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u and wheezie have been hanging out and u were working at ward's boat for the last few days and luckly u havent seen rafe ever since u were keeping wheezie company in their house which was a good thing


u went to he cameron's house and went to their backyard to ward's boat

u finally have arrived to the boats but didnt see ward

u stood outside

Y/N- mr. cameron? are u in there?

then someone went outside of the boats

WARD- oh hey y/n what are u doing here?

Y/N- uhh.. work sir

WARD- oh.. didnt u read my next today?

Y/N- text?

WARD- yes the text i sent u last night... i texted u to have a rest today since me and rose are going to take the boat.. we have a honeymoon

Y/N- ohh..i didnt receive any messages sir

then ward took out his phone from his pocket and looked and scrolled through his phone

WARD- oh no wonder why u didnt receive it... it failed to sent the text

Y/N- ohhh

WARD- yea sorry y/n

Y/N- oh its fine (u smiled)

WARD- why dont u just take a rest today okay?

Y/N- yea sure (u smiled)

then someone shouted ur name

u looked behind u and it was wheezie coming out of the house and running towards u to the boats

Y/N- wheezie?

then wheezie finally arrived to where u and ward were

WHEEZIE- u're here!

wheezie hugged u and u hugged wheezie

Y/N- hey wheez (u smiled)

WHEEZIE- hi (she smiled)

WARD- oh seems like u two are bonding really well (he smiled)

Y/N- yup we did pretty well (u smiled)

WHEEZIE- y/n is the literal best! she makes my days fun (she looks at u and smiled)

WHEEZIE- come on lets go inside

WARD- oh wheezie darling


WARD- y/n is actually gonna take the rest today

WHEEZIE- ohh... could she stay?

WARD- darling..

WHEEZIE- please? since u guys are leaving ill be bored in this house

ward looks at u

WARD- y/n? is that okay?

Y/N- oh yea mr. cameron its totally fine.. ill keep wheezie company (u smiled)

WHEEZIE- also dad... i wanna go inside the country club.. i wanna golf there

WARD- oh darling 14 and under are not allowed

WHEEZIE- y/n can come with me

Y/N- oh.. im pretty sure they wouldnt let me in wheez... im a pogue

WHEEZIE- then who will? rafe's not home for like days and if he was he would not go with me... sarah is too busy with her boyfriend and friends and u and rose are going to a honeymoon.. so...

Enemies to lovers | Rafe CameronOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora