My Guardian Nightmare

By Mondi06

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There was a rumored cult that has been given offerings to a demon to not unleash hell on their town for many... More

Chp. 1 - Visit
Chp. 2 - Cult
Chp. 3 - New Classmate
Chp. 4 - Lucid Dreaming
Chp. 5 - Cooking Time
Chp. 6 - Jobs are mean, in Error's opinion
Chp. 7 - Ice Cream
Chp. 8 - Food and talking
Chp. 9: Just a mother coming home... Oh, and Pain.
Chp. 10 - Breakfast after the shock
Chp. 11 - Glück
Chp. 12 - Gifts
Chp. 13 - Planning
Chp. 14 - Reintroducing: The worst person possible
Chp. 15 - Breaking down
Chp. 17 - A tale of persuading cats and swearing
Chp. 18 - Seeking help from the outside
Chp. 19 - Someone from the past
Chp. 20 - Disturbance
Chp. 21 - Quitting?
Chp. 22 - Father-Daughter-Reunion, I guess
Chp. 23 Nightly Visit
Chp. 24 - Bonding Time
Chp. 25 - The stairs of doom
Chp. 26 - Hospital
Chp. 27 - Eos
Chp. 28 - SOUL
Special - Birthday Party
Chp. 29 - Geno's Check-Up
Chp. 30 - Shadows
Chp. 31 - New Home
Chp. 32 - Office
Chp. 33 - Further explanation about the cult
Chp. 34 - King Nightymare
Chp. 35 - Crown
Chp. 36 - Crayon Queen
Chp. 37 - Similarity between mother and son
Chp. 38 - Spooder
Chp. 39 - Removing the drug
Chp. 40- Talking about trauma
Chp. 41 - Dads are embarrassing
Chp. 42 - Medicine Time
Chp. 43 - Meeting Family
Chp. 44 - Waking World
Chp. 45 - Demise
Chp. 46 - A teasing God
Chp. 47 - Magic?
Chp. 48 - Alptraum
Chp. 49 - A super cool Adventure
Chp. 50 - Lovebirds
Chp. 51 - A crash

Chp. 16 - Visitors

909 38 57
By Mondi06

Soon enough, they reached the park and Comyet led them out, the park looked so pretty during the sunset.
"Pretty." Fresh tilted his skull a bit while Error nods a bit and then looked around curiously. 'Hey... Nighty?'

,,Yes?" Nightmare hummed. ,,Something wrong, Kiddo?"
Geno was excitedly jumping around, looking amazed at the sunset and Ink hugged his mother.
'I'm curious but... Did you have someone to guard before me?'
Error curiously asked, wanting at least some distraction from both his tiredness and his raging thoughts.

,,I-" Nightmare went silent. ,,I-  I guess you could say so."
The guardian was silent for a bit more. ,,...Let's say it didn't work out good."
'Oh... I'm sorry for asking...' Error sadly thought as he allowed his brother to drag him to the pond again.
Fresh and Comyet just following after with Ink.

,,It's alright, kid. There was no possibility for you to know."
Nightmare said, while Geno rambled excitedly about how cute the ducks were and how the sun is so pretty.
Oh, and something about how CQ would love all this.

Comyet just chuckled softly, bringing her phone out.
"Ink, peux-tu trouver un bon endroit pour poser pendant que je dis à tes amis de faire face à la caméra?" Comyet curiously asked her child.
Error glancing at Comyet curiously at the phone in hand. "You also have a phone?"
"What's a phone?" Fresh glanced at Error.
"Oh it's uh... It's like Geno's magic box, except it has more function... Look." Error pointed at Comyet's phone.

Ink nodded happily and began to look around for a nice place.
The child then stopped under a big tree near the pond.
Geno came curiously to his brothers and looked at Comyet's phone. ,,Coool...!" He said amazed.

"Alright kiddos, time for a groupie to show CQ where we were!" Comyet chirped.
"Position yourself where Ink is and do a pose."
Comyet smiled while Error seemed to brighten up a bit.
"Are we gonna do this thing called selfie?"
"Yes Error, except it's a groupie." "Okay!"
That seems to have given Error some energy as he then quickly stood besides Ink.
Fresh staring at him before shrugging and following.

Geno blinked confused, but he shrugged too and rushed giggling to the others, jumping excitedly up and down.
"For this, you're gonna have to stop moving Geno, even for a bit. Can you do that?"
Error raised a brow playfully while Comyet chuckled and switched it to front mode before positioning herself.
Geno giggled and nodded, trying to stand still.
But he still had his excited smile on his face, as he looked to the phone in curiosity.

Comyet then glanced over, seeing Error teaching Fresh to do a peace sign and grinning, Fresh copying the action while Error then held Ink's hand and gave a peace and a small smile, Comyet then glanced over at Ink and smiled when he was also in position before looking at the camera.
"Say cheese!" "Cheese?" "Cheese!"

,,Uhhh... cheese!" Geno cheered, even if he was a bit confused, while Ink just screeched with a wide grin: ,,Gouda!"
Haha, Ink. Very funny.

Comyet just giggled softly and snapped a photo.
"How about another?" "Eh, sure."
Error hummed lightly and Fresh just gave a thumbs up.
Geno tilted slightly his head, but nodded then grinning, despite the excitement, that was bubbling in the child.

Soon enough, another picture was taken and Comyet went to look at it, Error then rushed towards Comyet in curiosity, still holding Ink's hand.
Geno followed Error and Ink and jumped excitedly up and down, wanting to see it too.

"Huh... That's really cool." Fresh looked at the photo that Comyet showed him, Error smiling a bit. "It definitely is."
Geno gasped. ,,It iiiis! This is us! How does that work?"
The child looked up at Comyet in wonder.

"It's the wonders of technology Geno, even I can't really explain... Especially since it's not really in my department."
Comyet chuckled softly and Error was just staring in awe.
"Ms. Comyet, can this be uhh... Pr.. Pinted..." "Printed out?" "Yeah!"
"Of course, tomorrow, I'll be back with this printed out."
Comyet couldn't help but laugh at Error smiling brightly. "Print?" Fresh was just confused.
"You'll see Fresh! I've seen this printing things happen before!"

,,It's surely cool if you seem to like it!" Geno cheered, jumping up and down in one place.
He coughed shortly, before clearing his throat and continued.
"It is." Error grinned before covering his mouth to stifle a yawn.
Fresh then glanced towards the ponds and then walked over and just began to watch them.
Comyet just humming before almost showing Ink the piccy.
Ink was smiling at the picture and holding a thumb up, before he looked at the CQ-brothers.
Geno was jumping around energetic, a wide grin on his face.


Opening the door and walking through, Error went straight towards the couch and sat down, Fresh just rushing besides Error and sitting besides him before clinging to him.
Error glitching a bit in surprise before glaring down at the child in mock annoyance.

Geno joined Fresh in excitement and clung onto Error too, grinning at his brother happily.
Ink blinked and stared at the three, before giggling and shacking his head slightly.

Error then whined at the hugs, too many hugs!
Comyet just laughing softly and taking a little sneaky pic of them... How many is that now, fifteen?
Yeaaah she takes a lot of secret pics.

Geno giggled at his brother and gave him pats, while Ink sat down beside Fresh.
The kid patted Error even more, when a loud, long ,,Meeeooooooow!" screamed from the door and something scratched loudly against the door.
Confused perked Ink up. ,,...Vous n'avez pas de chat, n'est-ce pas?" He asked, looking at Error.

Error tilted his skull in confusion as Comyet stood up. "Ink asked if you had any cats."
"Oh... No. We do not, nor do we have the money to buy one or get food for them." Error sheepishly said.
"Let go of me." Error whined, managing to squirm out and rush towards Comyet as the door then opened.
The two looking down at... A bunch of... Cats....?

,,Miau." One cat meowed, all of them having a soft fur, sometimes a bit longer, sometimes a bit shorter.
The weird thing about the cats was, that they all had light blue scarfs around their necks. ,,Ngiyaw!"
Another one meowed and suddenly all the cats came rushed into the house.
Some of them jumped at Error or pressed themselves purring against him.

Error stumbled back a bit in surprise, a little 'eep' escaping his lips as he fell on his bum.
"Error! Are you okay?" Comyet asked in surprise, looking at the cats in confusion, there's like... Around five?
"Error, are you sure they aren't yours?"

"Nope." Error was also just as confused, slowly wrapping his arms around the purring cats, somehow though, he seems to have relaxed more while Fresh curiously watched them.
"What even are they?" "Weren't you listening? They're cats, Fresh."
"Cats? Like those.... Weird tiny animal thingies in one of Geno's magic box games thingy?" "Yep."

,,They look soooo weeeeird..." Geno said and looked at the cats with a wide eyesocket.
,,I've never seen a real cat before in my life!" The child said then, watching as the cats cuddled onto Error.

"They're pretty common around the neighborhood, that, and dogs."
Comyet chuckled while Error yelped as he ended up on the floor.
"Nooo! I'm under a pile of cats! Help! They're too fluffy!"
Error yelled as he tried to get out of the pile of cats, only to squeak and starting to giggle when two began to lick his face. "Noooo."

Geno giggled at his brother, looking at the cats in interest.
,,Are they nice? They're not hurting you, right?" Geno then asked his brother.
"Some cats are nice, some aren't." Comyet explained and Error nods.
"I don't really know, I've never met them... Though I think I've seen them before? Or at least one or two of them, they all look the same."
Error grumbled childishly and attempted to get up, a few cats finally getting off of him.
"I don't know how they even found me!" He whined.

Geno blinked, before grinning. ,,Maybe they're maaaaagic!"
He cheered and giggled then. ,,Magic cats, yes yes yes!"
Error opened his mouth to retort before just sighing.
He'll let Geno have his fantasy... And probably Fresh too considering how excited he also seems to be. "Well they def look cool broski."
Fresh then began to grin a bit as Error then finally got the cats off.

"We might need to make them leave though, we still don't have enough food to feed them, plus they need a litterbox for their potty..."
Error grumbled childishly while Comyet hummed in thought.
"Well, do you three want these five kits?" "Yep!" Fresh cheered.
,,Yeaaaah! Magic caaaats!" Geno cheered and clapped with his hands.
Two cats walked over to Fresh and Geno, sniffling at them interested, before looking at Error, sniffling again and letting out a purring meow.

Error then just sighed. "But you've helped us enough..."
Error feels guilty for having Comyet and Ink help them so much.
"Nonsense! I'm your aunt now, and as you children's Aunt, it's now also my job that I'll make you three happy."
Comyet smiled and Error blinked. 'She's so cool what the heck.'

Nightmare suddenly wheezed in Error's mind, while Geno tilted his head in confusion, not really understanding the conversation.
,,Eh?" He said and looked at Fresh, to know if he maybe had answers.
Fresh looked at Geno, also in confusion. What even is a job? "What's a job?"
"It's something you shouldn't worry about." Comyet chuckled while Error just pouted a bit.
'Hey, it's true.' "Are you really sure about this, Ms. Comyet?" Error sheepishly said and Comyet nodded.

"Of course hun." Comyet then looked at the time.
"I still have time to run out to the market and grab the necessities, unless the kitties already have what they need?"
Comyet couldn't help but joke as she looked down at the cats.
Error couldn't help but giggle. "Doubt it."

,,Miau." One cat said. Geno scooted to Fresh and hugged onto his brother, grinning slightly at the cats.
Fresh then snickered at the cat and leaned against Geno as well while Error then hummed.
"Yeah no, they did not came prepared."
"Figures... Ink, Je vais m'éloigner un peu pour acheter de la nourriture et les besoins des chats, puisque les frères le veulent. Veux-tu rester avec Error et ses frères ou venir avec eux aussi?"

,,Je veux rester avec Error!" Ink cheered and grinned up at Comyet, smiling at his friend.
,,...Wonder what Mama will say to the cats..." Geno thought out loud.
"Probably be shooketh." Error shrugged. "Sh... Shooketh?" Fresh raised a brow.
"Another saying for shock!" Error chirped and Fresh lets out an 'oh'.
Comyet just chuckling and nodding before she then moved to leave.
Geno giggled at that. ,,Shooketh!" He laughed and grinned at Error. ,,It sounds funny!"

"It is indeed funny." Error snickered and Fresh nods in agreement.
Comyet then started her car just as Error moved to close the door.
"The cats would still have their freedom to roam around."
Error hummed lightly before sitting down on the couch, squeaking when a few of the kit kats jumped on him.

Geno giggled. ,,The cats like youuu!" He cheered.
,,Wonder why, though. Were you nice to them??"
"I never really interacted with them besides giving them pets."
Error shrugged lightly, carefully giving them scritches. 'Nighty look, kitties!'

,,Weird!" Geno giggled, looking ar the cats.
,,Why do they all have scarfs, though- Why do Cats have scarfs?" ,,That's good." Nightmare hummed.

"I don't know, their previous owners probably gave it..." Error mumbled.
"So if you're like a cat broski, would that mean you would do what they do too?"
"Fresh I'm not a cat." He couldn't help but somewhere, someplace else, he's having the same conversation.

Fortunately for him, he couldn't hear the sneeze that had occured.

Geno giggled slightly. ,,Why would you be? You're a skeleton!" He cheered.
,,Dunno how that would work! This cats are waaaaay smaller than you! But I like the sound they make!" The child cheered.
,,Would you be a cat if you would make the same sound, though?" He then thought out loud.
,,What does it need to even be a cat? Or something else in general?"

"I... I dunno." Error blinked, carefully lifting a kitty up and staring straight at them, blinking again.
'Do you think you can answer that, Nighty?'
,,Well, biologically seen, Cats gave a way different body building than, to example humans. They also live different and need different things. Monster are even made from way different things... I believe. Like, if a monster dies, a monster that is not a hybrid, it turns to dust, right?" Nightmare hummed.

'I think so? I've never seen anyone die.' Error thought back, nuzzling the kits.
,,And that's good, I Don't want you to see anyone die." Nightmare answered.
,,You're still a child, so no death for you." Geno suddenly sneezed.

'Is death really that bad...? I know I get that never seeing the dead person is one of the bad parts but...'
Error trailed off before blinking and looking at Geno in worry. "Are you okay?"
,,I'm fine? Just needed to sneeze." Geno answered and smiled at his brother.
,,It is... Death can really hurt, Error. And it can be traumatising.  I do not wish for you that in any way, Kid."

Error slowly nodded and then looked at Geno and hummed. "If you say so."
Error then carefully placed the cat on Geno's lap. Fresh just watching curiously.
Geno gasped at the soft ball of fur, that looked up at Error, then at Geno.
The cat meowed and licked slightly Geno's cheek.
The child giggled, his one eyelight a star, as he slowly reached his hand out and petted the cat.

Error then smiled softly at that and leaned back. 'I wish no one in my family would die...' Error thought sadly.
,,I am sure no one will, Error." Nightmare tried to calm down his little protégé.
'How are you so sure...? Geno's health is so low already Nighty...!'
Ah, Error's back to being negative again as he pets the cats.

,,Sh sh sh, he will be alright, Error." Nightmare said as, he tried to calm his glitching child down.
,,If he would get even weaker, he wouldn't be able to be this energetic! So it's good, right?"
'But him being energetic is one of the reasons why he gets weakened faster! And we have no medicine for Gen Gen...'
,,Hey, hey, calm down. Geno will be okay. Just calm down, yeah?"

'But what if he won't? It's not like hoping would get any better- magic that isn't some... Cultists' work doesn't exist!'
Error then watched Geno happy petting the cat before looking back down at his own, Fresh had moved and began to pet the catto that had jumped on his lap.
'Mama may not say it but... I know that the money still isn't enough to pay hospital bills... They're just... So expensive...'

,,Hey! I am not some cultists' work! They don't even know what real magic is!" Nightmare huffed, slightly offended, before saying:
,,I know, but I am sure he won't die. Geno is strong, you see? It's Geno! He will fight this stupid sickness."
'But... They say you are.' Now Error was confused, but he did let the works sink in.
'You're... You're right... Geno is strong- He is my older brother after all...' Ah yes, his oldest brother.

,,Exactly! He is and he will survive, like the strong kid he is!" Nightmare  said, sounding sure of what he said.
Then he added: ,,And the cultist lied. I am only ,summoned' because I need something very important for me from them."
'Oh... What was it really?' Error curiously asked, swinging his legs a bit.

,,Oh... there are multiple things. Your scarf was definitely something I needed, though. At the time this happened, someone of my- uhhhh... friends? Was pretty sick, so I uh... gave it to him." Nightmare answered.
'Oh...' Error then blinked a bit as he ducked a when a kitty climbed on his skull.
'Well, are they... Feeling better now?'

,,Yup! He's better! Eating like he always did."
Nightmare hummed, sounding actually pretty happy about this.
Error blinked, smiling a bit. A small sense of pride and happiness filling him.
'I'm glad my scarf helped him then!'
,,Uh-hu!" Nightmare hummed, before asking: ,,Are you, uhhh... missing your scarf?"

'Yeah... It was... My comfort scarf. Helps me hide in school and stuff...' Error softly replied.
'A gift from my ma when she managed to get enough money to buy me and my brothers gifts.'

,,...I understand. ...I... I guess I don't need it anymore." Nightmare mumbled in thought.
'Are you sure? What about your friend?' Error thought in concern.
'Won't your friend feel sad that you would have to give the scarf back? Your friend can have it...'
Error thought, a bit guilty for wanting his item back in all honesty.
,,Nah, he won't. All he cares for is that he has food, honestly. He isn't attached to the scarf or needs it, like you. Also, it's yours." Nightmare answered hummed.

'Are you really sure about that then?' Error was honestly surprised. 'Like... Really really sure?'
,,I am, Error. I am very sure, I promise." Nightmare with a slight sigh.
'Okay...' Error trailed off, looking up when he felt Fresh poke him.


Welp, there are cats now.

Weird cats.


2967 Words

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