Reaper DXD

Oleh deuxdude

45.1K 718 261

Ever since that 'night', everything changed. You found out that you wield the power of the Grim Reaper, half... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (End Of Season 1)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 (End Of Season 2)

Chapter 6

2.9K 52 47
Oleh deuxdude

Few days have passed after the fight with Shuren and saving Asia from being sacrifice. Now she lives her new life as a Devil being a Bishop and was now happy to be with Issei and Y/N in Rias' Peerage. Today, after training with your Sacred Gear, you were chilling on the couch as Issei came by.

Issei: "Sup, Y/N."

Y/N: "Sup."

Issei: "Whoa!"

Y/N: "What?"

Issei: "Dude it's totally a bra."

Y/N: "Put it down."

Issei: "Relax, Y/N, I was just wondering what's it doing in here."

Y/N: "What do you think?"

A humming was heard in the showers, thus giving Red Dragon Pervert ideas. Like peeping in the showers.

Your response:

Koneko: "You beat me to it."

Y/N: "Yeah but he'll be fine."

Issei: "...Pain..."

Behind the curtain was Asia who was taking a shower and is now coming out with a towel wrapped around her.

Asia: "Is something wrong?"

Y/N: "Nothing really."

Asia: "Is that my bra in your hand?"

You look at your hand and see a bra. Making you blush.

Y/N: "I-Its not what it looks like. I was trying to put it back after-"

Koneko: "Sniffing it?"

You glared at Koneko who just smirk as you kindly gave it to Asia.

Y/N: "Issei was the one who held it and knowing him..."

Issei: "Give me a break, man! Besides having her around definitely has perks."

Asia: "Oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to intrude. Besides Rias said she'll find me a place to stay."


Rias: "Your fight with the Fallen Angels made it perfectly clear that you need to be in physical shape as soon as possible."

Issei: "Great. Say Y/N, are you coming along on this?"

Y/N: "I prefer to train alone but I will give some thought on this."

Rias: "Let us know and does 5 sound good for both of you?"

Both of us nodded as you and Issei starts to hand out flyers while Rias talks to Asia about her sleeping arrangements.

Next Day

You ran at high-speed without using your powers and in slow motion, you rush passed Rias and Issei who the latter runs like a schoolgirl.

Rias: "Wow..."

Seeing that made Issei want to go faster so you won't get attention from other girls, so his response:

Issei: 'There's no way I'll let him get ahead of me!'

Rias: "Few minutes he was running like some girl and now giving it his all. I wonder..."

After exercising, Asia came with them as Rias said she'll be staying with Issei. Asia personally wanted to stay with you but she needed to repay Issei for helping her, at least that's what she told his parents. But on the weekends, she'll be spending some time with you which it's fair.

She even enrolled into class and introduced herself to everyone in her class.


You were fighting off a Stray Devil who was found in a construction site, eating the workers. At first, that thing was just an easy target but then...Shit just got real.

Speed, strength, this Stray have just been leveled up. But it didn't stopped you from crushing it. At blinding speed, both you and the beast clashed. But this fight was in your favor, as you drain its enhanced state and slaughter it without a single shred of mercy.



Y/N: "So you want them to get Familiars?"

Rias: "That's right. Issei and Asia managed to do enough of that little errand so it's high time those two get their own Familiars."

Y/N: "What they're for?"

Akeno: "Familiars are considered as a basic requirement for Devils. They could assist their masters in various tasks, be used for information gathering and relaying messages, as well as perform any other odd jobs that their masters could think of."

That's when Rias, Akeno and Koneko showed us theirs


Which transformed into this:



Y/N: "They look nice."

Kiba: "Wanna see mine?"

Issei: "Nah man. None of us care to see your tiny dancers."

Kiba: "Why you gonna hate man?"

Rias: "Don't be jealous Issei you, Asia and Y/N will get one."

Asia: "But how are supposed to find them?"

Rias: "That's the next step."

*Knock Knock*

Akeno: "Yeah?"

The door opened up, revealing it to be Sona and other students.

Y/N: "Hello Sona."

Sona: "Nice to see you again Y/N. Sorry for the interrupt."

Issei: "What is she doing here?"

Asia: "You two know them?"

Issei: "The one in the middle is the Student Body President and the girl with the glasses behind her is Shira. Looks like she brought the rest of the Council with them."

Y/N: "And spoiled alert, they're Devils. I know this because Sona told me."

Rias: "Hello Sona. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Sona: "Nothing really. Just wanted to congratulate on the increase of your servants even though one of them is still human."

Issei: "Hold on, how does she know about that?"

Akeno: "Her real name is Sona Sitri, the next Head of her family household."

Issei: "Wait seriously?!"

Blonde Student: "Rias, I'm surprised that you didn't tell your little boyfriend about us but I guess if he can't handle the big info then he ain't worth much now is he? Also if this guy still human, why is he here?"

Sona: "She has her reasons of why Y/N is here. Plus it's considered bad form to get involve with other households, Saji. It's only natural Rias held this back."

Issei: "Wait aren't you the guy from the 2 seats of the Student Body Clerks? I think I might have voted for this guy."

Sona: "Saji Genshiro is my pawn."

Rias: "His name is Issei Hyoudo, my pawn. The one next to him is my Bishop, Asia Argento and last but not least is Y/N. Despite being human, he's a great asset to our Peerage."

Issei: "So this guy is a Pawn like me? Guess we're twins!"

Saji: "Spare me douchebag. You, this nobody and these slutty sluts don't deserve to be in the same room of the Sitris."

Issei: "What you say?!"

Y/N: "Ignore the lap dog Issei."

Saji: "Yeah you heard--Hang on, what did you call me?"

Y/N: "Did I stuttered?"

Saji: "Listen dipshit, I don't care how special you think you are! Just because your Sacred Gear activated doesn't mean a damn thing! That Gayass Pretty Boy isn't gonna save you or the perv here either, I took up 4 pieces, bitch!"

Sona: "Issei took up 8 pieces and Y/N fought 2 Strays on his own, keep that in mind before you make a fool of yourself."

Rias: "I'm familiar with the one he fought against during Fallen Angel incident. But care to explain about the other, Y/N?"

Y/N: "Oh there was a Stray Devil at the construction area. Didn't want to bother with small fry. Though may it's victims find peace. Hey, I said I do things my way."

Koneko: "We work as a team Y/N."

Saji: "Eight pieces that butt-munched loser achieved and this jackass slain two Stray Devils? How could these chumps manage that?!"

Issei: "Shut up already."

Sona: "My apologies he's young. Newbies don't appreciate the finer things in civility so I do you'll forgive him for his naivety."

Saji: "Right..."

That's when shook Asia's hands, likely making a move on her. Issei didn't like that one bit and then the two pawns became rivals.

Rias: "How about we had a little contest to sort this whole thing out?"

Sona: "Contest you say?"

Rias: "Whoever wins earns the right to make their request first."

Sona: "A Rating Game I take it?"

Rias: "Oh no. We never get permission to do something like that."

Sona: "That's right this isn't the time or place to call attention to yourself now is it?"

Rias: "Don't go there. Let's settle this the old fashioned way with sports."

(A/N: The original video got erased so understand that this is the only one I found)

Y/N: "Well that didn't do anything."

Koneko: "Since it was draw, a different game has been decided."

Issei: "Seriously."

Kiba: "Yeah like a heartattack my friend, they're decided on what game we should play.

Rias: "We chosen dodgeball to play. We meet the Sitris at the gym tonight. So let's win this!"

Timeskip to the Gym

You and the others are prepping for the game tonight. Issei even made headbands for everyone. When the Sitris arrived, all Hell breaks loose.

Rias: "Y/N your up!"

Issei: "Avenge me...Y/N...!"

Sona: "Shall we?"


As Team Sitri throws their balls...

After that, the Occult Research Club wins.

Saji: "...My balls..."

With ORC

Rias: "I want you to know I'm thankful for each and every one of you for giving it your all. You should be very proud."

Issei: "Man Y/N, you really are something out there."

Y/N: "You did alright yourself, Issei."

Issei: "All I did was getting hurt in the nads."

Kiba: "True but these awesome headbands were made by you. Pretty rad man."

Akeno: "Totes!"

Asia: "You really brought our team together."

Koneko simply smiled.

Rias: "Now I hate to cut this celebration short, but it's high time we get you two your familiars."

Asia: "Right now?"

Familiar Forest

Y/N: "You sure this is where the Familiars are located."

Akeno: "Of course. Where else would you find it?"

Kiba: "No sweat after all this is where we got ours."

Issei: "Sure even though I pissed myself."

Asia: "Yeah it's really freaky."

???: "Who wants me?"

Issei: "Who's there?"

Above them, is a man standing on a tree branch.

Zatouji: "The Familiar Master aka Zatouji!"

Issei: "That's the guy?"

Asia: "Oh wow!"

Zatouji: "If your goal is to find Familiars Galore then you come at the right time that's for sure. The full moon is out to help turn this tide and I'll be the one to act as your guide!"

Y/N: "Why is he rhyming?"

Akeno: "It's his thing. Zatouji is way obsessed with it."

Zatouji: "Now how can I help you? Tell me how you want this to desires! A strong one? A fast one? A one that likes to set fires?"

Issei: "How about one with tits?"

Y/N: "Seriously?"

Issei: "Hey cut me some slack alright."

Zatouji: "Tsk tsk tsk. This is why amateurs always annoy. If you're seeking something more than a toy, utilize your other head my boy. To find a Familiar with a best fit, look for best personality! Don't look for best tit!"

Asia: "That makes sense but I like one that's cute and fun to be around."

Zatouji: "Fun? Done and done."

Asia: "Thank you so much!"

Issei: "Hey no fair dude!"

We followed him to a green lake. Zatouji said we'll find them.

Y/N: "Sounds simple enough."

Issei: "Yeah! Sprites are sexy! We just hit the family jackpot!"

Zatouji: "Is your friend always like this? Because I knew something about him is a miss."

Y/N: "Unfortunately, yes."

Zatouji: "Well looks a Sprite is about to show!"

From the lake was manly face Sprite with womanly curves.

Zatouji: "Take a look it's off the hook."

Issei was not amused. Suddenly a growl was heard from the bushes and when it came out it was a Sprite.

Zatouji: "Though not the last but not certainly the least, here comes the beast!"

This Sprite looked at you and cautiously walked toward you. Not sensing hostility, you rubbed it and in response the creature hugged you.

Koneko: "Seems like you got one. Congrats."

Akeno: "It actually looks cute when you think about it."

Y/N: "Wasn't planning on having one. But what the hell."

As they made their way deeper in the forest, another Sprite was seen on a tree.

Asia: "Aw it looks so cute."

Zatouji: "Cute but dangerous too. When they get angry, they shoot a lightning that's blue."

Issei: "Looks kinda rare for a dragon."

Rias: "Yes it is. I never see one."

Zatouji: "Do it now if you want this one claim. Once these dragons grow up, they can never be tame."

Akeno: "Issei since you possess the power of the Red Dragon Emperor, that's Sprite may turn out to be a pretty good fit."

Issei: "Yeah that makes sense. Dragon I choose y-"

Suddenly slime was all over Rias, Akeno and Asia. Eventually, it's burning up their clothes.

Issei: "Is this best thing you seen or-"

Apparently some of the corrosive slime got onto you, melting your upper clothes.

Koneko, blushed: "Oh wow."

Asia, blushed: "Y/N..."

Akeno: "So toned."

Rias: "Akeno get serious! We can't use our magic with our hands tied."

Your supposed Familiar began eating up the slime without stopping.

Y/N: "Okay that happened."

You turned and see Asia is still covered in slime. Gently grabbing her hand, you used your Sacred Gear to remove the slime that is until Issei grabbed a hold of her only so he could the slime as his Familiar.

Y/N: "Move it or lose it, Issei."

Issei: "Never! With this slime as my Familiar, I will have all the women naked!"

Y/N: "This stuff may burn Asia! You want that?!"

Issei: "No! But I'm keeping it anyway."

Asia, blushed: 'I can't believe Y/N and Issei are not only holding me but fighting over me! It's perfect."

Issei: "Yucky Slime! Come to me! We were meant to be!"

Zatouji: "That's actually a nice rhyme! Literally worth my time!"

That's when a lightning struck Issei. The Sprite Dragon is what caused this.

Rias: "Aw, the Sprite Dragon used its blue lightning."

Issei: "The Yucky Slime?!"

You just couldn't help but laugh.

Issei: "You flying gecko! You and that thing did this! It's your fault!"

The Sprite Beast growled at Issei making the pervert flinch as he got struck by another blue lightning by the dragon as it landed on Asia shoulder everyone agreed that it should be with her as a Familiar. You and Asia made a pact with them.

Asia: "That tickles Rassei stop!"

Issei: "Rassei?"

Asia: "For some reason that name popped into my head. What are gonna call yours, Y/N?"

Y/N: "I'll think of something. Let's go home."

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