What Could Go Wrong?

By nightsky645

948 31 7

How did one party change Ten's life forever? Now Ten has to provide for him and his son, all while avoiding... More

🚨✨Notice ✨🚨
💖✨Characters ✨💖
🌱Chapter 1🌱
🌱Chapter 2🌱
🌱Chapter 3🌱
🌱Chapter 4🌱
🌱Chapter 5🌱
🌱Chapter 7🌱
🌱Chapter 8🌱

🌱Chapter 6🌱

102 3 3
By nightsky645

~Update day!!!
This chapter was the most interesting one to write
*sorry if there are any spelling or grammar errors*

The walls in his office space seemed to be closing in, Doyoung sat in his cubicle, his eyes sunken sleep deprivation evident in his face, his hair wasnt in its near style. Looking at the picture that had his friends he looked sadly at Ten and Mark.
"What am I gonna do?" he asked himself putting his head down on his desk.
"Doyoung hyung are you okay you don't look so good" Jungwoo asked carefully, not wanting to bother him.
"Huh? W-why wouldn't I be okay?" Doyoung said smiling lightly, his tired eyes crinkling.
"You look sleepy" jungwoo said handing Doyoung a banana milk.
"I didn't sleep last night, something was bothering me" Doyoung replied taking the banana milk and poking it with the straw taking small sips.
"Why couldn't your friend beat me in the marketing competition?" he mumbled lowly. Jungwoo looked at him confused.
"What was it hyung-" Jungwoo asked but was interrupted.

"Doyoung! You are needed by someone" their manager announced and everyone looked at Doyoung who caught sight of who was looking for him.
"Oh fuck" he whispered.
Walking out of the office, he saw a very familiar face, the person then motioned to the elevator to which Doyoung reluctantly got on.

The ride in the elevator was the most awkward thing Doyoung has encountered, looking everywhere but the person he was with he started to admire the numbers rising.
"So how's life?" the brunette spoke up trying to fill the awkward silence.
"No offense but don't talk to me" Doyoung replied but then added "wait you know what take offense"
The other person laughed a bit but composed themselves fairly quickly.
"Well Doyoung it was nice seeing you and your buddies at the gala" the brunette said looking at Doyoung.
"Can't say the same, Jaehyun" Doyoung replied venom in his voice, his eyes sharp.
Both men walked out of the elevator after hearing a ding signaling the arrival to their destined floor.
Once in front of the wooden doors, Doyoung took a deep breath, knowing what was waiting for him on the other side, straightening his suit he waited for Jaehyun to open the door. Jaehyun knocked on the door and soon a deep voice answered. "Come in"

Doyoung took a deep breath and walked in after Jaehyun, he looked at the office, and his eyes finally landed on the man sitting on a desk. Doyoung felt anger rush through his veins.
"Mr.Suh, this is Kim Doyoung from the marketing department" Jaehyun motioned to Doyoung.

Doyoung watched as the tall figure got up from their chair and walked directly in front of him, a smile spread on their lips.
"Hi Doyoung, long time no see" the taller man said outstretching his hand.
"Mr. Suh.....Can I drop the formalities or do I have to be nice to you" Doyoung asked hating having to call the other formally.
"Sure, we are all friends here" was the reply.

"Look here Youngho, we are not friends, I wouldn't want to be friends with the likes of you second I wish I hadn't seen you. And most importantly What do you want." Doyoung said his voice icy chilled, his eyes dark.
"It's Johnny now.....I want your help" Johnny asked and Doyoung made a grunt of annoyance.
"Me ? Help you? Don't play yourself" Doyoung replied rolling his eyes and crossing his hands.
"Told you he wouldn't budge" Jaehyun whispered to the taller, but Doyoung heard either way.
"Look Doyoung, I want to know we're Chittaphon is" Johnny said straightforward his hands balled up into fists.

"I knew this was coming but was I prepared no" Doyoung thought, he wasn't one to back down from a fight, looking Johnny in the eye he replied, "Chittaphon who? I don't know anyone by that name."
"Doyoung don't play games with me. I know you know who I'm talking about. I can give you anything you want. Just tell me where he is." Johnny said his voice sounding edgy.

"You want me to rat out my friend? You are indeed insane, no amount of money or position will persuade me to do that. Especially to the likes of you." Doyoung replied his eyes set on Johnny who stared back. Johnny laughed a bit and looked at Doyoung.
"So you do know who I'm talking about"
Doyoung just stood there frozen in place, his mind trying to wrap around what he just said to Johnny.
"I'm taking my leave back to my office space" Doyoung said before walking out slamming the door.
"Frick frick frick! Can this get any worse?!"

"That didn't go as expected " Johnny said while turning to Jaehyun who shook his head.
"I mean what did you expect? That he was gonna answer you and give his best friend away?" Jaehyun asked sarcastically and Johnny sat down in defeat.
"I guess you are right" Johnny said looking away.
"Do you want me to help you?" Jaehyun said looking at his friend worriedly. Johnny looked up and nodded with pleading eyes.
"Doyoung works for your company, you have Doyoung's information, like company needed information, like........" Jaehyun said waiting for a reply from the other who's eyes went wide.
"His address!!" Johnny exclaimed. "That will give me something to start off with! Can you get me his file?"
Jaehyun sighed, "what would you do without me?" another thought crossed his mind.
"And if you find who you are looking for?then what?" Jaehyun asked.
"I don't know I haven't thought that far ahead" Johnny said thinking about Chittaphon.


As the day went on, Johnny couldn't help but think of what he and Jaehyun were gonna do that same night, he kept looking at the wall clock, counting down till the end of his day, very impatiently. As the night got darker, he got more anxious, his plan was to go to Doyoung's on file address. He wasn't expecting much but it was a place to start.

"I got to start searching somewhere"  Johnny thought and smiled happily.

Packing his things, Johnny changed into a black crew neck and put on a black beanie.
"What are you wearing?" a voice asked, looking over to find his friend.
"Well Jaehyun we need to be discreet, so we got to look the part" Johnny said matter of factly. Jaehyun looked at his watch and nodded his head.
"This is most definitely illegal but whatever" Jaehyun pointed out, while furrowing his eyebrows then shrugging.
"Well let's hurry Sungcheol just notified that is Doyoung just got on his car" Jaehyun said looking at his cellphone and Johnny didn't have to be told twice, he gathered his items and got ready to go.

Going down the elevator ride seemed to drag on for Johnny's liking, tapping his foot on th floor he felt anxious.
The ding signaled their arrival to the parking garage soon after they peeked around a corner and saw Doyoung smiling widely, while talking with Sungcheol.
Sungcheol looked around and spotted Johnny who was making some very aggressive hand gestures looking back, Johnny could hear him chuckle and answer a very quick "See you late Doyoung, I have to make some rounds" he said and Doyoung walked off to his car.

Johnny and Jaehyun hopped into Johnny's car, and waited for Doyoung to move.
"Do you think he saw  us?" Johnny asked nervously.
"Ummmm N-no?" Jaehyun replied sounding more like a question.
Johnny looked ahead at Doyoung's car and soon it turned on.
"We should wait a while and then go " Johnny said while typing in the address on his phone.
"Huh?.... That's weird?" Johnny said raising an eyebrow.
"What's weird?" Jaehyun said looking up.
"The address takes me to Lee's Flora? Not a house" Johnny said and Jaehyun looked puzzled.
"That is weird" Jaehyun answered.
"Oh well... let's get going" Johnny shrugged it off while handing his phone to Jaehyun and fixing his beanie after.

Johnny drove for about like 10 minutes, the night sky lit by different colored lights from buildings and stores, Jaehyun would tell Johnny where to turn or tell Johnny to watch his speed.

Finally they arrived to place that was seen on the phone, a flower/plant shop, with a neon pink sign that vibrantly displayed "Lee's Flora" Johnny assumed it was a well know shop from the reviews on google.
They parked across the street from the shop, looking for any sign of movement, surprisingly they saw a shadowed figure who then turned around and they ducked down but getting a glimpse and recognizing Doyoung who had just gotten out of his car and turning back, watching the shop or the upper level.
"Why is he standing there, he left like 10minutes before us?" Johnny asked confused Jaehyun just shrugged and they both watched as Doyoung sprinted inside.

"Jaehyun look up this shop, like more detailed wise and tell me about it" Johnny asked and Jaehyun pulled out a tablet and searched the flower shop.
"Lee's Flora is a flower/plant shop, they were established 4 years ago..... they are very well known in this area..... it's owned by two males..... apparently both really handsome.......but there is no pictures
of them.... or at least not good ones most of these are back pictures" Jaehyun said looking at Johnny who just nodded.
"So now what Johnny? Do we just wait here?" Jaehyun asked looking confused.
"Yes Jaehyun. Im not leaving empty handed." Johnny said looking at his friend smiling widely "We have to wait"
"What if we see something we aren't supposed to?" Jaehyun said sarcastically and looked at the opposite window.
"I doubt that" Johnny replied and looked back at the shop.

The duo waited for what seemed like an hour and soon they saw the shop light flicker on, showing signs of life.
"It's 10:00pm , why would the shop open?" Jaehyun asked confused. Johnny was also equally confused but soon after a small blond haired figure stepped out the door and was looking at both directions, searching for someone.
"Isn't that...." Jaehyun began but Johnny finished for him. "Chittaphon"
Johnny felt the urge to run out of the car and go up to him and hug him, and just take him away but he held it in.
Watching the other across the street, he noticed Chittaphon break into a smile and dash towards someone, pushing them into a hug almost tipping the other over. Johnny's heart stopped and his hands grasped the steering wheel agressively.
"Johnny calm down" Jaehyun mumbled but Johnny couldn't hear him.

He kept watching the two men, Chittaphon smiling at the other who Johnny seemed to recognize but couldn't quiet out his finger on who it was.
Chittaphon soon dragged the other who was now smiling as widely as Chittaphon. They both went inside and Johnny soon saw the lights go out.

"I need a drink" Johnny mumbled and soon was driving to a corner store. Johnny walked out and soon came back with a bag full of cans of beer, and two bottles of whiskey.
"Johnny this isn't a good idea" Jaehyun said but Johnny didn't seem to hear him and soon they drive to Johnny's apartment.
"This is just great" Jaehyun thought.

A few hours later Johnny was beyond wasted, Jaehyun was just watching him tired of telling Johnny to stop.
"H-he he doesn't w-want me..... h-he hugged some other guy...... a-all these years..... I-I looked for him.... a-all gone to waste......w-why?!" Johnny said his eyes glassing over while he looked at Jaehyun.
"Look Johnny, maybe he didn't want to be found? Maybe that's why he changed his name and we couldn't trace him? Maybe he really has moved on, maybe he knew about your bet....." Jaehyun said looking at his friend sadly.
"N-no he can't know........I-if he does.....h-he will hate me......J-Jaehyun I-I miss him." Johnny finally said breaking down. Jaehyun walked over and patted his back as a means to comfort his crying friend, "Shhhhh It's okay Johnny......just let it all out" Jaehyun said and soon Johnny was fast asleep on the floor, holding a white rose pin in his hand.
"Well I'm not carrying you to your bed so.... goodnight" Jaehyun said before falling asleep on the couch.


The Next Day

"Papa! Papa! Papa! Wake up!" a bubbling with energy Mark said while jumping up and down on Ten's bed.
Ten opened his eyes and smiled immediately, he loved how energetic his son was, he was always cheery and very bright. Looking at Mark, Ten wrapped his arms around and gave him a big hug wrapping him up tightly.
"Papa love his baby!" Ten said making Mark laugh playfully, "Markie loves Papa too!" he replied happily and tried to push Ten away.
"Papa get up today is our park date with uncles and you" Mark said happily and Ten nodded getting up and off of bed.
"Uncle Kun is making our picnic basket in the kitchen, Uncle Taeyong is downstairs and uncle Doyoung is ....... I don't know" Mark said sounding confused at the end.
At the mention of Doyoung, Ten's mind gave him a flash back of last night.

"Ten.... He is looking for you.... he called me in his office to try and ask me where you were but I didn't tell him..... I don't know what he wants but we need to be careful...... what if he finds out about Mark? Then what.... we don't know what he's capable of or what his motives might be...." Doyoung said looking very concerned at his friend.
"I'm sorry Ten" Doyoung said looking down tears wanting to escape. Taeyong immediately wrapped his arms around Doyoung.
"Ten are you okay?" Taeyong asked concerned.
"I will be ready...... he won't find out about Mark and he definitely won't take him from me" Ten said his fist balling up and his eyebrows furrowing. On the inside Ten was shaking with fear at what Johnny who was now a CEO could be capable of.

"Papa are you okay?" Mark asked shaking Ten's hand waking him from his daze.
"Yes papa is fine..... Mark go with uncle Kun, papa needs to shower" Ten said smiling at Mark now wanting to scare him.
"Okay papa, you have to dress nice, I can't wait!" Mark said running out of the room, his little feet tapping in the hallway.
Ten pulled out his phone and dialed Doyoung, after a couple rings a very groggy voice answered.
"Doyoung?" Ten asked
"Yeah" Doyoung replied
"Wake up today we have the picnic with Mark!" Ten whisper yelled into the phone and immediately heard a thump through the wall.
"Oh snap let me get ready" Doyoung replied and hung up.

After taking a shower Ten walked over to his closet and opted for a cream colored sweater that somehow enhanced his blond hair and some dark jeans. Looking at himself in the mirror he walked out and into the kitchen where Kun was sitting at the dining table joined by Mark, Taeyong, and Doyoung.
"Finally you finish" Taeyong said and everyone looked up at Ten who smiled shyly.
"Well let's get going" he said smiling and Mark running to him to hold his hand.
The group walked out and soon headed to the park.

Finding a great area under a shaded tree, Kun and Doyoung began to set up the area.
"Today is such a pretty day" Ten said looking up at the sky, there was a good cloud coverage and the sun would peek out every once in a while.
"All done!" Doyoung announced and soon every one took their seats.
"Thank you Uncles and Papa for this" Mark said a little blush spread on his cheeks, everyone couldn't help how adorable he was.

Unpacking the lunches Kun made for everyone they eat and laughed and had a great time, Mark would smile and tell his Uncles and Papa about school and the others would gladly listen.
"Papa, I will be right back!" Mark said pushing his glasses up a bit and Ten immediately got defensive.
"Where are you going honey?" Ten asked concerned
"I'm gonna look for my friend" Mark said happily.
"I think he will be fine Ten" Taeyong said softly and Ten reluctantly let go of Mark.
"I won't talk to strangers" Mark said and Ten nodded his head and watched as Mark ran off.
"For a 7 year old Mark is a really sharp child Ten, don't worry" Kun said holding Ten's hand as a comfort.
"I know" Ten replied sounding a bit sad.
"It's okay Ten, don't stress" Doyoung said hugging his friend lightly.

A few minutes passed and soon the group could hear Mark's soft giggles, looking at the direction of the sound Ten froze and his heart dropped instantly.
Taeyong and Doyoung visibly looked scared and surprised.
"N-no" Ten thought his hands beginning to shake violently.

"Papa look It's my friend" Mark screamed happily and brought over a tall man wearing a suit who immediately looked at Ten, surprise written all over his face.
"Johnny?" Kun asked no one in particular and the trio looked at him. Ten's eye looking sad and confused at him.
"C-Chittaphon?" The man said and Ten tensed even more. Ten immediately got up and so did his friends, one of them looking utterly confused.
"Mark let go of this mans hand right now" Ten said his voice sounding cold.
"B-but he is my friend papa" Mark replied sounding confused.
"Mark listen to your papa" Taeyong said coldly while shooting daggers at the taller.
"Now Mark!" Ten said raising his voice and immediately Mark let go and hid behind Kun.
"C-Chittaphon........ It has been so long" the taller man said.
Ten immediately straightened his back and walked forward to the taller.
"Chittaphon doesn't exist anymore.... at least not to you, Youngho" he replied and the taller held his breath, not expecting the other to be cold.
"Ten who is this?" Kun said final speaking up confused at the situation.

"Kun remembered how we first met?....... he is the reason why......" Ten answered his glare never leaving Youngho.

Memories of Ten crying in the stall and the way he seemed so shattered flashed into Kun and immediately hid Mark, and soon reached over to grab Ten by the wrist and pushing him behind as well.

Doyoung and Taeyong stepped forward too.
"Johnny what do you want?" Doyoung said his voice hiding any evidence of anger.
"I want to speak to Chittaphon" Johnny answered back his eyes looking at the blond haired man who was shielding the small boy.

"Well seems like you won't have that honor" Kun replied venom piercing his voice that shocked Teayong, Doyoung and Ten who had never seen or heard this side of Kun before.

Ten started feeling self conscious of all the people around them, a crowd was slowly starting to form as the group seemed to get visibly upset. He couldn't bear all the eyes watching them and decided to give in.
Kun felt a hand rest on his shoulder.
"It's fine I will speak to him......" Ten interrupted.
"Papa where are you going" Mark mumbled, his cheeks puffed and tears spilling down his eyes.
"Papa is sorry he yelled at you. I'm gonna talk to this man okay? Listen to your uncles while I'm gone" Ten said hugging Mark and kissing his forehead. Looking up he saw the way Johnny was looking at him and then looking at Mark.
"But Ten..... are you sure?" Taeyong asked and Ten only nodded.
"Kun please help my friends watch over Mark for me" he asked and Kun nodded and grabbed his hand giving Johnny a glare.
"Yes of course" he replied and looked at Johnny who was obviously bothered by the way Kun was being affectionate to Ten. Looking at Johnny, Ten's whole demeanor changed, it was as if a switch flipped.

"You wanted to talk to me, then let's talk" Ten said and walked away to the direction Mark and Johnny had come prior before.
"Nice to me you all again" Johnny said to Ten friends before walking away behind Ten.
Leaving Teayong, Doyoung and a very jealous seeming Kun with Mark sniffling onto him.


~The meeting has happened!!! What does everyone think?!
I don't know if it was a hit or miss 😭
Please let me know!

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