When I Told You That

By ailovexiaowang

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Zhan and Yibo are childhood friends since they're at 5th grade. Their bond is strong enough to build the soli... More



713 65 3
By ailovexiaowang

I flutter my eyes as I feel the sunlight getting higher and hotter. The wind that blowing doesn't help to get rid of the heat.  I can feel the sweat rolling on my back. I feel the heat on my back, too. But it's not the heat from the sun. It's the heat from someone's body.

Ah! I remember now. Yibo is cuddling me from my back. I move my body, gives Yibo a little nudge on the ribs to wake him up. He groans softly.

"Wake up. We still have class after lunch...!" I say to him.

"Five more minutes...!" He groans again.

I take my cellphone and check the time. Lunch time is almost over. We have to go to the class without have lunch first.

"No more five minutes! We're late!"

I push him to release his cuddle. He groans more as his body rolls over to the lying position on his back. He covers his eyes from the sunlight. I get up and slap the grass off from my shirt. I glance at Yibo. He sleeps some more.

"Ish! Bo! Wake up!" I shake his body.

"Argh! Let's ditch the class today...!" He growls.

"Tch! Quick! Or I leave you here!" I threaten him.

I hear him squealing. He rubs his eyes and gets up. Still sitting down with sleepy eyes, he 's pouting. I stand up and grab my sling bag.  I throw his backpack to him. And without waiting for him to get himself back completely, I start to walk off.

"Zhan! Wait up!" He shouted with hoarse voice.

"Hurry up!" I reply him without stopping . I know he will eventually catching up with me.

He wraps his hand over my shoulder and put his head on my other shoulder. He's shorted than me, that's why it's comfortable for him to lean on me.

"What'd we have for lunch?" He asks.

"What lunch? Only left 10 minutes to our next class...!" I retorts.

He whines.

"I'm hungry...!" He whines.

"Take it for another two hours...!" I say, chuckling.

He squeals again while still clings on my shoulders.

"Get up! We're reach the campus already..!" I remind him when we start to climb down the hill to the park.

He raises his head straight but still grabbing my shoulder. We keep walking to get to our next class. I scanning the grassy ground in the park. There is something I'm looking for. The paper. I need to find it as there is that new kid's phone number. Not because I want to keep his number, but I worry if someone will get the paper and do prank by calling his number and disturbing him.

But why do I care?

He takes the seat at the back with me this time. Yan Ting calls him to sit with her but he ignores her. I don't know why, I feel satisfy when he refuse the girl and prefer to sit with me.

I sit side by side with Yibo. But something bugging me which makes me scanning the classroom that packed by the students. I don't see him in this class. Maybe he doesn't take this class.

I lean my back on the back rest, pulling out the books and stationary from my bag. I feel something weighing my thigh. I know what it is. I gush as I push Yibo's leg from my thigh. It's his habit everytime we sit next to each other in the class. I glance at him. He doesn't show that he's the culprit. I smile thinly.

The professor comes and the lesson starts immediately. I don't see the new kid appears throughout the lesson. Why do I think of him?


I run downstairs when I hear the engine roaring in the yard. I was playing game on my computer when he comes over to my house. I only wearing a plan thin t-shirt and a pair of shorts. I don't bother about my outfits. I'm seeing my crazy best friend, not a girl to date with.

"Why do you so excited whenever he comes over?" Hui Xin, my 16 younger sister commenting. She's playing  a violin in the living room which makes my ears hurt.

"Just stop playing that horrible thing!" I retort.

"It's not the violin which is horrible. It's the way I'm playing it..." She grumbles.

Ha? She knows it. I don't argue with her. I open the door and stand in the porch. I look at the boy who climbing down the Ducati 1299 Panigale. He removes the helmet that covers his head then he clutches it while walking to the porch where I standing before the steps. He throws the helmet at me which I promptly catch.

He step on the first steps before suddenly he drops himself and catches my leg while saying : " Oh! Zhan's sexy long hairy legs!"

"Fuck you!!" I shouted out of my concern because I surprise and terrify with his sudden action. I hit his head with his own helmet.

"Aw! Zhan! That's hurt!" He complains and rubs his head.

"Serve you right!" I grumble.

"Zhan? Watch your mouth!" Mom shouting from inside the house.

"Sorry!" I shout back at her.

I glare at Yibo who grinning stupidly. I walk into the house after I throw back his helmet at him.

"Zhan, dinner is ready in 5 minutes...!" Mom informs me. "Hey, Bo! Are you joining us for dinner?" She asks Yibo when she sees him.

"Yeah! Sure, aunty!" Yibo replies. He places the helmet in the display table in the living room.

"Hey, Xin!" He greets my sister.

My sister only raise her hand without answering him.

"Where's uncle, aunty?" He asks my mom.

"He's still praying behind...! He's coming soon...!" Reply mom.

We take the seat around the round table. Dad comes.

"Hey, Bo. You're here...!" Says Dad. He pulls a chair and sit on it.

Yibo nods at my dad.

"How's school, Kids?" Dad asks.

"As usual..." I answer.

"Bored," Yibo's answer.

"I have the ticket to join the ballet competition in Nanjing!" Cries Hui Xin.

"No ballet competition for you , Xin! You need to fix your grades on your study...!" Says Dad, sternly.

I see my sister pouting. She loves music and dance. But the problem is these make her unfocused on her formal subjects which makes her grades drop too extreme.

"You both will graduate in two months. Do you have plan?" Mom asks.

I and Yibo look at each other. I don't have plan to continue my college. Not sure a out Yibo, but I heard his father wants him to get the master degree and plans to send Yibo to study aboard for it which against by Yibo.

"I will be where Zhan is...!" Says Yibo. He grins at me.

"I don't think I will continue my college. I want to work first. After I have enough saving for my University, then I will think about it...!' I commented.

"Then I will work, too!" Cries Yibo.

I look at him. My parents only shake their heads.

"I do!" Hui Xin cries.

"Where are gou going to?" Asks Mom.

"Disneyland! Dad promised that on this holiday we'll go to Hong Kong and visit Disneyland there!" She says.

"How old are you still going to Disneyland?" I sneer at her.

She's pouting. I know there are many adults to go to Disneyland. But I just like to tease her.

"Why don't you go to explore the Nature around here before you continue your Master degree?" Dad suggests.

"Nature?" Yibo looks at Dad as he shoves the rice into his mouth.

"Yeah! Why not? China has a lot of forest, cliff, desert..." Dad replies.

"Do you forget if Yibo hates bugs?" I commenting. I glance at Yibo and sneaker.

"Don't sleep on me, Zhan! We are boy scouts too when we are in elementary. Remember?" He nudges my elbow.

"But we're only had a camping in the camping park. Not forest....!" I reply.

"Tch! I have gone to a forest with my uncle when I visited him last time!" Yibo announces.

"Where is it?" Mom asks.

"Sichuan," replies Yibo.

"Ahhh!  Dagu Glacier. I remember!" Cries Dad.

Yibo smiles proudly. He nods his head.

"So, what are you planning tonight? Tomorrow is weekend..." Dad asks.

Yibo looks at me. I squinted my eyes. Yibo smirks. That smirks appears when Yibo is cooking something sneaky in his head. I've been too long befriend him. For this kind of sneaky thing I know Yibo facial and body language.

"Umm... I think we're going to play game on our phones...!" I tell Dad ,try to distract the attention of the elders from Yibo's freak brain.

"Good. I hope you two won't sneak out at night...!" Says Dad.

Now I sit on the back seat on Yibo's Ducati. I wrap  my hands around his waist because he speeding up. And the shape of the seat force me to do that. I feel warm leaning my chest on his back.

Just now we have to push the bike out of the garage and closed the garage again very slowly, so we won't make any sounds which can wake up the people in the house. We kept pushing the bike far away from the house. About 30 meters away to avoid of being caught sneaking out from the house in the midnight.

We reach the parking park of the club. I get off the bike.

"Come!" He grabs my hand.

I slap away his hand. He turns to me and grins.

"Sorry. Habit," he says.

I glare at him. But I smile when he turns away. We enter the club. We don't have trouble because Yibo is the member of this club, and I only need to show my IC to the guard at the door.

Entered the dark room with colorful light balls rolling on the ceiling, I see the crowd of people drinking, talking, dancing and many more. We take the seat on the high table located in the center of the club.

"Heh! Wanna go down?" asks Yibo.

"Naa... I'm good..!" I say.

"Haish!" Yibo hisses.

 He looks around, searching for a waiter or maybe they called bartender here. He raises his hand, calling a waiter. The waiter comes.

"Order whatever you want. It's on me!" he says, glancing at the waiter. "I go down now!"

Without waiting for my answer, Yibo jumps down the high stool and strides to the dance floor. In a second he's gone, slipping in among the people while moving his body to the beat. While  I'm ordering the drink for us.

When I'm waiting for my drinks, I hear the DJ shouts on the stage.

"Guys! Welcome the new DJ tonight! Monstaaaa...!!!"

The crowd cheers.

There is a guy come up to the stage, wearing a black Adidas bucket hat and black oversize t-shirt with a pair of loose blue jeans. I can't see his face since it's hiding under the hat and he doesn't raise his face high,too. But from the corners of his lips that curl upward creating the crinkle on his cheeks, I know he's a smiley DJ. He's still young. That new DJ starting playing the music mixer skilfully.  I see the other DJ telling him something on his ear and the guy nods his head.

The song changed. The beats made by that new DJ is more catchy and easy to follow. The people swaying their bodies to the catchy beats.

A moment later my drinks come. I uncapped my bottle and chug into it while my eyes wildly looking at tjye dance floor, looking for Yibo. I see Yibo is dancing with a girl. The girl's hands wrap around Yibo's neck while she moves her body sexily. Yibo laughs. He puts his hands on the girl's hips . I roll my eyes and turn my attention on the stage again where I found the DJ only left one person. That new DJ.  Monsta.

I keep looking at the DJ playing the mixer and sometimes  he also dances to the beat. But he still doesn't show his face. Most of his face was hidden under the bucket hat. I become curious about whoever he is. Why is he so mysterious to me? And why am I so interested in him?

A moment later, the other DJ comes up again to the stage. He gives the young DJ a bottle of soft drink. The young DJ drinks his drink. I try to look at his face when he raised his face when he's drinking. But still I can't get a better view. I look around, worry if anyone watching my weird behavior.

Until finally I get the opportunity. My wish granted. The DJs are playfully hitting each other on the stage while mixing the music. And it's when the other DJ  pulling the young DJ's hat, so his face revealed. I can see his face! And it shocks me.

The DJ indeed still very young. Maybe same age as me. He has a dyed dark olive hair. The bang that he lets drop freely covers his forehead. That smile is way too familiar. The smile that charmed me. Isn't he the new kid in my class. Who's his name again? Chae Hyungwon?

I froze. I still holding the bottle. My eyes darted on that kid unblinking. I don't know why I feel I need to hide myself from him. But where? Now he averted his eyes scanning the whole club. And... Yes! He looks at my table. Shit! Where should I go?

I quickly turn around when I realize that he sees me. The same thing as me, he also froze when our eyes met. He looks at me and stop laughing and playing with his fellow DJ.

While I avoiding eye contact with him, I look for Yibo. Shit! I can't find him in that crowd.

"Zhan!" Somebody calling me and grabs my shoulder from the back.

"Ah!" I scream in surprise.

I turn around and I found Yibo is already comes back to the table.

"Where have you been?" I scowl. I couldn't find him on the dance floor but suddenly he comes from behind me.

"From the washroom. What's the matter?" He asks. He sits on the high stool and uncapped his bottle. He drinks  his drink.

"Can we go home?" I asks him.

"What? It's only 1 Zhan... We just reached!" He scowls.

"I think Dad or Mom woke up now! Let's go!" I reply.

"Oh, come on...!'

"Let's go!"

"Hey! Is that guy from our  statistic and business analytic class?" Cries Yibo when he turns tonthe DJ:s stage.

I pull Yibo from the seat. And even protesting, Yibo follows me. We exited the club and proceed to go home. We do the same thing as we went out. Stop the bike away from the house and push it to the garage silently.

We get into the house using the garage door that connected to the hall that leading us to the kitchen. We make our way to the room. I guess my parents and sister never wake up during our disappearance.

"Zhan! You bath first or I bath first?" Asks Yibo who already standing on the doorway of the bathroom. He's already topless.

"You bath first. You're sweaty. Eww! I don't allow you to touch my bed with your sweaty body!"  I retort.

"Later if you're going to sleep, top and tail position!" I warn him.

Yibo doesn't respond it. He brings my towel and enters the bathroom. I hear his voice humming while bathing a moment later.

I'm listening to him showering as my brain flies to the club. So, he's a DJ. I mean, that's cool. He must have a big circle of friends and acquaintance in Beijing. And he seems to be popular in the club even though he's a new kid there.

His smile was very bright and charming. I still can feel the chill when we make an eye contact. He looked surprised as I am. But why should we shock? Ain't we have to be glad that we meet someone we know in the other place? I mean... We are not enemy, after all. Yeah, yeah... We met just yesterday.

Yibo take forever showering, makes me can't hold my eyes which want to be closed already. So, I close my eyes and slowly, the sleep drifts me away. I still half awake when I feel a hand wrap around my body and leg straddles over my legs. I can smell the fragrance of my shower gel and shampoo. It must be Yibo. He will always end up flocking behind me even I told him to sleep with the specific position. Before we sleep, he will do what I told him,but when I'm awake, whether it is in the morning or in the middle of my sleeping, his head will ends up next to mine. But I don't mind, though. If he's not hugging me, I will hug him.

I moan silently when I feel his breath fanning on the back of my neck. His damp hair touching my neck,.giving me a chilling sensation.

"Sleep... Don't need to shower...." I hear him whispering when I move my neck to turn to him.

I obey him. My intention to shower has down by sleepiness, anyway. I drop my intention to look at him. Yibo pulls me closer. Maybe he feels cold since I turn on the AC while he just finished shower. I move to pull the blanket over our body.

It's his habit, hugging me when he's sleeping. Maybe he doesn't feel anything when he's doing it, but it's a different story with me. Many times I fell my bro tightened when he hugs me like this. But as the time goes by and I often accept this kind of treatment from him then I keep telling myself that there is no other intention in Yibo's mine, I get use to it and I don't feel any sexual tension. But sometimes... That feeling appears.

Not long later, I hear his soft snore. Is he so tired after dancing like.maniac just now? He only danced about an hour. But... I can't blame him, though. He dance very energetically. I bury half of my face into the soft pillow, so I can forget the intention created by manhood which tightened since I was thinking about that boy. And now it becomes worse having Yibo cuddles me behind me.

So, I'm a real gay. I never feel anything when I see the girl or when they're being touchy with ne, no matter how pretty or how sexy she is. Even when some of them sometimes try to seduce me, touch me. But by only a simple stare from that boy, my feeling stirs. Being hugged by Yibo, I feel so warm,  happy and feeling loved.

Fuck off! Yibo is straight. Don't try crossing the line, Xiao Zhan. I don't want you to get hurt later. I'm telling myself that repeatedly.

And the drowsiness pulling me into another land. The dreamland.

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