✔ War for me ( Yandere Jenlis...

By crazy4bp

55.9K 2.6K 372

[ COMPLETED ] You think you know someone, when you really don't. Lies cover up the truth. Bestfriends that I'... More

Please read.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Thank you

Chapter 12

1.8K 96 10
By crazy4bp

7 Years Ago

I smile ear to ear once I enter the huge party room. Music is blasting and lots of people are talking to each other with their complimentary drinks. I have my arm hooked with papa's so I tip toe, trying to spot Jennie, Lisa, Rosé or Jisoo.

But instead, I feel a pair of hands covering my eyes, making me giggle as I unhooked my arms with papa.

" Guess who?" It was Rosé, I could recognise their voices from miles away.

" Sounds like a chipmunk to me." I responded with a chuckle, I heard a huff before she removed her hands and greeted my dad respectfully before I turned around and engulfed her in a tight embrace.

" We're so old now." She comments and I agree with her, laughing. It's not long until we hear yells of our name and turning around, we see the others in the crowd, jumping and waving towards us. I grab Rosé's hand and start dragging her towards the others where we greeted each other and began dancing to the music.

The night went by quickly. We drank and we danced. We cut the cake celebrating us turning teenagers before we went out into the garden and sat there. Unlike the party room, outside here was peaceful. The only noise that could be heard was the soft chirping of crickets. We all were drunk as fuck but we were happy and having the time of our lives.

We made promises too. Promises that we'd always stay as one. As a whole. We promised each other even when we go to university, we would never forget each other. It's always been us five together and it will always be.


Slowly, weeks went by and we have entered secondary. It's only been a week since school has started but I've never had more fun in school, ever. Although, right now I am quite bored. It's the last period before lunch will start and I'm already dying for food.

" Ugh, when is lunch gonna start" I grumbled impatiently to rosé who was sitting next to me - clearly hungry and annoyed.

" Patience y/n, just 3 more minutes" She replied to me, trying to sound enthusiastic when she was clearly impatient and hungry for lunch as well.

I watched as our english teacher was talking about a Shakespeare book and his use of specific words, it was so boring. I stared at the clock and watched each second pass by, it felt like an hour that only a minute had past. I returned my focus to the english teacher and tried to pay attention but my mind was too occupied with the thought of delicious food entering my stomach.
And what seemed like a decade later - the bell rang and I practically jumped from my seat and packed my bag as quick as the speed of light.

" Rosie, hurry" I whined impatiently, she rolled her eyes in a joking manner before packing up quicker and taking a hold of my hand.

" Alright, let's go" we walked out the classroom quickly with our hands intertwined with each other - hurrying to the cafeteria. The closer we got to the cafeteria, the more louder the noise became and when we had entered the cafeteria...well it was chaos - as usual.

Everyone had their own group where they'd sit at their usual table, the chattering and yells from them were loud. There was a long-ass line for the food since it was a Monday today, luckily I brought my own food though. I tiptoed a little to find my usual table when Rosie chuckled beside me

" Shortie" She mumbled, ruffing my hair and messing it up making me glare at her and telling her to shut up in an annoyed tone. I let go of my hand that she was holding and walked to our usual table - Jisoo and Jennie were already sitting there and had waved when they noticed me walking towards them. I sat down and hurriedly took my food out from my bag, quickly opening the ziplock bag and taking a big bite of my ham and cheese sandwich - causing me to softly moan in satisfaction.

" Woah, slow down y/n/n" Jisoo said with a chuckle, but I ignored her completely - I was practically starving before this.

" Ya, you literally left me there" Rosé came and took the seat next to me, but again - I could have cared less.

" Where's Lisa?" Rosé asked Jennie and Jisoo who were sitting opposite us, once I had too much food in my mouth, I slowed down and began to chew slowly not without Jennie giggling and poking my cheeks - commenting on how I looked like a chipmunk.

" She's training the dance team for the upcoming dance competition so I don't think she'll be able to make it" Jennie informed us and both of us nodded our heads. When I had finally swallowed my food - I spoke to them

" Food is my distraction, I love it so much" I told them, all of them chuckling. I was the youngest between all of us, they were kind of like my older sisters, not by blood though. Us 5 have been best friends since childhood and we practically know each and every single thing about each other. Everyone at school knows that we're besties and about us.

Jennie, Jennie Kim is the daughter of the school's principle - that being said, she's rich. She's the second oldest in the group and she lives a whole neighbourhood away from me since she lives on the estate with mansions.

Jisoo, Jisoo Kim is the youngest in her family, but the oldest in our friend group. She has an older sister and an older brother and she comes from a rich family as well - she lives two blocks away from Jennie since she also lives in the more expensive estate.

Park Chaeyoung, also known as Park Roseanne, or as we like to call her - Rosie. She has an older sister called Alice, she hung out with us sometimes when we were kids but she's moved to another country for her job now. Rosé lives the closest to me, she lives in the same estate as me only 3 blocks away. She's not poor, I'd consider her to be in the middle class so even though she lives in the same estate as me - her house is much bigger than mine.

Lisa, Lalisa Manoban, she's the second youngest in our group. Like Jennie, she was raised an only child. Lisa lives in the street middle of Jennie and Jisoo's estate, and me and rosé's estate. Lisa's family is really rich though, but she doesn't show it - I guess she likes to blend in with the crowd more and doesn't brag about her wealth.

And of course, me - the youngest in our whole group. I'm not like the other four, my family is more on the poor side. We aren't begging for money or food, we have a stable income. If we spend money more than what we're supposed to, then it would be trouble. But my family is really happy, we all have a good relationship with each other - it's only me and my parents. Usually only child's would feel lonely but I never felt that feeling because Jennie, Jisoo, Rosé and Lisa have always been with me and I've always felt like they're my sisters..from another blood of course.

I'm content with my life, I couldn't ask for better friends than them.

Each one of them has their pros and cons like everyone would, including me. And putting all four of them together is like a packaged deal.

Jisoo - she's like a mother and gives the best advice when needed. She's wise as well, so she always thinks problems through before acting.

Jennie - She is the best when it comes to fashion. All of us dress nicely but Jennie really goes over the top. She gives the best fashion advice and not only that, since she is the daughter of the principle at this school, we always get VIP treatment from everyone since we are her best friends. And of course, she's rich so she can get anything she wants.

Rosie - She is the most fun out of everyone. She acts like a literal child. She is kind of like that friend who acts like a child but when the time is right, she can become wise and smart and act like an adult instantly. I always have the best time with her, and since we both are big foodies, I find her more fun to go out with.

And last bit of course not least, Lisa. She's the most understanding out of everyone, she feels sympathy easily for others and I swear I've never heard her say anything negative. She's always positive and she's like the glue that keeps our group together.

All in all, our friend group is perfect. I couldn't ask for better friends.
Secondary school is only bringing us happiness and I can't wait for the many more memories we will make.

6 Years Ago

All of them have taken a seat in-front of me, using the chair and stools in my room of course. The music is still blasting just in case we start yelling again so my parents don't hear us. My hands have formed fists with my bed sheet, trying to keep my anger controlled. I wait for them to speak up and they look like they are waiting for me to the same, in the end; no one talks for a while.

" You made us mad." Finally. Rosé is the first to take the brave step. I mentally roll my eyes before responding.

" How? I literally just made a new friend. What's so wrong with that?" My voice was obviously laced with sarcasm. It wasn't to make them mad, but it was just my natural way of responding to them. They seemed to get more infuriated by my response but they controlled it.

" That's the whole point. You made a new friend. You betrayed us." Lisa says next. Although Lisa is mad, she isn't as mad as the rest of them. That is due to Lisa's personality, she's always bubbly and understands people easily. She isn't one to hold grudges.

" I didn't betray anyone. There shouldn't be anything wrong with me making a new friend, it's not like I just walked away from our circle of friendship. Jennie got me kicked out of class and slapped me across the face. If anything, I should be the one fucking pissed. Which I am." I respond, glaring at Jennie intensely in the process.

The memory of her slapping me once again replays in my mind, causing a shudder to go down my spine. I hated that memory and wished for it to leave my brain, but unfortunately it was imprinted into my memory. It's often we find the good memories fading away but bad ones like these are never forgotten.

" Can you stop swearing for one second and talk like an adult?" Jennie says through gritted teeth. It's obvious she wants to rage and take her anger out on me, but she's controlling it. Or well, she might break soon. She's walking on a thin line right now.

Nonetheless, I nod and wait for their reply.

" I apologise for hurting you like that, I reacted violently. But it doesn't mean you can just go around talking to other people, you're wrong on that part." Jennie reasons out. I'm shocked that she even apologised, she isn't someone to admit to her mistakes. I forgive her. Even though that memory won't ever be forgotten, it's not like we can go back in time and change our actions. I also don't understand why I can't go make new friends, I should have that right. So I ask;

" She's just another friend. I don't even know if she wants to talk to me anymore since Jisoo slapped her across the face. But what is wrong with me making new friends? I should have that right." I only get a hum in response so I raise my brows as to what that's supposed to mean.

I mean it's not like I'm wrong. They can't decide who I become friends with or who I talk to. We may be best friends since childhood, but they don't own me.

" Y/n, why would you want to go be friends with others when you have us? Are we not enough?" This time it's Jisoo who asks. I freeze at her question and quickly shake my head no.

" No, of course you're enough, but-"

" Then there shouldn't be any more but's. If we are enough, you don't need to make new friends. It makes all of us insecure and think we're not good enough for you. It hurts our feelings." Jisoo cuts me off. I open my mouth to say something but instantly glue my lips back together, not knowing what to say. I don't want to hurt their feelings, that would never be my intention. They aren't telling me not to make friends but simply just stating that they feel insecure. It's reasonable, I understand them. If me talking to others makes them feel bad about themselves then I won't do that. They've hurt me mentally and physically in the past few days but I wouldn't want to do the same.

I sigh and nod slowly, telling them through body language that I understand. All the negativity that was once in the room is wiped away and replaced with smiles before they engulf my in a tight embrace, all of them.

" We missed you." Lisa says, I could hear the crack in her voice. It made me feel somewhat guilty.

" I missed you too."

And we stay in that tight embrace, promising each other that won't happen again. Never will we hurt each other that way again, it's a oath we make.


A war for me.

A war for me.

A war for me.

The words ring through my head. It's like those 4 words have been imprinted into my brain. I don't even know how I should react. People were fighting to have me as theirs, why me? I'm not someone that stands out, I'm not even someone who is significantly special. I'm just a normal human being, like everyone else.

" Jisoo, watch out!" the yells of Rosé pull me out of my thoughts and I scream at the top of my lungs when the car goes swinging to the side making me fall to the foot area while the cuffs cut into my ankle. I can't even process anything except how loud I'm screaming. I can't even see what's happening but the car is going in full speed and bumping into stuff. The force makes my head slam into the car doors, causing a sharp pain to start in the middle of my skull.

" Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." The curses of both of them are heard along with my continuous screaming. With my lack of hydration, my throat feels like it's about to rip apart with it's screaming. Every single part of my body screams pain and soreness.

Even through all this pain, I can only focus on the fear of what happened. Especially because I can't see anything that has happened with me being on the foot area. But what catches me off guard is when sound of glass breaking is heard before small pieces of glass fall onto me, making me scream in pain once again when little cuts start appearing all over my legs and lower body. I try pulling against the cuffs, but my ankle won't budge from the position, leaving me in perfect view for the glass. The car is going in such fast speed that we bump into something, causing a strong impact as my body jerks forward. I only see Rosé from the angle I am in and see the dangerous weapon in her hand, a fucking gun.

" Rosé, the cuffs, please." I beg, hoping she'd at least unlock the cuffs around my ankle. She looks back at me and the look of worry is plastered in her eyes before it's replaced with anger.

" Don't move, we'll be back." Is all that she says but I quickly shake my head. Tears are threatening to well up in my eyes but I blink them away quickly. " No Rosé please, don't leave me here." Trust me, I don't ever want to be near their presence again. But, the thought of being left alone in this state scares me. I don't even know where we are, my body is sore, I'm cuffed to this car and there are tiny shatters of glass everywhere that are threatening to pierce into my body if I move. Rosé only mutters something under her breath before leaving the car, making me scream out loud. I bang the back of the driver's seat, where Jisoo is. I keep screaming for her name but I don't hear any responses - frightening me even more. I can't even get up to see her or else the shatters of glass would go into my skin. I'm already tearing up at this point.

God, why did it have to be me?

A gunshot is heard and my whole body jerks once again from the fear. The loud noise of the gunshot rings through my ears that it's almost enough to deaf me. Just when I thought things couldn't get more worse. The promise that Jisoo made is broken. Because the person who opens the door near my head is someone I never expected to see again.


We stare at each other in shock for what seems like a few seconds before she breaks the daze. My ears still ring with the sound of the gunshot that I'm not able to make out what she mutters under her breath.

I start screaming once again but it's immediately muffled when Jennie takes a cloth out of her pocket and shoves it in my mouth. The dry texture of the cloth meets my already dried mouth and my screams become muffled as I silently plead Jennie to let me go with my eyes.

She only gives me a devilish smirk before crouching down to me, furrowing her brows when she sees all the cuts on my body but her eyes darken even more when she gazes at my exposed chest area. Specifically, the hickeys.

Well, fuck me.


A/N: I was gonna prank you all saying I was gonna quit writing today when I realised everyone is smarter than that and will know it's an april fools day prank. Oh well.

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