Harry Potter: Heart Of A Myst...

By WinterWolf-99

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Sirius Black is the father of all godfathers and he will do anything to prove it. He knows that his godson ne... More

Chapter One: The Nature Mage
Chapter Two: Some Sirius Thoughts
Chapter Three: Crashing An Order Meeting
Chapter Four: Picking Up Harry
Chapter Five: Harry Arrives
Chapter Six: Forming A Plan
Chapter Seven: Godfather-Godson Bonding
Chapter Eight: Heart Of... No... Flower Of Gold
Chapter Nine: Setting The Plan In Motion
Chapter Ten: I Hate Politics
Chapter Eleven: Olivia Showing Who Is Boss
Chapter Twelve: First Sign Of Powers
Chapter Thirteen: Change Of Weather
Chapter Fourteen: Birthday Blow Up
Chapter Fifteen: A True Friend
Chapter Sixteen: Preparing To Leave
Chapter Seventeen: We're Going On A Trip
Chapter Eighteen: A Lesson On Mystic Souls
Chapter Nineteen: Arriving At Crystal Rose
Chapter Twenty: Touring Crystal Rose
Chapter Twenty-One: Mystic Souls Aplenty
Chapter Twenty-Two: New School New Houses
Chapter Twenty-Three: Every Rose Has Its Thorns
Chapter Twenty-Four: Do Not Mess With A Rose
Chapter Twenty-Five: Legacies
Chapter Twenty-Six: Some Sirius Progress
Chapter Twenty-Seven: A Storm Is Coming
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Once Is A Coincidence, Twice Is Magic
Chapter Thirty: Breaking The Block
Chapter Thirty-One: The Start of Something New
Chapter Thirty-Two: What Else Can I Do
Chapter Thirty-Three: Control The Storm
Chapter Thirty-Four: First Real Day As Crystal Rose Students
Chapter Thirty-Five: Light And Dark Debate
Chapter Thirty-Six: How A Mystic Fights
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Olivia Is The Best Lawyer Ever
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Padfoot & Boreas
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Dealing With The Bumblebee
Chapter Forty: Potion Commotion
Chapter Forty-One: Cutting The Strings
Chapter Forty-Two: No Apologies
Chapter Forty-Three: Creature Feature
Chapter Forty-Four: Order of the Fried Chickens
Chapter Forty-Five: A New Teacher And Friend
Chapter Forty-Six: Mystic Spark
Chapter Forty-Seven: Might Of A Hurricane
Chapter Forty-Eight: Power of the Mind
Chapter Forty-Nine: All Hallows' Eve Introduction
Chapter Fifty: A Sacred Sabbat
Chapter Fifty-One: Reunion
Chapter Fifty-Two: The Attack
Chapter Fifty-Three: Never Mess With Crystal Rose
Chapter Fifty-Four: Olivia Rocks The Court
Chapter Fifty-Five: Heart of the Storm
Chapter Fifty-Six: A Sirius Confrontation
Chapter Fifty-Seven: A Demonic Housecall
Chapter Fifty-Eight: More Mystic Souls

Chapter Twenty-Nine: Unblocking The Block

5.6K 214 17
By WinterWolf-99

Harry felt that his brain needed a reboot or something. He could hardly believe what he was being told and what he was figuring out for himself. He never imagined that he could have been a mystic soul. Sure, Sirius had told him that he had been a very powerful wizard when he was a baby. A lot more powerful than most babies since others did not typically do as much accidental magic as he did as a baby. But even while knowing that, he still had not known that it was possible for him to be a mystic soul.

It was a big shock to him that was adding to everything else that was really piling onto his mind. First was everything that he had figured out about his so-called friends, then it was how he stopped seeing Dumbledore as any type of good guy, then he got sick of all the corrupt idiots in magical Britain, and now it was him possibly being a mystic soul. That added a lot of weight to his shoulders of things that he had to deal with in his life.

"Are you okay, Harry," T'challa asked him.

"We know that this is a lot to take in," Krinos says.

"I... Uh... Brain... shutting down... please leave a message after the beep," Harry really did need a reboot.

That would have been really funny if not for the fact that Harry actually did look like he was close to completely shutting down. 

"Fred, George, you two are the ones that he likes," Krinos says, a slight smirk on his face. "Kiss him, that might snap him out of this."

T'challa facepalmed as he saw the smirk on his friend's face. He was right when it came to how a kiss or two might actually help Harry snap out of the shock. But, from the looks on Fred and George's faces, it was obvious that the three of them were not in an established relationship, yet. He knew that Krinos was a hopeless romantic, but this was really not the time to play matchmaker.

"Really, Krinos," T'challa shook his head.

"There is always time for romance," Krinos narrowed his eyes at the jungle cat mage.

T'challa only rolled his eyes in response. But, Harry was still snapped out of his shock when Krinos had said that.

"If anything, you really know how to shock a person out of their own shock," Harry tells him.

"I have many talents," Krinos chuckled. "And being able to make sure that people around me don't go too badly into shock."

T'challa rolled his eyes at his friend's antics once again.

"Harry, we know that this has to all be a really big thing that would be hard to deal with," T'challa tells him. "But even when those like myself and Krinos were born with our powers, we can still help you."

"T'challa is right, Harry," Krinos says. "While blocked mystic soul powers have never been discovered before, we can still help you."

"How," Harry could not help but ask the two of them.

"Well, it is obvious because of where you grew up that wand-user magic was used to block your powers," Krinos explained. "And it is very obvious that our powers are a lot stronger than anything a wand can do. So, removing the block is something that we would be able to do. But, it is also easier said than done."

"The difficult part would be making sure that your magical core is not damaged when we remove the block," T'chala said. "Because the damage done to one's magical core can not be healed by anything, not even Hestia's magic. Anyone with a damaged core usually dies when their magic either gets out of control or because their core breaks and they lose their magic, which can kill you since magical cores are connected to a magical being's life force."

"So, is there a serious risk to Harry's health," Fred asked.

"Because maybe the block should be left alone, then," George said.

"Leaving the block would also be dangerous on its own," Krinos tells them. "You have already started to show your powers even with the block on. If this continues, then there is a risk that you might let loose a giant wave of your powers if you get emotional enough. Emotions are tied directly to mystic soul powers."

"And with powers that seem to be weather-related, it is not a good idea to keep them bottled up," T'challa added. "Because an explosion of those types of powers would be very bad for everyone."

Harry really had a lot to think about. This was a lot for him to take in. He had thought that all of the mystic souls that he met were all really cool. And their powers were amazing in so many ways to him, especially with all of the different kinds of powers that were around. But, it was a whole other thing to also potentially have powers as strong as theirs. He definitely had a lot to think about.

But that was when he remembered the magic mirror that Sirius had given him before he had gone back to Hogwarts. They had been using them to keep in contact. Sirius had said that the mirrors had been an invention of himself and Harry's father so that when Sirius had to return to his horrible family, James would still have been able to check in on him. it was a lot like the mirror phones and the mirror pads that were used by the mystic souls. Magical phones. Which was another thing that Harry loved about them since Hogwarts had no way for any of them to communicate outside of school other than letters. And as much as he loved Hedwig, there definitely were faster ways to communicate with others.

"I... I need a moment," Harry tells them all before he then walks off.

He always kept the mirror with him in case he needed Sirius's help with something. So, he pulled it out of his school bag and said "Padfoot" into it in order to call Sirius. It took a minute, but Sirius's face soon appeared in the mirror.

"Hey, Prongslet," he greeted him.

"Sirius, am I a mystic soul," Harry got right to the point.

There was the sound of something breaking on Sirius's end, making it clear that he had dropped something that he had probably been holding with his other hand. Probably a cup or a plate.

"Well... I... Prongslet," Sirius was lost for words.

"Sirius, please," Harry really wanted to know.

Sirius sighed. "I had hoped that there would have been more time before you found out, but it is still a good thing that you found out."

"Why didn't you tell me," Harry asked his godfather. "You know that I hate being kept in the dark."

"Because we didn't know what to do," Sirius knew he needed to be honest with Harry. "Remus, Olivia, and I knew that your powers had to be blocked, so we were trying to find a way to get rid of the block with no risk to your magical core."

"But did the secret really have to be kept from me," Harry really hated being kept in the dark.

"If you were aware that you had blocked powers, we knew that you would try and do something about it yourself," Sirius says. "And that was too dangerous since it would be better for an adult to be one your side when removing the block."

Harry had to admit, Sirius did have a point with that. If he had known about the block, he would have tried to take care of it himself. He would not have even asked his friends for help since he would not have wanted to involve them. He was not the most patient person in the world and he hated having to wait. When Hermione said that the polyjuice potion would take a month to make back in their second year, that waiting had really driven him crazy.

"I understand, Sirius, but that does not mean that I like it," Harry says to him.

"I know you don't, Prongslet, but it was still the safer option," Sirius tells him. "We have been researching ways to try and get the block safely off of you without causing either damage to your core or causing a burst of magic from you."

"Have you found a way," Harry asked him.

"From the research that Olivia has done, you having some accidental bursts of mystic soul magic is actually a good sign," Sirius says. "It means that you are breaking through the block on your own because the older you get, the stronger your powers get even when blocked."

"How is that even possible," Harry was confused.

"Because you still had access to magic while your powers were only blocked instead of being taken away," Sirius explained. "Mystic souls get stronger with age as well as with practice. So, even without practice, you naturally got more powerful as you got older. Plus, whenever you would go on your little... adventures, that would also cause you stress and you would subconsciously fight against the block as your powers would try and come to the surface in order to try and protect you."

Harry thought back to times when that could have already happened. After all, his life has been in constant danger since he had stepped into Hogwarts. And as he thought about it, there actually had been times when his powers could have activated without him knowing. Such as when he had been fighting against Professor Quirrell in his first year. It made so sense for a protection spell from his mother to burn a man to death even if he had been trying to kill him. But, if T'challa was right about him having powers over the weather, then his powers could have activated with a defense of him calling a really intense heatwave.

There was also another case when he and Ron had been fighting Aragon and his giant spiders. Or rather, when he had been fighting giant spiders and Ron was being useless because he was too busy crying for his mother to make the spiders go away. He remembered how there had been some spiders on tree branches that had tried to attack them. But then sudden and strong bursts of wind came out of nowhere and knocked them out of the trees. That was definitely something his powers could cause.

"What do you think that we can do to get the block off me," Harry asked Sirius.

"Olivia has already found the right ritual to remove it," Sirius tells him. "She also has the right high level of power that is needed to make sure that it works."

"Is anything else needed," Harry figured that more than one person was needed for a ritual.

"Krinos will probably also be a good choice to include since he is also very powerful as well," Sirius says. "Ask him if there are any healing mystic souls that he knew since that would be useful as well. And since the ritual also calls for family, I will be there as well."

"Sirius, you can't come," Harry was immediately worried for him. "There are a lot of Hogwarts students and teachers here. Not to mention that ministry toad. You could get caught and get sent back to Azkaban."

"Harry, let me make one thing clear," Sirius said. "I will always do anything and everything I can to make sure that you are one-hundred percent safe and healthy. There is nothing that I will not do for you. I love you as if you were actually my own kid."

Harry could not be more touched as he heard Sirius say that. He was still very worried that he might get arrested again if he was caught, but he was still very touched that Sirius was willing to risk himself like this for him. There has never been anyone that has ever done something like that for him since his parents were alive and sacrificed himself so that he could live. The fact that Sirius cared about him that much really made his heart swell.

"Okay, Sirius," Harry accepted that he was coming no matter what. "But, if you get caught and then kissed because of this, mum and dad are not going to be happy with you once you get to the other side."

"Meh, your mum sent most of Hogwarts kicking my butt anyway since she never liked the pranks we pulled if she thought we went too far," Sirius chuckled at the memory. "So, that would be nothing that I am not already used to."

"From everything that you have told me about them, I am not surprised at all the mum would do something like that," Harry laughed.

"Your mum was honestly considered to be the moral compass of most of Gryffindor while we were all students," Sirius says. "Even when she had been just a first-year student, she would always scold anyone that she found doing something that could have hurt someone else. There once was a seventh-year student that was levitating a first-year over the stairwell over some nonsense about ruining one of their robes. Lily, who was still eleven years old herself, had basically put the fear of Morgana into him. No one messed with her or messed with anyone where she could see, either, for most of her Hogwarts years."

"I bet that did not stop mum from still hunting people down, though," Harry chuckled.

"Hit the nail right on the head, Prongslet," Sirius said. "Your mum rained down the wrath of Lady Magic onto anyone that thinks they can get away with hurting others. You should have seen her when she learned what some Slytherins did to Pandora Lovegood."

"Lovegood," Harry knew that name. "I just recently met a Luna Lovegood on the train ride to Hogwarts. She was a little strange, but I mean the good type of strange. Fred and George said that she was like them in the way that she just lets all of the crazy just come out."

"She would be Pandora's daughter, then," Sirius said. "The Lovegood family is a matriarchy instead of a patriarchy, so whoever Pandora married would take her last name instead of her taking his."

"I will have to tell Luna about this," Harry smiled. "She probably would like to hear that our parents had been friends."

"Your dad had been really fond of Pandora," Sirius smiled at the memories. "He treated her like a little sister, which he did not have himself since his parents already were a little old when they had him so they could not have any more kids after him. But James really did care a lot for Pandora. It was always very unfortunate for others when James and Lily both learned that Pandora was bullied a lot by others. Between James and Lily, they both really rained down hell on those that bullied her."

"From what you've told me, I can already tell that those bullies were seriously in trouble," Harry really loved hearing these stories about his parents.

"Just getting in trouble with James an issue since he was very ruthless with his pranks against bullies," Sirius said. "But if Lily also knows, then that would be pretty much the end of any amount of time that they have gone without being humiliated. James and Lily were a force when they teamed up together."

"What did they do to the bullies," Harry was looking forward to hearing what his parents had done.

"James stuck them to the ceiling by their feet while also making them look like circus clowns threw up all over them," Sirius really laughed from that memory. "And then Lilly cursed them to have the word 'bullies' written all over their skin by being spelled out using pimples. And the thing that both of them loved the most about their spells was that they made sure that they could only be reversed if they admitted what they did and were punished for it."

"Even though I did not know them, I love them more with every story that you tell me, Sirius," Harry nearly had tears in his eyes. "I can never thank you enough for sharing these stories with me."

"I know that not everyone has told you much about your parents, Prongslet," Sirius tells him. "So, I will make up for all of those that have not told you anything by telling you as much as I can."

"Do you think that they would approve of me being a mystic soul," Harry could not help but ask.

"There is nothing to worry about on that front, Pup," Sirius says. "Your father was the first person that I told about my powers. He fully accepted me. And when Lily found out, she was actually very intrigued by my powers. Both of them hated how mystic souls were treated by magical Britain. James was unaware if there were any mystic souls in the Potter family, though."

"Well, he certainly does now if he knows about me," Harry chuckled.

 "I guess he does," Sirius laughed at his godson's silliness.

Harry then figured that it was time for him to get back to his friends. Fred and George, especially, were probably getting worried about him being gone for so long.

"Fred and George are probably waiting for me, so I should get back to them, Sirius," Harry tells his godfather.

"You can call me any time, Pup," Sirius smiles at him. "Also, tell those twins to keep their lips to themselves when around you."

"SIRIUS," Harry turned completely red as Sirius smirked.

"Bye, Pup. Love you," he then hung up before Harry could yell at him some more.

Part of Harry still wanted to yell at Sirius for the teasing. The other part was smiling since Sirius had told him that he loved him.

He made his way back to the twins, Krinos, and T'challa. None of them looked too worried about him, so that was good. Plus, unlike how Ron and Hermione would act, none of them pestered him for any details of what he had done while he was gone. 

He looked at Krinos when he got back.

"Tell me how we will be getting this block off," Harry asked him.

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