Marauders & their Evans

By EmmaBarnes03

19.5K 530 47

Primrose Evans lived alongside her family and best friend in the simple town of Bakewell, England. She though... More

Before you read
First Year 1971
First Year 1971
First Year 1971
First Year 1971
First Year 1971-1972
First Year 1972
Second Year 1972
Second Year 1972
Second Year 1972-1973
Second Year 1973
Summer 1973
Third Year 1973
Third Year 1973
Third Year 1973
Third Year 1973
Third Year 1973
Third Year 1973-1974
Third Year 1974
Third Year 1974
Fourth Year 1974
Fourth Year 1974
Forth Year 1974
Fourth Year 1974
Fourth Year 1974
Fourth Year 1974-1975
Fourth Year 1975
Fourth Year 1975
Fourth Year 1975
Fourth Year 1975
Fifth Year 1975
Fifth Year 1975
Fifth Year 1975
Fifth Year 1975
Fifth Year 1975
Fifth Year 1975
Fifth Year 1975
December 1975
December 1975
December 1975
Fifth Year 1976
Fifth Year 1976
Fifth Year 1976
Fifth Year 1976
Fifth Year 1976
Summer 1976
Sixth Year 1976
Sixth Year 1976
Sixth Year 1976

Fourth Year 1975

232 6 0
By EmmaBarnes03

Chapter Twenty Seven

A new year at Hogwarts always meant a new birthday prank. This year though, it was harder to plan with Remus's transformation only three days away from my birthday. Moony was always more irritable and got angry a lot faster in the days close to his transformation. He had already tried to strangle James, not literally, for going on and on, non stop about his ideas for the map. He had thrown a book at Peter just for breathing 'wrong', punched Sirius for eating his chocolate, and snapped at me for trying to help.

"Bloody hell Moony I already said I'm sorry!" The scene I currently found myself in was both amusing and slightly scary. James and Peter were holding one very angry werewolf from pounding on one his best friends. "Don't care, you ate my chocolate!" "Oh for fuck's sake Moony get over it." That was a bad idea, a really bad idea, that Sirius only realised a tad too late. Remus managed to pull away from his other two best friends and punched Sirius giving him a black eye.

James tried pulling Remus off Sirius, who was now on the floor, while he held onto his ankle. "There now Moony. I think he gets it." Sighing I threw a chocolate bar to Peter who started waving it in front of Remus. "Look at what I got Moony." Remus turned around looking directly at Peter. "Now if you let go of Sirius I'll give it to you." He hesitated a little before dropping Sirius's ankle and tackled Peter into giving him the treat.

Few minutes later the chaos in the boys dorm had settled down. Remus was humming happily while nibbling on a piece of chocolate. James and Peter were talking about halls, and passages and what not, probably for the map, and Sirius was sulking on his bed holding an ice bag over his eye, while I sat next to him.

"Why can you just fix it now?" I pulled my wand to help him, until Remus looked up and started throwing a fit. "No Prim, leave it!" "What why?!" Sirius protested. "You deserve it for eating my chocolate." I tried my best to hold my laughter, they were acting like five year olds. "Oh come on Moony. How many times do I have to apologise?" He ignored Sirius and kept eating his chocolate.

He then turned to look at me. "Look at me, Prim. You can't leave me like this!" I winced a little. His eye had turned a purple shade, and was a little swollen. "Yes she can." Remus answered. Sirius whined, yes, whined like an actual dog. "Please, I'll do your homework for a week." The offer was tempting but I knew he wouldn't. He started giving me puppy eyes, or more like eye. "Pretty please." I knew I should help him, but on the other hand Remus had a tendency to be ticked off close to the full moon. And Merlin knows how long it usually takes to calm him.

"How about this? To keep Moony here from having another fit of rage..." He gave me a death glare before turning back to his chocolate. "I'll leave it for a few hours, and then I'll help you." Sirius's whole figure slumped. Looking like a kicked puppy. "Aw come on Padfoot don't be sad. How about we go to the kitchens to steal something?" He perked up grinig, excitedly pulling me up from his bed. He was shaking like a dog wagging its tail. "That is a great idea. Now let's go before all the best treats are gone." I rolled my eyes. Barely anyone knew how to get in the kitchens, but deciding against ruining his mood I just followed him.


Thankfully this full moon hadn't been particularly hard. While Remus rested in the hospital wing, James, Sirius Peter and I finished planning our prank. It had taken us a while to come up with something, but when the day came I could barely hold in my excitement.

After the usual singing of the birthday song I was practically shaking in my seat. "What is going on with you?" I turned in my seat. "What do you mean Alice?" "I mean why are you shaking like a rattle." I said nothing and just smiled, he narrowed her eyes at me. She then looked at the boys, noticing all of them grinning like maniacs, except Remus who looked a little tired. "What did you do?" This time James answered. "Why did you just assume we did something?" "Because James, usually when all of you have that stupid grin on all of your faces it's because you did something." "I'll guess you'll just have to wait to find out. Don't you dear Alice." Peter added.

Breakfast ended. Gathering my book back I waved goodbye to the boys. "See you at lunch alright." They all nodded. "We're still having our own sleepover tonight right?" Alice asked. A bit hesitant. "Of course Alice. I made you a promise and I don't intend on breaking it." Just as we arrived at History of Magic class a voice echoed through the whole school.

"Attention all students. Mr. Filch has informed me that the entirety of the third floor is, for some unknown reason, completely flooded. Due to the still cold temperatures some areas have frozen over and we can't risk any of our staff or students getting injured. Please keep away while the matter is being solved. All classes that were to be taken on this floor have been temporarily reassigned to another classroom. Please contact your head of house if your class has been changed. Finally, will James Potter, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, Primrose Evans, and Remus Lupin come to my office."

Every head in my class turned to look at me. "Really Prim? I Have to give it to you. This is one of the biggest pranks you've pulled so far." Grinning, I picked up my bag. "Why thank you Alice." As I made my way to Minnie's office I encountered the boys. "Reckon she can prove it was us?" James asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "Minnie seems to have a sixth sense when it comes to us causing mischief." "Still it's not like she can read our minds. Can she?" Asked Peter. "Who knows Wormtail. I guess we will find out soon." Sirius said as we arrived at her office pushing the door open.

She was giving us a stern look while we all walked inside. We all stood in front of her desk. "So, do any of you have any idea as to how the halls were flooded?" James was the first to speak. "You wound us Minnie. Why would you think it's us?" He said. Placing a hand on his heart. "Mr. Potter, please refrain from using such unprofessional names." Her Scottish accent was stern, but there was a certain softness that could be seen in her eyes. She then turned to look at Remus. As if he was the only sensible one in the group and would actually tell the truth. "Mr Lupin, care to explain?" He sighed before speaking.

"I don't think it could have been them, Ms.McGonagall. They've been helping me catch up on the things I missed these last few days." McGonogall was aware that we knew about Remus's furry little problem. She had refrained from alerting anyone, she knew that Remus needed his friends to help him through it. Her face relaxed and she sighed. "Very well. Due to the lack of evidence and Mr. Lupin's statement I guess I can't blame this on you. You're free to go."

We all hid our smiles while we walked out of her office. "Oh and Miss Evans." I turned to look at her. "Happy Birthday dear." I smiled. "Thank you Minnie." I closed her door, while she rolled her eyes smiling to herself. As soon as we left we all started laughing.

"I have to hand it to you Moony, you're awfully good at lying." Peter said. "Yeah who knew this sweet angelic face could be such a devil." James added. "Keep it up and I won't cover your arses anymore." Sirius put an arm around his shoulder. Slightly pulling him down. "Chin up Moony. We've successfully pulled yet another prank without getting caught, and without ruining Paws birthday with detention." "Best birthday yet." I said smiling at my best friends. "Well I'll see you later lads. Got to tell Alice all about our successful escape." They all laughed, followed by a chorus of goodbyes as I left.

I arrived back to class, and quietly sat down next to Alice. "So how did it go?" "Well she couldn't exactly prove it was us, so we are free men." She rolled her. "Merlin I will never know how you get away with causing so much mayhem." "That dear Alice is a secret I don't plan on giving away."


Please vote, comment, and tell me what you think.

Stay tuned messer and don't forget the mischief is not yet managed.

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