Big Kid School 2: Sophomore Y...

By grdy30

16.7K 130 384

After surviving their freshman year of high school, Bluey, Mackenzie, and their friends come back to school f... More

Hospitals, A Friendly Rivalry, and Fighting
The Fight, A Peptalk, and a Second Chance
Basketball, Home for a Holiday, and An Unexpected Call
Tests, Creeks, and Trees


2.2K 14 35
By grdy30

It was a short night for Bluey as she thought that it went by too fast

Bingo woke up randomly and she saw Bluey and Mackenzie together

Bingo*thinking: "They are pretty cute together"

When Bluey woke up, Mackenzie was already ready with his clever remark

Mackenzie: "Rise and shine Aurora. Did you get lonely last night?"

Bluey: "Mackenzie!"

Mackenzie: "Its okay if you go back to sleep"

Bluey knees Mackenzie for a third time

Mackenzie: "Please stop doing that"

Bluey: "Why?"

Mackenzie: "Because it hurts"

Bluey: "Why?"

Mackenzie: "It just does"

Bluey: "But why does it hurt?"

Mackenzie: "Look if you want the black and white pillow again then stop asking why"

Bluey: "What are you talking about?"

Mackenzie: "Your lying on me right now"

Bluey: "What do you mean?"

Mackenzie looks at the reader

Mackenzie begins to stand up

Bluey: "Don't leave"

Mackenzie: "Oh so you do like it?"

Bluey: "Ok, lets go get some breakfast"

Bluey and Mackenzie find Bandit already in the kitchen

Bandit: "Hey Bluey. Hey Mackenzie. Are you two hungry?"

Mackenzie: "Yeah"

Bandit: "Well I'm making waffles if that's good with you"

Mackenzie: "Sweet"

Bluey: "Thanks dad"

After breakfast, Mackenzie had to leave as his family had plans for the afternoon. He said his thank yous and his goodbyes and then he was on his way out

Two weeks passed and the website was due. Both Bluey and Mackenzie helped each other and they did the best that they could. The big catch was that they would have to present part of their website to the class.

One by one people presented. Some were ready and some couldn't even get a comprehensible sentence out of their mouth. Bluey and Mackenzie had two of the best presentations in the class

Sports season started back up again with Bluey and Mackenzie returning to their respective sports.

Mackenzie: "I can't wait for this season"

Lucky: "Me neither. We're going to win the championship again"

Jean-Luc: "I just hope that I make the team"

Mackenzie: "Dude, you'll be fine. Your were good last year"

Jean-Luc: "Thanks Mackenzie"

Lucky: "But you guys have to promise me that you'll come to my after parties. You both bailed on me last year"

Mackenzie: "Yeah because your parties are lame"

Lucky: "Like you could throw a better one"

Mackenzie: "My kind of party is lying on my bed eating junk food"

Lucky: "L A M E"

Jean-Luc: " Can you two stop bickering? I've got to study for this math test"

Mackenzie: "I forgot about that! When is it?"

Jean-Luc: "Tomorrow"

Mackenzie: "Shoot. I've got to study"

Lucky: "Well I'll leave you nerds to it. I've got somewhere to be anyway"

Mackenzie: "Will Chloe be there?"

Lucky: "Shut up Collie, we all know tha..."

Mackenzie: "I'll stop you right there. Now you've got somewhere to be"

Lucky left mad because Mackenzie knew what his comeback was and that he stopped it

Jean-Luc: "What was he going to say?"

Mackenzie: "Something stupid probably"

Jean-Luc: "C'mon what was he going to say?"

Mackenzie: "Don't worry about it"

Mackenzie and Jean-Luc studied for awhile before they both had to get home

Mackenzie: "See ya later dude"

The next day Mackenzie and Jean-Luc gots A's while Lucky got a C

Mackenzie: "Should have stayed with the nerds"

Lucky: "That's why you li..."

Mackenzie: "How'd it go yesterday?"

Lucky: "You mind not interrupting"

Mackenzie: "Sorry mate"

(Sorry for time skips but a lot of things are happening in this chapter)

The next day there was a new kid at school. She is a female chihuahua named Clover

Clover: "What's your name?"

Mackenzie: "Mackenzie"

Clover: "Oh I thought you were a boy"

Mackenzie: "I am a boy"

Clover: "Oh I thought that was a girl's name"

Mackenzie: "Nope"

Clover: "Who's good in this school?"

Mackenzie: "Well there's the boys Rusty, Jack, Lucky, and Jean-Luc. And then the girls are Bluey..."

Clover: "Bluey's a girl?!?"

Mackenzie: "Well yeah...she's the blue one"

Clover: " Really? I thought she would be green"

Mackenzie*thinking: "Bluey jokes around but she isn't mean"

Mackenzie: "Anyway the girls are Bluey, Chloe, Winnie, Indy, Honey, Coco"

Mackenzie and Clover continued to talk

Bluey wanted to tell Mackenzie something and she saw him talking to some random girl she had never seen before

Bluey: "Who are you?"

Clover: "Clover. Are you Bluey?"

Bluey: "Yes"

Clover: "I thought you were a boy and this guy was a girl"

Bluey: "Does Kenzie look like a boy?"

Clover: "That's what you call this kid?"

Bluey: "Lets go Mackenzie"

Mackenzie: "See ya later"

Clover: "Dang she jealous and petty"

Mackenzie: "What was that for?"

Bluey: "I don't know. What were you talking about?"

Mackenzie: "When did you become so nosy? She was just asking about the students at school"

Bluey: "I'm not nosy, I'm just being a friend. What did you get on the math test?"

Mackenzie: "97"

Bluey: "Wow I need your help"

Mackenzie: "Why? What did you get?"

Bluey: "Well...100"

Mackenzie: "I need your help. You don't need mine"

Bluey: "But"

Mackenzie: "If you want to study just ask. You don't have to lie"

Bluey: "Thanks Kenz, your the best"

Mackenzie: "Nice new name and I already knew that"

Bluey: "I'll take it back"

Mackenzie: "I mean you don't have to come over"

Bluey: "Ok, I take nothing back"

Mackenzie: "What else did you have to say?"

Bluey: "Umm...let's get lunch"

Mackenzie: "Ok, I'm starving"

Bluey: "Your always hungry Mackenzie"

The school year continues with Mackenzie and Lucky dominating touch and leading the school to a so far undefeated season

Lucky: "We are going out to eat. You coming?"

Mackenzie: "What are you getting?"

Lucky: "Well I don't have much money so something cheap"

Mackenzie: "You know I'd love to have some McDonald's fries"

Lucky: "Bet, lets get that"

At McDonald's Mackenzie got his fries that he desperately wanted. He realized that even with the good and the bad life was pretty good. Until Bluey stole a frie"

Mackenzie: "I see you being cheeky. Why don't you eat your own fries?"

Bluey: "I don't know"

Bluey stole another one

Mackenzie: "Your really cheeky"

Mackenzie waited for the right moment and he some stole Bluey's fries

Mackenzie: "Too easy"

Bluey: "Who's the cheeky one now?"

Mackenzie: "Totally not me"

Bluey: "You would never do anything wrong"

After stealing each other's fries until they were all gone, Mackenzie stared at the sky lost in thought. Things were going pretty good. Except that he was still hungry.

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