Enemies to lovers | Rafe Came...

By daddyxier

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A kook who hates pogues and A pogue who hates jerks. More

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Cameron Resident
The party
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After party

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By daddyxier


u woke up dizzy and had a head ache and looked around the place

and saw the place was very messy had confettis everywhere, red party cups and beer/alcohol bottles scattered everywhere... u saw people sleeping on the couch, on the pool side, pool chair, and some were even sleeping on the floor... u also saw topper sleeping on he couch in front of u... it looked like people passed out and had a massive party last night

u look around and saw a clock hanging on the wall and looked at the time... it was 12 nn u're work at the cameron's starts at 10 am which u are 2 hours late and u know wards gonna be upset

u immediently got of the house and called a taxi for get to the cameron's house


u have arrived at the cameron's house and u were suppose go to the backyard but then u saw ward in the kitchen with wheezie, sarah, rafe, and rose all the cameron were there in the kitchen

then when u got inside the house they all looked at u

rafe was smirking at u

WHEEZIE- oh my god y/n... what happened to u

Y/N- mr. cameron im so sorry im late

WARD- yes u are 2 hours late y/n... u were suppose to be here before 10 am

Y/N- i know im so sorry i over slept

WARD- yea it looks like it... u look like a disaster.. what happened to u?

Y/N- i- uh im- i dont know... i dont remember

RAFE- looks like she had a lot of fun did she? i mean look at her...

they all looked at u

WHEEZIE- u have marks... bruises? on ur neck and thighs..

ROSE- oh darling... thats no bruise those are... hickies... y/n such a naughty girl

they all started laughing

SARAH- oh my... god.. y/n!! (she laughs)

RAFE- no wonder why she's late (he smirks)

ROSE- here sit down ill give u pills to relief ur head ache

WHEEZIE- jeez... u smell like alcohol

WARD- sarah had the same thing head ache and smelt like alcohol... were u guys together last night partying?

Y/N- i...i...dont remember mr. cameron

WARD- well u get well first okay... then u can come back to work later (he smiled and left the kitchen)

then u touch ur held cause of the head ache/pain

rose gave u pill to relief the head ache


ROSE- how are u feeling now?

Y/N- much better.. thank u (u smiled at her)

ROSE- no problem (u smiled at her)

WHEEZIE- what happened last night at the party? werent u guys together?

SARAH- i dont know last thing i remember was i was blacked out

Y/N- i honestly have no idea what happened last night and how i got thing hicky stuff

SARAH- do u remember the guy tho? the one that gave u hickies?

Y/N- no i dont remember at all.. i dont remember anything from last night like nothing at all

Y/N- i mustve drunk alot

SARAH- no cause same

SARAH- did we get drunk together?

Y/N- i- im not sure

Y/N- but awhile ago i woke up on a couch and i looked around the place was very messy and it looked like a lot of people passed out even topper was there infront me on the couch sleeping too

SARAH- wait.. wheezie u said it was topper's party right?

WHEEZIE- yea u guys told me last night u two were going to topper's party

SARAH- so...thats where u slept? at topper's house

Y/N- yea i mustve passed out there... shit john b must be looking for me

SARAH- yea i received calls and texts from him asking where u are

Y/N- did u answer it?

SARAH- no i was gonna ask u first..

Y/N- okay just tell him i stayed her at ur place okay? and had a sleepover

SARAH- okay ill say that

SARAH- but first u should take a bath and just borrow my clothes cause u smell like alcohol and brush ur teeth

Y/N- i dont have my toothbrush

SARAH- we dont have an extra one too... wait we will be going to go grocery after this

SARAH- oh thats perfect timing we'll get u an extra toothbrush

Y/N- yea thanks so much

then u went to the bathroom and took a bath


sarah,rose,ward,and wheezie got ready to go to the grocery

WARD- rafe? arent u coming with us? (he shouts from downstairs)

RAFE- no.. i'm going to kelce's house (he shouts from upstairs in his bedroom)

then ward,rose,sarah,and wheezie left and went to the grocery

u finished taking a bath and then someone jumped and scared u

Y/N- jesus christ! u dont sneak up on me like that! (u said madly)

he smirks

Y/N- what are u doing here?

RAFE- no what are u doing here?

Y/N- taking a bath... arent u suppose to be with ur family? buying groceries?

RAFE- no clearly im right here

Y/N- okay bye

RAFE- do u remember anything from last night?

Y/N- no why?

RAFE- like nothing at all?

Y/N- no! i dont remember anything! stop bothering me do u want me to tell u're dad that u're bothering me

RAFE- okay go on

Y/N- u go bye bye to ur allowance

RAFE- and u go bye bye to ur job

Y/N- huh? what u're gonna get me fired again? for something i didnt do?

RAFE- yea i can get u fired now for something u actually did

Y/N- wat are u talking about?

he smirks and looks at u up and down

Y/N- okay! u seriously need to stop giving me that up and down look and stop smirking at me its so weird

RAFE- don't u know who gave u those hickies? (he smirks)

Y/N- no i dont know...

RAFE- well now u would know.. cause the person is here.. standing in front of u (he chuckles)

Y/N- huh? what does that suppose to mean?

RAFE- i gave u those hickies (he smirks)

Y/N- (u laughed) thats a joke right

then rafe has a serious face

Y/N- thats a joke right?? (u repeated it again)

RAFE- no its not

RAFE- i could still hear the noise u were making while we were in the bathroom (he smirks)

Y/N- what? in the bathroom? what noises?

RAFE- oh i forgot u dont remember.... (moans) rafe... go faster rafe...rafe (moans)

Y/N- (u laughing) real funny rafe

RAFE- u were making out with me dont u remember?

Y/N- no... and i would never make out with someone i hate

RAFE- well.. u already did

Y/N- im not buying ur lies cameron...no proof no believe (u laughed)

then rafe pulls out his phone and shows u a video of u on sitting on top of him and u two making out on a couch

ur eyes widen

u try to take it away from him but he was too fast

Y/N- WHAT THE FUCK?? what was that??! (u said shockingly)

RAFE- u and me making out

Y/N- no.. no no that was not me

RAFE- are u sure? wearing the same short and top... its not u? are u sure?

Y/N- what the hell rafe!?

RAFE- hey hey! dont be mad at me.. it was ur idea of the truth or dare

RAFE- then someone dared u to make out with everyone and u did! including me...u're one wild girl... im starting to like u u know

Y/N- its not funny rafe... delete it..!!

RAFE- no!

RAFE- also dont forget u made out with me for only 10 seconds and made out with the others for more than 10 seconds. it was not fair u left me hanging it wasnt enough.. so i followed u to the bathroom and we made out again and thats how u got ur hickies (he smirks)

RAFE- so if u ever tell dad im bothering u... ill show him the video... so if i were u.. dont tell him im bothering u at all (he smiles)

RAFE- and from now on... i have the power im in control.. u'll be following the things i would tell u to do and not to do

Y/N- no! im not gonna anything u want! im not ur bitch cameron..

RAFE- well now u are... u're now my bitch routledge or else u dont want the pogues..my dad.. sarah.. wheezie.. and ur lovely big brother.. to see the video right?

Y/N- u're an asshole rafe! i may believe the making out part but i would not! believe u and me in the bathroom

RAFE- if i were u i would believe rafe princess (he smirks)

then u went to the druthers to fix it


the cameron family has arrived and u finished fixing the druthers just in time

then u went inside the house and saw sarah, and wheezie helping rose and ward with unpacking and keeping the groceries

WARD- oh y/n are u done fixing the druthers?

Y/N- yup actually im just got done fixing it right in time when u guys came home

then rafe went downstairs

ROSE- rafe help us with the groceries

WARD- oh rafe? u're still here? i thought u went to kelce?

RAFE- oh i didnt he cancelled.. he said he was out with his fam

WARD- did rafe bother u y/n? since he was here at home

then u and rafe looked at each other

Y/N- um- no he didnt i didnt even feel his presence at all (u smiled)

then rafe smirked


sarah called u to her room

SARAH- y/n! (she shouted from her room upstairs)

u went upstairs and went to sarah's room

Y/N- yes sar

SARAH- i got ur toothbrush (she gives u the toothbrush)

Y/N- thanks (u smiled)

WHEEZIE- rafe... not bothering u while dad was away? impossible..

Y/N- i know right but he didnt bother me at all its so weird

WHEEZIE- he must really be scared of dad

SARAH- oh he is

u,sarah,and wheezie laughed all together


u went back home and john b saw u coming inside the house

he went outside

JOHN B- y/n!

Y/N- john- b, hi

JOHN B- HI? HI? where were u?

Y/N- i was at sarah's i sleepover there at her house

JOHN B- yea! i know but i didnt hear anything from u... a call or a text nothing i was worried about u u didnt come home last night i was worried something might have happened to u already y/n

Y/N- i know.. i know john b im so sorry my phone i lost it and i just found it awhile ago i didnt realized it fallen at the druthers

JOHN B- god! please next time u text me or call me earlier if u're not coming home so u wont have me worried

Y/N- yes yes i will im sorry again

then john b walked towards u and hugged u

JOHN B- its fine as long as u're okay and back home (he said while hugging u)

and u hugged him back

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