The Dragon Tamer (On Hold)

By CBRadio1

97.8K 2.4K 264

I am different in this world. My species is more powerful than all the Wizards put together. I am a dragon ta... More

Chapter 2: The Company part 2
Thorin Oakenshield
The contract and the dwarves finding out the truth
Another A/N
Im sorry :_(
The Dwarves meet the real me
The Ride of a lifetime
Not an update
The beginning of the journey
The Trolls
The Chase

Chapter 1: The Company part 1

10.7K 278 41
By CBRadio1

This is my very first story. Tell me if I'm doing this right and what I should change. Thank you.
Lindariel POV

I walked into The Shire. I wore my hunting clothes (see above). My blonde almost silver hair was tied back in a half up, half down style. My bow was strapped to my back along with my quiver of arrows and long twin daggers. My sword, called Hathelas, was strapped to my waist. I admit I do have a lot of weapons hidden on me but I come prepared for anything. Around my neck was a simple necklace with a dragon on the chain.

It was the middle of the day. Almost dinner time. I was walking into town. I remember when my parents made the delicious lembas. They died at my homeland, the North mountains. My parents were killed by a rouge dragon that died with them.

I remember being told by Gandalf to meet at an old friend's house. Well we know each other but we don't one hundred percent know each other. Bilbo Baggins. God I haven't talked to him in about 20 years. They passed quickly because I'm immortal. I continued walking through the town to Bag End. I reached the end of the town and realized that I didn't remember where it was. I smiled at my own stupidity. What happened next completely shocked me. I saw young Bilbo walking home with a small package on his hand. What luck! He saw me on the road and stopped for a moment before carrying on, not knowing who I was. I went up to him.

"Hello", he said with a small smile. Which I returned.

"Hello", I said, "you are Bilbo Baggins, correct?"

"Yes", he said slowly. "What can I do for you?"

"Why dear me Bilbo, you can't remember your old friend?" I asked with fake hurt.

He thought for a moment to figure out who I was talking about. His eyes suddenly widened. To me they looked like they were about to pop out of his head. There are things I have seen that I can't unsee. I shiver.

"Lindariel!" He exclaimed, "What are you doing in the shire? I haven't seen you in years!"

"At least 20 years, Bilbo." I said with a smile, " I am in the shire to stay the night then the next morning I shall leave, for I am going on an adventure."

"Well then you simply must come in for dinner." He said,"I insist."

"Alright my old friend. Could I possibly stay the night?" I asked,"I have no place to stay tonight."

"Of course." He exclaimed. "Come, let's go to my humble home."

He started walking down the path he was heading and looked back with a look that says 'come'. We started walking down the path to his house. He suddenly turned to a house with a green door and a gate. The gate, for some strange reason, had a sign that said 'No Admittance Except On Party Business'. I looked at it for a moment before carrying on into Bilbo's home.


There was a knock on the door. Bilbo suddenly looked at me like I had something to do with it. I admit it, I knew that there would be dwarves coming to the hobbit hole to talk about the quest but my face gave nothing away. I pretended to look as shocked as he was.
Bilbo got up to get the door while I grabbed my cloak and put the hood up. I did not know what the dwarfs name was but he couldn't see my ears. My pointed ears gave away the fact that I am an elf and I didn't want them to find out until Gandalf got here. I knew that Gandalf would stand up for me once they found out. Dwarves and elves have a rivalry that runs deep in their veins. They despise each other. I am supposed to despise them yet I don't. I happen to admire the dwarves for their strength and courage when it comes to taking care of their own.
Bilbo opened the door and there stood a bald dwarf with tattoos on his arms. He was taller than a regular dwarf.

He bowed and said "Dwalin, at your service."

"Bilbo Baggins at yours", Bilbo said. "Do we know each other?" He asked as 'Dwalin' walked in

"No." Dwalin said simply.

Bilbo closed the door.

"Which way, laddie? Is it down here?" Dwalin asked.

"Where is what?" Bilbo questioned.

"Supper. He said there'd be food and lots of it."

Dwalin started to eat the food that poor Bilbo bought at the market today. Dwalin looked up and finally noticed me.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"Why does it matter?" I said.

"It matters when I don't know who someone is." He said.

"You will find out soon enough." I said, hood still up.

Bilbo just watched us talk. Then Dwalin asked for more food. Bilbo got up and gave him a bowl full of buns and took two before giving the rest to Dwalin. I just sat there. Watching to see what the dwarf would do. If he does something I don't like, I'll just call Squlan. Scarlet-Bringer The Abomination.
She is a bitter, black-hearted dragon. She has scales as scarlet as deadly toadstools. She brings a fiery justice in an unjust world. When she casts judgement, retribution and vengeance will follow, but only on my command.
Suddenly there was a high pitched ring. It was the door. Another of the thirteen had come.

"That would be the door." Dwalin said to Bilbo.

I stood up and walked with Bilbo over to the door. Outside was a white haired dwarf with a white beard.

"Balin." He said bowing, "at your service. Oh hello brother!"

What they did next completely surprised me, they head butted each other.
Another knock at the door revealed two dwarves. One was blond, the other was brunet.

"Fili", the blond said.

"And Kili" said the brunet.

"At your service." They said in unison.

Bilbo just denied any party or gathering. He started to close the door when Fili asked a question.

"Was it cancelled?" I think it was Kili asked.

"Nobody told us." The blonde told bilbo.

"No nothing's been canceled." Bilbo replied in confusion. I just stayed silent. I didn't want to talk to anyone I didn't know yet.

"Well that's a relief." Kili said. The two dwarves walked in and finally noticed me.

"Who are you?" Fili asked.

...I stayed silent for a moment. Then I made a decision. I gave them my name.

"You may call me Lin, Fili and Kili Durin."

"How do you know our last name?" Kili questioned.

"That is for me to know and you to find out." I replied.

The two brothers just shrugged their shoulders and walked into the dining room where Balin and Dwalin were moving the table so it could fit the other nine dwarves and a wizard. I suddenly heard more than one knock on the door and I went to answer it. Outside were eight dwarves and Gandalf.

"Hello Gandalf," I said. "It's good to see you again."

"My dear L-"

"Do not say my name Gandalf the Grey. You would not want it to be where an unstoppable beast suddenly comes to this hobbit hole, would you?"

"No." He said simply.

"Until the leader gets here you will call me Lin."

"Now come you don't want it to be that the dwarves eat all the food do you?"

The dwarves had come in to eat while Gandalf and I had our little conversation.

"No. Let us go in." I nodded my head.

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