『Invisible String』KARS X Read...

By diolover123

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"Do you believe in soulmates?" ~ - Mainly Kars X reader but there will be interactions with the other Pilar... More

2. So it goes...
3. Alchemy
4. Homesick
5. Afterglow
6. Piano Man

1: Genesis

690 21 4
By diolover123

"How can we go back to the beginning?" -

Disclaimers/ Notes before we start!
- I started each chapter with a little song quote because I thought it was cute and it fits with how the chapter is going to go, the chapter names are all named after songs too, (it's just how I like to write and where I get my inspiration from, you can ignore it if you want. It's not crucial to the story line but I think it's a nice touch.) Also it was inspiration from our lord and saviour Araki and his god-like references.
- This story is mainly Kars X reader but there will be moments with the other Pilar men too.
- There will be a lemon in this book, but don't worry I'll make it a separate chapter and explain there, so you can skip it if you want.
- This book is going to be set in the 70s, Lisa Lisa is a duchess (basically royalty) and she is a distant relative of yours, I included Von Strohiem in this book because i needed an extra character - he is NOT a nazi in this book, that's pretty much all the changes to the base of the battle tendency plot.
- any lines in italics are your thoughts, the date or the chapter-opening quote that I mentioned earlier!
- Enjoy!!

31st July 1:00am 1977:

Y/N did not blink once as she turned the page of her book, completely fixated on the text she was scanning at an uncanny rate. She often spent her nights reading fan fiction, or should I say 'mornings?' Y/N often collected them from second hand stores or the discarded section of the library in town. She couldn't afford fancy tech or a computer to read on and it's not like she could afford to pay for the electricity to power one if she did manage to save enough. But that didn't matter to her.

She was quite old fashioned, just like her parents before her. She had inherited her parent's chalet (a fancy word for a hotel or bed and breakfast accommodation), which lay on the bank of the coastal town she inhabited. There wasn't many people left in the town, most migrated to the city, either because of the frequent storms or they disliked the quiet, often eerie atmosphere.
Y/N hadn't had a customer in years, she was just scraping by with what little her parents had left her.
She was a dreamer, through and through, just like her parents. She had read so much fiction in her life, she lived in hope her life would be like that of the one in her dreams. Her head was totally in the clouds, she refused to think about the consequences of not being able to pay her bills, or the hardships of what fate may have in store for her. And she would prefer to keep it that way.
She often thought of whether she would be able to find love in this world, and achieve the happiness that she saw her parents cherish. Y/N was told from a young age by her mother when she always overthought, that fate would take care of her. That everything happens for a reason, and we as humans can't change fate, so worrying isn't in our best interest, if there is a man out there for her, then the universe will let her know.
Y/N learned to take everything in her stride, she still cooks for the community and is always there for anyone who needs it. She is greatly admired by all who knew of her, but of course she wasn't aware of this.

Y/N flipped the page once more, covering her mouth as she let out a little squeak while the thunder outside brought her out of her trance. She shook her head and adjusted her eyesight, peering to the left at the boarded up window. A faint flash of lightning was visible from the outside.

Another storm?

Y/N snapped her head back round to the right as her night light began to flicker.

Please don't say the powers going to go out! This is the second time this month! I can't possibly have guests if there's no power?

She knew deep down that there wasn't much chance of her having anyone who would want to stay here anyway. The once glamorous chalet was now a glorified shack. All the windows were boarded up, the garden was overrun with weeds and the gate was hanging by a thread. It looked like an old cemetery building. At the very least someone would come here looking for ghosts as a joke! It would probably be safer to sleep in the farmers fields, at least then there wasn't the risk of having the roof cave in or the stairway giving in beneath you.

It meant too much to you to leave. You had spent your entire childhood there, you didn't know anything else. You almost felt as though it would be going against your parents' wishes to get rid of it. It brought them happiness, and you were desperate to feel that too. You'd remember spending time with all the guests as your mother sung for them in the reception area. It was open planned with a grand piano that your father played, with a balcony above, leading to the guest rooms. The fire would always be lit and there was never a frown on the faces of anyone. You believed that people would come to stay just to see your parents, their aura was mesmerising. Just being around them made people feel safe and happy.

You almost felt as though it was your fault that all of that stopped. They both passed away peacefully and left every penny to you. But the customers stopped coming gradually. It pained you to see your father heartbroken over your mothers death, but in his last month of life you watched him put on a brave face. He smiled to the very end, he said that's what (mothers/name) would have wanted and he would get to see her again soon, Y/N felt the same.

Y/N stared at the clock that was aggressively ticking in the silence and sighed, turning to her book to continue reading.

- Meanwhile -

"Tonight is the night we pursue the stone." A deep, monotonous voice broke the silence.

"Lord Kars," another spoke. "Are you sure now is the right time my master?" A man said, kneeling before the first. "The weather conditions are treacherous this night."

"Wammu" a third piped up. "You dare question your Lord?" He boomed.

"Silence Esidisi." The first spoke once more. "The conditions are indeed unsafe." He paused. "...For humans."
He stood tall and revealed a strange stone artefact that he was gripping tightly. "The sun cannot reach us, now is the time." He spoke with great resolve and determination, all the time not displaying a single emotion but an icy facade on his sculpted face.

"As you wish, my Lord." 'Wammu' bowed his head.

Another man without a word on his lips kneeled beside Wammu, in front of the other two. They all had horns, each a different type, barely visible in the candlelight. These men weren't that of humankind.

"Alas, this is the purpose of our presence at these ruins." The one called Kars spoke, he pointed through an old cobblestone arch at a lone cottage to the north of their co-ordinates. "That is the address i spoke of." His gaze latched onto the cottage as he gave a slight grin. "With this, the stone will return to it's rightful owner."

"THAT'S the building?" Esidisi raised a non existent eyebrow. "What an eyesore! You don't mean to say humans inhabit that sorry excuse for architecture?" He gave a slight laugh.

"Humans are indeed strange beings." Kars put his head in his hand as if in thought. "But what matters to me is getting the red stone of Aja. Not how some pitiful human chooses to destroy the landscape. I can wipe out their existence once i transcend and become the ultimate being."

The smirk left Esidisi's face and he gave a nod. "Rise, Wammu. Santana."

The two rose and waited eagerly for their next orders.

"Like i mentioned, you are to blend in with the humans." With a sudden movement, Kars threw items of clothing at the other three.

"Lord Kars, are these garments ones that humans of today possess?" Wammu asked. Holding a pair of washed out jeans to the light. Kars simply met him with a blank stare.

Santana lifted a polo shirt and examined it closely, he sniffed it and returned his gaze to Kars.

"Don't eat those, they are for wearing." Kars spoke as if he could read Santana's thoughts.

"Gar-ment." Santana grunted looking unimpressed.

Once they had changed Wammu lead them towards the building on the hill, Santana stomping behind him with Kars and Esidisi keeping guard at their backs.

"Do I look ' human' enough for you, Lord Kars?" Esidisi teased as he tightened a bandanna on his head.

"You look disgusting." Kars responded glaring at him.

"I think that means yes." Wammu laughed.

Kar's face remained emotionless as his gaze did not leave the cottage. The rain pelted the men as they made their way up to the wonky gate. Wammu reached to open it, but instead yanked it clean off. He paused for a moment and discarded it into the weeds that circled them. The men then pursued their way up to a large wooden set of double doors of a seemingly abandoned home. Wammu looked over his shoulder to be met with a slight nod from Kars, then proceeded to bang on the door with his fist. The four waited in anticipation for an answer, to see the human they were in search of for the first time.

You woke startled, realising you had fallen asleep on your book again.

Was that the wind? Or am I imagining things again?

You waited in silence, feeling of fear creeping in. You could have sworn you heard someone knock, but you weren't ready to speak to a real life person! You found yourself straining your ears to see if you would hear the noise again over the wind.


There's someone at the door...

You grit your teeth and immediately panicked. No one ever came to stay here, so it was likely that it could be someone seeing if there was anyone here before destroying the building or taking anything that resides here. You put your book to the side and creeped over to the boarded up window. With the slightest movement you peered through the wood to see if you could see anyone outside. To your utter horror, you met eyes with a tall man wearing a dark coat and a hat.

Crap... can he see me???

The man was stood with three other strangely dressed men who were facing the door, you watched as a muscular man with hair that almost seemed to stand up perfectly straight on this head went to knock on the door.

"Stay your hand, Wammu." The man with the hat spoke, all the time not breaking eye contact with you. "The owner knows of our presence."

You stood frozen for a moment before noticing your heart rate was through the roof. Not only was this encounter very creepy, the thunder and lightning tearing through the sky just seemed to make things feel more paranormal. Not to mention its one in the morning!
You quickly threw on a dressing gown and ran through the corridor and down the stair case to the door, heaving a big sigh.

Come on Y/N be brave. They look like nice men, maybe they're just lost in the storm and need somewhere to stay! Right...

One more sigh and a cleared throat later, you heaved the door open to come face to face with the four.

The man who was knocking on your door was very muscular, he wore a miss-matched outfit consisting of ripped jeans and an unbuttoned shirt. Another behind him had unruly white hair that was held in place by a bandanna. He wore a black leather jacket that was way too small for his physique and jeans to match. One with bright orange hair stood next to him, displaying a bored expression, he wore a polo shirt with stripes and no shoes on his feet. The last was the man who met your gaze. Upon closer inspection he seemed to have wrapped his head in a scarf underneath his hat. They looked like they had just picked up the first things they had seen in a thrift store.

You nervously smiled, awaiting one of them to say something.

"Aren't you going to let us in?" Mr hat spoke. You stood there processing what he had said, still in shock. "This is accommodation is it not? Do you expect us to wait in this rain while you gather your thoughts, woman?"

"My sincerest apologies, Sir." You forced another smile, gesturing them towards the seats by the unlit fireplace. You watched nervously as they walked in, each of them harshly analysing their surroundings.

You quickly walked over to the reception desk and blew the dust off some old paper work. "Do you mind if i take your names? I'm afraid its rather late, so we can sort out the details of your stay in the morning over breakfast. The rooms are ready when you are, gentlemen" You were trying to put on a professional front, but you also brought out your posh language because you felt somewhat attacked by the attitude you were given by the oldest looking man.

"My name is Wammu," the man who originally knocked on your door spoke as he was investigating your old couch. "This is Santana and Esidisi," he gestured towards the orange haired man and the man with the white hair. "And this is Lor-, Kars,"
As he stuttered Kars flinched, but you thought nothing of it, after all when your brain goes at 100 miles an hour reading, you can hardly form a sentence either.

You half heartedly scribbled their names down with full intention of dealing with this later, you were very tired at this point and the sound of rain hitting the window just made you more sleepy.

"May i hear of your name, Miss?" Wammu asked as you were about to yawn. You felt all the eyes fall on you.

"Y/N, Y/N L/N." You smiled, leaning on the reception counter and rubbing your eye. "Shall i show you to the guest rooms we offer?"

They all seemed to nod in unison so you picked up a little note pad and pen and gestured toward the wooden staircase that lay by your counter. The men wandered up the staircase, causing it to creak under the pressure. You followed them, praying to the staircase Gods that it wouldn't collapse under their absolute mass, because you certainly didn't have the energy to deal with that right now. On the landing, they were faced with a split in the path, four doors to the right, four doors to the left which lay in front of wooden railing, allowing them to see the reception area bellow.

"Okay, the rooms to the left," you said passing the men and walking to the nearest room. Wammu was the closest so you opened the door for him. "Right, the bathroom is the door to the right from here, there are towels on the bed, the key for the balcony doors is on the dressing table, along with the key for this room. If you have any laundry, please leave it in the basket and ill show you where the laundry room is in the morning. OH! And may i ask what you would like for breakfast?"

"Whatever is most convenient for you, miss L/N. I presume you work alone?" You gave a nod as he closed the door.

You showed Santana into the next room and then Esidisi to the one after. It was just you and Kars now.

"Okay, last room." You said opening the door for him. He seemed to be scrutinising the small space.

"Why is it you hang animals from your walls?" He asked, looking at the moose head on the wall above the fireplace with distaste.

"Um..." you muttered, searching for an answer. You didn't put it there, it was here long before you were born.

"Well?" He turned to you.

"That's just how my parents decorated this place, I'm sorry if it is not to your taste sir. I can show you to a different room if you would like?" You spoke, pretending to care.

"That will not be necessary." He said monotonously, hanging his hat up. "Just do not think of offering me one of those on a plate tomorrow. I'd prefer not to eat a living being."

Well I wasn't going to serve anything alive anyway! I'd be lucky if i could catch a rat never mind a god damn moose.

You turned to finally leave before you heard him speak again.

Ugh what now.

"Before you should leave you should be aware that i possess a deadly allergy to sunlight." He said in a rather serious tone. "I expect you to maintain your talent of keeping the suns rays out of this place while i reside here...That is all." The look he gave you was enough to let you know that he was completely serious.


You still felt his piercing gaze as you shut the door behind you. You trailed yourself back to your room, locked the door behind you and crawled into bed, immediately falling asleep.

This is all a dream...Everything will be fine in the morning.


Kars scoffed at the room he was given, no doubt it was the same as the others, perhaps it was just because it was a place where humans stayed, not Gods. He picked up the balcony key and opened the double doors to reveal the moonlight and the ongoing storm. He then lost himself in thoughts of the stone and its whereabouts as he watched clouds obscure the moon.

"Lord Kars," Esidisi said in a low tone. "The human sleeps." His voice could be heard by Kars' superior senses, but was still met with silence. "Shall i kill her now? The invitation will be in your hands with no interruptions and soon, the red stone."

Kars snapped out of his thoughts. "Now is not the time Esidisi. We do not possess enough knowledge. To kill now would be foolish, another human could find us here if we are not careful. Wait for the right moment."

Esidisi leaned on the wall that separated them and gave a faint sigh.

"To think the woman who holds the stone is so protected," Kars clenched his fist. "Human kind is pathetic. The fact i have to pose as a mere mortal makes me sick."

He watched the sky in awe, thinking of how he would soon be able to see the sun up there. He just needed the red stone to complete his mask and he was ready to kill any who got in his way. Even you.


Authors note time:

Yay!! Chapter one is done!! I'm quite happy with how it went, me thinks. Although i legit found it so funny trying to find clothes that the pillar men could wear. Like the thought of them wearing anything else than what we see them in is such a funny concept to me. Also when i was doing research on what men wore in the 70's it was all like the same damn thing, jeans and a polo shirt, so i didn't go into too much detail so you could kinda picture it how you want and just go with that. Because i think Miss Y/N would be just a tad suspicious if four half naked men with horns showed up at her door. But whatever this is just for fun.

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