The Destruction of Raccoon Ci...

By AbelardoGuajardoG

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Raccoon City was a town under the thumb of Umbrella. The virus washed over the city like a tidal wave and its... More

Brief Endtroduction of Umbrella
Resident Evil 0 - Train Derailment
Resident Evil - Mansion Incident
Episode 0: Last day of sanity
Episode 1: The Nightmare is Reborn
Episode 2: A little girl
Episode 3: From bad to worse
Episode 5: There is no end for the undead
Episode 6: Things are getting hot
Episode 7: Collapse
Episode 8: The Storm
Episode 9: You are late Uncle Sam
Episode 10: Dawn of the Dead
Episode 11: Tearing apart
Episode 12: Desperation
Episode 13: Bloodline
Episode 14: A cry for help from a Raccoon to a Snake
Episode 15: The arrival of the legendary soldier to the doomed city
Episode 16: A snake surrounded by wolves
Episode 17: A fire without firefighters to extinguish
Episode 18: A fight in the house of the law
Episode 19: Nemesis
Episode 20: Cursed Encounter
Episode 21: Unlikely allies
Episode 22: Cat and mouse
Episode 23: Hide and seek
Episode 24: Back to hell
Episode 25: Disappointments
Episode 26: A Snake looking for a new home
Episode 27: The Clock Tower
Episode 28: Jill Valentine vs. Nemesis
Episode 29: All the roads led to the hospital
Episode 30: Lights out
Resident Evil 2 - Memory of a Lost City
Episode 31: The last howl of the Wolf
Episode 32: The last dawn of Raccoon City
Episode 33: The Grave Digger
Episode 34: Bad news to come
Episode 35: The Last Battles
Episode 36: The Last Survivors
Episode 37: The Last Escape
Resident Evil: Code: Veronica - Game of Oblivion

Episode 4: No time to rest

24 1 0
By AbelardoGuajardoG

24 of September of 1998. Jill's Apartment, Raccoon City, United States. 2:34 A.M.

It was for the first time in months since Jill slept without the need of any pills. It would be a good sign of recovery it wasn't for her nightmares, that were worse than usual. Now, apart of the zombies of the mansion and her teammates dying, she was now watching her Raccoon City falling and succumbing to the zombies. No one was safe, men, women, old people, children, all of them were being eaten alive by the zombies and other horrendous monsters. Gloria, Cujo and the other zombies that Jill faced the previous day were there, again alive and undead again, killing, tearing apart all the people that couldn't scape from their claws. Jill wanted to help, but all the shoots that she fired were useless against the mass of undead that was in front of her, walking toward her with the single goal to eat her- She wanted to scape. She wanted that nightmare to end. Then she heard someone knocking her head.

Jill woke up from her nightmare, but the reality wasn't so far from that. She was a little dazed because the suddenly wake up. She could hear the sound of the sirens moving through the streets of Raccoon City, though she couldn't see their lights.

-Another shitty nightmare...- Jill said.

Knocks of her door started to sound again, this time more aggressive. This woke her completely and she took her Samurai Edge, walking slowly toward her door.

-Who is it?- Jill asked.

-Jill! Jill!- a female voice said from the other side of the door.

More calmed, Jill put the gun down and opened the door, seeing in front of her one of her neighbors in piyama.

-What's wrong?- Jill asked.

-Is Miss Conchita. She was screaming minutes ago. I went to her door and knocked it for many minutes, but no one responded. She told me that at any emergency I should contact you, so I went to you. Sorry to wake you up- the neighbor said.

-Don't worry, thanks for calling me- Jill said.

-Did you slept with your uniform?- the neighbor asked.

-Uh? Yes, the things are turning complicated recently, so I have to prepared any time- Jill said.

Jill, alongside the neighbor went in front of Conchita's apartment, which was surrounded by many of her neighbor. Some of them looked worried, while other were clearly annoyed and sleepless.

-Has Conchita said something?- Jill asked.

-No, no yet- one of them said.

-All right, all of you stay back- Jill said while walking toward the door.

All the people went backwards.

-Miss Conchita, this is Jill. Do you hear me?- Jill said, fearing the worst.

-Miss Conchita?- Jill shouted one more time.

Again she didn't got an answer. Knowing what she had to do, Jill kicked the door several times until she opened it and went inside Conchita's apartment. The lights were off and the whole place was at a spectral silence. With the time the eyes of Jill got used to the darkness of the place and she could see Conchita standing at a corner in the bottom. Jill knew that something was wrong with her, Jill knew what happened her and what was the only thing that she could do for her.

She took out her Samurai Edge and walked slowly to have a clear shoot. But then she knocked down some kitchen furniture that for some reason was in the floor. The zombie Conchita turned around and saw Jill, starting to walk to her.

-"I'm sorry"- Jill thought while pointing the to her.

-What the fuck are you doing!?- a man said behind her.

This took Jill by surprise. The man moved the arms of Jill, trying to take her down. Several people were trying to put Jill down.

-You don't understand! Conchita is a zombie!- Jill said while trying to escape from the people.

Jill shot a couple of times to the now zombified Conchita, but she hit the stomach and the bust. The zombie, unfazed, continued to walk to the people that were there to help the person that she was in live. The zombie launched some vomit to head of a woman, who screamed in fear and then she launched to bite the neck of one of her neighbors. Scared, most of the people left Jill and ran outside the apartment of Conchita, while others took their distance.

-Ah! Fuck! Fuck!- the man said while the undead Conchita was biting his neck.

Jill quickly stood up and put a bullet in the head of the zombie that once was known as Conchita and moved the body, seeing how the man was loosing blood at a high speed.

-Someone pass me a towel and call an ambulance!- Jill shouted.

One of the few people that was inside the apartment passed her a towel while other called an ambulance.

-Hang on! Stay with me! Did you hear? Stay with me! Don't close your eyes!- Jill said while pressing the neck with the towel to reduce the hemorrhage.

The moments that Jill was there trying to keep the man alive seemed eternal to her, but finally the ambulance arrived and took the man, as well the body of Conchita, to the hospital, as well that assisted the woman that had a mix of vomit and blood in her face. The people there demanded some explanation. Jill explained them that Conchita, somehow, got infected by the T-Virus and become a zombie. Some people thought that she was crazy while other believed in her.

Very tired, Jill returned to her apartment, where first she went to her bathroom to clean the blood that she had in her hands. She then took some pills and went to sleep to her bed, putting her gun above the boxes that she had around.

24 of September of 1998. The Pentagon, Washington, DC, United States. 2:38 A.M.

-Gentlemen- Bill Clinton said –things are getting worse in Raccoon City. I consider that we need to start the evacuation now before the situation gets worse-

-All right. We must proceed with the planned evacuation at the outskirts of Raccoon City as planned as well that we must send helicopters to evacuate people from the center of the city- George J. Tenet said.

-I consider that CDC, in order to avoid the spreading of this "cannibal" disease through the country, should evaluate the evacuated people to seek if they are infected with the T-Virus as well to work immediately in a vaccine of the virus- David Satcher said.

-I agree. Let's contact the police forces of Raccoon City to start the evacuation process- Bill Clinton said.

-Yes Mister President- their man said.

-Good. So, what will be our excuse to isolate Raccoon City from the rest of the country?- Bill Clinton asked.

-We already solved it Mister President. In some hours Raccoon City an accident would let the surroundings of Raccoon City with radioactivity waste, so we will send our forces to clean the accident as well to avoid that anyone enter the city- William Cohen said.

Chief's Diary (continuation)

September 24th

I was successful in spreading confusion among the police as planned. I've made sure that no one from the outside will come to help. With the delays in police action, no one will have the chance to escape my city alive. I've seen to it personally that all escape routes from inside the precinct have been cut off as well. There are several survivors still attempting to escape through the lower levels, but I'll make sure no one gets out.

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