Bold, Breathless Love

By Soulmates2

37.5K 1.1K 78

Book one: Bad boy, gorgeous Steven Colber, most popular boy in high school, captain of the football team, acc... More

Deep Blue Eyes
Cafe Premiere
I Don't talk to strangers
Clown Girl
He Knows My Name
It Not As It Seems
Rain Rain Go Away
The Conceited Pig
The Heart Wants What it Wants
To Conquor
Dress Shopping
Church, Food, and More Shopping
Down Town Park Ridge
Breathless kisses
The Heart Wants What it Wants
A River of Tears
Innocence in its Purity
Unbearable Pain
She's Mine !
Do You Love Me?
Flames of Fire
Sexy and Hot
Botanic Gardens
The Secret
My Father
Claire smiles
Anthony and Claire
Sweet Nothings
The Dells
The Rumba
Claire's doubts
Thursday morning
Bittersweet Moments
The Secret
Claires Promise
The Baby

Sleepless Nights

814 25 1
By Soulmates2

It was another sleepless night, and when the sun ray's filtered through the ivory curtains, Abby relentlessly pulled herself out of bed and got dressed. Her clothes were wrinkled, but she didn't even notice, so distraught she was by her pain and suffering that she didn't even comb her hair.

Placing her glasses on her nose, Abby grabbed her backpack and ran downstairs. Quickly filling Gucci's bowls with water and food, and then she dashed to the door before her father came after her.

Her mother the day before worked a double shift and she will do the same today, so Abby will not come straight home after school today, she will find somewhere to go with Claire until her father falls asleep and it was safe to return home.

As soon as Abby pulled the back door shut she found Jeff waiting for her in the driveway. She plastered a fake smile on her face and walked over to his car.

She leaned her head inside the open window and said. "Hey."

Jeff saw her ruffled appearance, but didn't comment on it, instead he threw her a smile to die for, and she wondered why she couldn't love him instead of Steven.

"Good morning sunshine." He told her, "hop in!"

Abby didn't want to get in Jeff's car this morning, she was not in any kind of mood to hang out with him or any other person. She knew that she would not be comfortable and can at any minute break down in tears.

Jeff drove away heading to their favorite cafe, but after a few minutes of silence, concern was evident in his voice when he asked, "Are you ok?"

Nodding, Abby said, "Yes."

"You seem unhappy and distracted."

How well he knew her, she thought, "I'm fine really." She lied, "I just need coffee to wake me up."

The ride was less than five minutes, Jeff did not comment on her messy appearance and for that Abby was grateful, but the young adults in the coffee shop all stared at her with laughter in their eyes when she entered the shop and walked by them.

Ignoring them she sat herself down and a few minutes later Jeff joined her with two lattes in his hands.

"This might help you." He told her as he placed her latte in front of her, and sat himself down opposite her. "I'm all ears if you want to vent Abby."

Releasing a frustrated sigh, she sipped her latte and looked at him. He was worried for her, it was written in his beautiful eyes.

"There's nothing to tell," she lied, "I'm just tired of stuff, I have two exams today and it's important I keep my grades above average. I need that scholarship Jeff, without that I won't be able to go to college, you know that."

"You are very smart Abby, I'm not worried about you," Jeff told her, "you have scored the top five in the school!"

In that moment Claire showed up and she didn't look too happy. Claire's eyes danced back and forth from Jeff to Abby a few times, "Thanks for the invite." She snapped, "I mean, is there something going on that I should know about?"

"You're funny Claire," Abby laughed nervously, "come on sit with us!"

Claire hesitated at first, her feelings were hurt because this is the second time she found them together. They seemed nice and cozy at the coffee shop with out inviting her. When she finally sat down, Jeff automatically lifted himself to his feet and went to buy her a latte.

Turning to face Abby, Claire asked, "What's going on Abby you look a mess!"

Claire's mouth dropped open when she witnessed the look on Abby's face, "I'm scared!" Abby confessed.

Placing her hand on Abby's arms, Claire asked, "Did your father....did he...."

"Did Abby's father what?" Jeff asked, as he placed the latte in front of Claire and sat down. "What's going on here?" He asked when he saw tears glided down Abby's face.

"Nothing!" Abby snapped, "stop making a big deal out of nothing, I had a little argument with my father and the both of you are acting weird about it!"

Jeff was confused by her words, but Claire who knew the truth clamped her mouth shut knowing that Abby did not want to share anything about her father to Jeff. 

"Calm down," Jeff said, "no need to get upset, if something is wrong we might be able to help you."

Scared that she would reveal her troubles to this gorgeous man who cared so deeply about her, Abby jumped up, collected her belongings and snapped, "leave me alone!"

She stalked off leaving behind Claire and Jeff who stared at her in disbelief. Jeff was about to go after her, but Claire grabbed his arm and pulled him back in her seat. "Leave it alone Jeff, she'll be fine I promise you."


Blinded by tears, Abby pushed open the door and walked out of the shop to get away from Jeff's questions and without watching her step, she tripped and fell into someone's arms.


She grew weak in the knees. Starring up at him, anger claimed her, "Take your hands off me!" She screamed, and pulled herself away from his hold.

Steven watched her walk away from him, he had witnessed her tears and was confused. Running after her, he called out, "Abby what happened?"

Abby stopped walking, turned around and yelled, "Stop following me, stop talking to me and from now on keep your distance or I swear I will ...."

Narrowing his eyes, Steven took in her appearance and concern claimed him. He had never seen her look this disheveled before, and she was crying, what could have her so upset that she allowed tears to flow in public?

Let her be, his inner voice said, look at her she is a mess, an embarrassment, and a raving bitch!

He stopped himself from chasing after her, she clearly wasn't worth his time, he told himself, she has issues and needs a wardrobe adjustment.


Steven snapped out of his coma. Carol's sweet voice reminded him that he was not alone.

"What's up with that girl anyway?" Carol asked, "she's a weirdo!"

Without commenting, Steven took Carol's hand and pulled her inside the cafe, Abby's image already forgotten.


He was with Carol, Abby thought, as she walked down the street and cried even more. Could her life be any more miserable than it already was? She was glad that she didn't have to tutor him anymore, because he was a manwhore and would have destroyed her life had she dated him.

Dated him? He wouldn't date you if you were the last woman on earth she reminded herself.

What a mess her life was, she was ugly, she looked overweight, and had no style whatsoever! Her father was a drunk and had destroyed hers and her mother's life and if that wasn't enough, if her grades dropped she would not qualify for the scholarship to get a free ride into the best university in America.

By the time she reached school, she was so distraught that she didn't notice all the stares and laughter behind her, nor would she care had she noticed. Her appearance was the last thing on her mind, it kept her safe and sound, at least until she left for college and she didn't have to deal with her father anymore, then she would convince her mother to leave him, her mother was a beautiful person inside and out and can easily find another man that would treat her with the respect that she deserved.

She climbed the stairs to her school, it was still early, but Abby didn't care, she walked to her locker and after removing the books she would need for the next couple classes, she threw her backpack inside her locker and shut the door.

Thinking to go to her class early and get a jump start on the test, she turned around just as Christine walked past her and shoulder bumped her.

"Bitch!" She sneered, as she continued walking with her friends before they all broke into laughter.

Instead of Abby feeling sorry for herself or getting angry she actually felt sorry for those girls who clearly had no confidence for if they had she would have been the least of their worries and they wouldn't even had to bother with her.

Abby walked to her class feeling better about herself. She was a strong and independent woman, she told herself and there was no room in her life to feel sorry for herself!

"You're here bright and early." her teacher smiled at her when she walked in the room.

"Good morning, if you don't mind I came in early to study for today's test." Abby answered as she seated herself at the desk.

"That's fine." The teacher smiled.

Her mind was all over the place, and she couldn't concentrate. Images of his deep blue eyes looking down at her, and those lips, oh those luscious sculpted lips that looked so kissable! She let out a harsh sigh knowing that he would never be hers and she didn't want him anyway, she thought, he was a pig!

"Is there a problem?" The teacher raised a suspicious eye brow.

"Oh no, I'm good." Abby quickly said.


Jeff turned the engine off and got out of his car. "Is Abby meeting you for lunch in the cafeteria today?"

Claire sighed heavily and slammed her door shut, "I think so." She said, not caring about the fact that Jeff always asked about Abby. She felt like she didn't interest him in the least bit.

"Ok see you two later then." He told her and walked in the opposite direction to meet up with his friends.

Walking through the parking-lot alone, Claire's shoulders slumped. Why wasn't he walking her to the school, why did he leave her to walk alone, she asked herself.

Because he is not into you that's why, a small voice in her head said. He wants Abby!

Hurt that he wanted someone else and not her, and even worse that it might just be Abby he wanted, Claire became irritated and wanted to get to the bottom of it with her friend.


"What's wrong Steven?" Carol asked, you've been quiet since the clown girl rammed in to you!"

Steven's jaw clenched when she mention the word 'clown girl' and he parked his car and turned off the ignition. Her voice annoyed him and he wanted to tell her to fuck off, but for the fact that he needed to go to the spring dance next week because he knew Abby would be there.

The spring dance was held every year, but the only way a boy can attend was if he was asked to go to the dance by a girl. Girls were allowed to go solo if they chose to, but boys could not.

"Nothing is wrong." He told her, and walked towards the school.

Carol had to fast walk to keep up with his long strides, "Are you sure, you haven't spoken much and I ...."

Steven stopped her in mid sentence and yelled angrily,  "Will you stop annoying the hell out of me!"

Tears welled up in her eyes and she swallowed back a sob. He acted like doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, she thought. Hot and cold, from one second to the next.

Steven's stride quickened, but stopped short a few minutes later, when he eyed Jeff across the parking lot staring right at him. He stiffened and his hands turned to fists at his sides. Images of Jeff around Abby came to mind and it sickened him.

Jeff watched Steven from afar and his eyes hazed with hatred. So help me God, he thought, if Steven goes near Abby again I swear I'll punch him in the face!


There was tension in the air when Steven passed Jeff in the parking lot, as they walked briskly to get to the school stairs, Steven nearly rammed his muscled body into Jeff, but withheld himself from doing so, because at that moment the coach happened to exit the school door and call out to him.

"I need a word with you!" The coach stepped aside so the other students could enter the school and cross his arms, as he waited for Steven to come close to him.

"What's up?" Steven asked, his eyes still on Jeff's back as he entered through the school doors.

"I expect you to be at practice after school and don't be late!"

Great! Steven thought, he wanted to corner Abby after school and have a long talk with her. "See you later then." Steven answered, and walked away swiftly, maybe he could catch Abby in the hallway and ask her to meet him in the morning at the cafe, he thought, as he entered the school and headed to his locker.


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