Distance → shaylor

By sinfulmendes

32.6K 1.3K 592

in which Shawn and Taylor have a long distance relationship. (Written in Spanish on @AppleJacks_99) More

€hapter 1
€hapter 2
€hapter 3
€hapter 4
€hapter 5
Chapter 7
€hapter 8
€hapter 9
€hapter 10
Chapter 11
€hapter 12
€hapter 13
About Me
€hapter 14
€hapter 15
€hapter 16
€hapter 17
€hapter 18
€hapter 19
€hapter 20
€hapter 21
Written in Spanish

€hapter 6

2K 79 24
By sinfulmendes

Shaylor Feels.

Taylor's POV
Jack and I walked through the airport. It was five in the morning, but we where used to waking up early.

The airport wasn't as crowded as it would be if I was leaving a little later. The security line only had maybe ten people in it. We waited patiently until it was at the last few people before me then I started to get anxious.

"Finally" I sighed as Jack finished in front of me. I didn't wear anything I knew that would go off in the sensor because I don't need that. I waited as the security guy checked my bag.

When he was done I walked to the waiting area and took a seat by Jack. "Are you excited?!" He grinned. I just ignored him and pulled out my phone.

I clicked on my message icon and went to Shawn's name.

You up?!

Yea. When are you gonna be here?🙊

I'm waiting for them to call my flight now😄

Ok so who are you coming with??

Jack😏 hehe

Haha they have to meet.

"Who?" Jack questioned. I didn't even know he was looking at my messages. "You have to meet Jack" I smirked. "Oh he was hot"Jack said. I laughed and replied to Shawn.

Jack wants to meet Jack. What are we gonna call them when we are together?

Well sometimes I call my Jack Jj.

As I read my message my flight was called. We got up and begin to make our way to the tunnel thing that led to the plane.

We walked until we where at the plane. I got on and looked for my seat. We had first class so that means I had wifi bitches.

I found my seat which was next to Jacks. Luckily I had a window seat. I loved looking out the windows and plus I can lay my head on it. "Ugh no fair" Jack groaned. I laughed at him teasingly before taking a seat.

I just got on the plane😱


Ok well I'm going to sleep I can't wait to see you. I. Love. You.☺️❤️😍

Ok love youuuu!!!!!☺️❤️😍

I leaned my head against the window and fell into a deep slumber.

Shawn's POV
I was still laying in bed. I was picturing all the scenarios that could happen when I meet Taylor. I'm so nervous everything has to be perfect.

I'm scared like what if I'm not what he expected. All these what ifs. I just need to calm my nerves. I got up out my bed and walked to the bathroom.

I peed before turning on the water to the shower. I striped out my clothes as the water heated up. I turned the knob and the water rushed out the shower head. I stepped in but quickly jumped out the water was to hot.

I turned the cold water on a little more and stepped back in. I washed my hair and body. I stood in the shower a little longer until the hot water began to run out.

I turned off the water and stepped out the shower. I grabbed the towel I sat on the counter before hand. I dried my hair and body and wrapped the towel around my waist. I stepped out the bathroom and walked to my closet.

I put on a pair of boxers then looked through my closet for the perfect outfit.

I finally decided on grey skinny jeans that made the booty look on fleek. Taylor said big butts was something he likes. I picked out a white shirt and a black SnapBack. (A/N Shawn in SnapBacks💦👅🙌)

I put that on and looked in the mirror I'm not about to lie I looked hot as fuck. I decided to send a picture to Taylor because why not. I posed in the mirror like a girl just to joke around a little. I popped my leg out so that my butt would stick out.

I snapped a picture before sending it to Taylor. He'll probably see it later since he's sleeping.

I put my phone in my back pocket and walked out the room and to Jacks's room. I opened the door he was still sleeping. I mean it is only like nine o'clock. (A/N time zones I don't know the real time zone though)

Im waking him up anyways. I walked in and jumped on top of him. "Get up" I yelled bouncing up and down on his body. "get off" Jack groaned. I stopped bouncing but stayed seated. "What do you want?!" He turned his head towards me. "get up" I said.

Jj groaned and pushed me off of him. I got off the bed and ran out the room. He might look little but when he is mad Jack will fuck someone up. I heard him running after me. Oh shit.

I felt something hit my back as Jack yelled "Target" I turned around and glared at the shoe on the ground. "You could of knocked me out with that"I exclaimed turning towards Jack. He shrugged and walked back to his room.

Really nigga? Really?

Taylor's POV
'Plane landed'

I was actually in Canada I honestly can't believe this I'm about to meet this perfect boy that I have been talking to for months through the internet.

Me and Shawn planned to meet up when I got here. Then I had to work three days out of this week, but we can hang out after I'm done. I'm actually really excited to meet Shawn's friends they seem cool.

"Ok we need a taxi" I spoke trying to haul a taxi. Finally after like ten minutes a taxi stopped. I told him the hotel address my boss gave me.

I looked at the surroundings it was very pretty here.

The car stopped and me and Jack split the taxi bill. I thanked the driver and stepped out the car grabbing my bag. We walked into the lobby of the hotel.

"How may I help you today" The lady behind the desk asked. "Umm I'm here for a business trip kodak photography" I informed her. "Ok here we are floor six room three" She said. I grabbed the key and walked to the elevator Jack following behind.

"You nervous?" Jack asked. "Kinda" I shrugged my shoulders. "When are you gonna meet up with him" Jack questioned. "whenever he is ready" I said. "You coming with me?" I asked Jack. "I mean I guess, but I don't wanna be a third wheel" Jack said.

"Your not Jack is gonna be there" I reassured him. "Ok" he perked up a little. I can't remember the last time Jack was even in a relationship heck I don't think he's been really interested with anyone lately.

The elevator stopped and we got off at our floor I walked a little ways until we where at our room. I slid the key in the door and opened it as it clicked. It was the basic hotel room nothing special.

I set my suitcase on one of the beds. It didn't really matter which bed as long as I got sleep. I decided to text Shawn because he doesn't even now I'm in the hotel or even in Canada yet.

I'm at my hotel.

Oh my god I'm so excited babe😱

When do you wanna meet up?

As soon as possible😊

Jack is gonna come so bring Jj. Ok??

Ok. Do you want me to pick you up.

Yea☺️ I'm at the Holiday Inn on Main Street. I'm so nervous/excited.

I know me too. I'll be there in 20 ok.

Ok can't wait😊

Shawn's POV
Oh. My. God. I can't believe I am on way to get Taylor. This is so real like what the actual fuck. I'm so nervous.

"Ok now where are we going" Jj said as he drove out our neighborhood. "The Holiday Inn on Main Street" I told him. He began to drive there it wasn't that far away.

My nerves picked up as we approached the hotel. "Shawn calm down" Jj spoke. I breathed in and out. My stomach had knots. I pulled my phone out my pocket and texted Taylor that we where here.

I stepped out the car. I needed to give him the proper greeting. I stood there for a good five minutes. Then I saw him, he was wearing a red,white, and blue tie-dye bucket hat. With a white shirt, jeans, and vans. Damn he was hot.

I couldn't control the smile on my face as he approached me. Taylor walked up to me I couldn't speak so instead I flung my arms around his neck his arms around my waist. "Hey" Taylor spoke. "Hi" I said. I pulled away from the hug.

My hands still around his neck. Taylor's hands where now placed on my hips. He was like two inches taller than me.

Taylor's POV
Shawn was perfect more than I expected. "Can I kiss you?" I said loud enough for him to here. Shawn bit his lip and nodded. I leaned in and our lips connected. It was slow and sweet just perfect. I smiled into the kiss before pulling away.

"Umm are y'all ready to go" Jack asked breaking our moment. Shawn cleared his throat awkwardly. "Sorry I didn't introduce myself right, I'm Shawn and that's Jj" he said to Jack. "Jack" Shawn and him shook hands then him and Jj did.

"So where are we heading?" Jj asked. "Umm we can go grab something to eat" I suggested. Everyone nodded there heads. Shawn and I sat in the back seat as Jack and Jack sat in the front.

I couldn't wipe the smile of my face. Shawn was just so cute. I intertwined me and Shawn's fingers and kissed his hand. "I love you" I spoke. Shawn smiled up at me "I love you too" He pecked my lips.

I love how comfortable we already are with eachother. "You wanna go to Apple Bee's" Jj asked. "yea that fine with y'all" Shawn said. Me and Jack nodded our heads. I needed to ask Jack something private so I texted him.

Can you and Jack sit at a different table for me🙏😩

I watched as Jack pulled his phone out his pocket.

Of course dude

Thanks man☺️

I tapped Shawn's shoulder and showed him the text. He nodded in understanding and pulled out his phone. I guess he's texting Jj

Shawn's POV
Can you please sit with Jack at another table🙏

Fine... your lucky I love you.

I love you too bae😍

I stuffed my phone back in my pocket and smiled up at Taylor. This was just so unreal I can't believe I'm sitting next to Taylor right now. "Ok y'all both know the plan" Taylor said as we parked in the a parking space. "Yep" Jack said opening his door.

Jj laughed a little and everyone got out the car. Taylor grabbed my hand as we walked in. "How many" The waiter asked. "Umm can we get two tables each for two" I said. She nodded our head and led us to our tables.

Me and Taylor was laughing and just having a good time. "Look" Taylor pointed towards the Jacks. Jj was looking down blushing as Jack laughed. "I wonder why he's blushing?" I said.

Taylor shrugged. "Can you come back to my place" I asked. "I wanna cuddle" I added. Taylor smiled and nodded his head. "So what do you have to do for your job" I questioned.

"Well I have to take wedding pictures, model pictures, and just nature pictures" Taylor explained. I nodded my head. "Your gonna sing for me when we get to your house right?" Taylor said. "I mean if you want..." I said.

Taylor just smiled at me. "You have beautiful teeth" Taylor blushed at my words. That's cute.

It was already late when we got back to my house. We already took Jack back to the hotel. I felt bad that he was staying alone, but he insisted that Taylor stay with me.

"Goodnight guys. It was nice to meet you Taylor" Jj said as he walked upstairs into his room. "Aww man do you have any mouthwash" Taylor asked. "Follow me" I said as I began to walk up the stairs to my room.

I walked in my bathroom and looked under the sink. "I brought a two pack of toothbrush, and only used one" I said handing Taylor a toothbrush. "Thank you" Taylor pecked my lips and went to brush his teeth.

I walked to my closet and got me and Taylor some sweat pants. I took off my pants and shirt and put on the sweatpants. I walked back to the bathroom and set the pants on the counter. "thank you" Taylor's words came out muffled from the toothbrush.

I walked back in the room. Taylor came out the bathroom with the sweats and shirtless. Damn!!! He is hot as fuck. "Your hot" I spoke. "Not as hot as you" Taylor walked up to me and put his hands on my hips. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I. Love. You." Taylor said between kisses. I smiled he is to cute. "I need to take a picture with you" I said.I grabbed my phone of my night stand.

I went to the camera Taylor stood behind me and kissed my cheek as I smiled at the camera. I snapped the picture it was so cute. I set it has my screensaver and put my phone on the charger.

"Can you sing for me" Taylor pleaded. I faked groaned and grabbed my guitar out of its case. "What song?" I asked. "Sing that one you sung when we where skyping" Taylor said.

I began to strum the beat of that song.

"I know that we just met maybe this is dumb it feels like there was something from the moment that returns"

I strummed the last few beats and Taylor clapped. "Your so talented" Taylor said making me blush a little. I sat my guitar back in my case.

I climbed in bed with Taylor. I snuggled into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. I loved being in his arms.

Shaylor has united. Yassss betch. I feel good about this chapter so yeah, and we even have some jolinsky in this shit. Sorry I cuss when I get excited.

Guys I'm just so happy because like one week until I meet Tay I just can't I'm gonna cry. Me and my friend Lillian are thinking about making a poster that says "Booty on Fleek" because Taylor booty is on fleek. Hehe

QOTD: Did you like this chapter?

AOTD: Yes😃

SOTD: I don't even know your name~Shawn Mendes😘

Why cross a ocean for someone who wouldn't step over a puddle for you.

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(Written in Spanish on @AppleJacks_99 and French on @MagicalJolinsky)