'll have a special gift waiting for you at the end of the Hallowe'en Feast! As long as I can find it..."

"Well, at least we captured Fenrir Greyback."

"Oh, Greyback already escaped."

"WHAT?!" exclaimed Kenneth loudly. His eyes took a familiar scarlet. He looked at Chiara for support. Even she was astonished.

"Yes, it happens quite often," he said flustered. "Our department is adequate in capturing werewolves, but we've never been very good at holding them. We did hold onto most of his followers, so it will be a long time before Greyback is bold enough to attack Hogwarts."

"He'd be foolish to try it again," said Chiara, with surprising pride in her voice.

"Attention, everyone!" came the announcement of Dumbledore. Kenneth nodded and headed to his seat, with Chiara doing the same. Penny and Rowan waved at Kenneth over for him to take a seat. He took a seat in between them.

"Before we begin the long awaited feast," Dumbledore continued. "I have an announcement to make."
The hall was now as silent as a tomb.

"First, Fenrir Greyback has indeed been captured last night in no small part to the Werewolf Capture Unit and a few students. Unfortunately Greyback has managed to escape by himself."
Gasps could be heard from a large number of students.

"But I can assure you all that he will not be coming back here after what happened. Which is why I want to thank Mr Lee and three students. First — to Mr Rowan Khanna ..."
If there was any indication on Rowan's face, it was hidden from his glasses fogging up and his lips were squeezed so tight that he looked like he was sucking on a lemon.

"... for bravery in the face of danger against a werewolf, I award Gryffindor house forty points."
Gryffindor cheers startled all the bats that were flying along the ceiling. At last there was silence again when Dumbledore raised his hand.

"Second — to Miss Penelope Haywood ... for bravery and courage in the face of danger against the most dangerous werewolf, along with protecting the people we care about, I award Hufflepuff house forty points."
Penny buried red face in her hands; Kenneth had strongly suspected that she burst into tears. Because of the sling on his arm, he had to resort to headbutting her shoulder lightly in encouragement. Hufflepuff this time were cheering loudly in pride of one of their own being awarded points.

"And third — to Mr Kenneth Russell ..." said Dumbledore. The room went deathly quiet. "... for pure nerve, outstanding courage and bravery in the face of facing the most dangerous werewolf history has ever known, I award Gryffindor house fifty points."
The din was now deafening. This was the most amount of points that the Headmaster had given to houses in a short amount of time. Angelica, sitting directly across from Kenneth looked as if she were trying her best not to kiss him right in front of everyone. Dumbledore raised his hand and the room gradually fell silent again.

"With that said, I believe it's finally time for our long overdue Hallowe'en Feast entertainment."
He waved his wand and suddenly four skeletons with top hats appeared out of thin air. Each one took its top hat and bowed in unison. The placed their hats back on their skulls and started to dance. The dance caused the students to roar with laughter. Some clapped to the rhythm of their dances. The skeletons then finished their dance, took their hats off, bowed to the applause and then vanished.

"Happy Hallowe'en!" said Dumbledore.
The feast suddenly appeared on the golden plates, as it had at the start of the term banquet. Potatoes, turkeys, peas, apples, pumpkin were served in large quantities.

"Really, Penny," Kenneth insisted. "I may have only one arm but I can still cut my food."

"No more arguing," said Penny, leaning over his plate and cutting his turkey for him. "I won't sit here and watch you embarrass yourself."
Some of the Gryffindor boys nearby snickered at this, causing Kenneth's ears to grow hot.

"Don't bother," she said, as he opened his mouth to protest. She then finished and leaned away. All the pieces were cut evenly with remarkable skill.

"Thanks," Kenneth murmured. "You're a stubborn one, I see."

"I learned from the best," she said with a wink.

"While I can normally tolerate you flirting with each other ..." said Rowan with slight agitation, which caused Penny to flush pink. "... can we eat in peace and quiet?"

"What's with him?" whispered Penny, resuming her meal.

"No idea," he lied. "Probably doesn't like the attention from last night."

"Kenneth," came the sound of Angelica.

"Yes?" said Kenneth in mid mouthful.

"When you're ready, I have more training for you."


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