Dystopian zombie era

By CatFroste

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Darcy's life was finally getting good. She felt like personally thanking the universe for her luck, really. T... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 20

147 5 0
By CatFroste


"Yo, congratulations man! How do you feel?" I give Jay a pat on the back. We've been friends since like we were like eleven and I never thought I'd see the day where he'd become a dad.

He chuckles. "Alright. I still feel the same. It's a boy." I smile. "Nice man. How's Darcy doing?"

"She's sleeping now. I hope she'll be okay. It was so horrible to see her in such pain." I nod. "Don't worry. She's a superwoman now." Coral approaches us with a small bundle in her arms. "Wait, is that him?" I ask, immediately trying to see the baby. "Calm down would you, before you make him cry." I roll my eyes. "I won't make him cry." I tell her as I look at the sleeping baby.

"He looks cute. He's so tiny though." Coral clicks her tongue. "Obviously." She holds him out to Jay and Jay takes him carefully in his arms. "I can't believe it. This is my son." His eyes never leave the baby's.

"Thank goodness it's a boy. When he's older we can teach him how to shoot the zombies." Says Duncan who looks over Jay's shoulder at the baby. "Oh you're such a freaking pain." Says Coral. "We could still teach it how to shoot if it were a girl." Says Ruby.

"We're not gonna teach him how to shoot. It's bad enough that he's been born in a zombie apocalypse." Says Jay. Duncan grunts. "Does anyone want sandwiches? I'll be happy to make some." Offers Silas and we all nod.

"It feels so surreal you know? I haven't even known him for a day and I'm already so in love with him." Says Jay. "What do you think Darcy will say? Last time we talked she didn't seem that happy about the baby." Says Coral. "Yeah I know." He says softly. "For real? I thought she'd be happy." I say. "Well obviously not. Imagine waking up pregnant in a zombie apocalypse."

I look at the baby again. He looks so cute and tiny, I can't imagine anyone not wanting him. "Would you like to hold him?" Jay offers. "What? No I'm good. I've never held a baby before." That's a lie.

I've held my sister when she was a baby but that's different. She's my sister. This baby isn't related to me and I don't trust myself to be careful with him. "Oh come on, you'll be fine." He insists. "Plus I know you've held your baby sister." I chuckle at the fact that he remembers. I hold my arms out and he places the baby in my arms. He feels so light and so tiny. I make sure to hold him close to my chest. "See? There you go."

After a while, Silas and Brandon hand out sandwiches to everyone. I'm craving fast food so much. "So what now? Should we just stay here?" Asks Silas. "I'm gonna go check on Darcy." Coral says before she puts her plate down and walks away. "Aren't we supposed to go to the hospital?" I ask. "But we need weapons. We'll have to go to the police station." Answers Jay.

"We can't all go. Especially with the new addition." Says Silas. "So what? We just leave Darcy and the baby here?" Asks Jay. "No. I'm saying some of us should go out to get weapons, then we can meet back here." Coral returns. "Darcy's awake. She wants the baby." I spot Jay's face light up. "Is she alright?" He asks as I hand the sleeping baby over to Coral. She nods. "Yeah. She seems fine."

She leaves again and Duncan appears. "So bigfoot, what's our next step?"

"The police station. I think all us guys should go."

"Woah, what? You're saying we should leave the girls here?" Asks Jay. "It's not a bad idea. They'll be safe here and Ruby has a knife if anything should happen." I tell him, hoping to ease his nerves. "I can stay with them if you'd like." Offers Brandon.

"He does now a lot about babies so he can help Darcy." I say. "Fine." Jay grumbles. "Let me talk to Darcy before we leave." He walks off. Duncan leaves too but comes back with weapons. He hands me a hammer. "These are some stuff I found at the store. Use it until we get the guns."

"But won't guns attract them? They're attracted to sound right?" Asks Brandon. "A gun is a guaranteed chance that you'll give 'em a headshot." Answers Duncan. The hammer feels heavy in my hand but I'm sure I'll be able to pull this off. I just hope there aren't too many zombies.

"You'll be fine right?" Scarlett asks me. I don't know when she appeared next to me. "Yeah of course." I say even though I'm not that sure. "I don't want anyone else to die."

"Anyone else or just me?" She rolls her eyes and I can't help but smile. This is probably not the most appropriate time but Scarlett is the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on. And what's even more fun is that we're complete opposites. She's a scientist, a freaking genius! While I'm lazy and up to no good but I swear I'll ask her out once we're out of this mess.

"You stay safe too okay?" She nods. Jay returns with Ruby and Coral in tow. "Be quick okay?" Says Coral as the rest of the guys get ready. "No need to worry Barbie. We'll have everything under control."

She rolls her eyes. "Shut up." We make our way to the front door. Thankfully the door is glass so we can see outside. There doesn't seem to be any zombies in sight.

"Barricade the door as soon as we're out." Says Jay. "You ready?" Asks Duncan. We nod.


"You coming tonight?" Jay asks me, putting his boombox on his shoulder and holding it in place. "Yeah of course. You know I'd never miss your gig." He chuckles. "It's not my gig but anyway, see you yeah?" I nod. "See you." We fist bump and go our separate ways.

As I walk on the pavement with my bag slung over my shoulder, a few guys greet me.

"Yo Storm!"

"Hey, how's it going?"

"You going tonight?"

The walk isn't far and soon I'm in front of the familiar light blue double storey house. My younger and only sister, Snow, is running through the sprinklers. "Storm!" I smile and run toward her, picking her up and swinging her around in the air before putting her down.

"Hey Snow. What have you been up to?"

"Mommy said I can play in the sprinklers cause it's so hot." She just turned five, two months ago but she's my whole world.

She was definitely an unexpected baby. My mom didn't want to keep her at first but after lots of support from us and her friends, she kept Snow and now she's the light of our lives. The front door is open and as I walk closer, I can smell chocolate and mint. "What's mom up to?"

"Making muffins." I enter the house and my mouth waters at the sight of the muffins on the kitchen counter. "Wow, is this all for me?" Mom rolls her eyes. "Show me your report first." Crap. I was hoping she'd forget about that. "Can't I have muffins first? I'm really hungry." She holds her hand out. "Report."

I hang my head but take my bag off my shoulder and open it to pull out the brown envelope with my name and surname written neatly on it. I hand it to mom and watch as she opens it and examines the paper.

"Ah, same as last term." She mumbles. I'm kind of embarrassed to be honest. I'm not smart at all and I never do my homework. I just don't see a point in it. I know mom wants me to do better but school just isn't for me. "I'm sorry really. I know you want me to do better and-" She holds up her hand, silencing me before she smiles. "It's okay."


"What do you mean it's okay? Aren't you mad?"

"Have I ever been mad at you for getting a bad grade?"

"I don't know. Maybe you hide your emotions well." She swats my hand. "Oh hush you. I've never been mad at your bad grades. Plus you remind me of your dad when he was younger. He never did his homework either. That's why they asked me to tutor him in high school."

"And I'm guessing that's how you ended up together." She smiles before she gestures to the muffins. "Have one and give your sister one too."

"My teddy! He stole my teddy!" I hear Snow scream. Mom and I both run out the door. She kneels beside Snow, getting her jeans wet. "What's wrong love?" Mom asks frantically. Snow is crying and points down the street. "He stole Waffles!" She wails. I see a boy riding a bike. He's almost as the end of the street and I make a run for him, hot on his trail.

I'm getting closer and closer to the bike now and he doesn't seem to notice me. When I'm close enough, I tackle him to the ground, knocking the bike over as I fall on top of him and grab the stuffed teddy out of his hands.

"The hell man? Why'd you take something that isn't yours?" I ask in disgust as I get up, not bothering to help him up.

Some people have stepped out of their houses to see what's happening and they stare at me as I walk back. Snow immediately hugs me and takes her teddy from me. "You saved her Storm. You're my hero." I have to admit, hearing that from her makes my heart swell with love and pride.

"Woah. You take over your mama too huh? I remember running that fast for cross country when I was younger." Mom tells me as she approaches me with a somewhat proud expression on her face.

"Tell you what, your grades can be bad but I want you to join cross country. You're seriously fast and I know you'll excel in that." I smile.



I bring the hammer down and swing it as hard as I can, hitting a zombie in the jaw. It moans as it falls back from the force and blood splatters on my clothes. I'm shaking so much from fear but I don't want anyone to see so I move around as much as possible.

The zombie is about to get up and I jump over it and further away. Jay is battling two so I decide to help him with one, swinging the hammer on a zombie's chest. The zombie groans and reaches for me again and I jump back as Jay kicks it on the ground. "Ah!" I turn to see Silas fall to the ground, a zombie at his feet. The zombie scratches his legs and claws its way up. Duncan has a crowbar and hits the zombie square in its face before helping Silas up. "There are too many." Announces Jay.

There are a bunch of zombies approaching behind us and a few in front. "We need to move and get to the closest building."

"No, we should go straight to the police station." Says Silas who is leaning against Duncan for support while his left leg is bleeding. "Not with your injured leg." Answers Jay. The zombies are coming closer and Lex is already running. We follow in suit as we dodge the four zombies in front of us that try to grab onto us.

Up ahead is a neighborhood. "We can hide in an empty house!" Shouts Jay as we run. Zombies litter the streets and there are bodies laying on the pavement. Lex runs to a small grey house and kicks the door open, holding the crowbar up in his hands. He walks in slowly while Jay and I turn around to fight any zombies.

Duncan and Silas walk past us. "It's clear." Says Lex and we let Duncan and Silas in first before we head in, closing the door behind us.


A/n: I have to admit, I enjoyed writing this chapter and I already love his little sister.

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