What Could Go Wrong?

By nightsky645

995 31 7

How did one party change Ten's life forever? Now Ten has to provide for him and his son, all while avoiding... More

🚨✨Notice ✨🚨
💖✨Characters ✨💖
🌱Chapter 1🌱
🌱Chapter 2🌱
🌱Chapter 3🌱
🌱Chapter 4🌱
🌱Chapter 5🌱
🌱Chapter 6🌱
🌱Chapter 7🌱

🌱Chapter 8🌱

42 1 0
By nightsky645

~Update Day!!
**Please don't beat me up

"Ten are you okay?!" Doyoung screamed getting off of the car and running to hug him while Kun got out and walked towards him, his face unreadable.
Doyoung looked down at Ten noticing his blond hair disheveled, his sparkling eyes looking lost and confused, his mind clouded.
"T-Ten?" Doyoung mumbled holding him by the shoulders but he still didn't budge.
"C-Chittaphon?" Kun said and Ten immediately looked up.
"H-Huh?" Ten replied and both friends looked confused, Kun pushing his glasses up slightly.
"A-are you okay?" Doyoung said holding Ten's arms and inspecting them.
"Y-Yeah I'm fine Doie" Ten replied brushing him off lightly.
Kun cleared his throat brushing his blond hair he looked at Ten.
"D-did anything happen?" he asked "I-I mean with Johnny?"
Ten looked down and remembered everything that had just happened upstairs, he closed his eyes and nodded his head.
"C-can we talk about it at home?" he asked and both Kun and Doyoung nodded.
"Of course" Kun said wrapping an arm around Ten while Doyoung did the same.
"Let's get you home" Doyoung whispered softly and Ten nodded.
"W-wait how's Mark?! H-how is my baby?" Ten said his voice sounding concerned.
"He's fine he's with Yongie, he wanted to come but we didn't think it was a good idea" Kun said smiling reassuringly.


Reaching the apartment, Ten walked through the door with Kun and Doyoung behind him.
Teayong immediately ran up to hug Ten who was caught off guard, his mind trailing to what Johnny did earlier.
Pushing Taeyong away he ran to his and Mark's bedroom.

Mark was softly breathing his eyes fluttering the room quiet, faint music playing in the background, going over to him he held Mark's hand and softly sniffled, the nightmare he had resurfacing.
"Mark.. baby... I will never let anyone take you away from me.." he whispered softly and kissed his head lightly. Holding his hand a bit longer, Ten at next to the bed.
"Ten are you okay?" Taeyong whispered and Ten nodded getting up and walking up to the living room.

Doyoung, Taeyong and Kun were seated together, no one wanting to bring up the Johnny topic.
Teayong held onto a sofa cushion and cleared his throat.
"So.....Ten..... How did it go? With..... Johnny?" Taeyong said trying to think of the right words to use.
Ten immediately took a deep breath and his hands starting to tremble a bit.
"You don't have to tell us" Kun said putting up his hands.
"No this is something I need to let out" Ten said.

"So after we got to the café, he asked me about life and I said it's going great..... then he said "the kid is cute" and I was talking about how we as in us in this room raised him and he asked how old he was and I was legit so close to telling him but thankfully I didn't." Ten said taking a deep breath, "Then he said he has been searching for me for a while and it made me angry.....and he was trying to apologize but I wasn't having it.... I told him how I knew about the bet and ugh I just lost it..... I almost told him about Mark...... I walked out of the cafe before I said anything and he followed me and grabbed my hand...... I got away but I passed out......" Ten said looking down while closing his eyes.
"Wait?! You passed out?" Doyoung shrieked and Taeyong shushed him.
"Why did you pass out Ten?" Kun said his voice full of concern.
"Let me finish....." Ten whispered and everyone nodded.

"While I was out, I heard voices and I passed out due to stress and not eating well today...... but while I was out I had the worst dream ever......" Ten said sniffling. "I woke up scared and once I calmed down, I was somewhere I didn't recognize..... I walked to the kitchen and saw your boy Jaehyun and he told me I was at Johnny's place in his bed...." Ten said
"IN HIS BED?" Doyoung shrieked again and once again Taeyong shushed him.

"He told me where my phone was and I called you guys but the thing is Johnny was at the door and I don't know how long he was there..... he probably heard everything...... after I hung up he came over to me and apologized but I didn't want to hear it but he......he got on his knees.... to apologize..... then Kun called me and I left but before I did he said he wished to be in Kun's shoes?" Ten said looking confused.

"So he was looking for you? He almost found out about Mark? You passed out? You woke up in HIS bed? He apologized? On his knees? And he wants to be Kun?" Taeyong said looking over at Kun with an eyebrow arched. Kun just looked over a blush spreading on his cheeks.

"Y-Yeah" Ten replied
"What are you gonna do?" Kun asked looking away from Taeyong to Ten.
"Well my top priority is Mark......he can't know anything..... I hate that Johnny is so close now...." Ten said resting his elbows on his knees.
"Doyoung.....If he asks anything....." Ten said but lost his train of thought
"Don't worry if he wants to get to Mark he's gonna have to go through me" Doyoung said placing a hand on his heart.
"I will keep an eye out at work..... I wouldn't let anyone hurt you or Mark" Kun said his voice serious, his eyes darkening.
"Thank you, guys" Ten said an exhaled a deep breath he was holding in.
"Now what about this you passing out?" Kun said pushing his glasses up, "It doesn't sit right with me..." he added and put his hand up to his chin while out stretching the other to hold Ten's hand.

Kun didn't see it but once he did, Taeyong realized something that has been a thought in the back of his head, from just that one gesture.


The Next Day

Johnny walked out into the cool air, leaving his warm and cozy apartment. His eyes droopy and his mind clouded with thoughts of yesterday night.

Reaching the parking garage, he looked up and saw Jaehyun holding up files and trying to balance a tablet as well. Walking over he immediately helped his friend. Jaehyun opened the back door for him but Johnny just looked at him and got on the drivers side.
"Johnny are you trying to steal my job as your secretary?" he asked jokingly and Johnny looked at him and smiled.
"Never my good friend" he said before driving off.

They were passing familiar buildings and once he realized where his friend was driving Jaehyun face palmed himself. Johnny finally stopped in front of Lee's Flora.
"Johnny what are we doing here?" Jaehyun asked trying to stay calm, "We need to go to the office." he added before showing him a time schedule
"We have a meeting with YuTech.Industries"
Johnny loooked over and nodded, "We will be there chill out"

Looking out the window, both Johnny and Jaehyun waited patiently for any one to come out of the building and finally saw the front door open.
They looked as a blond haired man with glasses walked out smiling down at a little brown haired boy who was talking to him.
"Thats him Jaehyun.... That's Mark" Johnny said smiling while looking at the little boy with a smile on his face.
"Wow he's a cute kid" Jaehyun said smiling as well his dimples showing "Who's that holding him?" he asked but another person walking out of the building caught them by surprise.

They looked on as another blonde man walked out, a pink apron over his baby pink shirt. He held two containers and both Mark and the other man looked at him and smiled, they had a small conversation and soon the man they both knew as Ten hugged Mark and kissed him on his cheek, before saying something to the other man, who then placed a hand on his wrist in a reassuring way.

Johnny felt his blood boil a bit, he tensed up and Jaehyun immediately spoke up.
"........ what great friends...?" he said and Johnny looked at him, "Johnny don't get too worked up..... Ten is a single parent.....get it single as in he is a single man..... Taeyong, Doyoung and Kun are Mark's uncles...... not biologically but still" he said and Johnny held on to the car wheel.
"I don't know if that made sense or helped in anyway" Jaehyun said, "I'm sorry"
"Jaehyun if Mark is my son and I was never there for him...... I would hate myself...." he said sadly.
Jaehyun cleared his voice and fixed his suit tie.
"Do you want me to tell you something as an employee or a your best friend?" Jaehyun asked and Johnny looked at him.

"Best friend" he replied
"Okay then........ Dude I literally told you so.... that day Yugyeom challenged you I told you it wouldn't be a good idea and look at you now..... you hurt an innocent person..... and if Mark is your child...which we aren't sure about....you weren't in his life, Ten has his friends who support him but think about how lonely he felt......." Jaehyun said and Johnny looked down, "Everything Jaehyun said is right" he thought "how could i be so stupid"
"If Mark is or isn't my child, I will get him and Ten back..... Jaehyun I really like Ten and knowing that I hurt him.... it pains me.... I'm so stupid" Johnny said sadly.
"I know dude..... I know you like him a lot, literally love at first sight, I get it, I get it" Jaehyun said and patted his friends back.

"How are we gonna figure out if Mark is my son?" Johnny asked suddenly and Jaehyun just shrugged.
"I don't know you tell me CEO of one of the Top Tech Companies in the world?" Jaehyun answered sarcastically.
"We could try Dr.Cho again but it would probably be a dead end....... how about good old friend Dr.Moon Taeil? He is Dr.Cho's higher up?" Jaehyun then said seriously.
"Do you think he would tell us confidential information?" Johnny asked and Jaehyun nodded unsurely.
"Well we could try?" Jaehyun replied "Or you could just get Marks hair sample or something?"
"Won't that be hard?" Johnny asked and Jaehyun just shrugged.
"Should we see what elementary school he goes to?" Johnny asked quietly and Jaehyun looked at him like he was insane.
"We could find some valuable information?" Johnny asked and drove to the school before Jaehyun could protest.


Driving up to the elementary school Johnny admired how cute everything looked from the rainbow hand prints on some of the windows to the cute little playground on the outside, but for some reason it all looked familiar.

"Jaehyun doesn't this place look familiar?" Johnny asked looking at Jaehyun
"Well Taeil's other half works here and their son attends school here too." Jaehyun said and it clicked.
"Right little Haechan and Taeil's husband Sicheng" Johnny said and an idea suddenly came to his head.
"What if Sicheng gets us the hair samples?" Johnny asked and Jaehyun's thought for a while.
"If he agrees to it, it could work, but won't Ten get pissed?" Jaehyun asked and Johnny nodded, "It's a risk I'm willing to take.... Mark could be my child.... We will offer Sicheng the best protection if anything happens" Johnny said and immediately dialed Sicheng.

JN: Hey Sicheng, It's Johnny!
SC: I know who you are, i have your number saved. What can I help you with?
JN: I was wondering if you could do me a favor?
SC: Like....?
JN: I need you to get me some hair samples from a student named Mark Lee or Lee Mark, it's kind of an emergency...
SC: Why would i do that? It could jeopardize my career?
JN: He could be my son, remember the guy I told you and Taeil about.... that one I have been searching for ? It's him, Ten, and I think I'm his son's father. If anything happens I will offer you the most legal protection.
SC: Jeez Suh..... fine I will do it.... the children love me so it won't be hard but you owe me..... meet me here after my shift I will have what you need.
JN: You make it sound like we are doing something bad.
SC: This is bad... it could jeopardize my career, bye see you later.

Johnny let out a deep breath he was holding and looked at Jaehyun smiling widely.
"He will help us, then we can take the samples to Taeil and get the results" Johnny said happily.
"Okay the let's head to the office" Jaehyun replied and Johnny drove to the company.

At the company the pair were met by Sungcheol who was holding a small envelope and immediately handed it to Jaehyun.
"Here is what you asked for Secretary Jung" he said and Jaehyun smiled.
"Thank you so much for your help" Jaehyun replied and Johnny looked at both of them confused before Jaehyun led him to the elevator.

Johnny looked over at the envelope in Jaehyun's hands, his curiosity getting the better of him.
"What's that?" Johnny asked and Jaehyun smiled at him.
"You will find out after your meeting with YuTech.Industries" Jaehyun replied and Johnny pouted.

The meeting with the CEO of YuTech.Industries went better than expected, they managed to seal a deal that could potentially make Neo C. Tech one of 3 top companies in the technological industry.
Johnny was beyond happy that this was his first actual deal since he revealed his identity.
Arriving to his office he immediately sat on his chair and finally relaxed, Jaehyun entering behind him.
"So what's in the envelope?" Johnny immediately asked and Jaehyun's handed him a cream colored envelope.

The envelope reveled to have a picture of a family, Johnny immediately recognized everyone in the photo.
Taeyong and Doyoung smiling happily, Kun looked like he was laughing and in the middle were 2 people that made his heart swell up. Ten was smiling happily his hair darker than now his hand wrapped around a toddler who was smiling at Ten everyone's attention was on the toddler. Johnny couldn't help but tear up, this was a picture of Ten and Mark surrounded by the people Ten trusted, his friends all admiring him and Mark.
"W-where did you get this?" Johnny asked looking at the photo his eyes watering.
"I asked Sungcheol to look for anything he could find useful on Doyoung's desk, he sent me this photo and I told him to print it out for me" Jaehyun said.
"Jaehyun...... we need to get the results....." Johnny said his voice cracking.
"Even if it turns out Mark isn't my son, I want to be in their lives..... I know Ten won't want me but I can try" Johnny said looking down at the picture.


Later that day

After picking up the hair samples Jaehyun drove them to the hospital where Taeil worked. Arriving at his office, they explained the situation and Taeil was a bit conflicted on helping them but agreed, he took the hair samples and went out to run the test.

Johnny and Jaehyun were both waiting in the office while Taeil was gone.
Johnny couldn't help but feel nervous, his heart was beating fast and his mind was running laps. He would soon find out what he has been thinking about since Jaehyun mentioned it the day before.
"What are you gonna do if he is your son?" Jaehyun asked and Johnny looked over.
"I'm gonna take responsibility and be Mark's father" Johnny replied
"But what if Ten doesn't allow it?" Jaehyun asked again and Johnny looked up.
"He can't deny me....... but if he does I don't know what to do..... I don't want him to fight me but it will also be my right....." Johnny replied "I hope he doesn't hate me more"
"Technically he can deny you ..... but everything will be okay" Jaehyun replied chuckling nervously.

They both once again waited in silence and Johnny couldn't help but look around and he spotted a picture of Taeil and Sicheng smiling at each other while holding Haechan who was smiling widely. Johnny's heart swelled up at how cute their family was, he wanted that to be him and Ten.
A soft knock was heard in the door and a doctor peeked his head in the door, revealing a slender man with dark hair and glasses, his eyes landing on Jaehyun and then widening.
"I-I'm looking for Dr.Moon but I can comeback later..." he said and walked out hurriedly.
"Who was that?" Johnny asked confused
"That's Ten's doctor, Dr.Cho" Jaehyun said
"What i-" Johnny began but was interrupted by Taeil walking in with a white envelope and handed it to Johnny.
"Thank you Taeil, this means a lot to me" Johnny said before walking out, Jaehyun following behind him.

At the parking lot, Johnny opened the envelope his breathing ragged, he was beyond nervous his heart was racing, looking over the documents his eyes scanned through the page and soon his eye landed on the bottom. He immediately began to cry.
"Johnny what's wrong?" Jaehyun asked worriedly.
Johnny looked up and smiled his tears falling.
"N-nothing is wrong" he said, "I-I'm Mark's dad"

"Jaehyun....... I'm his dad!" Johnny said happily his eyes glittering with happiness.


Moments Before

Dr. Cho closed the door to Dr. Moon's office and immediately ran to the closest bathroom.
He dialed Ten's phone and after the first couple of rings he picked up.
"Ten?" he asked
"Yes Dr.Cho is something the matter?" Ten replied
"Remember that guy that came to ask me about you a long time ago?" Dr.Cho said and Ten stayed quiet.
"He was here today with a taller man in Dr.Moon's office, I don't know what they were there for but I thought I would let you know"
"...... Thank you Dr. Cho" Ten replied and hung up.


~ ummm, hello everyone 🫣

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