My Guardian Nightmare

By Mondi06

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There was a rumored cult that has been given offerings to a demon to not unleash hell on their town for many... More

Chp. 1 - Visit
Chp. 2 - Cult
Chp. 3 - New Classmate
Chp. 4 - Lucid Dreaming
Chp. 5 - Cooking Time
Chp. 6 - Jobs are mean, in Error's opinion
Chp. 7 - Ice Cream
Chp. 8 - Food and talking
Chp. 9: Just a mother coming home... Oh, and Pain.
Chp. 10 - Breakfast after the shock
Chp. 11 - Glück
Chp. 12 - Gifts
Chp. 13 - Planning
Chp. 14 - Reintroducing: The worst person possible
Chp. 15 - Breaking down
Chp. 16 - Visitors
Chp. 17 - A tale of persuading cats and swearing
Chp. 18 - Seeking help from the outside
Chp. 19 - Someone from the past
Chp. 20 - Disturbance
Chp. 21 - Quitting?
Chp. 22 - Father-Daughter-Reunion, I guess
Chp. 23 Nightly Visit
Chp. 24 - Bonding Time
Chp. 25 - The stairs of doom
Chp. 26 - Hospital
Chp. 27 - Eos
Special - Birthday Party
Chp. 29 - Geno's Check-Up
Chp. 30 - Shadows
Chp. 31 - New Home
Chp. 32 - Office
Chp. 33 - Further explanation about the cult
Chp. 34 - King Nightymare
Chp. 35 - Crown
Chp. 36 - Crayon Queen
Chp. 37 - Similarity between mother and son
Chp. 38 - Spooder
Chp. 39 - Removing the drug
Chp. 40- Talking about trauma
Chp. 41 - Dads are embarrassing
Chp. 42 - Medicine Time
Chp. 43 - Meeting Family
Chp. 44 - Waking World
Chp. 45 - Demise
Chp. 46 - A teasing God
Chp. 47 - Magic?
Chp. 48 - Alptraum
Chp. 49 - A super cool Adventure
Chp. 50 - Lovebirds
Chp. 51 - A crash

Chp. 28 - SOUL

717 33 22
By Mondi06

They then turned back to the children, seeing that the Doctor has went back to checking on Fresh for anything else before moving towards Error, kneeling down in front of... Them?
"Error, I'm gonna need to check on your SOUL, alright?"
The Doctor asked as she then pulled out a device.

"Don't worry, this is quite similar to a stethoscope, but it's for SOULs, as that's what lets you live, like how humans have hearts."
The doctor smiled gently. Error nervously nodded, swinging their legs a bit... Ah, being called a they, or some other... Gender? Is so weird....

Geno looked curiously at the doctor and Error, while CQ watched tensed.
She knew that something was wrong with Geno, but she didn't know if something was wrong with Error, so this was worrying her.
,,If you don't want to be called they, that's okay, okay? If you want to, you can stay a he."
Nightmare hummed. ,,And don't be that nervous, calm a bit down. If it's similar to a Stethoscope, it won't hurt you at all, it will just feel cold."

'Okay...' Error slowly nodded, the Doctor then gave a comforting smile before opening the twin sticks device, revealing it to be some sort of tablet when a black holographic screen appeared in front.
The Doctor then looked through it before frowning in concern as she read what's being shown in the screen.

"I'm gonna have to look at your SOUL directly."
The doctor said seriously while Asy glanced at CQ in worry.
"Doc is something wrong?" Asy worriedly asked, moving and carefully holding Geno, hugging him in a way that it also prevents him from hearing anything.

"I can't say for sure but... I'm hoping that what I'm seeing is wrong."
Dr. Maraya held concern in her voice, something was definitely wrong.
Comyet then moved and held CQ again in case if it's actually bad and concerning.
CQ looked quite worried and fiddled with her fingers.
The woman looked at Asy, because he was the person she trusted the most in this room and looked back at Error.

"I'm gonna have your SOUL out little one, it would feel weird at first, but I assure you, it won't hurt."
The Dr. smiled gently and Error looked at her reluctantly.
"It- It won't...?" "No it won't." The doctor than carefully touched Error, who glitched at the unfamiliar touch before he calmed a bit.
Error then nodded, before proceeding to look away.

Dr. Maraya then carefully hovered her screen above Error's chest before jerking it towards herself and Error flinched a bit in surprise when his SOUL was then forced out.
Asy's eyesockets widened in shock and worry, quickly covering Geno's eyesockets as well while the doctor's eyes widened in horror.
Comyet softly gasping as she covered her mouth.

The moment Error's SOUL was out, it revealed it to not only be glitching heavily, but there was a carved mark on his SOUL as well, The initials of 'NM' with a strikethrough across and a jagged circle around it.

(Made by Neva)

The doctor recognized this immediately and looked at Error in worry.
"You... You were one of the..." Error simply refused to look at the doctor in the eyes.
Comyet and Asy was horrified, who would do such a thing on a child?!
And judging by the looks of it, it still looked fresh!
"This looks no older than just a few months ago too..." The doctor muttered in concern.

CQ looked away, clenching her fists, before releasing it again, not wanting to seem angry.
But she was. She was mad.
Of course she had heard of it when she was younger, but she never thought it was real.
Geno put his hands on Asy's hands, confused why he couldn't see.

,,Okay, HOLY SHIT what is that-" Nightmare said, and he swore. In front of Error.
,,Are those the initials of my name? Was it those cultists? I can assure you, I didn't said to them that they should do that, I may be evil, but I am not a monster-"

'It... It was mandatory... Th-They said that it would make the sacrifice more effective...'
Error replied, moving and attempting to cover his SOUL with his hand.
The doctor noticed and quickly grabbed a check before letting the SOUL back into Error, who was tearing up now while the doctor then carefully pets Error.
"We'll treat your SOUL hun... Does it not hurt...?" The doctor worriedly asked.
"I-It used to... But... Wh-When I was sent home, they did something..."
Error shakily replied and the Doctor nodded.

"Doctor, you seem to know what happened, care to tell us?" Safe to say, Asy was pissed.
"I'm sorry sir, but I cannot say anything about it... They're all watching."
The Dr. Whispered and Asy grumbled a bit in annoyance as he drops his hands from Geno's eyesockets so he could see and hear again, looking around in confusion, Comyet doing the same.

CQ looked at Asy in confusion, before shuddering. ,,Shouldn't you know about it?"
She mumbled, rubbing both of her arms and shuddered.

,,That's bullcrap! It doesn't make anything more effective, it just marks you!" Nightmare grumbled angrily.
"No." Asy shook his skull, glancing at CQ in confusion. "I don't either..."
Comyet sheepishly said and the Doctor sighed.
"It's expected, not everyone knows about them."
The Doctor then stood up, looking at the stats.
"Now, continuing the evaluation, besides the... Scar... On your SOUL, you have glitches in your main core, which means that this isn't ordinary Pixlexia too..." The doctor trailed off.
"Have you ever felt hurt whenever you got touched?"

"I used to... Nowadays, it's only when... When my glitches act up..."
Error nervously replied, he doesn't like interrogation.
"As expected, your Pixelexia affects every single fibre of your your being since it's part of your SOUL, and not just physically..."
The doctor explained. "Which means your glitches hurts even when you're just idling."
"... Wh... What's idling?" "When you're not moving, sweetie..."
"Oh... It used to... I got used to it." Error sheepishly said and the doctor slowly nodded.
"That's... Unfortunately, also expected... This would mean your pain tolerance is high when it comes to outer pain..."

CQ  fiddled nervously with her fingers, looking at the doctor and Error.
,,Huh... this is interesting." Nightmare hummed. ,,But are you okay, Error?"
'I don't know... They saw my SOUL... I didn't wanna say yes but I heard that doctors helps s-so...'
Error trailed off, watching as the doctor hummed a bit.

"At least there's no other problems with your SOUL besides the branding and your Pixlexia... Nothing else is wrong which is good... Now moving on to your SOUL traits..."
The Doctor trailed off, raising a brow.
"A surprisingly rare combination... Determination, Justice and Perseverance."
The doctor hummed and Asy glanced down at Error in curiosity. Determination huh...
"Your strongest trait is Perseverance, and second is Determination."

,,Huh. This is really an interesting combination." Nightmare hummed.
,,And no, Error, it's not bad. It's actually really cool - just like you."
'I hate it... It reminds me of how much it hurted...'
Error then curled up a bit as the doctor looked through more of his stats.

"Seems like whatever they gave you to not make the pain is still there... And it seems to be affecting your Pixlexia too. Unfortunately, we will have to extract that out so your Pixlexia calms down a bit more..."
The doctor muttered before flipping it and humming.
"But besides those, with a bit of time and medicine, your SOUL would heal in no time... Unfortunately, the branding won't disappear, as it's directly carved into the SOUL, but we can at least heal it, yeah?"
The doctor then smiled gently at Error, who then slowly nodded. "Okay..."

,,I am... So sorry about this, Error. Believe me, I didn't know they would do... that."
Nightmare sighed. ,,I mean, sure, I murdered people before, but I never- I would never carve into their SOUL or let anyone carve in someone's SOUL. That's like, one of the worst tortures, as they are hurting that thing that makes you you."
'It's okay... You.. You didn't knew...' Honestly, he was glad that Nightymare didn't knew.

"Is... Is it g-gonna hurt when you... Take the thingy away...?" Error quietly asked.
"Unfortunately... Don't worry, when we have to take it out, you'll be administered medicine that will act like painkillers, except it's for your SOUL."
The doctor said softly and Error slowly nodded. Medicine huh...
"Could... Could Gen-Gen also get medicine?"
Error couldn't help but wonder. Asy blinking at that. "Right..."
Asy mumbled softly, CQ never took Geno to have a proper examination so they don't know the right medicine, nor have a prescription to be able to buy said medicine.

Geno blinked a bit confused and tilted his head. CQ bit slightly her bottom lip, looking at her first born. ,,You mean because of my coughing?"
Geno asked curiously his younger brother.
Error turned to Geno and slowly nodded.
"I heard there's medicine that should stop you from coughing too much."
Error explained sheepishly and The Dr. hummed.
"We'll discuss that once I'm done with you then, okay? Geno is next for this little examination." The Doctor said softly.

Geno nodded slightly, rushing over to CQ and cuddling onto her.
CQ looked down at her first born and smiled at him, rubbing his head, making Geno giggle.
Error then stared at Geno before blinking when Dr. Maraya carefully held his arm.
"I'm gonna do a physical check up now, okay?" "Okay..."

,,Don't worry, Ruru. Everything will be fine. The doctor won't hurt you."
Nightmare cooed, trying not to make Error nervous.
'Okay...' Error was not assured in the slightest. Dr. Maraya then began to check Error, being careful of his Pixlexia as Error nervously glitched everytime.
Asy then looked up at CQ before walking towards her and Comyet.
"CQ... What's up with the branding?" Asy whispered in worry.

CQ looked carefully around, before saying. ,,I am telling you later. t's dangerous to say anything about it in a place like this.The only place it's allowed to talk about it is the school... and maybe at home, as there is nothing that can control and watch the people."
She whispered back, looking around carefully once again.

Asy blinked and nodded. "Alright." Asy whispered softly and then glanced at Error.
"Good news is that there's no health complications with Error physically. He has strong bones honestly."
The doctor hummed a bit. "Now for the eyes..."
The doctor then carefully covered one of Error's eyesockets, the one that had two colors.

"Can you see out of the other eye?"
Dr. Maraya softly asked and Error blinked a bit."S-Sorta... Everything looks wack..." "Wack, how?"
"U-Uhm..." Error squinted a bit, everything wasn't exactly blurry, but he can see something hidden in the shadows.
He doesn't know what but they definitely weren't there before.
"U-Uhm... Well... The shadows look different..." Error sheepishly said.

CQ tilted her head slightly at her son, looking confused at the shadows.
,,Really? How exactly does it look? Can you describe it? You can say it outloud, I think it would also be useful for the doctor." Nightmare hummed curiously.
"How different?" Dr. Maraya asked in confusion, looking at the shadows behind her, to see no difference really.
"W-Well... There's... More shadows..." Error then blinked. "There's a... Shadow of a guy over there... Yet no one's casting it... Th-There's umm- there's a table over there... There's also another... Shadow behind Fresh... But the shadow is over there... And Fresh's shadow is over here."

Error then tried to explain the best he could and the Dr. Seemed surprised before murmuring in thought and then pulling her hand away.
"Do you see those shadows still?" "No... Not anymore." "I see..."

In the background, Asy and Comyet looked each other in concern, Asy more specifically than Comyet before they looked at the doctor warily.
"Thank you for being honest with me, Error." Dr. Maraya gave a small smile and Error sheepishly nodded.

CQ raised slightly an eyebrow at that, glancing around. There really was nothing.
What did her son see... well, shadows appearantly. 
Geno blinked and tilted his head, looking at his little brother.
Error then glanced at Geno and tilted his head curiously. What?
'That wasn't normal... Wasn't it...?' He sheepishly asked.

,,Nooo... Not really. It's not normal to see shadows that actually aren't there out of one eye- I mean, it's not something mental, because then you would see it with both eyelights-" Nightmare explained.
Error then watched as Dr. Maraya wrote something in her clipboard.
'So... I'm weird then...? A... Freak like the other's say...? You- You said that it's not normal...'

,,What? No! It may be not normal, but that doesn't make you weird or a freak. You see the glitch over Geno's eyesocket? Not normal. Doesn't make him a freak. My whole being? Not normal for a skeleton to be goopy and have tentacles. Doesn't make me a freak. The ,Hi' on Asy's forehead? Not normal, doesn't make him a freak."
Nightmare huffed, trying to make Error not think less of himself.
'Oh...' Error was silent after that. 'So... It's... Normal to not be... Normal?'
Error asked, it's what he's getting after all.
,,Exactly." Nightmare answered. ,,You got it!"

Error then slowly nodded to himself before looking back up at Dr. Maraya.
"Alright... I'll go check on Geno now, after that, I'll discuss about medicines with your parents, 'kay?"
Dr. Maraya gave a small smile at Error, who slowly nodded.



The reason why the doctors checked on them on the spot is because the doctor is now in charge of the CQ fam, therefore, she don't need to check on her other patients unless it's an emergency or she has other patients under her.

Yes, Neva, I just Copy Paste...d? It cuz I was to lazy to form my own version.
I'm sorry xD

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