A life with the Cleveland Sis...

By RayAstrea

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This is going to be something different and I'll try to just make this as slice of life as I possibly can More

A intro to a different style
The sister's come
First day done
A little Mishap
Helping out
A bit Short
The Rumors are about to Spread
a day and A Secret
They arrived
Early Finish,And back home to Something Bad
A little Fight
A Shopping trip with The Yorktown Sisters
Cleve and the maids
Past Crush
A date(?) with Denver
Rough Play
Uncomfortableness and Weirdness
A (Non)Eventful night
A Date part 1
Date part 2
Pizza Night (Short)
A Hot Day with Monty
Some time with Two
Columbia gets Exposed
A Matchup for Disaster (Part 1)
Take her home,Like that's a good idea (Part 2)
The night (Part 3)
A day at the Beach (Part 1)
Let's get the Barbecue on (Part 2)
Don't look (Part 3)
Get the Maid (Part 4)
Monty Becomes a Maid (Part 5)
A Cat comes (Part 6)
An outing with Denver (Part 7)
Monty's Mind (Part 8)
Sister Tsun tsun
let's Camp

Back to school

907 17 24
By RayAstrea

The next day comes and they were now back to school

They take their usual seats

Helena passed Y/N with a smile but makes a scorn when she looked at Cleveland

"Got a problem?"

Helena ignores her and goes to her seat

The bell rings and everyone takes their seat.
Moments later,Yorktown enters the room with a stack of papers

"Alright kids,we've got a test today,I hope you all still remember what we discussed before our break"

everyone in the room made a loud groan

"Pipe down and get your pens out,we still have the finals exam this month so it's best to do a recap test"

Yorktown proceeded to give out the test papers

Hours later
Y/N and the others are already on the 6th page and then Denver tugged on Y/N's shirt from behind and whispered "Y/N can you help us later?"


"There's rumors going around that we're gonna do Special activities later as a group,so will you help us?"

Y/N nodded but then Yorktown saw them "Hey,no talking during the test" and she then proceeded to throw a stick of chalk at Y/N

but for some reason the chalk changed it's direction and slammed onto Denver instead


"Oops,sorry Denver"

after that,the room became silent as they focused on their sheets

The bell rings and everyone collectively lets out a sigh of relief that they managed in time for the bell to ring

"Everyone,pack your bags,we're going somewhere after lunch,meet me and the other classes at the courtyard"

Yorktown steps out the room and the class began to chatter among themselves

Y/N stands up from his seat and goes to the cafeteria

He took his food but then he gets bumped from behind by someone,luckily his food didn't spill and he looks behind him to see Yuudachi "Careful Yuudachi,why are you in such a rush?"

"Sorry Y/N,my buffet is ready,I got to get to it before someone eats it"

"Eh? can you finish all that in time for our gathering at the courtyard?"

"Don't doubt me Y/N,See ya later" Yuudachi runs 

Y/N looks at Yuudachi's table to see a large 7 course meal fit for 5 people "Geeze.........How does she not gain any weight from all that?"

Y/N takes a seat and ate peacefully

A few minutes later
Helena gets to the table and takes a seat in front of Y/N 

"Hello Y/N,How have you been?"

"Hello Helena,I have been fine.what about you? anything interesting happened to you during break?"

"Nothing much happened...........It was just my sisters wanting to take a lot of pictures of me by the beach"

"I expected that much at this point"

Helena puffs her cheeks "What do you mean by that?"

"I mean,they treasure you a lot,and I can understand why they want to take a lot of your pictures. You're beautiful"

Helena blushed but maintains her composure "Thank you.......How about you? something happen?"

"Well............." Y/N Looks away as he remembers "Gone on a trip to a summer house and had a party and whatnot,went on a few trips to town.........Had an incident happen..........."

"Incident? Care to explain?"

"I'd rather not" Y/N began eating faster so as to not let this drag on much longer

"Please tell me Y/N"

"Uhm......Well they just got drunk is all"


"Yorktown and the others"

"Oh......Well she is an alcoholic. But why do you sound like there's more to it than that?"

Y/N finished his food and downed his cup of coffee quickly "There's no reason"

"You're acting suspicious.....You didn't do anything indecent did you?"

Y/N gagged and coughs "Nononononononono,why jump to that assumption immediately?"

"Just making su-"

Suddenly Denver runs to them and hugs Y/N from behind

"Y/N! Come on! We're ready"

"I'll be right with you, I'll talk to you later Helena"

Helena nods and waves her hand

Denver puffs her cheek "You better not be planning something with her....you already saw our bodies...."

Helena spits out her water and gags "WHAT?!"

Y/N looks back at Helena in fear "Ummm......Helena......I can explain...."

Helena looks at him with fear in her face "So you did do something when you were drunk........"

"Nononononononono I wasn't drunk,I didn't even drink that time,it was them"

Helena was starting to back off from him "What else did you do?........."

"Helena I swear I didn't do anything"

Helena runs away

"........She has the wrong idea now....."

"Umm.....Sorry Y/N,I shouldn't have said that" Denver looks down out of guilt

"It's fine Denver" Y/N pats her head and ruffles her hair

Denver pouts "Stop that,It takes a while to fix my hair in the morning you know"

"Sorry sorry,now then,shall we go meet the others?"

Denver nods and pulls on his arm

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