The Unwanted ghost of the Uch...

By ak714321

73.9K 944 378

Hi This is my first fanfic so if theres any problem in my writing and how i organize my story lss message me... More

Ran away
Who are you?, and who am i?
Realization and regrets
Training Pt 1
Training part 2 and the past
Ten years later and goodbye
1k Reads
I am back
Shinobi era and the surprise
Entrance exam and unwanted reunion
First day
Teaser for the next chap
Introductions and 1st move
Battle Training
Jirou Family Reunited and Class President

Jirou Family backstory

2.2K 30 0
By ak714321

Last chapter:

Izuku: " What the hell happened!!???"


Madara: "Oh Izuku my son your finally here can you tell these two why they were at our house"

Izuku looks at Kyoka's Parent ans Kyoka's parent saw Izuku carrying Kyoka bridal style

Izuku: " Uh Hi so your finally awake Kyoka would be happy to see you awake"

Kyoka's Father: " Why are you carrying my daughter? And who are you?"

Izuku: " well i am Izuku Uchiha Otsutsuki"

When they heard Izuku's last name they immediately got into a fighting stance

Kyoka's Father: "Let go of our daughter i don't care if you are more powerful than me i don't care if Hisashi send you ill kill you" Both Kyoka's parents then went charging at Izuku but Izuku just simply paralyzed there movements for a bit si that they would listen

Izuku: " Can you please listen first"

Kyoka's Mother: "Fine we cant do much anyway we are paralyzed"

Izuku: "good now let me reintroduce my self i am Izuku Uchiha Otsutsuki the sone of Madara Uchiha and the new Sage of Six Paths"

Both of them was shock

Kyoka's Father: " How can we know your not lying?"

Izuku: " I'll show you my memories"

Kyoka's Mom: " Fine"

Izuku then used his mangekyou sharingan and put the three of them in tsukiyomi

Izuku: " This is the world of tsukiyomi and here ill show you that i am telling the truth Izuku then showed them his memories they were shocked at what they saw both parents then discussed with each other wether they could trust him or not, a few mins later They decided

Kyoka's Mother: " Ok we decided to trust you for now but if we ever found out you doing something funny then were gone"

Izuku nodded and the three of them went back to the real world

Madara: " So do they trust us now?"

Kyoka's Father: "Only him not you i am still skeptical about you i know you are Madara Uchiha"

Madara: " Ok i understand"

Kyoka's Mother: " And what happened to Kyoka why was she in your arms asleep?"

Izuku: " Because she was exhausted"

Kyoka's Father: " Exhausted how?"

Izuku: " It was battle trial in U.A and Kyoka overused her sharingan and had a chakra exhaustion"

Kyoka's Father: " Ok i believe you and by the my name is Kyotoku Jirou or Kyotoku Uchiha"

Kyoka's Mother: " My name is Mika Jirou"

Izuku: " Oh and i forgiot to introduce to you Hime introduce yourself"

Kaguya: " Hi i am Kaguya Otsutsuki yes the Kaguya Otsutsuki"

Both Mika and kyotoku were shocked that Kaguya is out of the seal there ancestor and Naruto sealed her in

Mika: " How did you escaped the seal?"

Kaguya: " I didn't escape Izuku freed me"

Kyotoku: " Izuku how did you free her?"

Izuku: " i don't know i kinda find a scroll and opened it then there"

Kyotoku: *sigh* " That seal was said to be impossible to be unlocked but you just did"

Izuku: " Ah, I have a question?"

Mika: "Yes what is it?"

Izuku: " Why is Hisashi after you?"

Mika: " No he is not after us he is after Kyoka her eyes he said they are something special you said she unlocked her mangekyou right?"

Izuku nodded

Mika: " Does she have the ability called multiple?"

Izuku nodded again

Izuku: " Why is that ability have to do with Hisashi"

Kyotoku: " You see that ability if it evolved into EMS it can evolve into an ability known as Shokubai from what i've read from the scroll that our ancestor sasuke research that the ability has infinite power most likely will be omnipotent if have said power and if Hisashi gets his hands on it then he will get the ultimate dojutsu Shokuigan i don't know what it does cause they were only a few scroll mentioned about that but it is said to be the eyes of the Great creator and destroyer"

Everyone's eyes widened this was a new information now they a new mission protect Kyoka at all cost and train her to be able to fend for herself when they're not there

Madara: " This is very troublesome indeed we have to protect her at all cost" Everyone nodded there heads

Izuku: " Dad we could also train her so that she could also fend for herself and once she gets into EMS she can help us stop Hisashi"

Madara nodded

Madara: " I will train her in the sharingan and taijutsu Hashirama will train her on jutsu's"

Izuku: " I'll help in anyways i can to train her"

Kaguya: " Me too"

Kyotoku and Mika were glad that Kyoka met them if she hasn't she would have already been captured by Hisashi too

Izuku: "Can you tell us what happened when Hisashi First attack you"

Kyotoku: "well it all started"


It was morning in the Uchiha compound the compound was covered in genjutsu so that a person that is not of an Uchiha blood can't get in we can see Kyoka practicing her Taijutsu with a long black haired girl both have matured sharingan and both have been best friends since birth they do things together and have protected each other

???: " Come on Kyoka is that all you got

Kyoka: " I am just getting started Irene"

Both smiled and charged each other holding both of there swords

Kyoka is Madara and irene is Hashirama

Both were fighting on stalemate but Kyoka quickly had an idea while they kept clashing there sword unbeknownst to Irene, Kyoka had set up a trap without her knowing

Kyoka: " What Irene is that all you got" Kyoka taunted her best friend in hopes that she will take it

Irene: " I am just getting started Kyoka" Irene rushed at Kyoka and she saw Kyoka smiled It confused her but realizes the situation but it was already too late bow we can see Irene on the ground and Kyoka on top of her pointing her sword ai Irene's neck

Kyoka: " I win"

Irene: " How did you do it?"

Kyoka: " Simple genjutsu"

Irene: " I would have known if it was Genjutsu i had the sharingan on"

Kyoka: " Yeah i know that's why i made anew Genjutsu that can even trap the ones with sharingan i called it Genjiki where i doubled the Genjutsu confusing a sharingan user with double Genjustu"

Irene: " Woahhhh that's cool Kyokaaa"

Kyoka: " Let's finish for now i am tired"

Irene: " Me too"

Flashback end

Izuku: " So she was Kyoka's best friend?"

Mika: " Yes sadly the next day the attack happened


Kyoka was training her kenjutsu with her beatfriend until suddenly they heard explosion coming from outside they looked and see many Uchiha fighting one man and were slaughtered easily the man looked at Kyoka the man known as Hisashi Otsutsuki

Hisashi: " You there little girl come here and give me your eyes"

Kyoka: " No i won't" Kyoka said holding her sword ready to fight the man

Hisashi: " It's funny to think you can defeat me"

Kyoka was suddenly pulled towards hisashi and hisashi grabbed her by the neck and was about to get her eyes but she was saved by her best friend Irene

Hisashi: " How dare you interrupt a God you stupid brat"

Irene: " Kyoka run he's after you i'll hold him till you escape"

Kyoka: " No i won't leave you"

Irene: " Kyoka just go run pls"

Kyoka: " For the last time i an not leaving you your my best friend we always do thing together"

Irene: " I am sorry Kyoka" Irene then launched Kyoka into the woods far away as possible

Kyoka: " Irene Nooooooo!!!!!!!"

Hisashi: " You damn brat you'll pay for getting in The way"

Irene then hold her sword ready to attack Hisashi but was stabbed in the stomach he couldn't see Hisashi move

Irene: " Heh i guess this is it for me i hope you lived Kyoka and be happy"

Hisashi then vanished from the compound and after a few mins Kyotoku and Mika arrived and saw the destruction of the compound they looked for Kyoka but was not found and they saw Irene who was still breathing

Mika: " Irene where's Kyoka wait don't talk lets heal you first"

Irene: " Aunt no its already too late to heal me and kyoka i send her south in the woods so that the man won't take her tell her to take care aunty and uncle tell her i'll be watching over he-" Irene didn't finish as that was the last of her strength

Mika and Kyotoku immediately went to the woods and looked for Kyoka after a few hours they finally found her knocked out

Flashback end

Mika: " So that's how the attack happened we could've saved her also if we were there in time" Mika said crying

Izuku: " Where were you when the attack happen?"

Kyotoku: " We were at the entrance gate of our compound we fought him there but he was too powerful he knocked us out i don't know why he didn't slaughter us like the others"

Izuku: " Hmm so i was right your listening right now huh Hisashi?"

Hisashi: " It seems like i underestimated you huh Izuku The new sage of six path"

The voice cane out of nowhere

Izuku: " Come out you bastard"

Hisashi: " Oh why would i do that?"

Izuku: " So that i could fucking kill you already"

Hisashi: " You killing me, me a god don't make me laugh someday we will meet New sage of six path"
The voice then vanished

Izuku: " He has put some chakra of his into both of your body so that he could soy on the both of you i can take it out if you want"

Mika: " Plss take it out we don't want to be the cause of my Baby girl getting captured from that monster"

Izuku: "ok then both of you come here" they both then went in front of Izuku and Izuku just Touched there shoulder absorbing Hisashi's Chakra out of there body it took 1 hour to absorb hisashi's chakra as it was resisting to be absorbed

Izuku: " Ok it's finish let's continue the story tomorrow and also we will also train you both and give you both eternal as well as Kyoka for now let us rest"

All of them agreed to rest and Kyotoku and Mika were given a room and Izuku carried Kyoka into her bedroom and placed her there in the bed tucking her in the bedsheet and he finally went to his room and saw his hime laying down on the bed waiting for him

Izuku: " I am here hime"

Kaguya: " Izu-kun"

Izuku: " Yes hime?"

Kaguya: " I am worried about the future what if we don't stop him what if we couldn't protect Kyoka what if - " she was cut off by Izuku hugging her

Izuku: " Do not be worried hime i won't let that happen i still have to marry you you know" izuku kissed kaguya while hugging her making her worries go down abit

Kaguya: " Ok izu-kun"

Izuku: " Let's sleep ok and we will plan it all tomorrow"

Kaguya: " Hai goodnight Izu-kun i love you"

Izuku: " Goodnight too hime i love you too" Izuku then kissed Kaguya on the forehead and both cuddled each other to sleep

Chapter end

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