What Could Go Wrong?

By nightsky645

948 31 7

How did one party change Ten's life forever? Now Ten has to provide for him and his son, all while avoiding... More

🚨✨Notice ✨🚨
💖✨Characters ✨💖
🌱Chapter 1🌱
🌱Chapter 2🌱
🌱Chapter 3🌱
🌱Chapter 4🌱
🌱Chapter 5🌱
🌱Chapter 6🌱
🌱Chapter 8🌱

🌱Chapter 7🌱

67 2 1
By nightsky645

~Update Day!!
I had a few troubles with updating this week but I finished the chapter this morning~

Ten led the way and soon they ended up at a quiet café, Ten sat down at a table near the far corner next to a window, Johnny sat down after him and just looked at Ten, smiling lightly.
"Did you want to order something?" Johnny asked and Ten just stared at him his facial expressions blank.
"No" Ten answered flatly.
"Oh umm okay well I'm just gonna order something" Johnny said awkwardly walking away.
"I'm about ready to walk out" Ten thought.

Looking out the window Ten looked out to see busy bodies walking or rushing by, he couldn't help but smile at a child feeding pigeons and immediately thought of Mark.
"Umm i know you didn't want anything but I bought you this cream peach cake slice" Johnny said sitting and sliding s platter with a slice of cake decorated with at glazed peach neatly on top.
Ten just looked at it and looked up at Johnny, his face with an unreadable expression. Johnny sipped his cup of what Ten assumed was an iced americano.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Ten said straight forwardly and Johnny shifted in his seat.
"So how have you been?" Johnny asked wanting to fill in the awkward void.
"I have been great, life's great, love my friends, and....." Ten began but drifted not wanting to bring up Mark.
"My life is great" Ten answered.
"The kid is cute" Johnny said smiling at the memory of the cheery boy.
"He's a very happy child and he cute just like you" he added and Ten just rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"Yeah he was raised by me, Teayong, Doyoung and Kun so he was bound to be raised in a loving and happy environment." Ten said smiling lightly at the thought of Mark through the years.
"How old is he?" Johnny asked thinking about the boy.
Ten realized what he was saying and immediately regained his composure and once again Johnny could feel how cold Ten was emotionally towards him.
"That's none of your business" Ten said his hand trembling a bit. "What do you want?" He added looking at Johnny seriously.

"Ummm Chittaphon....... I wanted to tell you that, I have been searching for you......" Johnny said adverting his gaze.
"Stop calling me Chittaphon" Ten said, his voice hardening, catching Johnny off gaurd.
"I-I'm sorry" Johnny replied looking down "I'm sorry for everything"
Ten looked at him and his mind raced back to the night of the party.
"Youngho..... It's okay" Ten said smiling lightly making Johnny look up and as soon as he did Ten began to laugh coldly.
"Is that what you thought I was gonna say? Don't fool yourself Youn- Johnny, I'm not the same naive person you met at the party" Ten replied smiling coldly at Johnny who couldn't believe what was happening.
"W-what?" Johnny asked his expression full of sadness and confusion.

Ten couldn't control his emotions. Everything that he has been holding back had accumulated over the years, the hatred, the rage, the sadness, and the emptiness.
"Y-Your asking w-what?" Ten said his voice level rising Johnny immediately recoiled in his seat.
"I was stupid... so stupid to think that I actually liked you back then.... but guess what.... I saw your freaking phone and what do I see..... you slept with me all for a bet...... I trusted you.... and what did I get in return..... humiliation...... I regret ever meeting you.... but you know what........ one good thing came out of it....... I got my...." Ten stopped mid sentence realizing what he was about to say, Johnny was speechless, his whole demeanor changed.

"Chittap-Ten I-I can explain-" Johnny started but was cutoff by Ten who slammed his fist on the table and suddenly the coffee shop went quiet.
"No Johnny! I have had it..... You don't even know the first thing about me..... you want to know how I can tell" Ten said raising his eyebrow and looking at Johnny who looked shocked.
"Well Im gonna tell you anyway..... I hate fruits!" Ten said pushing the peach cake a bit forceful.
He immediately got up and walked away from the table leaving a shocked Johnny, who shortly after followed Ten out and grabbed his hand.

"T-ten what do you mean by "one good thing came out of it" what did you get?" Johnny asked a bit breathless and Ten went rigid his eyes widened.
"I-it means nothing!" Ten said and yanked his hand away from Johnny and walked away, his mind clouded and hazy. The thought of Johnny finding out who Mark was making him nervous and soon Ten began to see white spots in his vision and he began to slip into unconsciousness.

"Ten!!!" was the last thing he heard before everything went black.


"He seemed to have fainted due to stress and also he has low energy levels, meaning he didn't eat well today...." Ten heard someone say, he tried opening his eyes but they felt too heavy and instead gave up slipping into darkness once again.

"Papa" Ten saw an image of his son, Mark, running to him his arms opened widely greeting him with a smile on his face, Taeyong, Doyoung and Kun smiling behind him smiling down at them. "Papa you won't ever leave me right?" Mark said his eyes sparkling happily. "No Mark I will never leave you" Ten replied hugging Mark so tightly and smiling feeling warmth radiate from him, Mark softly pushed him away and Ten noticed that his eyes didn't sparkle anymore, he looked sad and his eyes were puffy.
"Then why did you let him take me away!" Mark shouted at him and Ten froze in place, tears started slipping down his eyes. "N-no..... i-Im sorry honey.....I-I'm sorry.... Mark" Ten said and he looked up at his friends who were now looking at Ten with disgust.
"This is all your fault" Teayong said his eyes pink and puffy.
"They took him away because of you" Doyoung finished off.
Kun looked at him and turned away, "I wish we had never met, I should've just left you in the bathroom.... you are the worst parent I have encountered" Kun said and walked away.
Ten could help but scream, his heart was hurt, Mark was gone, his friends hated him, he was alone.
"I'm sorry!" Ten yelled but he looked around and he was all alone. Screaming for help he looked around but no one was there.

Gasping for air Ten shot up from his sleep and his hand immediately went to his chest.
"It was just a nightmare" he whispered but tears slipped down his eyes. "Everything seemed so real" he cried.
After calming down Ten looked at his surroundings and realized that he didn't recognize anything, everything was either black or white. Total opposite of Ten's colorful room.
"Where am I?" he asked himself and looked for his phone but couldn't find it. Pulling the blankets off of him, he walked to the door and slowly opened it. Nothing looked recognizable and it scared Ten.

Seeing a light at the end of the hallway he walked towards it and was led to a kitchen, where he saw a brunette cooking.
"You are up? The doctor said that you fainted due to stress and malnourishment so Johnny asked me to cook for you" the voice said without turning to face him.
"Where's my phone?" Ten demanded and the brunette turned to face him revealing none other than Johnny's best friend.
"Hmmmm i think it was on the vanity in Johnny's room, did you check there?" He said his expression looking confused.
"Well how would I know where Johnny's room is" Ten replied sounding irritated.
"Well you did sleep on his bed" Jaehyun replied and Ten looked shocked.
"And why the heck was I laying on his bed?!" Ten raised his voice making Jaehyun look up.
"Jeeez i don't know maybe it had to do with the fact of you passing out on the street and him carrying you to his apartment and calling me for help?" Jaehyun answered sounding very sarcastic and annoyed "Now please stop yelling"
Ten rolled his eyes and went back to grab his phone which sure enough was on Johnny's vanity.

Looking at it, the time read 10:40pm and Ten immediately facepalmed himself.
Looking at his notifications he had 20 missed calls from Teayong, 15 from Doyoung and 26 from Kun he had a bunch of messages and voicemails.
"I'm gonna get an ear full tonight" Ten said to himself and dialed Taeyong.

There was an immediate response, Taeyong sounded out of breath and his voice sounded hoarse.
"Oh my gosh Ten!! Where have you been? Why haven't you answered our calls? It's almost 11pm! We were worried! Mark has been crying and asking for you!" Taeyong shouted making Ten pull the phone away from his ear.
"I'm sorry.... I will explain everything when I get home.... can I talk to Mark." Ten said softly and he heard Taeyong release a deep breath and soon heard him call Mark to the phone.
"P-papa!! Where are you? M-Mark misses you......you never came home......" Mark said through sniffles and Ten's heart couldn't help but shatter, hearing his son cry.
"I-I'm so sorry baby....Papa will be home soon.....don't worry Im okay..... Papa loves his baby so much" Ten said trying to hold in his tears after hearing Mark.
"I-i miss you papa. Please come home" Mark said before he passed the phone to someone else.

"Ten, send me your location and I will pick you up" the voice said and Ten recognized it as Kun.
"We will be on our way!" Ten could hear Doyoung yell in the background.
"Yeah hold on" Ten said and sent his location to kun.
"Done! Please-" Ten began but was cut off after turning to see Johnny looking at him from the door.
"Ten!! Ten!" He could hear Kun yell through the phone.
"I-I'm fine! Some one just scared me" Ten said while looking at Johnny who couldn't stop staring at him.
"Just be on your way, please" he added and hung up.

Ten looked at Johnny who was in his own world.
"Are you just gonna stand there" Ten said annoyed and soon Johnny walked towards Ten.
Ten couldn't help but notice how tall Johnny was towering over him, almost intimidating him but not quite.
"A-are you feeling better?" Johnny said reaching to place a hand on Ten's forehead but was immediately stopped by Ten who grabbed his wrist and threw it down.
"I'm fine" Ten stated coldly and he could see Johnny's body sulk and his expression saddened.
"O-okay...... Jaehyun made dinner..... do you want to eat?" Johnny said smiling softly at Ten.
"No i don't" Ten replied.
"But you need to eat, the doctor said you were malnourished and stressed" Johnny said softly.
"And who's fault so you think the stressed part is?" Ten said sending a glare to Johnny who couldn't help but look down in shame.

"I-I'm sorry" Johnny mumbled and it irritated Ten for some reason.
"Is that all you can say?! Jeez Johnny" Ten shouted and Johnny felt sad.
"T-ten I really mean it.... I-I really am sorry.... The bet.... it was all a mistake....." Johnny said not wanting to look at him.
"I don't believe you...." Ten said and was beginning to walk away before he felt a hand wrap around his wrist. Looking back he saw Johnny with tears in his eyes.
"What can I do to make you believe me?" Johnny asked his voice sounding desperate but Ten never replied to him and Johnny did something he never expected.

Johnny got down on his knees and looked down not meeting his eyes. Ten couldn't help but gasp.
"Ten I-I'm really sorry.... for everything" he said and Ten looked at the other not knowing what to say.
Johnny looked so vulnerable right now and Ten didn't know how to react.
"Y-you aren't sorry..." Ten said feeling confused not knowing what to think. Both stayed in silence Johnny kneeling and Ten not knowing what to do, shocked at seeing the other like this, until he heard his phone ring. Looking at the caller ID it read "Kun" and had a picture of him on the screen, not going unnoticed by Johnny. Ten answered.
"Okay i will be on my way" he said his voice shaky and hung up.

"Kun always seems to call you or be with you?" Johnny said not looking up. Ten just looked at him confused.
"I want to be in his shoes" Johnny said chuckling dryly.

"Well you aren't..... unlike you, Kun never left my side or lost my trust same with Taeyong and Doyoung" Ten said before walking out leaving Johnny in his room alone.

Walking to the kitchen he saw Jaehyun brewing some tea.
"You should go help your friend" Ten said before walking out.


Jaehyun walked in to a devastating sight. Johnny was on his knees crying, his hands covered his face.
Jaehyun immediately ran over and hugged his friend trying to comfort him. Soon after Johnny's sobs slowed down.
"J-Jaehyun h-he hates me...." Johnny softly sobbed and tried to get up.
"Well I-I mean I would hate you too if I was him" Jaehyun said shrugging lightly and Johnny looked at him and sniffled.
"I-I know.... I'm an asshole, h-he knew about the bet" He said sobbing and walked towards the kitchen.
Jaehyun followed and served him some tea.
"Here this will calm you down" he said.

Johnny took small sips and looked up at his friend.
"He has a new life..... he is different.....but why does my heart still feel happy when I see him....." Johnny said looking down at the cup.
"Johnny....." Jaehyun whispered
"And now he has a kid....... like when did that happen?" Johnny said confused.
Jaehyun looked at his friend and was shocked, never had Johnny brought up the fact that Chittaphon had a kid.
"CHITTAPHON HAS A KID?!" Jaehyun yelled surprised at the news.

"It's Ten now" Johnny corrected "His kid is the one I met at the park that one day I separated from you, I saw him today again and that's how I bumped into Ten, the little boy kept calling him Papa and earlier Ten called him honey and baby, I also assume his name is Mark. Ten mentioned his name while he was on the phone." Johnny said thinking back to listening to Ten's phone call.

Jaehyun looked at Johnny his eyes literally almost falling out of their sockets.
"Johnny how old did this boy look?" Jaehyun asked curiously and Johnny immediately thought back to the little boy.
"6 maybe 7? He's a really sweet kid." Johnny replied smiling remembering the little boy with round glasses.
" And his name is Lee Mark......." Jaehyun drifted off his mid trying to connect some dots.
"Isn't that strange?" Jaehyun thought
"What is?" Johnny asked not getting what Jaehyun was talking about.
"Chitta- Ten has a kid maybe 6 or 7 but he's still single isn't he?" Jaehyun stated and Johnny nodded.
"Yeah.... I mean Kun seemed to have some interest in him? But I don't think Ten knows" Johnny said jealousy evident in his voice.
"Doesn't that seem odd to you?...... you guys met 8 years ago..... and a pregnancy last 9 months making Mark 7 now?" Jaehyun said and Johnny immediately growing silent his mind processing what Jaehyun just said.

Johnny immediately got up, followed by Jaehyun.
"Johnny calm down this is all a theory!" Jaehyun said and immediately Johnny stopped in his tracks.
"We don't have evidence to back this up" Jaehyun added and Johnny nodded.
"You're right......but what if" Johnny started

"What if Mark is my son?" Johnny said.

"I shouldn't have said anything" Jaehyun said while face palming himself.


~So what did we think?!
Especially about Jaehyun being the one to open Johnny's eyes.

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