They Don't Believe In Us (fre...

Von AstroAlien37

15.9K 803 1.4K

Gerard Way is your average outcast at school. He's bullied, has a couple of friends, and likes to keep to him... Mehr

1- The Start of It All
2- Break Out Of Your Shell, Angel
3- A Not So Typical Day in the Uneventful Life of Gerard Way
4- Tripping Over Gerard Way Both Literally and Emotionally
5- This Never Meant Nothing To Ya
6- A Kiss And I Will Surrender
7- Gerard Did What?!
8- Friction
10- What's This Feeling?
11- I Know
12- A Day to Remember
13- Elena
14- The Candy Incident that Scared the Shit out of Frank Iero
15- Why Would Something Like That Be A Phase?
16- The Night When Frank Iero Nearly Lost His Temper
17- Be My Escape, Frank
18- "Tell Me A Story Every Night Before Bed..."
19- Shocking Blue Eyes That Resembled Kurt Cobain's
20- Can You Feel My Heart? Because You're Making It Beat Out Of My Chest
21- What's Happened Between You Two Before
22- Almost Caught and Our Lives At Stake
23- Saturday *cue Fall Out Boy song*
24- You're In for a Doozy, Frank Iero
25- The Edge of Tonight
26- What's Going On With My Brother?
27- Make Me A Mess, Frank Iero
28- Christmas Eve Part 1
29- Christmas Eve Part 2
30- All I Want For Christmas Is You
31- I'll Help You
32- The Chapter in Which Frank Iero Covers a Kurt Cobain Cover of a Beatles Song
33- What's The Worst That I Can Say?
34- He Finally Expresses Himself
35- You Gotta Live Your Life to the Fullest, Right?
36- The Day Gerard Way Wasn't Ready to Have Two Meaningful Conversations
37- How Life is Going Without You
38- The Ending of One Chapter, the Beginning of Another

9- Awake In Your Arms

581 29 24
Von AstroAlien37

Gerard's POV

When I woke up this morning, it was with a comfortable warmth surrounding me. Then I realized this warmth was coming from another human body. My head was underneath theirs and my arms curled up between our bare chests. His tattoo sleeved arm held me close by my waist, and our, also bare, legs were tangled together.


I was with Frank.

In bed with Frank.

My heart fluttered and butterflies formed in my stomach. I was really groggy. Trying not to disturb Frank, I rotated my head slightly to try and see if the time was visible anywhere in his room. I saw a simple grey wall clock that read 9:12 am. It had to have been near 4 o'clock in the fucking morning when we fell asleep. No wonder I was tired. I nuzzled my head into Frank's neck gently before looking down at his arm that was holding me. Subconsciously, I moved my arm from between our bodies to trace over his tattoos with my fingers, feeling them and trying to go into his world to figure out the meanings behind getting them.

Frank stirred a bit, him shifting beside me, and in the process he ended up pulling me closer and he moved his head so his chin up to his nose was nuzzled against my forehead. I was admiring the tattoos on his upper arm when I felt his lips press against my forehead, signalling he was definitely awake. The sudden feeling of the action made me smile, and of course, my face heat up. I kept on tracing over his tattoos, though, still fascinated by them. Especially since the lighting was a lot better since the sun was up and I could actually see them. I must've been tracing somewhat lightly, because soon, I felt shivers go down Frank's body. This made me move my head to look up at him, a smirk clad on my face.

"I'm sorry, did I do that?" I quietly say to him in a grumbly, sleep-clad voice, moving my hand up his arm to rest on the side of his neck, with the scorpion.

"Mmm." was all I got back in response, Frank closing his eyes and nodding, obviously just as tired as me. I trailed chaste kisses from where my hand previously rested on his neck, up his jawline and finished on his pink lips, earning another hum from him.

"Good morning." Frank spoke after our kiss.

"Morning, Frankie." I mumble in response, leaning in for another peck, which still managed to make my heart swell.

We ended up just kissing for around 5 minutes.

Nothing sexual, though. Just enjoying each other and expressing our feelings.

Frank was the one to pull away, me whining from the lack of him. He giggled at me while sitting up while I still stayed plopped on the bed. Frank just sat there looking down at me and smiling, with me watching him with one eye poking out between my arm up on the pillow and the other half of my face stuffed in the pillow. I shied away soon after, snuggling my whole face into the pillow and bringing one of my legs up to my torso.

"You're beautiful." Frank whispers out of the blue, putting a hand on my exposed back and rubbing up and down it lightly. My face was still practically hidden in the pillow, but not all of it, because he saw the smile form on my face and chuckled, placing a kiss on my shoulder.

"I'm getting up. I plan on making coffee. Want any?"

"Hell yeah I want coffee." I managed to get out, almost falling asleep again.

"I've got clothes scattered all around here, you can throw on whatever when you come down, okay?" I nod my head, eyes still closed, and I sprawl myself out on the full-sized bed, taking up all the space.

I hear him shuffle around and I open one eye, seeing him put on some sweatpants then head towards the door, I feel like he's going to look back so I close my eye until I hear the door open and close, letting me know he's headed downstairs. After resting my eyes for a minute or two, I decide to sit up. He was right about having clothes scattered around the floor. I guess he's so pooped at the end of the day that he just tosses things onto the floor, not having a care in the world where they land. His room is relatively simple. Bed. Dresser. Closet. Some pictures. Stuff like that. I sat there just looking around his room for 5 minutes before deciding to actually get up, a yawn escaping my lips. Glancing through his clothes spread throughout his room, my eyes spotted what looked to be a black, baggy sweater. I grabbed it and pulled it on, looking down to see what was on it. X-Files. I chuckled. Frank is definitely a nerd. I love him.

At least, I hoped to be able to say that sometime. It was too soon to know how to actually feel. I decided to just stay in my boxers and the rather comfy sweater, which was surprisingly kind of big on me. It left only an inch of my boxers showing at the bottom, and I could hold the sleeves over my hands. Even though I was taller than Frank, my frame was smaller. I'm a skinny kid. Then I made my way downstairs.

I found my way into the kitchen, Frank's back turned to me as he was making his cup of coffee. I leaned against the door frame, crossing one leg over the other, and lifting a hand up to my mouth to chew on the sleeve of his sweater. Then he turned to look over his shoulder at me, him doing a double take to look me up and down at the sweater I was wearing, and, well, I was still in my underwear. I cocked an eyebrow at him, making him smirk and roll his eyes at me, going back to finishing up his coffee.

"Stop trying to seduce me, Gerard." Frank said in the comfortable silence. I giggled. I walked up behind him and put my arms around his waist, linking my hands at his front, pushing him lightly into the counter, pinning him there. I had an advantage being slightly taller than him, so I leaned my face to his ear and nibbled at it. Frank squeaked at my action and tried to bat me away. I just tightened my grip around his waist and laughed deviously. Frank managed to turn around in my death-like grip so we were facing each other. Our laughing died down as he put his arms around my neck, going up on his toes to be completely eye level with me, and we kissed.

I moved my hands to his waist, and moved him back to the counter so he had nowhere to go and our bodies were pressed together. Frank suddenly moved his tongue along my bottom lip, and I opened my mouth, knowing what he wanted. His tongue found its way in my mouth and we spent time just tasting each other. Morning breath among both of us. Before anything got really heated between us, though, we both pulled away. Frank had a mug out already for me, and I grabbed it, pouring coffee into it.

"Do you have any creamer?"

"In the fridge, babe." I blush at the nickname, my shy nature coming back to me as I walk to the fridge and open it, spotting hazelnut coffee creamer and grabbing it. I pour in a little bit before putting it back in the fridge and adding some sugar. When I set down the sugar, Frank hands me the spoon he used to mix so I can do the same, licking it after I'm done and satisfied with the taste. I looked at the microwave clock and notice it's already past 10. Geez.

Frank kissed my cheek after I took a first sip of my coffee, leading me to the living room and sitting on the couch. After he turned the tv on to Sunday Morning, he sat back down on the couch, leaning into the back. I cuddled up to him, curling up my legs up and leaning them onto his legs, which were propped up on the coffee table, my coffee in my hands. Instead of Frank wrapping his arm I was leaning into around me, he rested his hand on my thigh and started rubbing small circles with his thumb.

Then a vibration startled the both of us. Especially Frank. He lifted part of his butt up and reached beneath him, pulling out my phone. I guess that fell out of my back pocket during last night's events. Frank rolled his eyes, a pink tint on his cheeks as he clearly remembered last night as well, and handed me my phone. Mikey had just sent me a text. I had numerous messages, actually. I just read Mikey's recent one, though.

Mikey: get to Pete's at noon, remember I don't have my license and I can't drive your car home?

Me: fine, I'll do my best

Mikey: wow he responds I thought he'd be busy with his lover

Seriously, Mikey?

Me: hah hah you're so funny I'm laughing my ass off right now. -_-

Mikey: see you at noon, Gee

Me: yeah

"Mikey needs me to get back to Pete's at noon. I drove us there and I'm guessing he's got unfinished homework to squeeze in." I bring up.

"Well, it's 10:30 now. That gives us some time, yeah?"

"Yeah." I had just finished my coffee, so I leaned over to set the empty mug on the table, Frank having already been done with his. When I moved, Frank moved his hand to in between my thighs, making me look back at him with a smile. I leaned down and pecked him, teasing him from his obvious desires.

"What do you want to do for an hour?" He asked me, squeezing my thigh. Our faces were still close together, and I breathed out at his action, my breath hitting his neck and giving him chills.


I closed the gap between our faces and kissed Frank passionately.


By 11:40, Frank and I were fully clothed and heading out the door, set on taking me back to Pete's house. I texted Mikey letting him know I was on my way.

Once Frank locked the front door, he laced his hand in mine and kissed my head. Though that didn't last long, seeing we had reached the car 30 seconds later. Frank started up the engine and we were backing out of his driveway, the radio playing David Bowie, and he placed his hand on my thigh, giving it a squeeze. I blushed, remembering the previous hour. To summarize, it was filled with sloppy kisses, moans, and to top it all off, grinding. But no, we did not have sex. I'm still scared shitless about that. It makes me nervous, because I'm awkward as fuck, and those situations that happen in a show or movie I may be watching always make me uncomfortable, so I would stop watching.

"Gee?" That pulled me back into reality.

"Hmm?" I set my gaze toward him.

"We just passed the bar. I need to know directions from here, kay?" I nodded and pointed forward, signalling to keep going straight for now. Frank just rubbed his hand that was on my thigh back and forth. When he stopped, I placed my hand over his, interlocking our fingers.

"Turn right up ahead."

After some time telling him what ways to turn to reach our destination, we made it to Pete's. Frank leaned over, intending to kiss my cheek, but to his surprise, I turned my head, locking our lips together.

"Thank you, for this weekend. And everything." Shy words escaping me.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, Gee. I know I did."

"You know, we could get out of the car so I can properly hug you. It's not like my friends don't know about us or anything. Everybody had left Pete's by now, though. It was just Mikey that was still there, my car parked on the side of the road by his home. Frank laughed breathily before nodding. We both exited the car, then. Frank made his way over to where I was on the passenger side of the car, putting his hands on my waist. I cupped his face with my hands, kissing him, before I moved my arms around his shoulders and pulling him in for a hug, my face snuggling into his neck. Frank's grip tightened around my back and we squeezed each other one last time before letting go.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Gee."

"I'll see ya then, Frankie." I quickly leaned in to give him one last peck on the lips before our departure. We both blushed after that, our hearts racing.

Frank drove off in his car as I walked up to Pete's front door, ringing the doorbell. Mikey answered it, coming out the door immediately, very obviously wanting to go home.

"Okay then, you're obviously ready."

"Yeah, I've got a shitload of homework."

"That's what happens when you slack off, Mikes. I'm done."

"Well that's because you never actually go out on Friday nights."

We were in my car now, Pete waving from his window and us waving in return, as I turned on the car and started to drive off.

"How was he? Kinky?"

I nearly choked.

"Mikey! What the actual mother-loving shit did that come from?"

"Just wandering if you enjoyed yourselves, is all."

Goodness sake.

"That didn't happen, Mikey, you can cut it out." I bitched at him, getting annoyed.

"What on earth did happen then if you didn't do the stereotypical thing to do?"

I started turning the color of a tomato.

"W-We, uh. Ahem. Wedidn'ttakeitthatfar." I mumbled the ending, not wanting to talk about this to my brother of all people.

"OH so stuff did happen! Just not to its maximum. I see."

"Can we stop, Mikey? Anyways, who's this 'Kristin' I always see you texting?" I noticed he had his phone out, texting this mysterious girl again. This time was Mikey's turn to become a tomato.

"Nobody." He quietly answered after a minute.

"Suuuuure. Don't think I'm just going to leave it at that."


Mikey and I walked into our home to see our mom sitting in the living room watching a movie that was on tv.

"How are you boys? Anything fun happen?" Mikey just smirked at me, us both thinking about Frank.

"Nothing much, real-"

"Gerard spent the night at his boyfr-" Mikey quickly spurted out before I hit him upside the head from shock.

"Mikey! Is talking to this girl a lot and I think there's something between the two of them and I think he should tell us about her or something's gonna go down."

"Boys!" Mom raised her voice over our ruckus, not in an impatient manner, but just to get our attention. It did just that. We stopped and looked at her, straightening our stances.

"Boy, what, Gerard? Friend? Boy... friend? Is that what Mikey was starting to say before you oh so graciously lost your cool and smacked him?" My mom looked at me with a knowing look in her eyes, with me knowing I couldn't lie to her. Damn mother's intuition.

"I-I- well.. um-"

"What's his name, honey?"

"F-" I hit Mikey. If my mother was finding out about my boyfriend, then I would be the one to tell her about him.

"Frank-" I almost said 'Frankie', so I'm lucky I caught myself.

"Oh that's a nice name, dear." Mom smiled at me, and I sheepishly smiled back.

"He's 22."

Holy mother of God, Mikey was out to kill me.

Mom was taken aback of course, but she didn't look like she was going to explode, which surprised me.

"Gerard, is Mikey right?" I nod guiltily and cross my arms over my stomach, looking down at my converse-clad feet.

"Well, honey, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't shocked. Anything between you two that would perhaps happen would be illegal, you know that?" Mikey snorted, knowing just how illegal our relationship was. But he didn't say anything. "Anyways, just, if your relationship with this Frank manages to last past your 18th birthday, don't do anything physical, okay? As for the age gap, it's only 5 years. I don't find that bad at your age. Plus, I know how mature you are for your age. You may disagree with me, but I can honestly say I see that in you all the time. Just make sure this is what you want, honey."

"I think it is." I reply, astonished at my mother.

That night, Mikey struggled to finish his homework, while I started drawing Frank.

I was falling for him.


I didn't know how to finish this chapter oops


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