The Secret Life of Nessa Odin...

By kms_pages

84.6K 1.7K 162

A tale about Odin's secret daughter and her life after being discovered by S.H.I.E.L.D after rescuing Tony St... More

Chapter 1: Saving Tony
Chapter 2: The interrogation
Chapter 3: Family reunion
Chapter 4: What now?
Chapter 5: Staying at Stark Towers
Chapter 6: Settling in
Chapter 7: Announcements
Chapter 9: But why?
Chapter 10: Let's make a deal
Chapter 11: Learning the truth has it's ups and downs
Chapter 12: A walk in the woods
Chapter 13: Making plans
Chapter 14: Shock, anger, worry
Chapter 15: Good against Evil
Chapter 16: Dealing with traitors and *EPILOGUE*

Chapter 8: Dreams, Duels and Dances

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By kms_pages

Chapter 8: Nessa's POV*

I was running in the forest, from what I had no idea. I didn't know what was happening where I was why I was running but something in me made me keep going telling me not to stop cause if I do something would happen.

I saw a clearing up ahead and pushed my self to go harder, I could feel what ever I was running from catching up to me.

I reached the clearing but stopped quickly seeing that it ended and became a cliff. I stopped at the edge looking down seeing some of the ground crumble at my feet. I backed up from the edge a little then stopped as my back hit something. And unfortunately for me that something was breathing heavily like it had just been running.

I could sense the darkness coming off him and it was so strong It was choking me. I turned around and faced the creature who'd been chasing me. All I had seen was a tall figure dressed in a black cloak with a hood that had covered it's face so I could not see it. It started moving towards me inching closer slowly and by instinct I moved back.

Soon I had gotten so far back that could feel the end of the clearance where the cliff began. I couldn't move any further back and the hooded figure soon caught up with me, getting so close I could feel their breath on my face.

I was as far back on the cliff as I could be, I wanted to put as much distance between us as I could but he just kept moving closer. Once I was as far back as I could go without falling and they as close to me without touching me. It cut my arm with the dagger it had pulled from it's cloak, then raised it's hand and gently pushed my shoulder which due to my current position caused me to fall off the cliff.

I fell down screaming arms flaring around hoping to grab on something but there was nothing there and soon I was engulfed into darkness the last thing I see being the hooded figure watching me fall.


I woke up gasping and sweating I looked Around seeing that I was in my bedroom. It was only a dream but it felt so real. I got sat up and turned my body so that my legs were dangling over the side of the bed.

I was bout to get up when I felt something going down my arm. I looked at my left arm to see it bleeding. The cut being in the exact same place as it was in my dream. What the hell was going on!? I can't get physically hurt in my dreams it's not normal, so what was going on?

I got out of bed and had a showing hoping that it would help me think.

After my shower I got changed into my armour deciding that I would train today so if they notice the cut I can always say I got it while training, plus it's also been a while since I had last trained and I need to work on my fighting skills.


I walked into The training room and decided to practice using my sword so for about half an hour I practiced my fighting techniques on the dummies used for training. I had just sliced of the head on one when I some clap slow and mockingly by the door.

I turned around to see Huld looking at me a smirk on her face. "Impressive." She says but I knew there was more so I said nothing. "But not as impressive as what I can do." She said ad to prove her point she took a sword from the barrel, jump in the air towards one of the dummies in the back and spun in whilst she was in the air slicing the dummies in half before landing in a crouched position and turning to face me.

"Not bad." I started walking towards her whilst. "But that's a stationary object let's see how you fight with something that moves." My eyes were full of mischief, I gripped my sword harder straightening my posture we had started circling each other. Never taking our eyes of the other. "Alright but don't blame me when your rushed to the healing room." She said smirking before her face turned cold, lunging at me.

I blocked her attack anticipated that she would make the first move. I flung her sword upwards as soon as it clashed with mine. She still held it tightly but when her arms were up was my advantage. I Swung my sword sideways and cut her arm. It was in a similar position as mine was just on the other arm.

She looked down and stubbled back a bit shock she put her hand on her arm then took it off watching the blood drip down her hand onto the floor. She looked at me with a mad expression but it was a duel, a battle she should've seen it coming.

She lunged at me again and once again I blocked it a little later than last time but still blocked it. She swung at my head but I ducked down and slid my feet sweeping her off her feat literally.

I got back up and pointed my sword towards her. She had tried getting up but stopped resting on her elbows, when she saw my sword was positioned in front of her neck. We both stood there for a second. We were both panting it had been a long duel and we were both worn out I moved my sword so that it was at my side I walked off towards the barrel of swords when I felt something sharp go through me.

I looked down at my stomach seeing the sword Huld was using in my. It had pierced through my back with it's end sticking out of my stomach. She withdrew her sword and I turned to face her. I spat up some blood that had gown up my through and looked at her fiercely before lunging at her. She blocked my attack but I didn't stop there I kept fighting her 'till at one stage I had my blade go through her shoulder. I had a smirk on my face as she groaned when I withdrew my sword. Paybacks a bitch.

She swung at me again and we kept going at it like this for about ten minutes. Attacking and defending the clash of metal being the only sound in the room other than our heavy breathing though that wasn't for long. I felt a presence at the door but ignored it being to into the duel. The person stood there for a minute staring at us before a male voice yelled "Stop!"

Again to into the duel both me and Huld decided to ignore him. It was obvious we weren't going to stop 'till one of us were half dead. "STOP!" He yelled again a hint f annoyance in his tone. But we yet again paid no attention. "I said...." The man had started before pausing and using magic to split us apart, sending us both crashing into a wall, "Stop!"

We bother turned to see Loki standing at the door an angry expression on his face. He looked at us both before speaking "Now I don't know what you both were doing.." He paused looking at us. "But I don't want to see it happen again understood!?" Authority in his voice Huld seemed somewhat scared but I didn't care and seeing this discussion useless I decided to walk off.

"Yeah whatever." I mumbled as I passed him but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "And where do you think you're going?" He asked seriously. "If you must know I am going back to my chambers to change into something less.... bloody." I responded looking down at my armour. "Oh no you're not you're coming with me so I can take you to the healing room." He said sternly. "Uh... no I think I'm good." I told him before slipping my arm t of his grip and began walking off, but againhe stopped me but this time started dragging me through the halls towards the healing room. "You're coming with me to the healing room weather you like it or not." He said lowly whilst dragging me through the halls of the palace. I sighed in defeat knowing that I can't do anything about it.

Loki dragged me through the halls when I noticed Odin walking in our direction but was busy talking to a guard to notice us. He heard footsteps coming and looked up for a second before looking at the guard and releasing what he just saw. He looked towards me again. Looks of shock, anger and concern flashed across his face.

"What happened." He bellowed, walking into the healing room with Loki and me. Loki sat me down on a the table in the healing room. "She had been battling Huld and is now badly injured." Loki said the last part scolding me. I scoffed an rolled my eyes I wasn't hurt that bad I mean several cuts, most of my body bruising and a stomach to the knife wasn't that bad.

"I'm fine and I feel perfectly fine." I said jumping of the table. "Now if you'll excuse me I have to-" "WHAT HAPPENED!?" Some one yelled from the door, I looked up to see it was Thor. Oh great more people to tell me I need help, I thought. "Nessa battled Huld and got herself injured." Odin replied calmly a hint of anger in his tone.

"I was training and it was just an innocent duel you're over reacting." I said annoyed that at how they were treating me. "Well either way you are hurt and need to be attended to Eira!" Odin called a woman walked through the doors leading to another room. "Yes my King?" She responded. She had light brown hair with sea green eyes. "Please tend to Nessa she was battling and hurt herself Loki you stay with he and make sure she's fine but Thor I need you to come with me." Odin stated before walking off, Thor only a step behind but her didn't leave before looking back at me and giving me a worried smile. I smiled back and he left leaving me alone with Loki and the Eira who was getting her medical equipment ready.

I had taken some of my armour off so she could access the wounds easier i still had the top on though. She first cleaned everything before placing bandages on my cuts then lifted up my top a bit so she could look at my stomach. "The back seems to be healing quickly on it's own the front a little slower though I recommend staying in bed for a few days and not walking so your stomach can heal as well as the rest of your body." She said. Yeah right the is no way I'm staying in bed I have stuff to do I though.

"Thank you, is that all she will need?" Loki asked looking from me to the Eira then back to me. "Yes that is all." She said quietly before walking towards the door seeing one of the guards walk in hurt. "Alright well, let's get you back then." Loki said before going to pick me up but I stopped him. "What are you doing?" I questioned. "Eira said that you should not be walking for the next few days so I'm carrying you to your chambers." He said like it was obvious. "Uh no thanks I walked here and I can walk back." I'm not letting him carry that'll make me look helpless and weak, thanks but no thanks.

I jumped of the table wincing slightly when my feet touched the ground. I was about to walk away when Loki started speaking again. "Yes well, you have no say in the matter so..." He trailed off, scooping my in his arms arraying me bridal style to my chambers. I relaxed in his arms knowing that I wouldn't be able to match his strength in my weakened state. I laid my head on his chest getting comfortable, he looked down at me and smiled before looking straight again.

When we reached my chambers I opened the door and then was carried in. "Here we are.." Loki said, pulling the covers up before setting me down on the bed and covering me with the blanket. "I'll make sure there's a guard by your door is you need anything or if something wrong." "Something like me walking out of my room?" I suggested. The corner of his mouth turned up slightly before he responded. "Yes something like that." He responded smirking.

"Well I'll leave you to it, if you need anything call on the guard and... don't try to escape." He said walking towards the door. "Escape? You say that as if i'm in prison." I called after him. "Well seeing as you can't leave your room I'd say it's something similar." He shouted already out of the door. I chuckled lightly to myself. Now time to get out of this room.....


I decided that trying to fight the guard off would just be stupid because A. People would here us and even if I did defeat him I'd probably get a new guard B. I am a Goddess but I am currently weakened andy body worn out so it wouldn't be as easy.

I crept up behind towards the door trying hard not to make a sound, I opened the door slightly so I could see the guard. He was standing directly in front of my door a sword In his hands.

I turned my hand slowly putting him under a spell which would make him sleep until I allowed him to be awoken. With a smug look on my face I walked out of my chambers and through the hall. I wanted to go to the forest just outside the kingdom, last time I was here I remember this one spot that had a beautiful view of the city.

"Nessa, Nessa would you please come here." Called a female voice her tone gentle. I turned around to see Friga walking towards me, I smiled curtly at her before replying, "Yes Lady Friga?" she smiled at me before speaking. "We are having a ball tomorrow night to celebrate your coming to the kingdom as well as your new role as princess of Asgard." She informed me. "Oh really, well thank you well then I should probably go see what I'm going to-" "Nessa!" Yelled a voice which I had recognised to be Loki's "Oh great" I mumbled to myself, but Friga just looked confused I looked towards Loki he had a mad expression on his face.

"How did you get past the guard?" He questioned. "Oh it was very simple really, I just put a spell over him to make him fall asleep and only be awoken by me." He had a shocked and angry look on his face. "I do not understand what is going on but, Loki as long as your here you will escort Nessa to the ball we're hosting for her tomorrow." Friga stated.

We both started protesting immediately him saying that he will not escort me, me saying that I didn't want him to but Friga cut us both off. "I will have no wining you are both going to the ball together whether you like it or not seeing." She said sternly before walking off leaving me an looking standing there awkwardly. "Well I'm going to go pick out a dress for tomorrow so bye." I said before briskly walking away, could that have been anymore awkward!? Ugh.

I had entered my closet and after about half an hour found a suitable dress to wear. Again it had royal blue on it but it's my colour like Thor's is red and Loki's is green. Loki.... I can't believe I have to go to the ball with him. Tomorrow is going to be pretty awkward. I thought to myself as I dressed in my PJ's and went to bed.


I spent the majority of the day of the ball getting ready seeing how I didn't get out of bed until nine and the ball started at five. I had my hair done up and wore a Royal blue one strap dress with a band going around my waist that had a sliver and black on it, With silver heels.

I heard a knock on the door and opened it, I saw Loki standing there in his more formal armour with his hands behind his back. "Shall we go?" He asked extending his hand for me to take. I didn't know why but I had the feeling that tonight was going to be a good night.

We walked into the ballroom with our arms linked. All eyes were on us we descended the stairs and walked towards Odin and Friga. "You look stunning Nessa." Friga gushed. "Thank you Lady Friga as do you." She smiled at me before walking off towards someone who was calling her. Odin just looked us up and down before giving us a smile showing his approval and walking away. I could feel Loki's eyes on my and looked up to see him. He was taller than me but only by a few inches. He looked down at me, smiled and guiding me towards Thor and the others.

"Ah sister it is good to see you up on your feet again. How are you healing?" Thor said his voice full of concern at the end. "I'm fine Thor but thank you for asking." I replied smiling at him before looking at Sif and the warriors three. I noticed that Huld wasn't with them but decided not to bring it up.

I could feel eyes on me this time but I knew it wasn't Loki he was standing next to me talking to Hogun who as always didn't seem interested because of his straight face but he was talking more than usual which was usually a sign that he was. I looked around the ball room looking for whoever was staring at me but couldn't find them. Then it stopped I couldn't feel them staring anymore. So I started talking to Thor and Fandral he was flirting slightly but I didn't care he's kind of like the Asgardian version of Tony Stark, it's in his nature he can't help it.

About five minutes later I could feel someone staring again and it was starting to get annoying. I looked around and found someone exiting the ballroom they looked over their shoulder in my direction for a moment then walked out. Obviously wanting me to follow them and as my curiosity got the best of me that's exactly what I did.

I followed them through the halls, it had turned a corner and followed it but what I didn't expect was for the person to disappear. I walked a little further up the hall and looked around. Where on Midgard could the have gone? I thought to myself. I turned around and saw the them standing in front of me but before I could react or get a proper look at their face I was pushed into the room which happened to be a cleaning supplies room my head hitting the hard wood shelf but luckily not breaking it. I looked at as the door was closing in my face. I sat there for a moment thinking before my world was shrouded Into darkness.


Hey guys,

You guys are amazing it's only my eighth chapter and I already have 282 reads, 17 voted and 7 fans!

I am pretty sure that this chapter is longer than usual because there were quite a few different things that happened In it as you can see.

Ok so this chapter would not have been up this soon if it wasn't for Angelxxxxx who commented on chapter seven and posted a message on my message board asking me to update saying that she really liked it which I was stoked with cause I want your opinions on this guys good and bad. So yeah this chapter is dedicated to her.

Ok so when I was writing some of this before it was night and was full on thunder storming so of course I thought of Thor!

There is a picture of the dress that Nessa wore to the side. I didn't now how to describe it in the book though so sorry for that terrible description. Again for some reason the photo comes out weird sorry.

Don't forget to comment your thoughts on this book once again I love constructive criticism and I will not be offended if you guy say you don't like something cause that means I could right better.

I need a ship name for Nessa and Loki. Noki? Lessa? I have no idea so you could comment what you think would be cute bellow.




Bye guys! -K

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