hate to hate you

By illtellmineurgay

148 0 0

"I hate you, you know that?" "Well then, why dont we do something about it?" Love and hate are so often... More



23 0 0
By illtellmineurgay

Friday 5:40 PM. "Hey princess how do you feel about going out for drinks after work tonight?" Derek strolls over to Aliana, her looking up from the old case files in her hand. "I'd say it sounds fun. I have to see what Daniel says." She responds with a cautious smile.

Friday 8:30 PM. That would be the exact conversation that led to this moment. It was 8:30 and Derek was to pick Aliana up to take her out to the bar for the night, however her and Daniel had gotten a bit preoccupied.

"Oh, God! Yes, fuck me sir!" Aliana moans out with no thought in her head, her face in the pillows as Daniel pounded into her. It was different, usually he had a tendency of going too rough, but this was okay. "Fuck, Aaron! I'm gonna-" She whimpers and suddenly all action stops. "What did you just say?" Daniel pulls out of her and Aliana freezes at her realization. 'Holy shit, I did not just say that.'

"N-nothing. Why'd you stop babe?" Aliana tries. "No, why the hell did you say Aaron?" Daniel growls out and when Aliana pauses, he takes the chance to pull her up by her hair and pin her against the wall. "D-Daniel-" "Oh so now you know my name, huh? The only name you should be moaning is mine you slut." He pulls a hand back and lands a harsh smack on her face. "Dan, please I didn't-"

"God, I knew you were a dirty, cheating whore!" He pushes Aliana into the next room, knocking her to the floor. "You pathetic little bitch! I bet you miss this Aaron, but you know you'll never have anyone better than me. This is as good as it gets." He shoves her back as she stands back up, Aliana wincing as she hits the coffee table.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She tries to stay strong, receiving yet another smack. "Don't lie you fucking bitch!" Daniel hisses out. As if saved by the bell, there's a knock on the door. "T-that's probably Derek." Aliana winces as she tries to stand up. "Oh perfect cause that's what you're good for. Having inconvenient friends. Go put clothes on!" He practically growls out again, slipping on pants.

Opening the door, Daniel was surprised to see another man. This wasn't Derek, no, this guy had almost black hair covering his pale face with brown eyes and a stern facade. "Can I help you?" Daniel crosses his arms. The man looks him up and down, thinking through what to say. He notices things awry in the house behind Daniel, 'So this must be her boyfriend.' he thinks to himself.

"I'm here to pick up Aliana, I'm a colleague, we're going out to a bar." Aaron slowly speaks. "You don't look like Derek. I was told he was coming to pick her up with a couple girl friends." Daniel peeks out into the hallway, seeing none of the above. "Yes, well Derek had something pop up and sent me to get her. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Aaron Hotchner." He offers a hand out for Daniel to shake, getting a glare in response.

"You're Aaron?" He raises his eyebrows, anger flowing through his body. "Oh of course. Isn't this even better?" Daniel chuckles with a scowl. "I'm sorry is there a problem?" Aaron asks. "She's not going anywhere with you." Daniel seethes as Aliana rushes into the room, attempting to finish her hair out with her fingers. "Excuse me?" Aaron's posture heightens, an expression as if to say 'do you know who you're talking to?'

Aliana's eyes widen behind Daniel at the recognition of the other voice. 'No, no come on not right now.' "I said I think she's gonna stay home tonight. And do me a favor, stay away from my girl, buddy." Daniel tests as Aliana shrinks into the floor. "I don't know who you think you are but I think it's Aliana's choice if she goes out tonight." Aaron responds, towering over Daniel.

"What's going on out here, babe?" Aliana walks over to Daniel, trying to stop the situation before it worsens. "Well, well, well. Guess who I just met?" Daniel turns to Aliana with a look that could kill. "Jayde are you ready to go?" Aaron ignores the man in front of him, turning to the woman clad in a red skintight dress, taking a moment, raking his eyes up and down her body.

"Yeah, see that's not what we're gonna do." Daniel clenches his jaw. "Jayde?" Aaron speaks again. "Um you know, just a second Hotch." Aliana responds and Daniel lets out a chuckle. "Oh? Hotch? Why don't you use his name? You had no problem of it a few moments ago." Daniel speaks. "Daniel lets not do this right now." Aliana pleads.

"You're not wearing that. You just want to put on display how much of a slut you are, don't you?" He speaks again, Aliana shifting uncomfortably, an action Aaron takes note of as his anger furthers. "What did you just say to her?" Aaron speaks up, sternly. "You have no right to call a woman such names, especially one so respectable. As a matter of fact, you have no choice in what she does or wears."

"Hotch it's fine I'll just go change and we can go-" Aliana desperately tries. "Oh of course you'll go anywhere with him, really shows how much of a whore you are huh?" Daniel seethes quietly to Aliana, though Aaron can hear every word of it. "Hotch I'm fine really, let's just go. I'll be home later babe." She pushes past Daniel, leaving with Aaron.

"Are you alright?" Aaron asks once they're in the car, pulling out of the building. "Yep. I'm all good." She gives a tight lipped smile. "Aliana, is he always like that?" Aaron asks and she quickly shakes her head. "No he's just been a little on edge recently, there's a lot going on for him, and he's just a little protective." She covers and he shakes his head. "Aliana, the way he was talking to you-" He tries and she cuts him off. "He loves me, okay? You just don't get it and you are the last person I am talking to about my love life." She ends the conversation there, and it's silent until they get to the bar.

"Well we should go meet everyone else. Thanks for driving." Aliana awkwardly clambers out of the car as Aaron meets her at the door, holding it open and letting her enter first. "Thank you." She mutters, scanning the room for the team, spotting them at a booth in the back corner, leading him towards them.

"Heyy, look who finally showed up!" Derek exclaims. "Damn princess that dress does wonders for your body!" Derek smirks at her and she smiles back. "Why thank you handsome." Aliana laughs and everyone else showers each other with compliments. "Hey Em and I are gonna go get drinks anyone want anything in specific or just the usual?" Aliana cuts in. "Oh um okay." Emily says sliding out of the booth as everyone says they want their usual.

"Okay soo what's up?" Emily asks after Aliana places the drink orders. "Oh my God Em it was awful." Aliana groans. "What? What happened?" Emily questions. "Okay I'm only telling you cause I trust you. Daniel and I were having sex and I moaned the wrong name." Aliana covers her face with her hand. "What do you mean the wrong name?? Whose name?" She inquires.

"Aaron." Aliana responds quietly. "I'm sorry what?" Emily asks. "Aaron!" Aliana whisper yells at Emily to which she chokes on the drink she was finishing before her new one got there. "You what?!" Emily exclaims. "I know, I know! And Daniel got pissed. And rightfully I guess. Then fucking Hotch showed up to pick me up and Daniel answered the door while I touched up my makeup." Aliana rambles.

"So anyways, He introduced himself at the door and I guess Daniel connected the dots and got mad and didn't want me to leave with him. Then Hotch told him off right there and I thought Dan was gonna blow a fuse. I quickly pulled the both of us out of there before things got serious because both of them looked like they wanted to kill each other. I'm being dead serious I cannot make this up." Aliana explains.

After listening closely to the story, Emily looks back at Aliana with a smirk. "What??" Aliana asks and Emily laughs. "Sounds like someone is a little protective of our little miss Aliana Jayde." Emily teases. "Really?? that's what you got out of that??" Aliana groans. "Sorry, sorry. I'm sorry you went through that, that sounds like enough awkwardness for a whole lifetime."

"So, did you really moan our boss's name during sex?" Emily giggles and Aliana rolls her eyes. "Emilyyy!!" Aliana whines. "Here's your drinks ladies." The bartender sets the last one down in front of them as the two try to balance 8 drinks in their hands, getting stopped by a familiar tall man. "I figured I'd come help, it was taking a little while." Aaron speaks, grabbing 4 of the drinks from the girls, helping carry them over to the table. "Yeah cause we need your help." Aliana snarls back to him and he rolls his eyes at her as she scoffs. "There go the double standards again."


Friday 11:13 PM. "Make me another why don't ya?" Aliana motions to the bartender, ordering her 4th drink. As he hands it to her, she picks it up, lifting it to her lips and drinking it all, ordering another one. "Jayde I think that's enough." Aaron walks over. "Oh come on, lighten up!" Aliana turns back to the bartender. "Don't listen to him, pass me one more."

"No she's done. I'm cutting you off. Come on, let's get you home before you do something stupid." Aaron grabs her arm. "If I go home with you, I will do something stupid." Aliana mutters, and as Aaron hears the words he wasn't supposed to hear, he shifts. "You're drunk." He criticizes. "It numbs the pain." Aliana shrugs. "I'm going to go get Prentiss to take you home." Aaron says, turning to the bartender. "Can you get her a water?"

Aaron weaves his way through the crowd, getting back to the group's booth. "Emily." He speaks, softly. She looks up to meet his gaze and he nods towards the bar and she nods, shuffling out of the booth. "Aliana's drunk I need you to take her home. Before she gets into a lot of trouble." Aaron states. "Can you take her? I'm in the middle of a game." Emily tries. "No. I don't think we should be alone together. You go, please." He responds and she nods, grabbing her stuff, bidding everyone farewell as she makes her way to the bar.

"Ali it's time to go." Emily speaks to the woman whose refusing to drink the cup of water in front of her. "Drink that water and we're going home." "Loosen up Emily." Aliana slurs and Emily groans. "Alright, alright folks! Karaoke is now open, so if you put your name in earlier, get ready, and if you haven't, feel free too on that machine over to the right." The guy on the stage announces with much enthusiasm. "Alright and the first person issss... Do we have an Aliana Jayde out there?"

"You signed up for karaoke?" Emily groans under her breath. "Come on let's go." "No that's me! It's my turn." Aliana stumbles out of her chair up to the stage as Emily follows her, begging her to give it up and leave. "Well would this be the pretty little lady right here?" The guy speaks as she walks up to the steps of the stage. "That's me!" She climbs up onto the stage. "Jayde please!" Emily shouts after her, desperate. "Just a second Emily I have a job to do!"

The man chuckles and hands her the microphone, stepping off as the music for Bubblegum Bitch by Marina and the Diamonds started playing. Emily heads back to the table, seeing Aaron with his head in his hands. "Got a figure like a pin up got a figure like a doll..." She begun to sing, slurring as she began to push at her hair, running her fingers through it.

"Candy bear, sweetie pie, wanna be adored... I'm the girl you'd die for." Aliana sings a long softly, feeling at the bottom of her dress as she does so. "Damn that girl." Derek laughs, causing Aaron to finally look up. "I'm miss sugar pink liquor liquor lips, hit me with your sweet love, steal me with a kiss..." She continues to run her hands up and down her body sensually. "I'm gonna be your bubblegum bitch." Aliana's eyes lock with Aaron's as if magnetized.

Aaron gulps as his gaze is drawn in, the intensity of her stare burning through his. Aliana leans forward as she sings and dances, never once breaking eye contact. Aaron feels himself trying to look away, but failing miserably. The whole team watches Aliana with slight surprise as she goes all out for the whole song. "I'm gonna be your bubblegum bitch." She finishes with a smirk, noticing how her bosses eyes watched her every move intently.

Suddenly Aliana wasn't feeling too well as she handed the microphone to the guy and rushed off the stage. "Is she okay?" JJ asks and Aaron looks around for Emily, seeing no sign of her. "She looks sick..." Spencer adds, and at that Aaron heads for her as she trips, he pulls her up before she hits the ground. "Come on, you need air." Aaron wraps an arm around her waist to steady her. He pushes down his thoughts as he leads her outside.

"I'm fine, cotch- Oh-" Aliana tries, to no avail as she finds herself throwing up. All over her boss. She had a feeling she was gonna regret that in the morning. "Woah hey okay, um here let's go over here..." Aaron leads her to a garbage can, pulling her hair back as she leans over it. "Yes, that's it, let it all out." He coos, holding her hair up in one hand, rubbing circles on her back with the other.

"You're okay." He assures as she coughs out. "Why are you being so nice?" She sighs, frustrated. "You're like a- oh God-" She gags, throwing up a bit more. "It's okay, let it all out." Aaron speaks again, softly, rubbing circles on her back. He may have hated her, but he wasn't dumb enough to put her in a worse position while she was drunk. "I- I'm fine..." She speaks, standing back up all the way. "Um, thanks- thank you." She stutters out, awkwardly.

"Of course. We need to get you home... And since I have no idea where Emily is, let's head to my car." Aaron sighs. "Oh no, I don't wanna be a burden... I'll order an Uber or something..." She trails off, noticing the sigh and regret in his voice. "No way I'm letting you get in an Uber by yourself. Come on." Aaron places a hand carefully on Aliana's lower back, guiding her towards where they parked the car.

Once they get there, he helps her into the passenger seat, before getting in the driver's himself. "Here," He leans back over the backseat to a bag. "Drink this." Aaron hands her the water bottle, which she takes as he sends a quick message to Emily, letting her know they left. As Aliana begins to down the bottle of water, he reaches a hand out, behind her headrest to see behind him as he begins to pull out. Hot Aliana thought to herself. No, shut up, you're drunk.

"I don't know what in the world possessed you to get so wasted." Aaron scolds. "Shut up." Aliana whines. "What was that?" He gives her a side glare. "I just needed a drink, Hotch. Like you care." Aliana rolls her eyes and Aaron sighs. "Look, no matter how I feel about you, I still want you to be safe. Getting blackout drunk is not being safe." He replies and she groans. "Why do you have to be so godamn respectful?"

"Is that a problem?" Aaron rolls his eyes. "Yes, for you it is." Aliana responds to which he furrows his eyebrows, pulling up to Aliana's house. "Daniel's not home..." She furrows her eyebrows. "Come on, we're here." He speaks, parking the car and getting out. Aliana reaches for her buckle as he opens the door for her. "Alright, here we go." Aaron helps Aliana up, an arm wrapping around her waist to steady her as they head to the door. She fumbles for her keys, which he takes, letting them inside.

Aaron helps Aliana down the hallway as she points to her bedroom, gently sitting her down on the bed. "Um you can change in here, I'll be out there if you need me." Aaron excuses himself, leaving and shutting the door, being stopped. "Aaron?" Aliana's voice speaks up, making him freeze in his tracks, the way his name rolled off her tongue was something new. "Yes?" He turns back around. "Can you um? Help me with the zipper?" She asks, turning her back to him and pulling her hair off her back.

"Yeah, yeah of course." He clears his throat, walking forward, he gently places a hand on her back. "Is- Is this okay?" He asks softly and she nods, him holding the zipper and pressing gently on her back. He unzips the dress slowly and carefully, leaving Aliana to shiver at the contact of the zipper with her skin as well as his hand pressing into her back. "Thank you." Aliana thanks. "You're welcome. I'll um, wait outside." Aaron responds, leaving and shutting the door behind him.

He ventures his way to the kitchen, searching through cupboards until he finds a cup. Filling it with water, he goes out and waits in the hallway. "Hotch, I'm changed." Her soft voice comes through the door. He opens the door to see her sitting on her bed, clad in an old big t-shirt and black lacy panties. Coughing, he enters the room, placing the water on the bedside table. "Okay, one second." He says, walking towards her bathroom to find makeup remover cleansing solution and a cloth, walking back in.

"What are you doing?" Aliana asks. "Taking your makeup off so you don't get stained or break out." Aaron responds. "Sit still for a second." He speaks softly, wetting the cloth and carefully taking it over her face. "Okay what the fuck Hotch? I can do it myself!" Aliana complains. "Shut up." The man shushes her, continuing his work of cleaning off her face.

"Okay, all better." He says, pulling back from her face before his temptations got strong. "You should lay down." He says, glancing at the unmade bed, walking back towards the bathroom to discard the cloth. Entering the room again, she's laid down on her sheets. He sighs and carefully pulls the blankets over her body. "Okay, I got you a glass of water that you should try to drink, I've left it on your bedside table. Goodnight Aliana." He speaks, walking to the door and flicking the light off.

"Aaron?" She speaks into the silence. "Yes?" He turns to her once again. "Can you stay?" She requests and his eyes widen, mind flicking through options. "I should probably head out, Daniel will be home any minute, you'll be fine." Aaron tries to shut her down. "Come on." Aliana pleads. "Oh. I'm not sure that I should..." He resists. "Please?" She speaks again. "I can go make up a bed until Daniel gets home just so you're safe-" He tries. "No. Stay here." Aliana pats the bed and he shakes his head. "You're so drunk. I'll make up a bed on the floor in here so I know you're safe. That's it." Aaron walks out of the room to go get some pillows and Aliana sighs, accepting defeat and sinking into the sheets.

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