
By raezwrites

68.7K 2.6K 8.5K

"She hasn't had true love. It's hard to say that she's made love when she's never experienced it. Maybe she's... More

Part 1: The Beginning
Part 2.
Part 3.
Part 4.
Part 5.
Part 6.
Part 7.
Part 8.
Part 9.
Part 10.
Part 11.
Part 12.
Part 13.
Part 15.
Part 16.
Part 17.
Part 18.
Part 19.
Part 20.
Part 21.
Part 22.
Part 23.
Part 24.
Part 25.

Part 14.

2.8K 103 267
By raezwrites

Carter's Office
Downtown Los Angeles

tw: abuse

"Hey nice to meet you, I'm Dré ... Giselle's older brother." Dré spoke to Carter with a soft smile. Sticking out his hand for a proper shake came next, and he felt pleased at the strength Carter possessed once their hands collided. He did have to admit that the aura radiating off Carter was alluring, and it further proved his point that he was someone with endless wealth and high standards — right up Giselle's alley.

"Dré, I'm Shawn; but most refer to me by my last name, Carter. W—what brings you by?" He stumbled at the end.

"Funny you should ask that," Dré started before walking away and helping himself to a seat in front of Carter's desk. "Never was it my intention to find out who you were before my sister introduced us, but with all that has been going on lately, I figured it was time."

"All going on like what?" Carter tried to act clueless; yet all it did was cause Dré to let out a tiny chuckle.

"C'mon man, loosen up!" He joked around. "I'm sure you know what I'm referring too — the case, your personal interest in my sister, and this uh weird connection you have with 'ole guy Rick?"

Dré made sure to keep good eye contact after the mention of said person, yet when Carter's expression did not crack, Dré knew that his shell would be tough to open.

"Look, I know my presence right now comes as a surprise, but I honestly want no beef. If it makes you feel any better maybe we can talk about this outside of your workplace?" Dré offered after the two remained idle in soft silence.

Carter was slow to nod his head in agreement, "I'd appreciate it, since I rather not have others lurking in our business. You like cigars?" He finished with a smile.

Dré stood up immediately and reached out to dab him up. "Of course, my man ... lead the way." Carter's instinct to change from a corporate man to his hidden New York persona put Dré's mind at ease; after all, he wasn't that uptight Giselle made him out to be.

Since it was gifted upon him to be a member of the elite, Grand Havana Room in Beverly Hills, Carter led the way to the upscale cigar club that housed a plethora of options varying in size and authenticity. The pair chose to sit out on the terrace and embrace the fall Los Angeles air as their server prepared a sample tray of goodies and drinks to their liking. After deciding which brand of cigars to try first, they occupied themselves with their phones until everything was provided.

"So, are you from around here?" Dré asked once his cigar was nicely lit.

"Not exactly," Carter replied. "I grew up in San Fernando Valley, but my family is originally from New York — Brooklyn to be exact."

"Ah, I knew it was something different about you." Dré responded with a smirk. "I wouldn't associate you with the Valley type."

"Man, not one bit!" Carter exclaimed. "Sometimes I think about leaving it all and heading back to the city." He mumbled.

"Oh yeah? What's stopping you?"

Carter shrugged his shoulders, "Before? I would have said nothing at all. But now, ... now it's something more important keeping me behind."

"Please don't tell me it's that hard headed sister of mine?" Dré joked before taking a sip of his whiskey sour.

A loud laugh escaped Carter's lip, "Damn, now she has to be hard headed?"

"Now you've been around quite enough to start to know how she is, but I'm curious as to why she's now the reason you want to change your plans?"

As Dre's words settled into the air, Carter sat in deep thought while tapping his ashes against the marble tray.

"You don't have to give me some extravagant answer right away," Dré started since he could sense the nervous energy. "It's just good to know that she's attracted a genuine person on her side."

Carter shook his head in a disappointing manner, "If only she could realize that.."

"Trust me, that will take time. Giselle isn't the easiest woman to cling on to; she's been through some shit that would have easily killed some of the weakest links out here."

"Is that why you asked me about him?" Carter responded right away since the dots were slowly starting to connect.

"Partially, but that's not something I choose to get in to." Dré immediately pointed out. "I just like to make sure that my sister is protected at all times, and any threats formed against her should be handled properly."

"Well, believe me when I say I do not associate with that person at all, barely know him to be honest. But I did see how his presence made your sister feel, and if anything it make me want to guard her too — please know that I'll do my best to stick beside her."

"... Damn," Dré mumbled before smiling from ear to ear. "She got you whipped that fast?!"

The two bursted into laughter after a moment of silence and soon engaged in another dab to admit that there was definitely some truth to his statement.

"Too soon, too soon .." Carter replied with a smile.

"I mean yeah, but trust me when I say that it's so good to see another person care for her, especially someone she may soon be in a relationship with if that's where y'all are heading."

"I'm assuming I have a lot to prove before topping Michael, huh?"

"Absolutely; he was the first ever man other than myself she trusted. May his soul rest in peace." ... "How is the case coming along, anyway?" Dré pried.

Carter pursed his lips to the side before crafting a soft reply, "Suppose to confidential, but I'm sure Gis—"

"Yeah, nothing ever stay confidential between us." Dré cut him off. "I understand if you can't delve too deep into it, but I'm praying for y'all that everything turns out for the best."

"Absolutely." Carter agreed immediately. "We had a rough start but I'm definitely starting to see some progress."

"That's all that matters. I've been telling her from day one to keep things honest between y'all ... she's a good girl who needs to know nothing about what's in those brick ass walls — I speak from experience." Dré confided in him. He was surprised to notice how relaxed Carter made him feel in just a short period of time, and based of these emotions he was able to see how Giselle was able to warm up to him so easily; he was the cool rain needed to keep her burning blaze at bay.

"I appreciate your honesty with me," Carter said right away. "This whole conversation in general I'm very appreciative of, cause you could have easily written me off as someone your sister did not need her in life."

"And remember, no matter how hard she tries to deny it? Just know she's feeling you, heavy .. I haven't seen her this upbeat or in a sane space in a minute, .. so do what you will with that information." Dré ended before continuing to finish his cigar and now second drink of the evening.

After wrapping up and paying the bill, the men shook hands before parting ways and agreed that this conversation would simply remain between them. Of course, Carter didn't like to know that he was keeping information tucked away from Giselle, but honestly this conversation was meant to take place with just the two men only, regardless if Giselle chose to stay with him or not.

Once Carter was back on the road and now en route to his home, he jammed out to a few songs while stuck in traffic until a phone call distracted him.

"Hello?" He answered right away.

"Hey Carter? It's Nicki."

"Nicki!" Carter repeated with mild enthusiasm. "Should I say that it's good to hear from you?"

"Eh, I'll let you be the judge of that since I was able to get in touch with Kelly. It's just what I uncovered was far from what I excepted."

"Interesting. When do you have a chance to go over everything?"

"I can meet with you tomorrow morning at your office?"

"Sounds like a plan; should I tell Giselle?"

When Nicki took longer than usual to reply, Carter began to grow uneasy. "You still there?"

"Y—yeah, listen about that .. she can come, but I'm just warning you that the things she may hear will be too much to bear."

"What do you mean too much to bear?" Carter grew defensive.

"Meaning that there may be more suspects in this case than you imagined ..." Nicki mumbled. "If anything, just prepare her, okay?"

Carter released an aggravated sigh, "I understand, thank you for helping out." Before ending the call, they settled on a time to meet up, and for the rest of the ride home Carter raked his brain trying to figure out what he'll say to Giselle as preparation.

"You look happy to be here!" He heard her tease after walking through the front door. Once they locked eyes, they shared a loving smile which Carter soon turned into one of shock at her outward appearance.

"Gis, it's the middle of October." He said playfully, while gazing upon her glistening body that was lightly covered by a vintage, Burberry triangle bikini in the color of archive beige. It didn't make things better that with the help of suntan oil she was started to turn an almost golden brown, but it was really the smoothness of her curves that made him hesitant to do more; her beauty took his breath away every time, and to be blessed enough to see her this raw & uncut meant everything to him.

"And? Your pool is heated, remember? Plus the weather isn't even that bad .. it's going up to 75° today."

Carter kissed his teeth, "I guess.."

"How about you stop being such a whiner and come join me?" She poked fun at him.

"See, it's that mouth of yours that just—"

"Just what?" She challenged, unfazed that she was soon pulled into his arms.

"Always gets you into some trouble!" He said in the midst of laughter.

"..Then punish me." ... "Wait, I take that back!" Giselle recanted immediately once she saw his eyes grow wide with lustful excitement.

"Nah, don't take it back now!" Carter chimed in before supporting her bottom half in his hands. He sat her on top of the counter and unleashed a fit tickles all over her stomach until she turned red in the face from endless laughter.

"Babe stop!" She pleaded with him until he finally pulled away.

"Oh I'm babe now?"

Giselle kissed her teeth, "Not when you piss me off!"

"Yeah whatever, .. you like it though." He replied before pulling her in by the chin for a soft kiss; when one peck turned into many, they became lost in one another before slowly breaking apart.

"Your breath smells like cigars ... partaking in some after work fun?" She asked him soon after.

"Something like that, the guys and I went over to that cigar club in Beverly Hills to wind down."

"That sounds fun, I'm sure you all needed the time to relax after reading endless court documents all day."

"Speaking of court," Carter mentioned while undoing his tie. "I heard back from Nicki."

Giselle's eyes widened immediately, "Really?! What did she say?!"

"Why don't we talk about it out back?"

"Fine, hurry up!" She rushed him before heading back outside and dipping down into the jacuzzi sector of his spacious pool.

Once she saw him approaching a few minutes later, she finished her mixed drink from earlier and gladly opened her arms for him to fall into when he stepped inside. "Better?" She asked after they shared a kiss.

"Much better.." Carter corrected since she was now perched in his lap.

"So, what did Nicki have to say?"

"A mixture of good and bad." Carter started, "She was able to get in touch with Kelly, but apparently some of the stuff that was said may be too much for you to handle." He finished while looking into her eyes.

"Too much for me to handle? How does she get to decide that?" Giselle responded with a frown.

"I—I don't know, G .. but either way I just want to make sure you're prepared for whatever is said on that recording."

"Carter, I'll be fine!" She dragged while rolling her eyes. "I know it won't be easy to sit through, but all that matters is that she did her part in making sure I'm not deemed guilty." Her uplifting words quickly placed a smile on his face.

"You just don't like to see me hurt, huh?"

Carter shook his head no, "Not at all, but you know this already.." He finished, making sure they were staring eye to eye.

"Hmph," Giselle sounded before flipping her braids over left shoulder, "It just feels more realistic when you say it." She added while placing her arms around his neck. In a sensual motion, she dipped down for a quick kiss and was sure to suck in his bottom lip with ease. More steam from the jacuzzi arose as they continued to make out, and once Carter was able to untie Giselle's bikini top with one swift motion, all bets were off as they sexed until their bodies gave out — physically and emotionally.


The Next Day

Dressed delicately in a cream, two-piece suit composed of a strapless straight-leg jumpsuit and longline blazer, Beyoncé stood anxiously in elevator of Carter's law firm awaiting its slow arrival to the tenth floor. As she watched the numbers increase with matched speed, she thought about how nerve wracking today would be since the time had come to hear Kelly's so-called side of the story. She wondered if the truth poured out of her mouth like water out of a dam, but pieces of her knew that a confession from Kelly wasn't easy to obtain; no matter how great of a relationship she and Nicki thought they had.

When the routine ding woke her out of her thoughts, she clutched the handle of her black, La Medusa handbag a little tighter and put a hasty pep in her step towards Carter's office door; through the minor opening, she could see him conversing with his thirst of colleague, Gabrielle.

"I really think you should come out for drinks with us tonight.." Beyoncé could hear her say in the distance — the flirtatious tone in her voice causing a uncomfortable sting down her back.

"I'll have to come back to you on that one." Carter answered soon after; quietly, a soft scoff escaped Beyoncé's lips.

After hearing enough, she knocked on the door to get their attention, and was happy that Carter responded right away.

"Sorry to interrupt.." Beyoncé spoke first.

"Nonsense," Carter started. "Ms. Union and I were just finishing our chat about this morning's meeting."

All Beyoncé did was nod her head at his statement and soon dismiss herself to take a seat at his desk while Gabrielle grabbed the rest of her things to leave.

"You should have said yes." Beyoncé mumbled.

Carter looked at her in confusion once the door was finally close. "Nah," He switched up. "I got plans with someone better.."

"Tuh! Says who?!"

"Wow, so that's how you do me now?"

"Absolutely! The middle of my head still hurts, so I'm still upset." She replied before running a few fingers through the ends of her braids that were currently wrapped nicely in a high ponytail.

A soft laugh escaped Carter's lips, "I told you I'm so sorry, G .. the sex got the best of me." He whispered the ending before taking the chance to bend down and place a kiss on her cheek.

"So where's Nicki?"

"Unfortunately she canceled last minute but was able to email me the recording."

"And what was her excuse for doing that?" Beyoncé wondered.

Carter shrugged his shoulders, "Beats me. She told me if we had any other questions to feel free to contact her."

"Oh we will be in contact, because at this point she is still apart of the case, right?!"

"Correct." Carter replied without hesitation. "But, basing off what she said was included in the recording, it'd may be best for you to listen to this on your own."

Immediately, a worried frown settled upon her face. "So you're leaving me, too?"

"I'll just be silent until the very end." Carter reassured.

Once all had died down, he opened his laptop and pulled up the audio file with ease. It played automatically with their voices clear as day and after minor introductions were out the way, their ears perked up when Nicki started to ask the right questions.

"Let's not play dumb here, Kelly ... you and I both know what went down"

"It wasn't solely my fault, okay?!" ...
"Her mother is just as guilty!"

"Stop!" Beyoncé ordered with a bit of base in her voice. "She said my what is just as guilty?!"

Click. Carter lifted his finger off the space bar and raised his eyes to see Beyoncé's current expression. The immediate resemblance of fear and anguish coated her face, and her eyes began to frantically wander at the news since it now seemed impossible to focus on the task at hand. The world had to playing tricks on her, because there was no way in hell a phrase of that nature left the lips of her sworn enemy, who was now in cahoots with the woman she hated the most.

"Play it again." She mumbled, this time with her head deep into the palms of her hands. As Carter moved the cursor back a few notches before the reveal, the continued to listen intently until the very end.

"I'll probably uh, ... listen to it again tomorrow just to write down some more notes." Carter said aimlessly after a few moments of silence passed between them; yet when he heard soft whimpering from across the desk, he sprang out of his seat and quickly squatted down beside her.

"Ca—can you just please give me a minute? I'm—I'm sorry I just really need to be alone right now." Beyoncé pleaded without looking Carter directly in the eyes.

"Of course, whatever you need .." He replied silently. After standing to his feet, he pulled over the box of tissues and stuffed his hands deep into pockets before walking out the door.

As she heard it close from behind, she cried even harder to the point that it became hard to catch her breath. Her hands grew shaky within minutes and she felt as her world was suddenly crashing down — just when she thought she catching a break.

A year of constantly suffering in pain thinking about the cause of death had come to an end, but the revelation awaiting her on the other side felt like a stab in the chest. To know that her own mother had a role to play left her astonished and even a bit disturbed to realize that this unexplainable hatred had still existed. Never has she done anything to wrong to deserve any of this, and even though she wanted to uncover why everything has to happened, a part of her knew that even the truth wouldn't heal her deepened scars.

After finally deciding to wipe away her tears, she relaxed her back against the chair and allowed her head to fall back in hopes it'll release some of the wound up pressure that built rather quickly in her neck. She decided to crack her knuckles for both relief and realistic pain, then soon grabbed ahold of her phone to text Carter the 'okay' to come back inside.

"How are you feeling?" He asked after taking a seat beside her.

"Like I need to leave." She mumbled while gathering her stuff. "Do you mind sending me the recording?"

"Not at all.."

As she felt the anxiety creep out in the space between them, a soft sigh escaped her lips. It only took a few steps forward for them to soon be faced to faced, and once Beyoncé placed a airy kiss on cheek, Carter's shoulders relaxed instantly.

"I'm not upset with you," Beyoncé started. "I just need some space for a few hours; I'm still thankful for all that you've done for me."

"You know I'll give you the space you need without a doubt, just call me when you're ready."

They shared a loving hug before parting ways, and Beyoncé hustled to the parking garage in order to head to her next destination without anymore distractions. As her car turned onto her mother's street, she pulled into the driveway and jumped out before stomping towards the front door — banging ferociously until it opened to reveal her mother on the other side.

"You sick bitch!" Beyoncé screamed once her hands collided with her mother's chest. As Tina lost her balance, her bottom falling to the floor, she shielded her face with her bare hands as her daughter unleashed a wrath no person other than a killer would possess.

"Wh—what the hell is your problem!?" Tina screamed back once she gained controlled of Beyoncé's hands. "I should call the cops on your ass!"

"Call them, but I'll make sure you'll be the one walking out in handcuffs! How could you do this to me!?" She yelled in her face as burning tears streamed down her face. "How you could hate your own child so much that you partake in killing the only person in this world who loved her!!?"

"Giselle please understand I have no idea what you're talking about!" Tina pleaded as she slowly got up from the floor without bothering to nurse her wounds.

"Just know that when the feds come for your ass, you're done. Every lie you've told, every cut and bruise you've placed on my body, every time you turned your back to that man assaulting me, it's coming for you — karma is coming for you bitch!" Beyoncé screamed nastily a spit spewed from her reddened cheeks. She couldn't bare to stare at her mother for one more second, so she turned on her heels and didn't bother to close the door behind her as onlookers reached out their necks to see who was causing all of the drama.

"Get the fuck back in the house!" She yelled at everyone before speeding away and even running a few stop signs in the process.

Her speed picked up the moment she landed on the highway and she drove with no clear direction in sight. She let down her braids and allowed them to flow in the wind as she swerved in & out of lanes, and after getting off the next exit a half a mile away, she spotted a neighborhood bar at the end of the street. With her oversized, blacked-out sunglasses in tow, she shielded her puffy eyes and locked her car before heading inside and grabbing a seat at the bar.

"What can I get you, sweetheart?" The loveliest older woman greeted her.

"Just a double shot of 1800 on the rocks, please." Beyoncé requested before placing a couple twenty dollar bills beside her. "And keep them coming.."

The lady did what she was told with no questions asked, but curiosity began to consume her as she tried to reason with the fact that she could tell the beautiful, young woman in front of her was hurting beyond repair.

When the feeling of three drinks started to settle within her bloodstream, she felt a wave of peace flow through her body — unbeknownst that a comforting smile had appeared on her face.

"Can you smoke in here?" She asked the lady soon after.

"Suit yourself, baby.."

Pulling her lighter and a fresh pack of cigarettes out of her purse, she took down all of the excess plastic and chose her first stick of the night, lighting it right away and taking a few pulls before disposing of the ashes. As her body began to lightly sway side to side from the soulful music, she felt her phone vibrate beside her and decided to take a peak at who was choosing to contact her.

Mama: Call me now, Giselle — it's urgent.

Beyoncé kissed her teeth knowing immediately that she was in trouble, but at this point she could honestly care less about the boundary she had overstepped. Never did she want to get that violent with her mother, but now she was truly at her breaking point with everyone in her life — except him.

Him. He'd be so devastated if he knew where she was right now.

Sucking in a sudden breath when she realized she was seconds away of losing control, she put out her cigarette and backed away from the bar before stumbling on the walk to her car. After making it inside, her shaky hands grasped the edges of her phone and like second nature traveled to Carter's contact to give him a call.

When Carter got all the necessary information he needed, he took the quickest uber from the city to Beyoncé's destination, and spotted her car right away in the now crowded parking lot.

"Thanks man." He said to the driver before getting out. The sound of his dress shoes against the gravel caught Beyoncé's attention, and when he was within reach she fell into his arms without muttering a single word.

"Pl—please don't be mad at me." She whispered over and over until Carter hushed her up with a few genuine kisses on her cheeks. "I didn't mean to do this, I didn't mean to end up here." She rambled with slurred words.

"Let's just get you home, alright?" Carter suggested, pleased that she gave in right away. He escorted her safely to the passenger side and got in once she was settled in order to drive away.

"I didn't mean to hurt her.." Beyoncé said beside him in the midst of heavy tears.

"Hurt who, G?"

"That monster of a mother!" She groaned loudly.

"Don't even think about it right now—"

"That's just so fucking easy for you to say, huh?!" Beyoncé snapped on him. "You don't get to tell me what to do!"

The hasty change in her mood this time around didn't startle him and all he could do right now was take whatever she threw his way until the drunken anger had passed.

"I'm sorry!" Beyoncé sobbed. "Y—you didn't deserve that, I'm so sorry Carter.."

"You're okay, Giselle .. I know you're upset right now. I promise to get you together when we get home."

"Okay.." She finally replied after resting her head against the window.


Seeing the nighttime stars in the distance, Beyoncé adjusted her eyes to visualize her surroundings. Once she spotted the sprouting peace lily in the corner, she knew that Carter had to be nearby. As a somber sigh left her lips, she stretched out her body from underneath the covers and soon cuddled the pillow beside her, deciding to remain deep in her thoughts on what to do next; seconds later, the sound of the bedroom door caught her attention.

"Hey, you're finally up." Carter greeted her with a sincere smile.

"Yes, the dead has arisen." She joked with a small smile of her own.

"Any appetite yet? I got you something from

"I'm sure it'll come after I get out of this bed, thanks for thinking of me ... your kindness never seizes to amaze me."

"It's definitely cause I care," Carter started before crawling into the bed with her. "You need someone right now in your corner to care."

"Definitely, I'm so upset with myself that I got that sloppy again." She mumbled.

"Hiccups happen, G." Carter responded while stroking her head. "I know you'll overcome those urges — take things one day at a time."

As they sat in peaceful silence, Beyoncé eventually maneuvered her body into his arms and rested her head against his chest.

"My mother hated me for as long as I can remember." She said randomly since the feeling to uncover some of her hidden truths were starting to rise to the surface. "I never understood why she held so much resentment towards me as a kid, and no matter how many times she broke my heart or treated me like shit, I still tried to please her ... just so I could hear her say that she was proud of me."

"I'm so sorry pain like that had to hinder you from such a young age." Carter said somberly.

"I've grown with it, at this point the trauma is probably embedded in my DNA."

"When did you start to fight back?" He asked.

"When I became a teenager. It was like we would have swinging matches every other night, and I had no one to defend me so of course I had to learn how to defend myself."

Intently listening to all that Giselle had to say, Carter's heart ached to hear such a tragic confession. He immediately wished that somehow this was all a misunderstood dream, but realizing that this was apart of her made sense as to why she was so guarded.

"But you were just a baby .." He mumbled before staring into her teary eyes.

A soft sniffle escaped her nostrils, "She didn't care, she took advantage of me to deal with her own frustrations and life issues."

"I understand one hundred percent why you lashed out the way you did today, because the heaviness on your heart had to be too much to bear."

"It always is," Beyoncé replied right away. "No matter what I do to try and escape it all, it just follows behind me like a gloomy cloud. I try to suppress the pain everyday with anything in my reach — whether that be weed, alcohol, or even you." She admitted.

"Me?" He clarified.

"You," Beyoncé repeated. "Being around you or even releasing some of my emotions during sex makes such a difference; you're like my save haven .."

"...Do you believe in the law of attraction?" Carter mentioned at random.

"Oh lord, are you going to give me some long ass lecture?" Beyoncé teased before having a fit of laughter.

"Maybe!" He chimed in with a smile. "I think it's just interesting to point out. What you say out into the world, either positively or negatively, it always come back. For the longest, I used to ask for something good to come to me in hopes to ease my own troubles."

"Troubles like what?"

Carter shrugged his shoulders, "Loneliness, I guess." He replied with honesty. "You give me something to look forward to everyday and also remind me that I can't consistently burry myself into work all day long."

"Hmph, so in a way we're really helping each other grow through our pain.."

"Craziest shit ever." He mumbled in disbelief.

Without a second thought, Beyoncé got up to straddle his waist and sensually allowed her braids to fall over her shoulder as she dipped down to kiss his lips. They stayed wrapped up in each other's arms as their kiss deepened, and once Carter found the strength to flip her on her back, her legs wrapped around him as she now held his face in the palm of her hands. Gently, she laid back on the pillows and allowed Carter to venture her body with tender kisses that started at the nape of her neck. The warmth from his touch set her fire ablaze and with each peck a soothing moan sounded at the pit of her throat.

"I swear I need to feel all of you .." Beyoncé mumbled as they briefly locked eyes. Carter responded with more descending kisses instead of words, and once she felt his blissful tongue against her clit, she sucked in a breath and quickly gripped his head to keep him steady. Slowly, he maneuvered his mouth all over to cover every inch of her sweetness, and came back a little harder every time he felt her hips buck against him.

"My goodness!" She cried out as the intensity from her first orgasm of the evening slithered up her spine. Looking down at the work of art Carter performed, she fell more in love with how well he knew how to finally please her; seconds later, she came without warning and listened with pleasure Carter savor every last drop.

There was no wait for him to be freed from his black Polo boxers, and with a little more stimulation he slid in with ease. Satisfaction settled upon his face at the soft grimace Beyoncé made from feeling full, and soon after he picked up the pace to where the headboard began to rock along the wall. They released a series of quickened breaths for a good minute before Carter began to put in more effort to make her cum, and when she started to grow louder than normal, his head swelled like a hot air balloon.

"Yess, baby! Damn, just like that .." She praised along with the increasing sounds of her well down below. Clutching tighter to the sides of his white t-shirt, her mouth dropped open as Carter slowed down while pushing her legs open even further to propel himself deeper. A loud groan left his lips soon after and he pressed his hands deep into the pillows on each side before nuzzling his head into the crook of Beyoncé's neck.

Inhaling her succulent scent, he pressed his chest against her own and allowed her to match his thrust as the urge to cum washed over the both of them. At this point in time, they couldn't get any closer, and now feeling their hearts beat in sync ignited their want to relinquish the burden of their emotions. Releasing all of the current fear and anger that rested within them during this round of lustful sex felt good, and the moment they came together felt even better. Defeated, Beyoncé wrapped her arms around Carter's neck in a tired manner, and stared deeply into his eyes as their breathing returned to its natural state.

"There's no way you can be this good all the time ..." She teased to lighten the mood.

"But from the looks of it, you're highly satisfied every time."

"Because you please me in more ways that one, .. you're dangerous just as I said from the very beginning." She ended with a light laugh.

After finding the strength to pull out and head to the bathroom, Carter cleaned himself up before allowing Beyoncé to do the same until they were ready reconvened underneath his plush covers. Sleep overcame them faster than they imagined, and that night alone gave them the most restful sleep they had experienced in awhile — after tonight, they could no longer deny that they had taken their situation to the next level.


whew, i have to say that this is probably my favorite chapter in this book so far — so much to unpack!

How do you feel Carter and Dré's conversation went? Do you see them forming a solid bond in the future?

Do you foresee Gabrielle overstepping boundaries in the near future? Should Carter at least inform her that he's interested in someone else?

Are you surprised with how Giselle handled the situation? Was assaulting her mother the wrong thing to do? Do you think Tina will press charges?

How do you feel about the vulnerability shown from both Giselle and Carter? Are you happy that she's finally revealing to him the truth about her abusive past?

Do you think this will make him look and/or handle her differently?


Please continue to vote + comment; as always, i love y'all feedback!

Much love,
Rae 🦋

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